
  • I am SO thrilled to welcome Amanda Ruggeri to the podcast. Amanda is an award-winning journalist, editor, and photographer with a passion for storytelling that bridges cultures and perspectives and I had a huuuuuge fangirl moment over this chat not just because of her incredible career and how smart she is, but the AWESOME work she does myth busting and exploring science in understandable terms to EMPOWER parents to make their own decisions confidently, rooted in actual evidence is so important and sanity saving in this world of fake news, online noise and distorted claims.

    Known widely for her work as the Senior Content Editor and Journalist at BBC Future, Amanda has a knack for diving deep into topics that span science, history, and social issues, always with a fresh, human-centered approach and she is just such a wonderful, warm person and a joy to chat to.

    Her knack for breaking down complex topics in clear and accessible ways has made her a trusted voice for audiences looking to understand the world in a nuanced way so you can imagine why I was SO excited to have her on the show.

    In this episode we dive into:

    Empowering parents with knowing the nuances of issue and understanding the ACTUAL evidence Myth busting and what the research really says about only children vs siblingsThe research on big families (4/5+ children)How to spot where claims online (even ‘studies show’) are not legit when you don’t always have time to deep dive or fact check How we need to understand instagram might be a great source of information but view it as a shopping mall rather than a librarySleep training, cosleeping, the debates and the research and the problem with absolutesThe truth about the research and claims around attachmentThe value of listening to your intuition around sleep decisionsDoing a story for the BBC on milestonesSpotting logical fallacies and why we need to question them!A little perspective from parenting in different cultures

    And so much more!

    Connect with Amanda

    Instagram: @mandyruggeri

     FOLLOW the podcast on instagram - @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Something a little different this week - my very first solo episode! - not long after my eldest has turned 4, and I look back over my two cesaerean section births. I know c sections receive a lot of negative press so I am always anxious to reassure women they can also be truly beautiful birth experiences.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains mentions and/or discussion of trying to conceive, reduced movement, vaginal assault and vaginismus.

    Ultimately, I had two very positive c section (abdominal) births and hope sharing the story is useful - I know I found positive c section stories useful and reassuring ahead of my experience. Despite covid and lockdowns and all of the crazy consequences of that during my first birth, I still ended up with a positive birth experience.

    FOLLOW the podcast on instagram - @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Oh my god I loved chatting to Alex SO much. This has to be one of my favourite ever motherhood conversations.

    In this episode I’m chatting with Alexandria Maria Wombwell-Povey @iamalexandriamaria who you may know as a passionate entrepreneur, mindset coach, and motivational speaker and from her features in Forbes, the Telegraph and BBC radio and host of the podcast It's Upgrade Season. Her instagram bio also currently says putting the MILF in motherhood which I LOVE!

    Through her coaching programs, retreats, online work, and speaking engagements, Alex has inspired thousands of women globally to overcome limiting beliefs, pursue their dreams, and cultivate both personal and professional success and ambition with well-being.

    Also, fun fact - did you know in 2022 she was invited to visit Necker Island with Richard Branson and other 7 figure entrepreneurs?!

    But what's so wonderful about this chat is Alex's open and honest sharing of her motherhood experience and all of the changes and transitions that go with it.

    Connect with Alex

    IG: @iamalexandriamaria

    Podcast: It's Upgrade Season

    FOLLOW the pod on @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • An unusual episode this week because this is a chat with a very special guest, Melissa Wells... from when I interviewed her back in 2018! I thought it was something that needed a re-release because in our motherhood era, we need to be kind to our post partum bodies, to heal from the societal pressure to 'bounce back' or look a certain way, and to pour that energy into things that fill us up. In this episode we touch on Mel's first two books, The Goddess Revolution and Hungry for More, healing her eating disorders and helping other women heal their relationships with food, body image, toxic diet culture, healing ourselves so we can direct our energy towards the things that truly light us up...

    At the time of recording Mel Wells was known for being a TEDX speaker and leading voice in the world of self-love, empowerment, and wellness, a best-selling author of two books, a certified eating psychology coach, and the founder of the Self Love Summit, helping women break free from toxic diet culture and cultivate healthy relationships with food, their bodies, and themselves. Fast forward to today, and Melissa is a mother to her young son Sky, with her second the way, and she has evolved her coaching business beyond coaching women in their relationships with food into Feminine Leadership and mentorship across business, feminine archetypes and the divine feminine and she is also known for her authenticity and speaking from the heart on all things spirituality, polarity and exploring the mysteries of life. Who knows, I’d love to be able to have her back on the podcast to chat about her motherhood journey one day, but for now I hope you take something from this episode because I think all women, but maybe especially those of us who are post partum, need a little more self love.

    Connect with Mel here:

    IG @iammelwells

    Website https://melwells.com/

    Find The Goddess Revolution by Mel Wells here

    Find Hungry for More by Mel Wells here

    Mel's Divine Feminine Archetype Quiz: get your report here

    Mel's TEDx talk 'What are you really hungry for?'

    Mel's podcast Love, Sex & Magic

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week we're chatting to the absolutely fab Elizabeth Willetts. After being made redundant during the pandemic, she founded Investing in Women, and she has since written her first book, Flex, which is now available for pre-order. In this episode we discuss her journey, tips for returning to work, Elizabeth's personal story of feeling like she lost herself and her confidence during 4 years of fertility struggles and IVF, but also how she regained her confidence in motherhood and found fulfilment in using her recruitment experience to change the working landscape for mothers and parents for the better.

    In this episode we chat about:

    Elizabeth's why behind starting Investing In WomenTips for finding and getting good part time rolesDefining flexible workingImportance of flexible working for all genders - men, women, dads, mums, carersBiggest misconceptions about flexible and part time workingMotherhood making you more productive, time as the most precious commodityProductivity crisis and how flexible working and part time working could be the key to fixing thisThe transition from being employed to starting your own businessWorking more hours starting her business, but working around the kids, working school hours and structuring her timeDifficulties starting your own business Why being made redundant was the best thing that ever happened to herAdvantages of entrepreneurship and the juggling act of building a business with young childrenPutting your hand up, articulating your value and advancing your career whether you want full time or part time rolesConditioning of women to keep their heads down and waiting to be recognisedLearning to blow our own trumpets!Don’t be afraid to take up space, stop making yourself smallAssertiveness and writing emails as womenHow and why motherhood made her more confident Losing herself during 4 years of fertility struggles, having her daughter through IVF, the resilience she found because of itAdvice for anyone going through or considering IVF, finding a doctor, the dangers of the google rabbit holeWhat’s helpful to say to someone going through IVF, and what not to sayTips to rebuild your confidenceSelf developmentThinking about your definition of successElizabeth’s new book Flex!

    Flex is available for pre order from Waterstones here. You can connect with Elizabeth on LinkedIn here and via her website here.

    Follow the podcast @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It was so lovely to have my wonderful friend Becky McCann on the podcast this week!

    Becky, who stepped back from a magic circle law career to be a stay at home mum raising 3 amazing children, chats all things motherhood and marathon, as she recently ran 10 half marathons in 10 weeks raising money for the children of Gaza and is now training for the London Marathon 2025 (her second marathon but first post babies!) fundraising for Save the Children.

    Her instagram giveaway with some ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE prizes goes live TODAY so don't forget to head over to her instagram to grab your shot at winning some amazing prizes.

    In this episode we get into so many things, including:

    Stepping back from law for motherhoodIdentity shifts and external praise / society’s judgement of stay at home mumsLegacy and what she would like to leave behind, and how stay at home motherhood supports thisTransitions - 0-1 baby, 1-2 babies, 2-3 babiesLogistical challenges juggling kidsFavourite phases and challenging phasesGetting more me time backHow marathon training looks different post kidsBecky’s training week structureModelling positive relationships with fitness, physical and mental health and body image for kids, raising active childrenGood runs vs the tricker ones, not tracking paceMotivation for running, not being competitive and only competing against yourselfTracking baby stuff in the early days (feeds, nappies etc)Training plan for the marathonMarathon goalsTop playlist tip for the marathonTips for anyone wanting to run their first marathon, and/or start running post babyRealistic training plan tips for busy mums who can’t do huge complex running plansImportance of fuellingLoving our post partum bodiesBecky’s love of fashion

    Find Becky

    IG: @marathon_mum25

    Follow the podcast @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode I chat to Eloise Rickman, and I LOVED having this conversation.

    Eloise is is a parenting educator, author of two brilliant books, children’s liberationist, home educator and course creator and leader known for her work in children’s liberation and rights-based, peaceful parenting. Through this work she has guided so many families around the world and she raises absolutely fascinating questions and points to reflect on that will change not only the way you parent, but the way you see children and society and many of the things we take for granted (I have said to my husband I feel like much of her work has been the red pill that revealed to me that we're in the matrix when it comes to so many ideas about children, education, parenting and our wider societal institutions).

    In this episode we discuss Eloise Rickman's latest book, 'It's Not Fair: why it's time for a grown up conversation about how adults teach children', and just some of the things we touch on include:

    Introduction to Eloise’s workHer book It’s Not Fair: Why It’s Time for a Grown Up Conversation about how adults treat childrenHow Eloise came to children’s liberationThe treatment of children, parenting, punishment, the need for nuanceHow aligned children’s interests often are with ours (i.e. better childcare options, maternity and paternity leave options, education options)The dance of meeting everyone’s needsRoom for nuance and messinessNo-one gets it right all the time!Giving children the language to talk about power dynamicsChildren’s rights and talking to children about their rights from a young ageListening to children Votes for children and arguments for and againstWhat is a child?Children and childhood in different culturesThere is no 1 way to be a child

    And lots more!

    Connect with Eloise:

    IG: @mightymother_

    Eloise's substack newsletter 'Small Places'

    Her latest book: It's Not Fair: why it's time for a grown up conversation about how adults treat children

    First book: Extraordinary parenting: the essential guide to parenting and home educating at home

    Eloise's website where you can find her courses here

    & follow the podcast on @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • *CONTENT WARNING* In the wake of the Huw Edwards sentencing news, I (and the woman bravely sharing her story here) decided it was really important we share this now.

    Anonymous discovered her husband was a paedophile following a 7.30am police raid at their house. Together they had a 3 year old daughter. She was also pregnant with her 2nd at the time. Despite thousands of downloads of indecent images including children under 3, he has not yet been charged and remains in the community. She has been warned it may take 18 months to 3 years to secure a conviction.

    Identities are anonymous to protect the victims in this episode.

    When she approached me to share her story, initially I was nervous - I certainly don't want to turn their traumatic family tragedy into entertainment, but she assured me she has had support and therapy and feels strongly that 1) we need to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our children and 2) the shame is absolutely not hers or her daughters' to carry.

    With this episode I wanted to create a safe space and take the opportunity to provide as many resources as we can to help parents learn how to protect their children from child sexual abuse (CSA).

    Reporting CSEA - always call the police (999 UK) if you have immediate concerns about the safety of a child

    Registered sex offender data - requests under Sarah's Law

    NSPCC learning: Protecting children from sexual abuse

    HearMe initiative - a secure online service to disclose abuse

    NSPCC report: Community approach to preventing child sexual abuse

    10 ways to prevent child sexual exploitation online

    CSA Centre Research & Resources


    Body Safety Toolkit

    Clare's Law disclosures

    *This podcast is educational and informational only, sharing one victim's story & experience. It does not provide legal, medical, or other advice. Contact the appropriate professionals*

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week we're chatting to Rebecca Raisin, bestselling author and mum of twins! Her uplifting, often inspiring, sweet romance novels with unique, often quirky and super relatable heroines are the perfect way to escape the mundane and armchair travel to gorgeous locations around the world (and for any book lovers, lots of them have bookish / literary themes and bookshops!) Stay tuned for a giveaway too!

    We dive into:

    How she got into writing when her twins were around 2 years old (and later in the podcast we cover twins being very different, breastfeeding twins, raising twins, what they are like as teenagers)How she got publishedHer writing process, plotting vs ‘pantsing’ Fitting it in around younger children, and then teenagersPrioritising sleep with young twins!Armchair travelRebecca’s writing schedule and working scheduleRebecca’s newest book - a Christmas novelHow she creates charactersIdeas and inspirationHow Rebecca finds names for her characters and baby names Naming her twin boysRebecca’s journey to professional writing and her advice for aspiring writersIncreased opportunities with digital publishing todayThe changing publishing industryUpcoming projectsSharing interests with your teenagers and supporting their passionsAutismFilm options for Rosie’s travelling teashopWhat it was like juggling everything with twin babiesTips for twin mumsWhy teenagers are the bestFavourite phases of parenthoodExclusively breastfeeding twins Learning Indonesian for their trips to BaliHow fun motherhood is The importance of giving back

    & lots more!

    Connect with Rebecca Raisin:


    Facebook here

    Some of my favourites of Rebecca's books

    Rosie's Travelling Teashop

    Aria's Travelling Bookshop

    The Little Venice Bookshop

    Rebecca's new book

    Christmas at the Little Paris Hotel

    Her BRAND NEW EBOOK is also out TODAY

    Follow this podcast on @themorethanmamapod.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this special episode (PART 2 of 2) we dive deep into a topic that will be on so many people's minds as it is NICU awareness month, with the incredible Naomi Southern-Augustine.

    While ultimately this story has an incredible ending against all the odds with Wren continuing to thrive to this day, I want to include a trigger warning here for anyone not feeling in a space to listen to this story today, as we discuss at length Naomi's birth at 22 weeks 6 days, and the associated risks including potential infant loss as prior to 24 weeks this is not considered medically viable, as well as her NICU journey with a micro preemie, a whole host of challenges and eventual post partum PTSD.

    Naomi runs the instagram account @lifeinourarchford documenting her journey with her partner Rob and daughter Wren, and in this episode we discuss Wren’s absolutely amazing, miraculous, resilient, intensely challenging journey, including:

    Birth at 22+6NICUPalliative careMedical challenges and complicationsFeeding challengesWhy connecting with other NICU families was so essentialCaring for a micro-preemieThe long journey homeTests needed to pass to get homeHaving to fight to get proper communication from doctors and questions answered about issues with care9 attempts at discharge to get homeCelebrating her 100th dayThe feeling of being told it was ok to goHuge appreciation for NHS and NICU teams, how amazing the staff wereRob passing his driving test with Wren in NICU!Support from community nursesToday (day of recording) - Wren’s corrected FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! (16 months old, corrected age 12 months)Intensity of weekly appointments even after discharge, at one point being under 10 different specialties (and seeing nurses and consultants continues, still under optomology for eyes, still under cardiology, respiratory specialist) - it doesn’t stop once you leave NICUMental health during NICU and the first year afterwardsPost partum PTSD and flashbacks and intrusive thoughtsNaomi’s first day back at work tomorrow (the day after recording)Talking therapy and CBTLoving her job as a nurse but difficulty of leaving WrenThat it’s not all doom and gloom, they’ve celebrated and laughed, made friends for life with other NICU familiesNICU’s sole purpose is to help your little one survive (and to help those who can’t have a good death and support families through that unimaginable time)How lucky we are in the UK to access NICU on the NHSNaomi’s message for other NICU parents

    You can follow Naomi, Rob and Wren's journey on instagram here.

    Bliss is also a useful resource for supporting families of babies born premature or sick.

    Follow this podcast on @themorethanmamapod.


    This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice. This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this special episode (PART 1 of 2) we dive deep into a topic that will be on so many people's minds as it is NICU awareness month, with the incredible Naomi Southern-Augustine.

    While ultimately this story has an incredible ending against all the odds with Wren continuing to thrive to this day, I want to include a trigger warning here for anyone not feeling in a space to listen to this story today, as we discuss at length Naomi's birth at 22 weeks 6 days, and the associated risks including potential infant loss as prior to 24 weeks this is not considered medically viable, as well as her NICU journey with a micro preemie, a whole host of challenges and eventual post partum PTSD.

    Naomi runs the instagram account @lifeinourarchford documenting her journey with her partner Rob and daughter Wren, and in this episode we discuss Wren’s absolutely amazing, miraculous, resilient, intensely challenging journey, including:

    Birth at 22+6NICUPalliative careMedical challenges and complicationsFeeding challengesWhy connecting with other NICU families was so essentialCaring for a micro-preemieThe long journey homeTests needed to pass to get homeHaving to fight to get proper communication from doctors and questions answered about issues with care9 attempts at discharge to get homeCelebrating her 100th dayThe feeling of being told it was ok to goHuge appreciation for NHS and NICU teams, how amazing the staff wereRob passing his driving test with Wren in NICU!Support from community nursesToday (day of recording) - Wren’s corrected FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! (16 months old, corrected age 12 months)Intensity of weekly appointments even after discharge, at one point being under 10 different specialties (and seeing nurses and consultants continues, still under optomology for eyes, still under cardiology, respiratory specialist) - it doesn’t stop once you leave NICUMental health during NICU and the first year afterwardsPost partum PTSD and flashbacks and intrusive thoughtsNaomi’s first day back at work tomorrow (the day after recording)Talking therapy and CBTLoving her job as a nurse but difficulty of leaving WrenThat it’s not all doom and gloom, they’ve celebrated and laughed, made friends for life with other NICU familiesNICU’s sole purpose is to help your little one survive (and to help those who can’t have a good death and support families through that unimaginable time)How lucky we are in the UK to access NICU on the NHSNaomi’s message for other NICU parents

    You can follow Naomi, Rob and Wren's journey on instagram here.

    Bliss is also a useful resource for supporting families of babies born premature or sick.

    Follow this podcast on @themorethanmamapod.


    This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice. This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode I chat with Suzanna Clark, who ditched a 6 figure salary and career at one of the world's largest investment banks JP Morgan to build her dream life in Bali and support other high achieving women to do the same (even if they have no idea what they want to do or what business to start!)

    Suzie Clark is an entrepreneur and founder of the Female Leadership Collective, retreat host, podcast host, sales, mindset and business expert, course creator and 1:1 business coach for women who want more.

    We discuss:

    Suzanna's storybeing funnelled into what society deems success and not finding fulfilmentquitting and flying to Balithe humbling move from moving from a banking salary to budgeting hardneeding to find a business idealaunching a blue light glasses business with a charity modelSuzanna's learnings from ecommercefailing fastfinding a business model that works for youthe problem with freelancingSuzanna’s lightbulb momentstarting The Female Leadership Collectivehow can you make the money you need & design a life that you enjoybeing realistic with business design, goals and growthbusiness isn’t what makes you happy - it’s a tooltaking a holistic view when structuring our lives for happinessbuilding and planning for a flexible life around having freedom (whether it’s for family or travel or other!)the moment Suzie realised she needed to leave financetaking goals like motherhood seriously and knowing their valuemaking our own rulesnot trading time for moneykey considerations for tailoring business to maximum flexibility for travel/freedom/future familyonline services business model benefitspurpose & fulfilmentSuzie’s advice for you if you want to build that flexible business but don't have a business idea yethow to find a business ideafeminine energy, femininity and male dominated workplacesfeeling safe to be yourself and fully authentic in business and life

    & so much more!

    Where to find Suzanna Clark and The Female Leadership Collective

    IG: @suzannasspace + @femaleleadershipcollective

    Website: https://femaleleadershipcollective.com/


    BALI RESET RETREAT with Suzie Clark here

    IG: @theresetretreatbali

    Signature course LAUNCH ACADEMY to launch your own business step by step


    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice. This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I was honoured to chat to Shayla Christine of @heyshayla for this episode, as she had literally just given birth to her THIRD BABY, a beautiful son (after two daughters!) named Colford, and was about 3 weeks postpartum and rocking up to record from her newborn bubble (albeit less of a bubble third child round!) all the way from Minnesota, US.

    Shayla is a mom of 3, YouTuber, content creator, influencer and entrepreneur, who started out full-time travelling and found herself full-time mom-ming for the first time in the midst of a global pandemic, and shares really amazingly relatable motherhood videos that strike the balance between acknowledging the challenges and tough moments of motherhood without being doom-and-gloom or mommy wine culture negative, and celebrating the joys and highs and how incredible motherhood is without toxic positivity or denying the struggles.

    In the episode we jump into all things motherhood mindset and:

    going from full time travel to SAHM (stay at home mom / stay at home mum)first time mom life during covidthe importance of partner supporttransitioning to being a mother of 3 children with her third babychoosing to (probably) be done at 3 babiesexclusive breastfeeding challenges,transitions from 0-1, 1-2, and 2-3 kids,kids personalities and the impact that has on your parenting experiencebeing on the same page as your partnerlogistics with 3 kidstravel being actually easier with your third baby in some ways, but also some challengesperspective shifts with more babies and knowing how fleeting it isunsolicited advicedo what works until it doesn’tfinding your flow in motherhoodworrying about yellingmaking mistakes and repairing after tough momentsShayla's new journalling guide to help you handle the challenges of motherhood and be the mum / mom you want to bedeciding the kind of mother you want to begetting what you want out of motherhoodtravelling to Hawaii with multiple kids and how journalling made the process smootherrelationship changes after 3 babies

    and so much more!

    Where to find Shayla

    IG: @heyshayla

    Youtube: Hey Shayla

    Website: https://www.heyshayla.com/

    Podcast: Hey Shayla

    Find Shayla's FREE downloads, Mindset Flip Book, Journalling Guide and motherhood merch here (I love and live in her Grow Good Humans sweater!)

    Want to start a YouTube channel? Check out Shayla's 'Youtube with Confidence' course


    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice. This podcast stands for supporting mothers and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Female pleasure, sex toys, and orgasms, oh my!

    Seriously though, what a woman, what a business and what a chat. Can't wait for you to hear this incredibly insightful and empowering episode, Female pleasure, sex toys, taboos & female founded business with SheSpot Co-Founder Kalila Bolton.

    In this episode we have an incredible guest who is making waves in the world of women’s wellness, sexual health and community-building, transforming the way women shop for sexual wellness - and ditching the taboos.

    Kalila Bolton is the cofounder of SheSpot, voted the Best Sexual Wellness Destination 2023, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to empowering women to prioritize their pleasure, wellness, and self-care. You may have seen them featured in household names Cosmopolitan, Women's Health and the Independent, or come across their range of products in Superdrug and Selfridges, or even spotted their diverse partnerships from working with Zoe Sugg 'Zoella' and Killing Kittens.

    Through SheSpot, Kalila is challenging taboos and creating spaces where women are empowered to reclaim and explore their pleasure as part of their wider health and wellness.

    In today’s episode, we’ll be diving into Kalila’s journey as an entrepreneur, her passion for transforming how women approach their well-being, and the mission behind SheSpot. We’ll also discuss the importance of pleasure and self-care in our busy lives and why it’s something I personally feel is so important for mums and their mental health, and how SheSpot is helping women everywhere reclaim their bodies.

    Get ready for an insightful conversation that will inspire you to challenge taboos, feel empowered to take charge of your pleasure and think differently about self-care and wellness, perhaps even start your own paradigm shifting business. 

    Where to find SheSpot

    Instagram: @shespotuk

    Website: www.shespot.co.uk 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/shespotuk/ 


    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shespotuk

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What an episode to kick off this first series of More than Mama! In this episode I chat to the lovely Carly Rowena, one of the OG instagram fitness influencers, personal trainer, entrepreneur, app founder, 1:1 mentor, retreat host and more, known for her raw honesty from fitness + body image to pregnancy + parenting, birth + babies, relationships + sex… and to top it off, she’s just the nicest human being.

    *trigger warning here as we have a free and open discussion which includes difficult birth experiences

    In this episode we talk about SO many things, including:

    Life in the jungle and raising children thereHandling siblingsConsentDifferent generations’ parentingRepair when you lose it in front of kids & healthy arguingEducating parentsMoving to Costa RicaMotherhood in different culturesLoneliness and isolation in UK motherhood vs community Post partum bodies, body image, body confidence, self loveBeing attacked on social media for having a positive pregnancy2 very different pregnancy experiences  Having a bump with visible absHating her 6 packLosing 2,000 followers when she stopped sharing images of Jax’s face onlineBanning Peppa PigEating vegetablesCarly’s book on death for childrenCarly and Jax’s beliefs around deathBody safetyTalking about sex and birth with kidsThe #1 super simple miracle product Carly recommends that helped her beautiful, positive, ‘dream’ home birth

    Where to find Carly Rowena

    IG: @carlyrowena

    TikTok: @carlyrowena

    Youtube: Carly Rowena

    Website: https://www.carlyrowena.com/

    App: www.moodment.com

    ‘My Beautiful Body’ available on Amazon worldwide here

    ‘Butterflies Live for 30 Days’ available on Amazon worldwide here

    Carly’s 2024/2025 Costa Rica retreat dates and booking

    Trial Carly’s App, as featured in Glamour, Stylist & Women's Health

    Carly Rowena’s FREE workout + meditation


    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to More than Mama: the podcast for every type of mum, where we'll be diving into all things motherhood and beyond. In this short trailer I go into the 'why' behind the name, and how there is no 'just' about being a mum.

    Instagram: @themorethanmamapod + @brionywrites

    More than Mama - the podcast for every type of mum where we dive into all things motherhood and beyond - the highs, lows and everything in between.

    The vibe here is coffee or a cocktail with friends meets interesting or inspirational TED Talk. This is a judgment-free space where no topic is off limits; a community for all mums, moms, mamas, mothers to be or those interested in asking the big questions about motherhood and more.

    Join us as we chat with incredible guests, exploring different perspectives and celebrating the journey, whatever it looks like for you. If you're all about cheering on other women, making choices that work for you and your family, finding your virtual village, and loving motherhood on your own terms - you're our people. Let's dive in.

    Our amazing guests are from all over the world - Bali, Costa Rica, the US, the UK, Australia... we've got entrepreneurs, authors, influencers, activists, female founders, YouTubers, experts in so many fields from mindset to parenting to nutrition to business... so many incredible women and amazing mothers - come join us and be part of the community.

    Navigating the wild ride of motherhood? This one's for you, whether you're thriving or just about surviving!

    Reminder and disclaimer

    This podcast is for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only and does not provide (or purport to provide) medical, legal, financial, business, nutritional or other advice. Please always consult the appropriate professional for such advice.

    This podcast is a judgment free space sharing a range of views, experiences and perspectives and those expressed in these conversations are not necessarily those of the host or any brands or corporations referenced.

    This podcast stands for supporting mothers (parents and carers too!) and lifting them up, whatever their journey looks like. Where guests and the host have made certain choices does not mean we believe everyone else should do the same. You know your family best.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.