今天Miss Debby要分享給大家的,是一本充滿想像力的繪本, The Boy who went to Mars. Stanley的媽媽因為工作要出差過夜, Stanly心裡不開心,就決定他要離開地球到火星探險. 他給自己打造了一個太空船,從後院升空前往火星,沒想到等到太空船回到地球,竟然出現了一個外星人.這個外星人到底是誰啊? 讓我們一起來解開這個謎團. 這本書是由Simon James完成的繪本.
The boy who went to Mars, is a great book full of imagination. Stanley was upset that his mother has left on an overnight work trip. So he decides that he is going to leave planet Earth and go to Mars. He builds a rocket ship in the backyard and blasts off. When the rocket ship returns, an alien has come to take the place of Stanley. What is going to happen with this alien in the house? Let’s read this book together, written and illustrated by Simon James. -
小男孩養了一頭小象,他和小象開心地想要去參加鄰居辦的寵物聚會,沒想到門口竟貼了一個告示牌寫著: 禁止大象進入. 小男孩不理解,為什麼會被拒絕,不被接受. 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Lisa Mantchev, 插畫家 Taeeun Yoo完成的繪本Strictly No Elephants. 並且仔細思考一下朋友的意義是什麼.
A little boy and his tiny pet elephant are looking forward to meeting all the other pets and friends. Once they arrive though, they find a sign declaring—Strictly No Elephants. But Why? Let’s find out from this book, Strictly No Elephants, a book that reveals and shares the meaning of friendship. Written by Lisa Mantchev, illustrated by Taeeun Yoo. -
Episodi mancanti?
今天要跟大家介紹的繪本是由Benji Davies 完成的The Storm Whale. 描寫的是一個小男孩 Noi, 跟他的父親, 還有一隻鯨魚的故事. 暴風雨過後,一隻小鯨魚被沖上岸了, Noi想要照顧小鯨魚,於是悄悄地把鯨魚帶回家放在浴缸裡面. 但是這個秘密可以瞞多久? 爸爸會不會發現呢?
The Storm Whale, by Benji Davies, is a heartwarming story of a boy Noi, his father, and his unexpected encounter with a cetacean visitor, a whale. Noi is excited and wants to take the whale home. How can Noi keep this secret without his Dad finding out? -
今天要分享的 Guess How Much I love You是一本經典的童書,大兔子跟小兔子對著彼此訴說有多愛對方. 當我們很愛很愛一個人的時候,是不是也可以試著描述出愛的感覺呢? 由作家Sam McBratney, 插畫家Anita Jeram完成的繪本.
Guess How Much I love You, is a classic children’s book, simple and sweet about the love a parent and child have for each other. Written by Sam McBratney, Illustrated by Anita Jeram. -
今天我們要一起讀的書叫做Giraffe Problems,是由作家 Jory John插畫家Lane Smith完成的繪本. Jory John寫過好多本有名的童書,其中還有一本是我們一起讀過的The Cool Bean. 今天的繪本描述的是一隻長頸鹿Edward的故事. Edward非常不喜歡他長長的脖子, 他可以找到各式各樣的缺點來描述自己的脖子. 但是有一天Edward遇見了烏龜 Cyrus. Cyrus會用什麼樣的方式讓Edward發現自己最不喜歡的脖子可是非常管用的! 讓我們一起來的這本Giraffe Problems.
Giraffe Problems is another great book, written by Jory John, who is also the author of the Cool Bean. Edward the giraffe does not like his neck. It is too long, too bendy, too narrow……. One day Edward meets Cyrus the turtle. Let’s find out how Cyrus helps Edward understand that his neck has a purpose and it’s good to be different. This book is illustrated by Lane Smith. -
過了好久的冬天,春天是不是終於要來了? 今天要跟大家分享的這本書 And Then It’s Spring, 由作家Julie Fogliano, 插畫家Erin E Stead完成的繪本. 描述的是一個小男孩跟他的狗狗,等待著大地變換顏色,從灰灰土土白白的冬天,迎接春天.
Sometimes waiting on spring can feel like forever, especially when the colors of winter are all around. Brown, brown everywhere you see. In this book, “And Then It’s Spring”, a young boy and his dog wait patiently and sometimes not so patiently for their garden to grow. Let’s read this book together, written by Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Erin E Stead. -
Who Goes there是Miss Debby今天要和大家一起讀的書. 由作家Karma Wilson, 插畫家Anna Currey完成的繪本. 小老鼠Lewis為冬天的到來,打造了一個溫暖舒適的家. 但總覺得,家裡少了什麼? 而且奇怪的是, 每天晚上,門外總會傳來奇奇怪怪的聲音. 把Lewis給嚇壞了. 到底是誰在外面呢?
Who Goes there, written by Karma Wilson, and illustrated by Anna Currey, is a book about a mouse Lewis faces his fears and discover a friendship. Lewis loves his cozy home, but each nigh, he keeps hearing the weird noises outside his door. Who goes there? Let read it together and find out? -
今天要跟大家分享的,也是一本Miss Debby非常喜歡的繪本. 叫做”The Brownstone.” 在紐約市中心裡面的Brownstone公寓裏面. 住了六種不同的動物. 冬天要到了,灰熊一家人準備要開始冬眠, 但是來自不同鄰居的噪音,氣味,讓灰熊一家沒辦法好好睡覺. 這六種不同的動物,要怎麼協調才能夠好好地在同一棟公寓裏面相處呢? 聰明的房東,貓頭鷹先生會不會想出好方法呢? 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Paula Scher,插畫家Stan Mack完成的繪本, The Brownstone.
Living in harmony with your neighbors is not always easy, especially if you're a bear living in an apartment, getting ready to hibernate, meaning taking a very long winter nap. You get noise, odors, and menacing neighbors to deal with. Happily, the wise owl landlord rearranges everybody so all the animals can live in peace. Let’s read this warm and funny story, the Brownstone, written by Paula Scher, illustrated by Stan Mack. -
小紅帽的故事大家都聽過吧! 有一天, 爺爺在客廳裡跟他的小孫女講起了小紅帽的故事,但是,講故事的過程當中, 錯誤連篇, 漏洞百出! 你能夠聽出來哪裡不對勁嗎? 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Gianni Rodari, 插畫家Beatrice Alemagna完成的 Telling Stories Wrong. 這是一本幽默搞笑有趣的繪本.
Telling stories wrong, written by Gianni Rodari, illustrated by Beatrice Alemagna, is a humorous story of a grandfather retelling ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to his granddaughter, but he keeps getting important details wrong. Can you call out all the wrong parts? Let’s read this silly and funny book together. -
今天 MISS DEBBY想要跟大家分享的,是一個溫馨的故事,描述的是一個小女孩Nia跟他的寵物烏龜 Alfie 的友誼.在 Nia 七歲生日的前一天,她的好朋友 Alfie 突然不見了!讓我們從 Nia以及 Alfie 的角度,來聽聽到底發生了什麼事情!這本書Alfie,是由作家Thyra Heder完成的繪本.
The book I would like to share with you is called “Alfie, the turtle that disappeared.” Written and illustrated by Thyra Heder. It is a charming story of the bond between a girl Nia, and her pet, turtle Alfie. The night before Nia’s 7th birthday, Alfie disappears! Where did Alfie go? Will Alfie return? Let’s find out together. -
每個人都認識鯊魚, 鯊魚是我們自然生態很重要的一部分. 如果鯊魚消失了? 會發生哪生什麼事情呢? 今天我們就要來藉著鯊魚,認識海洋生態中的平衡. 這本繪本If Sharks Disappeared是由作家 Lily Williams完成的.
Sharks can sound scary, but they are so important to our ecosystem. What would happen if sharks disappeared? Today, we are going to learn about sharks, look at the food chain, and the likely consequences if it collapses. This book is written and illustrated by Lily Williams. -
晚上睡覺的時間到了! 小黑貓Max準備就緒,要上床了. 睡覺前他想要跟月亮說聲晚安,卻怎麼也看不到月亮. 月亮到底去哪裡呢? Max跋山涉水,他能找到月亮嗎? 讓我們一起來讀這本Max at Night, 由作家Ed Vere完成的繪本.
Max is a cat, who doesn't always know the basics about being a cat. One night, Max is tired and ready for bed, but when he can't find the moon to say goodnight to, he sets out to find it. But that's not as easy as Max had hoped. Can Max find the moon? Written and illustrated by Ed Vere. Let’s read this book together, Max at night. -
大家有沒有聽過龍捲風? 這次氣象播報員青蛙Freddy 住的城鎮碰上了一個大風暴, 小鎮的居民要怎麼躲過這個天然災害呢? 龍捲風又是什麼呢? 在這本書Freddy the Frogcaster and the Terrible Tornado我們將會跟著Freddy一起學習龍捲風的知識,了解怎麼保護自己的安全. 由作家Janice Dean插畫家Russ Cox完成的繪本.
Severe storms are headed toward Lilypad, are you ready for a whirlwind adventure with Freddy. This book Freddy the Frogcaster and the Terrible Tornado is written by Janice Dean, and illustrated by Ross Cox. Let get started and learn all about how tornado happens and some life saving information. -
Miss Debby今天要帶大家一起讀的書,叫做 There’s a Bear on My Chair. 小老鼠回到家,發現有一隻北極熊舒舒服服地坐在自己的椅子上. 任憑小老鼠怎麼推他,搖他,拿食物誘惑他, 這隻北極熊就是不肯走! 可憐的小老鼠還會使出什麼招式呢? 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Ross Collins完成, 一本很可愛又有趣的繪本!
The book we will be reading today is called There’s a Bear on My Chair. Poor Mouse is so frustrated that Bear is in his chair and won't budge. Mouse uses different strategies to get Bear to leave. However, none of them work. Will this poor mouse ever get his chair back? Written and illustrated by Ross Collins. -
今天Miss Debby要分享的繪本,是一本經典並且得到很多獎項的作品, Last Stop on Market Street. 由作家 Matt De La Pena 插畫家 Christian Robinson 完成的. CJ 和奶奶在每個星期天, 總會坐公車到Market Street的最後一站做志工. 一路上CJ總有不同的問題或是抱怨. 一下子覺得下雨天溼溼答答,一會覺得為什麼別人家可以自己開車. 但奶奶用他的智慧,帶著CJ觀察一路上有趣的人事物.體會周遭的美好. 讓我們一起來讀這個CJ和奶奶的故事.
Last Stop on Market Street tells the story of a little boy CJ, and his grandma riding the bus. They experience different people, personalities, sounds and smells on their bus ride. It’s a beautiful story about how changing your perspective on life creates new wonders, sights, and sounds where you never knew before. Written by Matt De La Pena, illustrated by Christian Robinson. -
今天 Miss Debby要分享給大家一個有趣又獨特的故事 The Sheep who Hatched an Egg.由Gemma Merino完成的繪本. 大家想想看,母雞才會孵蛋吧!綿羊怎麼可能會孵蛋呢?讓我們一起來看看到底發生了什麼事情?
The Sheep who Hatched an Egg is a funny and unique picture book we will be reading today. Written and illustrated by Gemma Merino. It’s about a sheep name Lola who learns an important life lesson. -
今天Miss Debby要帶大家一起來認識顏色. 這本書Bear Sees Colors是由作家Karma Wilson,插畫家Jane Chapman完成的繪本. 讓我們一起跟著大熊到森林裡面探險,看看我們會發現什麼?
Today, we will be talking about COLORS. This book Bear Sees Colors, written by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman, is easy and fun to read. Can you find colors just like Bear? -
今天Miss Debby要跟大家分享的書叫做The Gruffalo. 由作家Julia Donaldson插畫家Axel Scheffler完成的繪本. 這本書瘋迷全球,在全世界賣出了超過1350萬本. 故事在描述一隻小老鼠, 穿過森林,碰上了好幾隻動物.每隻動物,都不懷好意,想要吃掉他. 小老鼠靠著小聰明,捏造了一個可怕的怪獸,名叫Gruffalo,他假借著要跟Gruffalo有個約會,嚇跑了這些動物. 沒想到,森林裡面真的有隻可怕的怪獸, 小老鼠會不會被他吃掉呢?
The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, is a wonderful story. A clever mouse travels through the woods, he meets a fox, an owl, and a snake who all want to eat him. So the Mouse scares them off by warning them about the gruffalo who lives in the forest, a monster with terrible teeth and terrible claws. But what happens when Mouse's invented monster turns out to be real? -
今天, Miss Debby要跟大家分享的書叫做The Paper Kingdom. 是一個感動人心的故事. 由作家 Helena Ku Rhee,插畫家 Pascal Campion完成的繪本. 故事的主角是一個名叫Daniel的小男孩. Daniel的爸爸媽媽是辦公大樓的清潔人員. 三更半夜Daniel 正在熟睡中,卻因為保母臨時有事, 必須陪著爸爸媽媽去工作.小小的他不能理解, 為什麼辦公室這麼髒亂,這麼晚爸爸媽媽還要清理別人留下來的垃圾. 爸爸媽媽會怎麼跟Daniel解釋呢?
Today, I would like to share a great book with you. The Paper Kingdom, it’s a simple but incredible powerful and tender story. Written by Helena Ku Rhee, illustrated by Pascal Campion. A young boy named Daniel must wake in the middle of the night to travel to the office where his parents work as part of a cleaning staff. Daniel can’t help but question why everything is a mess and why his parents must clean up everything. But the story is about more than brooms, mops, and vacuums. Mama and Papa turn the deserted office building into a magnificent kingdom filled with paper……. -
The Cool Bean,由作家Jory John,插畫家Pete Oswald完成的繪本. 要來講的是一顆小豆子在學校所發生的事情. 在學校裡面,是不是總有一些很酷很受歡迎的學生. 但是到底什麼是酷? 讓我們一起讀下去…..
The Cool Bean, written by Jory John, illustrated by Pete Oswald, is another great book I would like to share with you. At school, there’re always some cool students, but, what does it really mean to be cool? Let’s find out from this book. - Mostra di più