I'm bringing back the Misfits and Mysteries Podcast! Make sure to subscribe on your preferred podcast platform for updates and information about the show!
Episodi mancanti?
Ahoy misfits ahoy t' our pirate spectacular episode! This week I'm joined by pirate historian Eric Lavender to discuss all things pirates. Eric breaks down the truth behind Hollywoods depiction of pirates, what life was actually like on the seven seas, and the real life of Black beard or should I say Edward Beard!
Go support our good friend Eric over at Charleston Pirate Tours and make sure to go take a ghost tour or a pirate tour next time you're in Charleston South Carolina! Make sure to also check out the Captains Vlog and follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!
If you enjoy Misfits and Mysteries please subscribe to the show and consider leaving a 5 star review on apple podcast or Podcahser. If you would like to support the show financially consider donating to our Buy Me A Coffee Page or purchasing some merch or both! If you would like to be featured on an upcoming episode of the podcast leave me a voicemail at (914) 627-8582! You can find us on all social media platforms. Stay Spooky Misfits!
Welcome back Misfits! After a long hiatus I decided it was time to bring the show back for good! This week I have an awesome interview with Kelly from the Canadian Spirit podcast. We have a great conversation about Kellys experience working as a paranormal investigator and how he narrowly escaped a Windigo encounter!
You can find Canadian Spirit on all podcast platforms! Follow them on Twitter @spirit_canadian
If you enjoy Misfits and Mysteries please subscribe to the show and consider leaving a 5 star review on apple podcast or Podcahser. If you would like to support the show financially consider donating to our Buy Me A Coffee Page or purchasing some merch or both! If you would like to be featured on an upcoming episode of the podcast leave me a voicemail at (914) 627-8582! You can find us on all social media platforms. Stay Spooky Misfits!
Hey Misfits sorry a new episode hasn’t come out in a while. I just moved and things will be back on track next Thursday. Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVINg !!!!!
Welcome back Misfits, This week I'm joined by my good friend Matt from the Hops Geek News Podcast! We talk about everything from Bigfoot to Batsquatch to UFOs, Lizard Man and Idaho Cryptids! If you want to learn more about the Lumarians, Moon Eyed People, or Thunder Bird, check out our episode on those from season 1!
You can find Hops Geek News on Twitter @GeekHops and all podcast platforms!
If you enjoy Misfits and Mysteries please subscribe to the show and consider leaving a 5 star review on apple podcast or Podcahser. If you would like to support the show financially consider donating to our Buy Me A Coffee Page or purchasing some merch or both! If you would like to be featured on an upcoming episode of the podcast leave me a voicemail at (914) 627-8582! You can find us on all social media platforms. Stay Spooky Misfits!
Howdy Misfits and welcome back to the second annual Misfits and Mysteries Halloween Spooktacular!!!! We may have lost Emmy as full time cohost, but we still have a great episode planned for you with guest host, my friend Rachel who was featured on the Birds aren't rule episode of the podcast. We talk Halloween, ghost stories and other spooky things! Have you ever heard of a machine ghost?
If you enjoy Misfits and Mysteries please subscribe to the show and consider leaving a 5 star review on apple podcast or Podcahser. If you would like to support the show financially consider donating to our Buy Me A Coffee Page or purchasing some merch or both! If you would like to be featured on an upcoming episode of the podcast leave me a voicemail at (914) 627-8582! Stay Spooky Misfits!
Hey Misfits, today we’re wrapping up Season 1 of the show today with a fun bonus episode — it’s a mash up counting down our 10 favorite episodes. We’ve been through a lot of topics this season: starting out from our early, microphone-less days discussing hypnosis, ghost stories and talking mongooses. But as our fans know, this show quickly went off the rails as Steve and Emmy dived into everything from ghost pirate babies and cryptid erotica to sausage swipers and aliens in the garden of Eden. But which episode will prevail as #1? You’ll have to listen to find out.
Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your preferred listening platform to hear all of the upcoming updates on Season 2: Steve will fly solo, interviewing experts in his tireless quest to find all of the weirdest and wackiest stories around. You can also follow us on social media for updates @podcast_misfits. In the meantime, stay spooky folks! -
What’s up Misfits! You’re listening to a VERY special episode of this podcast — it’s the end of season 1, the one year anniversary of Misfits and Mysteries, and Emmy’s last day! Aren’t you guys going to miss her “do-do-do-do” transitions?? No? Ok.
Emmy goes out with a bang, telling one of her best-ever stories: The Grunch. You know, it’s that New Orleans-based reptilian-chupacabra-looking ape-and-wolf-sounding cryptid that came from a baby Devil’s balls? Or it’s just a group of inbred, cannibal alibino little people — we’re not really sure. Next, it’s only fitting that, in honor of spooky season and on our one-year anniversary — Steve rounds us out with classic Halloween legends like “The Stupid Babysitter”, “The World’s Worst Stabber” and “The Grandma from Hell.” At least that’s what I think they should be called.
Stay tuned for details on the next season of Misfits and Mysteries by subscribing to the podcast wherever you’re listening now, or follow us on social media @podcast_misfits. -
Howdy Misfits, this week Steve definitively proves that Brad Pitt is in fact a vampire. Watch out for the Brad Pitt is a Vampire blog with all my evidence and visuals! Emmy then takes us down a rabbit hole of her own. Did you know that sea monkey's were invented by the Nazis? I sure as hell didn't. Finally Emmy closes us out with her very own compelling conspiracy about the Lost City of Atlantis.
We're sad to announce that Emmy will be leaving the podcast after next episode. Please subscribe to the podcast for updates. Steve will be keeping the show going on his own with a slightly different format so please bear with me while I figure out the new format of the show.
Good morning, eh! This week we’re headed to Canada, where Emmy tells us about one of the most famous alien encounters of all time: the Falcon Lake incident. The freakiest part may just be this guys Mary Poppins-like bag of secrets. Then, Steve tells us all about the Moon eyed men: a real life group of humans who likely stumbled upon America wayyy before Columbus and his clowns. Steve and Emmy also propose their own conspiracy about sea monkeys living in our sewer systems, and talk about what the f*** orbs are.
Hey misfits, ready for a cross-country tour of all things spooky? First stop, the Colorado Riverdale Road. Steve takes us through the strange happenings on this street, lt;dr it will take you straight to Hell, or at least to an underground chicken coop. Next up, Emmy takes us away to ~spooky~ Florida for some urban legends (no,
“Florida man” is not one of them, but probably a missed opportunity there). First off, she tells us about the Devils Chair, a place where you can go to drop off your beer if you’d like it #shotgunned by Satan himself. She also discusses a doll, Robert — and strangely enough, the weirdest part of the story is jus how he got his name.
Is What’s up Misfits! Emmy’s rescued from her alien abduction, and were ready for another kickass episode. Steve hits us with some #spooky first hand stories of encounters with Lucifer himself; like one man who out-drinks the devil and then, in a shocking turn of events, kills his dad — or how about the guys who shot a devil fish? You’ll also learn about some pretty wacky superstitions from the 1880s. Then Emmy catches us up on the little known interview with a female alien from Roswell. This chick not only reveals that she’s actually a robot alien, but also that earth is at best a petting zoo, and at worst a prison, for extraterrestrial life. Sounds about right.
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits ! -
Unfortunately Emmy got abducted by aliens and wasn't returned to me on time to complete the episode so I had to draft her replacement. This week we had an awesome guest host Kelly from the Canada SPIRIT podcast! We talked everything from Bigfoot and Skunk apes to ghosts and eventually reeled it in to lumberjack folklore before Steve went on tangent about Jackalopes.
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits !
You can also listen into our friends at Canadian Spirt on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5daC1WwfVOksB2Ec5oDkQU or Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/canadian-spirit/id1494167140 -
Hey Misfits! This week we got a fab episode for ya. Emmy kicks us off with a classic she’s been dying to cover: the fake moon landing. That’s right: 40,000 NASA workers kept the moon landing hoax a secret for 50 years. But the true heros are those on the internet who still point out that there is no wind on the moon (“but how could the U.S. flag be waving in the wind Emmy???!!”). Then, Steve comes at us with a few more hard-hitting factual stories: about kids who have seen ghosts. Steve and Emmy’s favorite is one about a kid who thinks he sees Santa, but then realizes it’s a ghost (but we know it was actually just his drunk dad coming home late at night). Ya had to be there, i guess. Stanley Kubrik TikTok referenced in the show: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdwfESKP/
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits ! -
Hey spooky spooky Misfits! This special creepy-but-not-so-creepy episode features two friends of the show, Austin and Ryan. We dive into some ~creepy pastas~, or spooky internet stories that may just be our own. Did Austin actually get captured by a man and a pink suit at gunpoint, only to get shot in the leg multiple times and survive to tell the tale? Did Emmy’s family actually get murdered years ago — and she’s just been talking to ghosts this whole time? Did Ryan fall victim to an infamous child game villain? Is Steve drunk or just bad at telling stories? Ya gotta listen to find out! If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits ! -
Heyo Misifts! Steve may be down 1 appendix, but we still cranked out a fantastic episode for y’all this week. Steve takes us through a few spooky cryptids, like the New Orleans Devil Man. Basically, he’s a regular dude who uses teleportation to skip out on bar tabs (where can I get this super power??). Emmy then overviews a few crazy alien abductions, including an account from this one dude who claims to have ~made love~ with a red haired alien while in a UFO. This begs the question, what would you steal from a UFO if you were abducted to prove it was real? Don’t ask Steve - it has something to do with butt stuff.
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits ! -
Hey Misfits, unfortunately we weren't able to post an episode this week because Steve had a *bit* of a medical emergency. Bye bye appendix!
Everything's all good now, we just didn't want him to edit while tired and loopy! Take this week to check out one of our older episodes, and we'll be back super soon with another new, exciting episode for you all.
~ Stay spooky ~
Hey Misfits! Steve and Emmy are back with a brand new episode that’s going to rock your socks off. Emmy kicks it off with the story of the True Way cult — a religion that believed God would appear on a local retail shopping TV channel to save the world from impending destruction. Somehow, that’s not the most ridiculous part: all of the believers were forced to live in middle-of-nowhere Texas where they definitely got barbecue sauce on their all-white uniforms and cowboy hats (at least according to Steve). Emmy passes it off to Steve who tells us about some crazy cryptids like “SinkHole Sam” — a giant ugly worm discovered by the one and only Dr. Erasmus Quattlebaum (yup, that’s a real guys name). They also chat through the Loveland Frogman, who Emmy believes may just be a wet pickle.
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits -
Howdy Misfits! Get ready for a dino-filled episode as Emmy takes us through the crazy story of spinosaurus — a dinosaur you’ve seen in coloring books, but clearly haven’t really gotten to know. Then, Steve and Emmy chat with with the man, the myth, the legend: Brendan Steere, writer and director of the cult film sensation, Velocipastor! We talk about pastors turning into paper mache T-Rex’s, the low-budget film industry, and so much more. Don’t worry, if you haven’t already seen the film, Steve and Emmy break it down for you at the beginning of the episode. Don’t forget to check out our friends at Wine, Dine and Story Time podcast, as well as Page Turners and Button Mashers Podcast. You can find Brendan Steere on his website, Twitter: @brendansteere, and instagram: @Brendansteere
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits and on Facebook @PodcastMisfits and on Youtube Misfits and Mysteries! Don't forget to buy our Merch and consider donating a couple bucks.
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