This week our special guest will be Cliff Little, Agriculture Educator from Ohio State Extension to talk about "Poisonous Plants in Pastures and the Landscape”.
Recognizing poisonous plants and properly managing animals, pastures and hay fields will help minimize the potential of poisoning animals. Most poisonings occur in the early spring or during a drought when feed is short. Plants which animal normally will not eat become a potential source of food and a potential source for poisoning, because animals are hungry and searching for food. Also, some herbicides may increase the palatability of some weeds.
Nitrate poisonings, acorns, buckeyes, water and poison hemlock, cyanide poisoning caused by sorghum species and chokecherry plants, glycoside poisoning from nightshades and cocklebur and photosensitive skin reactions from St. Johnswort and buckwheat are just a few issues livestock producers may deal with.
Homeowners deal with poison ivy, Tree of Heaven, pokeweed, nightshades, stinging nettle and other weeds, ornamentals and houseplants.
Cliff will share his insights and management tips to avoid poisonous plants and treatment options for affected animals and people. -
This week our special guest will be WVU Extension retired Agronomy Specialist Dr. Ed Rayburn to talk about "Drought Management for Livestock Farmers in West Virginia”
The summer of 2024 has been exceptionally dry. Pasture and hay production has been severely reduced by lack of rain fall and extreme heat. Since 1900, West Virginia has experienced several noteworthy droughts, including 1904, 1930–31, 1941, 1954, 1966, and 1988.
Many livestock farmers are hauling water as water sources have been severely affected by the lack of rainfall. In addition, they are also feeding winter hay reserves as grass growth in pastures has slowed significantly. Hay will be in short supply and is increasing in price.
Farmers should also take this opportunity to implement any needed management changes. Managed grazing practices such as pasture rotation, sufficient recovery periods, and appropriate stocking rates make pastures naturally more tolerant of drought conditions.
Dr. Rayburn will discuss strategies farmers can utilize to minimize the effects of drought on livestock production and profitability. -
Episodi mancanti?
Growing tree fruits in the home orchard or landscape can be an interesting and satisfying hobby. Fruit trees do, however, require considerable care, and people who are not willing or able to devote some time to their home orchard probably will be disappointed in their harvests. When fruit trees are carefully selected, properly located, and well managed, they can enhance the home landscape and provide fresh fruit for the family.
This week our special guest will be Dr. Matt Poore from North Carolina State Extension discussing the “Amazing Grazing Project”.
Pasture management is extremely important to any livestock producer. Amazing Grazing is a pasture-based livestock educational initiative that began at North Carolina’s Center for Environmental Farming Systems and has developed into a statewide program through North Carolina State Extension.
The program includes producer workshops, interagency advisor workshops, and research and demonstration projects. The three major themes of the Amazing Grazing Program are improved profitability, improved animal health and improved environmental sustainability.
Pasture-based production systems that achieve these three themes are good for farmers, good for their neighbors, and good for our non-farming population.Matt will discuss management strategies he teaches through the Amazing Grazing Project to improve the health of both pasture fields and livestock and increase your profits. -
Nutrition is one of the keys to healthy livestock and extremely important before lambing and kidding season. Nearly 70% of fetal growth occurs during the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, while rumen capacity is decreasing. The result is the need for increased nutrition, usually from a more nutrient-dense diet. Extra nutrition is needed to support fetal growth, especially if there are multiple fetuses. Extra feed is needed to support mammary development and ensure a plentiful milk supply. Proper nutrition will ensure the birth of strong, healthy offspring of moderate birth weight.
Birth weight is highly correlated to lamb and kid survival, with low and high birth weight offspring usually experiencing the highest mortality. Dr. Andrew Weaver will discuss management strategies producers can use to get ready before lambs and kids are born this 2024 season to increase the survival and health of our livestock. -
This week our special guest will be Dean Kreager from Ohio State Extension to talk about "Getting Cows Bred Back”.
Reproductive efficiency has long been recognized as the most economically important aspect of commercial beef production. Numerous research studies have shown that reproduction is several times more important than growth or carcass traits. Simply put, genetic superiority in any trait doesn’t matter if the beef female doesn’t get bred and deliver a live calf for the producer. Today’s cow-calf producers place high production demands on their beef cows for them to remain in the herd. Producers expect cows to calve without difficulty, provide enough colostrum and milk for a rapidly growing calf, come in heat quickly after calving and conceive early in the breeding season. Dean is an extension educator for Ohio State University Extension and he will share some insights and management practices to get cows bread back sooner, a higher percentage of the herd bread back within 60 days and improve profitability on the farm. -
Grab your cookies and milk for tomorrow's episode of Mountaineer FarmTalk! Oh and wear your ugly sweater too!
We will be joined by Jeff Sokal, President & CEO of Mountaintop Beverage will stop by spill the secret of what his company can do for dairy producers in West Virginia and beyond! -
This week our special guest will be Clif Little from The Ohio State University to talk about "Preparing for Winter with Livestock”. As winter is quickly approaching us, we want everyone to be prepared to care for their livestock. Livestock farmers should plan for adequate feed, making sure our animals have plenty of fresh water and access to dry areas that can block some wind. Preparation should begin before winter hits to ensure that you have the proper amounts of hay or forages stored for the cold season as well as making sure that barns and other shelters and winter equipment are repaired before we get into the heart of winter. Clif will share some recommendations and ideas for your checklist to prepare your farm for the upcoming winter weather.
This week our special guests will the WV Women in Ag Team from WVU Extension discussing “The 2023 WV Women in Ag Conference”.
Annie’s Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational programs designed to strengthen women’s roles in the modern farm enterprise. Working with partners across the United States, Annie’s Project helps female farmers build viable and sustainable farm businesses. WVU Extension partners with Annie’s Project to offer female farmers and agribusiness owners an opportunity to learn more about holistic business planning and risk management in a virtual, flexible format.
The annual West Virginia Women in Agriculture Conference November 17-18 at Canaan Valley Resort will provide research-based and practical educational opportunities for agribusiness women while fostering networking and leadership development.
Workshops focus on the five areas of risk management and production enterprises. Farm tours highlight successful operations and provide opportunities for participants to learn from other’s experiences. The conference rotates annually to demonstrate the diversity of agricultural enterprises throughout West Virginia.
Members of the WV Women in Ag Team will discuss all the speakers, farm tours, workshops and networking planned for the state conference coming up in November at Canaan Valley for the 2023 Conference. -
Proper postharvest handling of fresh market fruits and vegetables will allow you to sell high-quality products and extend the shelf life of your produce. The faster you get produce to the correct storage temperature, the longer it will last. You can help produce get to the appropriate storage temperature by removing the heat held by the product when it was growing in the field.
Most fruits and vegetables do not need to be cured prior to storing, but a few do, including onions, garlic, pumpkins, winter squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Curing heals wounded areas on the surface of fruit or tubers. It also helps the necks and outer skins of garlic and onions dry prior to long-term storage.
Dr. Jett will discuss proper curing to prevent plant pathogens from spreading in storage and extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. Produce is at its highest quality at harvest, so culling diseased or injured produce and storing only the highest quality product is important.
Dr. Jett has worked with Extension since 2007, specializing in vegetables and small fruit crops. He is passionate about his work, developing practical, economical production techniques for commercial vegetable growers and embarking on tours, workshops and production meetings that help growers expand their output. -
Join us this Friday at 10 AM, as we will be joined by CFAES Center for Cooperatives. Together we will explore the ins and outs, does and don'ts of cooperatives.
This week our special guest will be Alison Martin from The Livestock Conservancy to talk about "Preserving Rare Breeds of Livestock”. The mission of the Livestock Conservancy is to protect America’s endangered livestock and poultry breeds from extinction. Many of America’s once-common farm animals face extinction if we do not take action now. Rare farm animals represent an irreplaceable piece of livestock diversity and offer incredible variety that may be needed for future farms; robust health, mothering instincts, foraging, and the ability to thrive in a changing climate. These farm animals are a vital part of ensuring food security now and for the future. Alison Martin, program director of the Conservancy, will share with us the work this organization does to prevent extinctions, expand populations, educate beginning farmers, and help breeders establish new markets for their products.
This week our special guest will be Alan Franzluebbers, USDA Plant Science Research Ecologist to talk about "Improving Soil Health”. Soil health is important to farmers and gardeners alike because a healthy soil produces healthy plants. Healthy soil gives us clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests, productive grazing lands, diverse wildlife, and beautiful landscapes. Alan Franzluebbers will discuss ways to increase soil health.
Alan is a Research Ecologist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Raleigh, North Carolina. His research focuses on soil ecology and management for the development of more sustainable agricultural systems, along with multi-species cover cropping, agroforestry, integrated crop-livestock systems, nitrogen management, and conservation-tillage cropping. He is also the co-director of the Southeast Regional Climate Hub. -
This week Dr. Berry Crutchfield will talk about a new pest that has been found in West Virginia, the spotted Lantern fly, which attacks several host plants such as grapes, hops, and various fruit and timber trees. Native to Asia, this pest was first detected in 2019 near the town of Bunker Hill, WV in Berkeley county. The Eastern Panhandle is home to a profitable orchard industry, which could be affected by an increased spotted lanternfly population. This invasive pest is spreading slowly across the Mountain State. with a healthy appetite. Berry will discuss how far the Lantern Fly has spread and what control measures are being taken. He will also talk about other insect issues happening around West Virginia.
This week our special guests will be Lisa Bell and Hannah Fincham from WVU to talk about "Home Canning and Preserving”. This time of year, home gardeners are harvesting an abundance of vegetables to can and preserve to enjoy all winter. There are many reasons to can and preserve vegetables at home. First, it allows you to enjoy your vegetables even when they are out of season. You can also save money by harvesting excess fruits and vegetables from the garden or buy in bulk when they are in season at the farmers market, then preserve for later use. Canning and preserving also allows you to control the quality of the food you eat by using fresh ingredients and avoiding preservatives and other additives that are often found in store-bought canned goods. Lisa and Hannah will provide advice and recommendations for preserving a safe, nutritious and delicious homemade product.
Join us on Fridays at 10 EST for Mountaineer FarmTalk LIVE!