
  • Christians tend to develop their understanding of other religions, especially new religious movements or "cults," by way of comparison of sacred texts with concerns for orthodoxy and heresy. But other approaches to study add new facets of understanding such as fieldwork can also be helpful. In this podcast George Chryssides discusses his new book Fieldwork in New Religious Movements. In this conversation we discuss not only the academic use of fieldwork, but what "lay fieldwork" might look like as well. From the publisher's website:"New religious movements are often described as bizarre and sinister. Direct acquaintance, however, often gives a different impression from media portrayals and even from some academic writing. After decades of undertaking fieldwork, the author George Chryssides discusses his experiences, as well as studies by other scholars, and the issues that fieldwork involves. How do one's personal beliefs and lifestyle impinge on field research? How involved should a participant–observer become? How should we assess what we are told by insiders and ex-members? What ethical problems does field research create? How should we engage in online fieldwork, arising from the increasing use of the Internet, accelerated by the Covid pandemic? These are among the issues which this Element explores, and which will be of interest both to field researchers and to those who read about the fieldwork of others."George D. Chryssides is Honorary Research Fellow at York St John University, UK, and was formerly Head of Religious Studies at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. His website can be found at http://www.religion21.com/.You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

  • Erin Stiles is the author of The Devil Sat on My Bed: Encounters with the Spirit World in Mormon Utah. As the back cover describes:

    "In the mountains of beautiful, bucolic northern Utah, many Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are visited by spirits. Local folklore is filled with stories of uncanny encounters of all kinds, and Latter-day Saint scripture and prophetic teachings emphasize the reality and the importance of the spirit world. Spirit encounters are common in this community. People report visits from the benevolent spirits of kin offering aid and also from evil spirits who tempt and harass. Combining folklore research with ethnography, the book examines many types of spirit encounters and shows that such experiences must be understood as particularly Latter-day Saint phenomena.

    "Spirit encounters take place within a larger cultural and religious framework that emphasizes the important relationships between living and non-living beings. For Mormons in northern Utah, spirit lore and experiences are interpreted and understood with reference to Latter-day Saint cosmology and particularly Mormon conceptions of the nature of the person, the spirit, and the family, and the nature of righteousness, evil, and spiritual power. The book also explores how people in Utah differentiate between "Mormon culture," the institutional church, and how they understand the "true" meaning of the religion, which has relevance far beyond understanding of people's relationship to the spirit realm and spirit power, and speaks to key issues of concern―and polarization―among Latter-day Saints today."

    Erin E. Stiles is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno. Her primary interests are in the anthropology of religion and law, and she has worked in East Africa and in the western United States. She has conducted extensive ethnographic research on the everyday workings of Islamic courts in Zanzibar, Tanzania, with a particular focus on marital disputes. Her more recent work focuses on Latter-day Saint experiences of the spirit realm in northern Utah, where she grew up.The Devil Sat on My Bed: https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Sat-My-Bed-Encounters/dp/0197763758/Erin Stiles: https://www.unr.edu/anthropology/people/erin-stiles

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead#Mormonism #Spirits #anthropology

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  • Much of the discussion of UFOs is focused around the two poles of extraterrestrial spaceships or skeptical debunking. In this podcast David J. Halperin provides another perspective, that of myth, to help shed light on UFOs as meaning-making things. We do this by unpacking his book Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO (Stanford University Press, 2020).

    David Halperin taught Judaic studies in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, until his retirement in 2000. He has published five nonfiction books on Jewish mysticism and messianism, as well as the coming-of-age novel Journal of a UFO Investigator (2011). He blogs about UFOs, religion, and related subjects at www.davidhalperin.net.

    Intimate Alien: https://www.amazon.com/Intimate-Alien-Hidden-Spiritual-Phenomena/dp/1503607089/

    Be sure to check the other episodes in our Paranormal Playlist.

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #UFOs #myth #DavidHalperin

  • Rabbi Leon Ariel Mellul of the International Raëlian Movement is the guest who discusses the group's origins in a meeting with extraterrestrials called the Elohim, their work in the creation of humanity, the place of their founder Raël in a long line of prophets from the world's religions, their millenarian philosophy of the return of the Elohim, and responses to various aspects of their religion that has received critical reporting in the media over the years.

    Rabbi Mellul was born in a traditional Jewish family until November 1987 when he discovered the book Intelligent Design by Raël. He came to understand that the Elohim were an extraterrestrial civilization who had been mistaken for gods by our primitive ancestors. Since then has has been a part of the Raëlian Movement with a special connection to the Israeli Raëlian Movement.

    Links to the Raëlian Movement:www.rael.org www.Alliance4ET.org www.1min4peace.org www.isralestinian-gandhis.org

    Scholarly discussions of the Raëlian Movement:

    Aliens Adored: Raël's UFO Religion by Susan J. Palmer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0813534763/ UFO Religions by Christopher Partridge: https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Religions-Christopher-Partridge/dp/0415263247/ Handbook of UFO Religions edited by Benjamin Zeller: https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Religions-Handbooks-Contemporary-Religion/dp/9004434372/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #RaelianMovement #UFOReligions #UFOs

  • Elias D'eis, Executive Director of the Holy Land Trust, shares about his life as a Palestinian Christian in the West Bank, life under the Israeli military occupation, the role of a Christian in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the work of The Holy Land Trust.

    Elias D'eis was born into a Christian family with a long history of nonviolent resistance in Beit Sahour. His life was shaped during the First Intifada, watching his father and his community find the path towards justice through peaceful resistance. It was through his Christian upbringing, holding onto Jesus's sacred words of "loving thy neighbor," that led Elias into a life journey of engaging his community in transformation.

    Joining Holy Land Trust in 2007 as a travel coordinator, Elias has grown the Travel & Encounter program. His department now facilitates tours and educational packages to some 1,500 peacemakers and sojourners a year. In June 2019, Elias got promoted to the Executive Director of Holy Land Trust after he spent the last decade investing his life into the mission and vision because it is something that he truly believes in: "Building communities of trust and respect." Holy Land Trust: https://www.holylandtrust.org/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead#HolyLandTrust #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #GazaWar

  • J. Gordon Melton, the noted scholar of new religions, joins us in this episode to discuss the Church of Scientology.

    Dr. J. Gordon Melton, became Distinguished Professor of American Religious History of Baylor University’s Institute for Studies in Religion in March of 2011. He also serves as the director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Woodway, Texas. Since joining ISR, he has been developing a set of joint projects between ISR and the Woodway-based Institute, the initial project being a comprehensive census of the American Buddhist and Hindu communities completed in 2010 (with and updated census having been launched in 2019). In addition, he has for the last two decades been monitoring the changing state of the church in China.

    In 1968 he founded the Institute for the Study of American Religion and has remained it’s director for the last 49 years. The institute is devoted to organizing, motivating, and producing research-based studies and educational material on North American Religion. It has been responsible for the publication of more than 400 reference and scholarly texts since its founding, including multiple editions of Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions (9th edition, 2016).

    Dr. Melton is a pioneering scholar in the field of New Religions Studies and helped to create the sub-discipline. He sits on the international board of the Center for Studies in New Religions (CESNUR) based in Turin, Italy, the primary academic association focusing studies of new and minority religions.

    J. Gordon Melton at Baylor: https://www.baylorisr.org/about-baylorisr/distinguished-professors/j-gordon-melton/

    Melton's book on Scientology: https://www.amazon.com/Church-Scientology-Studies-Contemporary-Religions/dp/1560851392

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #GordonMelton #Scientology

  • Matthew Bowman discusses the first American UFO abduction account detailed in his new book The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America (Yale University Press, 2023). From the book's dust cover: "Bowman tells the fascinating story of the Hills as an account of the shifting winds in American politics and culture in the second half of the twentieth century. He exposes the promise and fallout of the idealistic reforms of the 1960s and how the myth of political consensus has given way to the cynicism and conspiratorialism of American life today."Matthew Bowman is associate professor of religion and history and Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University. His books include The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith.

    Matthew Bowman: https://www.cgu.edu/people/matthew-bowman/

    The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America: https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300251388/the-abduction-of-betty-and-barney-hill/

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  • On July 25 The Satanic Temple (TST) celebrated one of their holidays, Unveiling Day. Their website describes this as a time to commemorate the unveiling of their Baphomet with Children statue in 2015. This holiday includes a "celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition." In this collaborative podcast episode with Sacred Tension, TST minister Stephen Bradford Long, and progressive Christian Randal Rauser, discuss perspectives on these aspects of the holiday.

    Stephen Bradford Long is a nontheistic minister with TST, and host of the Sacred Tension podcast. He also recently started writing for Substack. Randal Rauser is a Christian who has written several books on a neighborly engagement with atheism, including Conversations with My Inner Atheist, An Atheist and a Christian Walk Into a Bar, and Is the Atheist My Neighbor?.

    Stephen Bradford Long: https://stephenbradfordlong.com/

    Randal Rauser: https://randalrauser.com/

    Holidays of The Satanic Temple: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/holidays

    Stephen's Substack article mentioned in the program: https://sacredtension.substack.com/p/i-left-christianity-because-i-stopped

    Sacred Tension's episode of this conversation: https://sacredtension.substack.com/p/pluralism-and-archaic-superstition For more on The Satanic Temple see Joseph Laycock's book Speak of the Devil: How The Satanic Temple is Changing the Way We Talk About Religion (Oxford University Press, 2020): https://global.oup.com/academic/product/speak-of-the-devil-9780190948498

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    Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead #Satanism #TheSatanicTemple #atheism #Christianity

  • George Chryssides discusses the book The Covid Pandemic and the World's Religions (Bloomsbury, 2023), which he co-edited with Dan Cohn-Sherbok. In the book, believers from a variety of faith communities were asked to assess how the Covid pandemic has affected their faith. Two exponents of each major religion and a number of minority faiths comment on these issues, combined with a concluding essay by the editors assessing the overall impact of the pandemic on religion worldwide. Faiths explored include Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Sikh, Baha'i, Jain, African Traditional Religion, Zoroastrian, Unitarian, Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.Chryssides is Honorary Research Fellow at York St. John's University, UK and was formerly Head of Religious Studies at the University of Wolverhampton, UK.George Chryssides: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/author/george-d-chryssides/

    The Covid Pandemic and the World's Religions: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/covid-pandemic-and-the-worlds-religions-9781350349643/

    If ordering online from Bloomsbury, a 20% discount is available by quoting the relevant code below:

    UK, Europe and rest of world: GLR TT9UK

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    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead


  • In this podcast Celucien Joseph discusses Christianity and Haitian Vodou in dialgoue, including stereotypes of the tradition, Afrophobia and Vodouphobia, Protestant and Catholic responses to Haitian Vodou, suggestions for productive theological exchanges and dialogue, and the need for greater familiarity with the Caribbean theological tradition and its theologians and biblical scholars.Dr. Joseph (affectionately called "Doctor Lou") is an award-winning author and a well-regarded Haitian-American author, scholar, and researcher. By training, he is an intellectual historian, literary scholar, and a theologian. Currently, he serves as Professor and Chair of the English Department at San Jacinto College.

    Celucien Joseph: https://drcelucienjoseph.com/bio/"Refining cultural, national, and religious identity: The Christian-Vodouist dialogue?": https://www.academia.edu/28160823/_Redefining_Cultural_National_and_Religious_Identity_The_Christian_Vodouist_dialogue

    Revolutionary Change and Democratic Religion: Christianity, Vodou, and Secularism: https://www.amazon.com/Revolutionary-Change-Democratic-Religion-Christianity-ebook/dp/B087TKVT1J

    Vodou in the Haitian Experience: A Black Atlantic Perspective: https://www.amazon.com/Vodou-Haitian-Experience-Atlantic-Perspective-ebook/dp/B01EO0PEP2

    Vodou in Haitian Memory: The Idea and Representation of Vodou in Haitian Imagination; https://www.amazon.com/Vodou-Haitian-Memory-Representation-Imagination-ebook/dp/B01EVZ3RA4

    "Revising Caribbean Theological Tradition: 20 Haitian Theologians and Biblical Scholars You Should Know": https://theglobalchurchproject.com/haitian-theologians/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead #vodou #voodoo #haiti

  • Christians are fascinated by conversion stories of ex-occultists, particularly Witches and Satanists. From Mike Warnke and Bill Schnoebelen in the past, to contemporary figures like John Ramirez, these stories help confirm the faith identities and worldview of Christians in a battle of good vs. evil. Douglas Cowan and Joseph Laycock unpack various aspects of this phenomenon, and how they fit into contemporary satanic panic. Doug Cowan is a professor of Religious Studies and Social Development Studies at Renison University College at the University of Waterloo. For many years he was a co-general editor of the premier journal of new religions study, Nova Religio, and chair of the New Religious Movements Group of the American Academy of Religion. Joseph Laycock is an assistant professor of religious studies at Texas State University. He has written several books on new religious movements and American religious history. He is also a co-editor for the journal Nova Religio.

    Douglas Dowan: https://uwaterloo.ca/renison/about/people/douglas-e-cowan

    Joseph Laycock: https://faculty.txst.edu/profile/1922193

    Related resources:Selling Satan: The Evangelical Media and the Mike Warnke Scandal by Mike Hertenstein and Jon Trott


    Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Satanic Abuse in History by David Frankfurterhttps://www.amazon.com/Evil-Incarnate-Demonic-Conspiracy-Satanic/dp/0691136297/ Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media by Bill Ellishttps://www.amazon.com/Raising-Devil-Satanism-Religions-Media/dp/0813121701/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio.

    Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org

    Support this work:One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #occult #apostatetestimony #Satanist #witch

  • Psychedelics have long been connected to religion, including the Jewish and Christian traditions. In addition, there are now psychedelic chaplains, psychedelic churches, and people seeking out psychedelics not only for spiritual reasons but also to treat conditions like PTSD and anxiety. Yet like with many other aspects of culture, the church is ill prepared to address psychedelics. Kaleb Graves is our guest as we explore questions related to psychedelic theology. Graves is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship minister and educator living in North Carolina. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in psychology. He is focusing his efforts on Psychedelic Theology.

    Kaleb’s website: https://www.psychedelictheology.com/

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/psychedelic_theology?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA

    “Is your church ready for the spiritual revolution of LDS, DMT and magic mushrooms? By Kaleb Graves at Baptist News Global: https://baptistnews.com/article/is-your-church-ready-for-the-spiritual-revolution-of-lsd-dmt-and-magic-mushrooms/ Items referenced in this podcast:

    “Caves all the way down: Do psychedelics give access to a universal, mystical experience of reality, or is that just a culture-bound illusion?” By Jules Evans. Aeon. https://aeon.co/essays/is-psychedelics-research-closer-to-theology-than-to-science “Marijuana Found at Ancient Temple in Israel.” Biblical Archaeological Society. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/marijuana-found-at-ancient-temple-in-israel/

    Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/philosophy-and-psychedelics-9781350231610/

    “Christianity and Psychedelic Medicine: A Pastoral Approach.” By Bryan McCarthy. Christian Bioethics 29, no. 1 (March 2023): 31-57. https://academic.oup.com/cb/article-abstract/29/1/31/6705514

    DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible by Rich Strassman, M.D. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1594773424

    DMT The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences https://www.amazon.com/dp/0892819278

    Sacred Knowledge: Psychedelics and Religious Experiences by William Richards https://www.amazon.com/dp/0231174063 #psychedelics #theology

  • Greater attention is needed to various concepts in the study of religion that may be assumed to be settled, but in reality need to be contested. George Chryssides discusses this in this episode, including concepts like “religion,” “world religion,” “cult,” and “new religious movement.” Chryssides is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at York St. John University, UK. His books include The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians, Historical Dictionary of Jehovah's Witnesses second edition, Jehovah's Witnesses: Continuity and Change, The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements, and he is co-editor with Amy R. Whitehead of Contested Concepts in the Study of Religion. Contested Concepts in the Study of Religion: A Critical Exploration (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023) https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/contested-concepts-in-the-study-of-religion-9781350243804/

    George D. Chryssides: https://yorksj.academia.edu/GeorgeChryssides

    Amy R. Whitehead: https://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/expertise/profile.cfm?stref=950550

    Book launch Contested Concepts contributor discussion hosted by INFORM: https://youtu.be/U3QcYvuFknY

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org

    Support this work: One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donateBecome my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #religion #religiousstudies #GeorgeChryssides

  • How might a member of a minority religion feel about aggressive Christian preaching at their sacred venues? Can such evangelistic efforts function in ways that restrict the religious freedoms of others? Heron Michelle, a Pagan, shares her perspective resulting from interactions with a street preacher outsider her business.

    Heron (Greenville, NC) is a witch, priestess, artist, and mom. She is the founding high priestess of the Sojo Circle Coven, and she created a training program in modern witchcraft, which she’s taught year-round since 2010. Heron is the owner of the Sojourner Whole Earth Provisions metaphysical shop, and she’s a Reiki master, tarot reader, and clairvoyant. She writes the blog Witch on Fire at Patheos Pagan, and she regularly lectures at local universities, festivals, and conferences.

    Heron Michelle’s website

    Witch on Fire blog

    Video of Heron talking to EC Street Preacher

    “Pagan ‘metaphysical shops navigate threats from Christian critics” at RN

    “Christian groups step up harassment of pagan festivals” at RNS

    For more on a respectful and informed Pagan-Christian dialogue see the book Beyond the Burning Times: A Pagan and Christian in Dialogue by Philip Johnson and Gus diZerega (Lion, 2008).

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio.

    Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

    Support this work:One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donateBecome my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #Paganism #religiousfreedom #evangelism

  • April 19, 2023 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the fire which ended the standoff between federal agents and members of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Much has been learned about this tragedy over the last few decades, and it continues to be relevant to events in politics and religion. Catherine Wessinger is our guest sharing her expertise in this area.

    Catherine Wessinger is the Rev. H. James Yamauchi, S.J. Professor of the History of Religions at Loyola University New Orleans. She is the author of How the Millennium Comes Violently: From Jonestown to Heaven’s Gate (2000); editor of Millennialism, Persecution, and Violence: Historical Cases (2000); editor of The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism (2011); editor of three Branch Davidian survivor autobiographies for Bonnie Haldeman (David Koresh’s mother), Sheila Martin, and Clive Doyle. She has served as a co-general editor of Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions since 2000.

    She has written a number of book chapters and a journal article on the Branch Davidians-federal agents conflict outside Waco, Texas.

    Among the most significant is the 2009 journal article, “Deaths in the Fire at the Branch Davidians’ Mount Carmel: Who Bears Responsibility?” in Nova Religio; and a chapter titled, “The FBI’s ‘Cult War’ against the Branch Davidians,” in the 2017 edited volume,The FBI and Religion.

    Her YouTube channel—https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

    Support this work:One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

  • Ida Glaser leads the Reading the Bible in the Context of Islam project at the Center for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford, UK, and is the Director of Center for Muslim and Christian Studies, Houston, TX. She also overseas the International Partnership and the Langham Bible Commentaries from Muslim Contexts project on behalf of the Solomon Academic Trust. Previously she taught in the areas of Qur'an and Bible and History of the Muslim-Christian Dialogue at the University of Edinburgh.

    Center for Muslim-Christian Studies, UK: https://www.cmcsoxford.org.uk/about-us/our-team/publications-ida-glaserCenter for Muslim-Christian Studies, Houston: https://www.cmcshouston.org/

    Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation (London: Langham, 2016) (With Hannah Kay): https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Biblically-about-Islam-Transfiguration/dp/1839731915/

    Routledge Reading the Bible in Islamic Context Series: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Biblical-Interpretation-in-Islamic-Context-Series/book-series/RBIICThe Bible and Other Faiths: what does the Lord require of us? (Leicester: IVP, 2005): https://www.amazon.com/Bible-Other-Faiths-Require-Christian/dp/1907713050/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio.

    Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

    Support this work:One-time donation: https://multifaithmatters.org/donate Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead#IdaGlaser #Islam #Quran #Bible

  • Today's cosmopolitan, multicultural, and multifaith environments call for new approaches to apologetics. In order to free Christian apologetics from dominant Western habits of mind ill-suited to interreligious dialogue, we must listen and speak with both humility and confidence. In their book Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics, Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan provide a global, intercultural introduction to Christian apologetics. Building on recent developments in apologetics and missiology, as well as their experience teaching internationally in Europe, Asia, and Africa, Van den Toren and Tan offer an approach that is conversational, patient, holistic, and embodied. Benno van den Toren unpacks this in our conversation.

    Benno van den Toren (PhD, Theological University in Kampen) is professor of intercultural theology at the Protestant Theological University in Groningen, the Netherlands. He has taught in French-speaking Africa and at Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, and his books include Christian Apologetics as Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Reasons for My Hope: Responding to Non-Christian Friends.

    Benno van den Toren: https://www.pthu.nl/en/about-us/people/b.vandentoren/

    Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics: https://www.amazon.com/Humble-Confidence-Model-Interfaith-Apologetics/dp/0830852948/

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    Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

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    #BennovandenTorren #KangsanTan #interfaith #apologetics

  • Dr. Jack Hunter provides an anthropological perspective on the paranormal. Hunter is an anthropologist exploring the borderlands of ecology, religion and the paranormal. He lives in the hills of Mid-Wales with his family. He is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and a Research Fellow with the Parapsychology Foundation, New York. He is the founder and editor of Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, the author of Spirits, Gods and Magic: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Supernatural (2019) and Engaging the Anomalous (2018). He is the editor of Strange Dimensions: A Paranthropology Anthology (2015), Damned Facts: Fortean Essays on Religion, Folklore and the Paranormal (2016), and is co-editor with Dr. David Luke of Talking With the Spirits: Ethnographies from Between the Worlds (2014). To find out more about his work visit www.jack-hunter.webstarts.com.

    Deep Weird: The Varieties of High Strangeness Experience: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Weird-Varieties-Strangeness-Experience/dp/1786772248/

    Damned Facts: Fortean Essays on Religion, Folklore, and the Paranormal: https://www.amazon.com/Damned-Facts-Religion-Folklore-Paranormal-ebook/dp/B01BRL7UUS/Jack Hunter's Deep Weird Dialogues: https://www.youtube.com/@Discarnates

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

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    Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead #paranormal #JackHunter

  • Moral theology provides a helpful but often neglected avenue for multifaith engagement beyond Christian emphasis upon evangelism and apologetics. James Keenan discusses the New Testament's teaching on virtue ethics, particularly humility and love, and how these can be practiced in multifaith contexts. Keenan is Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Canisius Professor, Director of The Jesuit Institute at Boston College. He is the author of several books, including one related to this conversation, Jesus and Virtue Ethics: Building Bridges Between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology, which he co-authored with Daniel Harrington.

    James Keenan: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/mcas/departments/theology/people/faculty-directory/james-keenan-sj.html

    Jesus and Virtue Ethics: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Virtue-Ethics-Building-Testament/dp/0742549941/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

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    Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead #moraltheology #virtueethics #NewTestamentStudies #JamesKeenan #multifaith

  • One of world's leading experts on contemporary atheism and nonreligiosity, sociologist and theologian Stephen Bullivant draws on dozens of interviews, original analysis of high-quality survey data, and a wealth of cutting-edge studies, to present an entertaining and insightful exploration of America's ex-religious landscape. Bullivant holds professorial positions at St. Mary’s University, London, and the University of Notre Dame, Sydney. He has doctorates in theology and sociology. His studies of contemporary nonreligiosity have received wide international coverage, including from the BBC, New York Times, Economist, Financial Times and Der Speigel. In this episode we are discussing his book Nonverts: The Making of Ex-Christian America (OUP, 2022).

    Stephen Bullivant: https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/staff-directory/stephen-bullivant

    Nonverts: The Making of Ex-Christian America: https://www.amazon.com/Nonverts-Ex-Christian-America-Stephen-Bullivant/dp/0197587445/

    You can listen to Multifaith Matters on your favorite podcast platform, including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio. Learn more about our work at https://www.multifaithmatters.org.

    Support this work:

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    Become my patron: https://patron.podbean.com/johnwmorehead

    #Nones #Nonverts #StephenBullivant #atheism