The Book of Boba Fett has been on for six episodes and as it nears its 7th and final episode, we discuss the show in preparation for the finale. We discuss the show so far, what has worked and what hasn't and what we expect from The Mandalorian Season 3, Ahsoka, and the other Mando Era properties.
More Than Mando Show is BACK to tackle all things Boba! This week we briefly chat about episode 2 and then dive into depth on the far beefier episode 3! Boba is slowly growing his crime family but will he be able to do it quick enough?! A looming threat is descending on Tatooine and his claimed Empire....maybe if he'd just ask Bossk to join but what do we know! Robert Rodriguez has made a return to the director chair, for better or worse (we elaborate), and with him came a CHARMING cameo! Hope you enjoy this episode and remember, May the Force be with You!
Episodi mancanti?
The Long wait to return to the Galaxy Far Far Away is finally OVER! Last we saw Boba was in The Mandalorian S2 as he arrived back on Tatooine to take over what's left of Jabba's Criminal Empire. The Book of Boba picks up immediately here while also giving some backstory to a much asked question, what happened in the sarlacc pit?! The hosts may be a little divided on how this episode sits BUT we are unanimous in saying, it's good to be back in Star Wars content!
May the Force be with You!
We've arrived at the Mandalorian season 2 finale with Chapter 16 The Rescue. This episode is packed with content. Bo Katan returns. Din versus a Dark Trooper. Din versus Moff Gideon. Luke Skywalker himself versus a ton of Dark Troopers. This episode hits all the right beats and its only failing is that it had to end. What did we think about Luke? Din revealing his face in a final goodbye to Grogu had us in tears... and Boba Fett is getting his own season of the show?! But what about Din and Gorgu? We have a lot to unpack in this episode... let's jump in!
Bill Burr returns as Mayfeld and Din Djarin needs his help. With the help of Cara Dune and Boba Fett, they retrieve Mayfeld and go off in search of the coordinates of Moff Gideon. In this deceptively simple and action packed episode, we see Mando being to do whatever it takes to rescue Grogu. The clash is coming...
In this weeks episode we get an action packed nerd fest starring Boba Fett. After Din and Grogu arrive on Typhon to use the spirit stone, things escalate quickly. Boba Fett and the still alive Fennec Shand follow and the Empire not long after that. Mando is helped by Fennec and Boba as they fight back stormtroopers going after the child. Unfortunately, Dark Troopers are able to kidnap baby Yoda forcing our Manadalorian to chase after. Good news is, Boba Fett and Fennec are along for the ride.
What does this episode mean for the future of the Mandalorian? How do we feel about the Jango Fett retcon? Will the loss of the Razorcrest be a big blow to the series? Jedi elements and bigger Star Wars plot points are becoming more and more prevalent, let's discuss!
The moment has arrived Star Wars fans. Ahsoka Tano, fan favorite light side user extraordinaire, has made her live action debut thanks to Roserio Dawson and David Filoni. This episode of The Mandalorian is packed with reveals, developments, and new questions. Din Djarin finds out the name of The Child: Grogu. We also learn about (the Child formerly known as) baby Yoda's past. At least, some of it.
We break down this action packed episode and discuss the lore behind Ahsoka and the revelations she brought with her to the show. What does all of this mean for the future of Mando, the Child, and the show as a whole? Listen and we'll tell you.
This week's episode of the Mandalorian is titled: The Siege. It was Carl Weathers directorial debut for the show and he outdid himself both climatically and in homages to the original trilogy. We follow Mando and the Child back to Nevarro for repairs on the Razor Crest, which is literally falling apart. They reunite with Cara Dune (now the acting Marshal) and Greef Karga. As Din Djarin waits for repairs to be completed, he helps Dune and Karga infiltrate and take down an Imperial base. Once this base is destroyed, Nevarro will finally be truly safe and free. Inside we find more revelations regarding Moff Gideon's plans, what Dr. Pershing has been working on, and how our sweet Baby Yoda fits into all of their schemes and experiments.
We discuss the show, the Easter eggs, the impact on the story and lore as this season continues to ramp up and raise the bar. We're in for an amazing season if we keep on the trajectory the last few episodes have launched and we'll be right there to help guide you through it and flesh out the deeper aspects of the show.
Chapter 11 of The Mandalorian has arrived and it may potentially be the best episode of the series. Season 2 episode 3 of The Mandalorian finds Din Djarin and the Child finally making contact with more Mandalorians and its none other than (former) Mand'alor: Bo Katan of clan Kryze. Our beloved Mando is recruited to help Bo Katan and two of her Nite Owls with their plan to reclaim the Darksaber and Mandalore itself from Imperial hands. While weakened, the Empire is still very much a powerful presence in the Galaxy but even they are not a match for 4 Mandalorian warriors. This episode is full of answers, revelations, and new developments, packing more into 36 minutes than any previous episode of the show. Join us as we talk all things in The Heiress and where the show will be heading from here. (Hint: Ahsoka Tano!). This is the way and I have spoken.
This week on the More Mando Show, the podcast that gives you more Mando after the show, we look at Chapter 10 - The Passenger. Mando and the Child have a new lead on a Mandalorian coven in a close by system. But to get there, they must help a mother and her children reunite with their husband and father. The catch? Hyperspace will fatally wound the children. Mando begrudgingly takes on the side quest, despite the risks of sublight travel, knowing it will bring him one step closer to his Mandalorian brethren. We discuss what we liked and didn't like about the episode as it progressed, what the episode means for The Mandalorian as we continue the season, and what questions or discoveries we have now that this episode is in the books.
The Mandalorian returns with its season 2 premier episode: The Marshal. On this episodes we talk about the events following Din Djarin and the child as they continue their search for the Jedi. Their search leads them back to the Star Wars staple location, Tatooine, where Mando and baby yoda are in search of fellow Mandalorians. Din's hope is that with other Mandalorian's help, they can find leads regarding the mysterious Jedi. We're introduced to Timothy Olyphant's character, Cobb Vnath, who is the self appointed Marshal of a small settlement name Mos Pelgo and wearing the very familiar armor of Boba Fett. We discuss our reactions to the premier episode, the details hidden along the way, and where the series may go from here with what is revealed.
The More Mando Show is here to bring you more Mando after the show. In this inaugural episode, the hosts discuss unanswered questions left from season 1 of The Mandalorian. This includes the mysterious Dr. Pershing and the clone implications, the status and history of the Mandalorian Tribe, the owner of the boots and spurs at the end of The Gunslinger episode, and much more. A Darksaber history lesson is given as well, to help those who aren't familiar with the Clone Wars series or the Rebels series further understand the unique lighsaber's significance to Mandalorian history. This is but the prep episode for the new series. Tune in each week after the Mandalorian's new episodes for recap, review, and discussion of the show. "We have spoken" and "this is the way" and all that.