
  • So... I got injured... yep... and this week I am sharing with you how I have navigated through an injury and what thoughts have been super helpful. I also had an extremely tough day on Sunday, our last day before going into the theatre and again I am being very transparent and vulnerable about the thoughts I was having and what my experience was. It is so important to see this process and I am so glad I can share it with you!

    If you liked this episode, make sure to share it with a friend or share it on social media and tag me!

    Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop
    Who: For the artist looking to grow and expand with the support of a community
    When: June 6th at 10am PT/ 1pm ET
    Where: Zoom
    Topic of the month: The F Word!
    Get your ticket here

    Work with Rachel:
    Click here schedule a consult
    Let's take an hour to dive into what you want and discover how I can help you get there with more ease and less shame.

    Connect with Rachel

  • This week I am sharing with you my experience during the first week of rehearsals and I am getting really honest and transparent. I want you to see the process in which I handle tough moments and what allowed me to show up with such integrity no matter the circumstance.

    If you like this share it with a friend!

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  • This week's episode is a look into my life and the results I've been creating. There have been so many amazing things happening in my life and my growth and I am so excited to share them all with you! I am giving you a look into my brain and what thoughts I was having while creating all of these experiences. I'm also sharing what practices I've been using going through a break up, booking my first show since 2019 and how it's all possible for you too!

    I am so lit up by what's possible and I cannot wait to record more episodes like this, showing you what's possible and how to get there!

    If you loved this episode share it with a friend and/or share it on social media and tag me!

    Connect with Rachel:

    Work with Rachel:
    Click here to schedule a consult. Let's take an hour together to discover how you can get everything you always wanted with less shame and less negative self talk! The journey is just as important as the destination, so let's find a way to have it be fun and full of love and ease.
    Schedule your free consult today!

    Other episodes you may enjoy:
    Ep. 43 Opening Up to the Possibility with April Josephine
    Ep. 12 What's Right Isn't Always Forever
    Ep. 42 A Meditation for your Highest Self

  • Have you ever wondered what is actually happening inside the brain of an artist? How does this mindset stuff actually work and is there science to back it up?
    This week I am joined by the incredible Emilie Leyes, a NYC based actor, singer, and brain training and resilience specialist for performers. She helps actors use mental practice to build resilience to prevent taking on the stress of their roles and careers, cultivate confidence and creativity on a neurological level, and prime their brains to align with their goals. She is also currently working toward her Masters and Phd in Mind-Body Medicine, where she is researching the psychophysiology of acting.
    So needless to say this conversation was amazing and it's one you will want to come back to again and again!

    Work and Connect with Emilie

    The Resilient Audition: a 7-part online brain training course for actors to go through a series of mental practices to transform their brain and body’s response to auditions, fall in love with auditions, and gain a framework to prepare for auditions in a healthy way that aligns the brain and body with creative goals. https://www.resilientactor.com/resilient-auditionResilient Actor services: 1:1 actor hypnosis, resilient actor workshops, & cast consultinghttps://www.resilientactor.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilieleyes/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@emilie_leyes
  • The next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop is happening on Saturday April 30th and we want YOU to be there!
    We are talking about the Power of Focus and how changing your focus will change your life!
    In this conversation Susanne and I going into why we chose this topic, how important it is for performing artist specifically and a taste of what's to come at the Workshop.

    Click here to get your ticket!

    What: An afternoon of personal development designed specifically for performing artists
    When: Saturday April 30th 12pm ET
    Where: Zoom
    You do not want to miss out on this! Get your ticket and then bring a friend because this will be the catalyst for your next breakthrough!

    Click here to register!

  • Ever heard of spirit guides, angels or past life experiences? This week I am talking to Madeline Corliss, a NYC actor, Shamanic Energy Healer and the founder of The Energy Studio. In this conversation we dive into Madeline's journey, the common blocks and wounds performers experience, how you can begin to do this work on yourself, when it's time to bring in someone else and Madeline's #1 way to help you see and understand energetic relationships.

    The Energy studio specializes in working with creative individuals (entrepreneurs, performers, designers etc) to help them unblock their creative careers through aligning and strengthening their nervous system and intuition. When working with clients, Madeleine focuses on marrying mental mindset work with the energetic and spiritual so that your entire system is working in service of you. Her entire company is designed with the traveling creative in mind so all offerings are virtual.

    Work with Madeline:
    She currently offers 1:1 energy healing sessions and group courses. For more information about her offerings visit www.The-Energy-Studio.com

    Learn more about Energy Healing by following her on TikTok and Instagram and subscribe and listen to her Podcast.

    Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop
    Join Susanne Puerschel and I virtually, on April 30th at 12pm ET, for an afternoon of personal development designed specifically for performing artists.
    This month we are diving into The Power of Focus.
    -Learn the #1 thing to focus on to become a manifesting machine,
    -Discover how to create your dream career without having to focus on
    only one aspect of yourself as an artist
    -Deepen your understanding of why what you focus on expands
    Click here to learn more and register today!

    Are you ready to dive into mindset work in a big way? Click here to schedule your free consult today. Let's discover how in a 1:1 container, I can help you create and live the life of your dreams with less shame and more choices!

    Connect with Rachel by following her on Instagram and TikTok

  • Adding habits into your life can feel like a grueling process. While on one hand you're excited to start something new, on the other you may be wondering if this will be just another thing that comes and goes like the wind.
    You want to be consistent, but it's like there's something working against you and even if you're been doing something for a while the habit may not feel as good as you thought it would. It's just not easy.
    This week I am letting you in on how to create habits that not only stick but actually feel good!

    Episodes Mentioned:
    Ep. 3 The MagMoMo: My Not So Morning Routine

    Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop
    Join Susanne Puerschel and I virtually, on April 30th at 12pm ET, for an afternoon of personal development designed specifically for performing artists.
    This month we are diving into The Power of Focus.
    -Learn the #1 thing to focus on to become a manifesting machine,
    -Discover how to create your dream career without having to focus on
    only one aspect of yourself as an artist
    -Deepen your understanding of why what you focus on expands
    Click here to learn more and register today!

    Connect with Rachel:

  • Have you ever been on a contract or been in a relationship and suddenly realized you had lost yourself amidst it all?
    Things were moving so quickly and whether you noticed it at first or not, one day you woke up and looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person that was looking back at you.
    I've been there... multiple times and so I'm here to reveal to you the not so pretty truth about why you lose yourself and who's responsible for it
    Losing yourself can be in a job, in a relationship or just in life all together so I'm going to be giving you 3 symptoms of losing yourself so you can notice it sooner rather than later. I'm even giving you the answer to how to stop losing yourself at all.

    If this episode resonated with you and you're ready to stop losing yourself in jobs and relationships click here to schedule a consult with me. Let's discover how I can help you.

    Episodes Mentioned:
    Stop Searching for Validation Outside Yourself
    Ep 35 Are You A People Pleaser Too?

    Other Episodes You May Enjoy:
    Ep. 54 Right Here, Right Now, You Are Already Whole

    Connect with Rachel on Instagram

    If you haven't already, rate and review this podcast wherever you're listening!

  • There are so many avenues you can go down in the Performing Arts Industry that it can be easy to feel like you have to "fit" yourself in each one. But, what if I told you that by "fitting" yourself in the box you think they want you in, you're actually hurting your chances of being booked?
    Your energy is unique to you, but if you're tucking away the bits that make you unique and you're only showing what you think they want to see you're hiding the essence that is the missing piece to their puzzle.

    If this episode resonated with you and you're ready to radiate all the energy that makes you YOU, click here to schedule a consult with me. Let's discover how I can help you.

    Connect with Rachel on Instagram

    If you haven't already, rateand review this podcast wherever you're listening!

    Other Episodes You May Enjoy:
    Ep. 61 Finding Where You Belong
    Ep. 51 There’s Beauty in Transformation with Sara Falaro
    Ep. 30 How Do You Feel About Typing? With Beatrice Owens

  • Have you found that the "no"s are getting harder and harder to hear? Are you thinking that this should be getting easier since you've been auditioning for a while already? This week I am answering the question of how to make it easier and by the title you already know not caring isn't the answer.
    So many people think they just need to not care about the jobs, not care if they are being told no and not care if they don't get the callback they were hoping for. That's just not the answer because you're human not a robot! So what can you do instead so that it doesn't feel so heartbreaking every time?
    Listen and you'll find out!

    If you enjoy this episode make sure to share this with a friend and if you haven't already I would so appreciate a rating and review!

    Episode mentioned in the episode:
    Ep. 54 Right Here, Right Now, You Are Already Whole

    If you liked this you might like:
    Ep 40 So They're Not Watching Your Self Tapes
    Ep 45 It's So Much More Than Your Art with Jen Morris

    Did this episode resonate with you and light a fire under your ass to take action and start creating the career and life you've been dreaming of?
    Click here to schedule a Consult and see how Rachel's 1:1 Coaching can help you get everything you want and more!

    Attend the Choosing to Rise LA Retreat
    At this 1 day, in person event, Susanne Puerschel, Rachel Josefina and their guest coach Fiona Flyte will be gifting you the tools to break through the limiting beliefs passed down from the Industry. You will leave with an understanding of yourself more than ever before, community support and actionable steps to create the career and life you've been dreaming of.
    March 26th 11-4 in Los Angeles, CA
    Register Here

    Connect with Rachel:
    Choosing to Rise Facebook Group

  • In this Bonus Episode Susanne Puerschel and I are talking about our next topic for the Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop on February 28th.

    We're diving into why we chose this topic and our own experiences with Validation. As performing artists, we are taught to look outside of ourselves for validation not only for our art, but also for our worth. This, as I'm sure you can tell, is a problem because if we're always looking for other people to assure us we're on the right track, we'll never know how to trust ourself and make decisions from our gut.

    Join us at the next workshop on Monday February 28th at 12pm EST/ 9am PST

    Connect with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

  • Creating experiences that are dedicated to our growth, spiritual development and pure enjoyment can feel easy when it is a designated practice, but how often are you creating those moments throughout your day?
    How often are you experiencing gratitude for the tiny moments that some may argue are insignificant?
    This week I am diving into the idea of integrating magic into the mundane with my amazing guest Carson Robertson.

    Carson is a Yoga and Meditation teacher. She believes that everyone deserves to feel the best in their bodies and aims to provide classes that leave you feeling nourished and supported in your abilities to move. Through her teaching, she helps you discover the magic within the mundane.

    Connect with Carson:
    Instagram @claritywithcarson

    Work with Carson:
    Online Yoga Membership with Clarity with Carson. Online Yoga and Meditation Video Classes. New classes are added each week to give you refreshing new material to practice from.

    The 7 Day Free Trial allows you to, access your practice with ease from the comfort of your own home! Whether it is a dynamic vinyasa, slow flow, or meditation there are plenty of classes for you to access to create your own daily ritual. Perhaps you are finding it difficult to make it to a studio. Or maybe it is your first time and you would like to dip your toes into yoga. Join the community of individuals who are listening to their bodies’ needs in the moment, creating a schedule that fits their unique lifestyle.

    Connect and Work with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

    Are you ready to drop the hustle so that you can notice the magic that surrounds you every day of your life? Are you ready to find your worthiness in yourself rather than in your industry?
    Schedule a consult today to see if 1:1 Coaching is the next right step for you! https://calendly.com/mindsetinthemaking/consult

  • Have you ever walked into the first day of rehearsals, a new dance class or even a group of friends and asked yourself "do I belong here?"
    Do you find yourself shapeshifting and changing who are you to fit in with the group that you're with?
    All of these things are symptoms of already deciding that you don't belong and feeling like you need to be part of the group rather than trusting that the unique combination of energy from each group is going to bring out the exact right and beautiful energy that is within you.
    This episode I am diving into the topic and showing you what to ask yourself instead of "do I belong" and "where do I fit in".

    Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop
    Topic: Validation
    Register today!

    Did the idea of your thoughts creating your reality resonate with you? Are you ready to start seeing new results in your life that you're creating?
    Schedule a consult with me https://calendly.com/mindsetinthemaking/consult

    Connect with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

  • Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the one behind the camera? What's their experience as they capture the unique essence that is you? This week I am so excited to have James Jin on the podcast, giving us the behind the scenes on his Process and the experiences that made him the incredible artist he is today.

    James Jin is a visual artist in NYC. He is passionate about showing up in a way that helps people see their own beauty and self-worth. He shares that passion through The Process, a photography experience designed for movement artists.

    Connect and Work with James:
    Instagram: @jamesjinimages
    Book Now:

    Connect and Work with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

    Are you ready to start creating your life without shitting on yourself every step of the way? Are you ready to embrace every part of yourself and stop going down the shame spiral?Schedule a consult with me and let's talk about how we can work together to create results you love!

  • As artists it's so easy to feel pinned in as one thing or another. Flowing and pivoting within the arts is so normal, but I don't think it's talked about enough and therefore it may seem like you're not committed enough or like you aren't a real performer because you aren't focusing all of your time on one thing. That's why I'm so excited to have Claudia on the podcast this week!

    Claudia H. Stein (she/they) is a Mindset and Wellness Coach for dancers. They work with people of all ages to cultivate confidence and balance in themselves so they can show up authentically on and off stage! Claudia holds a BFA in Acting from UNC Greensboro, 300+ hours of yoga training including Yin and Ayurveda, and has been teaching dance and choreographing since 2014.

    Connect with Claudia
    Instagram: @claudiahstein

    Join us for the Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop January 17th at 12pm ET

  • The Next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop is happening January 17th and we are diving into POWER! When Susanne brought this up to me she expressed how it wasn't until she realized that power meant something bad to her that it made sense why she had been pushing it away. As I began to think about it I too had some negative experiences with power and it was that, that was stopping both of us from claiming our personal power.
    This is exactly why we want to have an entire workshop on it and in this episode we are giving you just a taste of what we will be bringing to this incredible workshop!

    If what Susanne and I talked about in this episode resonated with you, the Choosing to Rise Workshop is exactly the right place for you! Sign up today!

  • It is 2022! How are you feeling?
    Have you done your reflections for the year? Set your intentions and goals for the next 365 days?
    This week I am diving into what it takes to be committed to your goals. I'm also letting you in on what's going to get in your way as you begin to move forward and why throwing 2021 in the trash might not actually serve you.

    Remember to share this with a friend if you liked what you heard. The more people that are tuning into this high vibration, the more people add into our collective energy of manifestations.

    ALSO remember to mark your calendars and grab your tickets for the next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop on January 17th at 12 pm ET. It is 100% online, so snuggle up with your favorite blanket and join Susanne and I as we dive into Personal Power!

    And if you are feeling the nudge to get support at a high and intimate level schedule a consult with me.

    Let's discover what's been blocking you from the life you've been dreaming of and map out a road to begin creating it!

    Connect with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

  • Well, it happened. I got the vid...
    The journey to finding out that I got COVID was a roller coaster that all took place around my birthday and Christmas. Through this whole process I had A LOT come up for me and I wanted to share it all with you, of course! There are some incredible insights and mindset shifts in this episode you don't want to miss out on!

    If you like this episode make sure to share it with a friend so that as many people as possible can access this energy and these powerful perspectives.

    Also, if you felt like you resonated with the episode and are ready to start implementing this energy into your every day life, book a consult with me and let's discover how I can support you as you begin to create the life you've always dreamed of!

    Connect with Rachel:
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

  • When talking about manifestation it's so easy to get caught up in where you want to go. You have goals and dreams that you are achieving and you have a life that you are creating, but what about your life right now? Are you finding yourself just going through the motions? Have you felt like you're acting on auto pilot? Are you an active participant in your own life or are you just putting your head down, shutting the world out and chasing your goals?

    This week I am diving into why it is so important to participate in the now and how you can do that. I am also talking about how when you find yourself wanting to isolate to "protect" your energy, you may actually be participating less in your life.

    The next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop is Monday January 17th, 2022 at 11am ET! You can attend in NYC or through Zoom! Susanne and I are SO excited for the topic of this Workshop: Personal Power. You are not going to want to miss this! Register today and bring a friend with you!

    Start your MagMoMo Experience Today!

    Ready to dive deep into mindset and manifestation? Schedule a Discovery Call today and let's talk about how I can support you as are creating the life you've always dreamed of.

    Connect with Rachel
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina

  • Have you ever said, "when I get [fill in the blank] I'll feel better, whole or successful?
    Have you been waiting to feel like you and your life have everything you need until the perfect job, relationship or home comes along? This week I am offering a new perspective around wholeness and give you a potent question to consider as you move forward in your life.

    If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend so that more people can be exposed to this incredibly potent mindset shift.

    If the message and energy in this episode really resonated with you and you would like to get a taste of what it would be like with me as your coach schedule a free Discovery Call today.

    Are you ready to join a community of artists who are committed to doing the inner work required to be a catalyst for change? Come to the next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop!
    We are diving into Personal Power on January 17th and you won't want to miss it! What is personal power and how can you use it to create the life and career of your dreams?
    Not in NYC? No problem! Join us virtually!

    Connect with Me!
    Instagram: @rachel.josefina