Weirick is joined by Hope Hodge Seck, journalist and managing editor at www.Military.com to discuss the courts-martial of Navy officers resulting from the deadly collisions of USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain.
Guest: Hope Hodge Seck
Twitter: @HopeSeck
Website: www.Military.com
Further reading about this case:
Podcast support from The Great Courses Plus.
For free trial use www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/justice
Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com
Weirick is joined by criminal-defense lawyer Brian Bouffard to discuss a recent Air Force case, where it was found that the Air Force JAG Corps conspired to fire a military judge.
Guest: Brian Bouffard, Esq.
Twitter: @jagdefender
Website: http://www.jagdefender.com
The story by @RoScarborough
Military pressure to punish sex crimes pushes airman’s conviction over the brink
Podcast support from The Great Courses Plus
For free trial use www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/justice
Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com
Episodi mancanti?
Weirick is joined by Todd South of the Marine Corps Times to discuss the court-martial of the highest-ranking officer in the Parris Island hazing scandal.
Guest: Todd South
Twitter: @tsouthjourno
Podcast support from Biowave
Book mentioned in this episode: Fight Like A Girl
By: @kate_germano
Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com
Weirick is joined by Butch Bracknell to discuss treason against the United States.
Guest: Butch Bracknell
Twitter: @ButchBracknell
“Treason”: I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
Podcast support from Biowave
Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com
Weirick is joined by international-law and law-of-war expert Butch Bracknell to discuss the legality of nuclear war, President Trump’s ability to use nuclear weapons, and recent statement by Air Force General John Hyten.
What You Should Know About Trump’s Legal Authority To Order A Nuclear Strike
on @TaskandPurpose
https://warontherocks.com/2015/08/does-the-legality-of-nuclear-war-matter/ on @WarOnTheRocks
Guest: Butch Bracknell
Twitter: @ButchBracknell
Website: https://butchbracknell.weebly.com
Photo illustration by Aaron Provost/U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Christopher Gordon
Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com
Weirick is joined by lawyer for Navy SEAL who was convicted of sexual assault, then the highest-ranking Navy lawyer, VADM Crawford, interferes with his case.
Guest:David P. Sheldon, Esq.Website: http://www.militarydefense.com
Court: Top Navy lawyer's unlawful influence tainted SEAL's San Diego rape casehttp://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/military/sd-me-unlawful-influence-20171024-story.html
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by numerous guests to discuss the conviction and sentence of SGT Bowe Bergdahl, USA. Lauren Katzenberg and Nate Bethea join Weirick to discuss the genesis of Task & Purpose Radio, and our commentary on Serial Season 2, and the Bergdahl case. Then Col J L Siegel, USMC (Ret.) joins Weirick to discuss the recent Unlawful Command Influence motion in the Bergdahl case.
Guest: Lauren KatzenbergTwitter: @LkatzenbergWeb: http://taskandpurpose.comTask & Purpose Radio: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/task-purpose-radio/id1069442620
Guest: Nate BetheaTwitter: @inthesedesertsPodcast Twitter: @HellOfAWayPodcast cohost: @ArmyStrang
Guest: Col J L Siegel, USMC (Ret.)Web: http://www.militaryjustice.com
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick joins the Cold Traces Podcast to discuss the true story behind the film A Few Good Men. The story behind the film includes an unsolved murder. Listen to Cold Traces to learn more.
Guest: Cold Traces Podcast Web: http://www.coldtraces.comTwitter: @cold_traces
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by military-justice expert Butch Bracknell to discuss the details of the possible guilty plea by Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, USA, who is accused of abandoning his unit in Afghanistan.
Guest: Butch Bracknell Twitter: @ButchBracknell
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by Washington Post reporter Dan Lamothe to discuss the upcoming court-martial of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, USA, who is accused of abandoning his unit in Afghanistan.
Guest: Dan LamotheTwitter: @DanLamothe Twitter: @washingtonpostBergdahl Defense Video Exhibit:https://youtu.be/S2MJeMm950M
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by reporters James LaPorta and Rory Laverty, both of The Daily Beast, to discuss the court-martial of Colonel Daniel H. Wilson, USMC, who was convicted of sexual abuse of a child and sentenced to over five years in the brig.
Guest: Rory LavertyTwitter: @rorylaverty Website: http://rorylaverty.com
Guest: James LaPorta Twitter: @JimLaPorta
The Daily BeastTwitter: @thedailybeast Website: http://www.thedailybeast.comStory: http://www.thedailybeast.com/did-war-hero-strike-again-after-he-was-arrested-for-rape
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by Craig Whitlock of The Washington Post to discuss the ever-widening Fat Leonard scandal. Also in this episode, Weirick gives an update on the Bowe Bergdahl court-martial.
Guest: Craig WhitlockTwitter: @CraigMWhitlock
Bergdahl story from Bloomberg:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2017-08-22/bowe-bergdahl-opts-for-judge-over-jury-in-trial-audio
Bergdahl update from @CrimeWritersOn http://www.crimewriterson.com/listen/2017/7/20/oj-gets-out-and-leaving-a-trace-g2nzw-ajhkd-mawee
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Mital Telhan: mital@longarcdigital.com
Weirick is joined by Don Christensen, Colonel, USAF (Ret.), President of Protect Our Defenders. Protect Our Defenders (POD) is the only national organization solely dedicated to ending the epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military and to combating a culture of pervasive misogyny, sexual harassment, and retribution against victims.
Guest: PODTwitter: @ProtectRDfndersWeb: http://www.protectourdefenders.com
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick discusses President Trump’s Tweets banning transsexual servicemembers, with guest Emma Shinn, retired Marine officer, trans woman, and attorney.
Guest: Emma ShinnTwitter: @AggieJAG Facebook: Emma ShinnWeb: http://www.defendingdefenders.com
Sponsor: BONWI.comhttps://www.bonwi.com/membership/
The new way to listen to podcasts: BreakerTwitter: @breakeraudioWeb: https://breaker.audio
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick discusses the latest on Marines United with Marine/author/reporter Elliot Ackerman.
Guest: Elliot AckermanTwitter: @elliotackerman Web: http://www.elliotackerman.com
Latest book: Dark at the Crossinghttps://www.amazon.com/Dark-at-Crossing-Elliot-Ackerman/dp/1101947373
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick discusses misconduct by the highest-ranking officers of the US military.
Special thanks to our sponsor Betterment. www.betterment.com/MILITARY
To stay aware of general-officer misconduct, follow:Hope Hodge Seck, of www.military.com@HopeSeck
Tom Vanden Brook, of USA TODAY@tvandenbrook
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick is joined by Todd South of the Marine Corps Times to discuss the death of a recruit at Parris Island.
Special thanks to our sponsor Casper.
Get $50 off your order of a Casper mattress:www.Casper.com/MJ
Guest: Todd South@tsouthjourno @Marinetimes
The article by Todd South and @JeffSchogol Heads roll at Parris Islandhttps://www.marinecorpstimes.com/articles/heads-roll-at-parris-island
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick introduces the final episode of a multi-episode series on the reporting on the Marine Corps and the betrayal of Major Fred Galvin and his Marines. In this episode Weirick is joined by Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC) who has introduced legislation, H.R. 21, to clear the names of Major Galvin and his Marines.
Special thanks to our sponsors Blue Apron and Harry’s.
Blue Apron, you will get your first three meals free, with free shipping, by going to www.blueapron.com/military
Harry’s razors, get your free trial with 5-blade cartridge, ergonomic razor handle, and shave gel: www.harrys.com/Military
The Marine: Major Fred Galvin, USMC (Ret.)Twitter: @fcgalvin
The Reporter: Andrew deGrandpre, Senior Editor and Pentagon ChiefTwitter: @adegrandprePublications: @MilitaryTimes @ArmyTimes @Marinetimes @NavyTimes @AirForceTimesRead ahead for future episodes: http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2015/03/04/task-force-violent-the-unforgiven/23940295/
The Member of Congress: Representative Walter B. Jones, Third Congressional District of North CarolinaTwitter: @RepWalterJonesH. Res. 21 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the firefight that occurred on March 4, 2007, between members of the United States Marine Corps and enemy forces in Bati Kot District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-resolution/21/text
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
Weirick is joined by LtCol Glen Hines, USMCR, to discuss the latest developments in the Marines United scandal, including the recent bill passed by the House of Representatives criminalizing revenge porn in the military. LtCol Hines also discusses his latest anthology of short stories: Cloudbreak.
Guest: LtCol Glen HinesWebsite: https://glenhines.comTwitter: @GlenRHine
Cloudbreak: Stories of Our Times on @amazon https://www.amazon.com/Cloudbreak-Stories-Times-Glen-Hines/dp/1535500255
House Bill: PRIVATE Acthttps://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2052
Marine Corps Order on Social Mediahttp://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/1113849/social-media-guidance-unofficial-internet-posts/
Special thanks to our sponsor HarrysSpecial offer:www.Harrys.com/military
Host: James W. Weirick Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.comTwitter: @PodcastMJInstagram: thepodcastmjFaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: Executive Producer Dennis Robinson dennis.e.robinson@gmail.com
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