
  • I kept reading study after study about the benefits of cardio for your health, longevity, and brain function. Just one problem: I HATED CARDIO!!

    Thanks to sheer willpower I spent the last 3 years trying stuff out to see what stuck!

    * 1 year of 80/20 approach (80% of the time in zone 2 on a stationary bike, 20% of the time getting into zone 5). No significant result.

    * 1 year of running. outside. a lot (by my standards). about 20kms per week. An average of 3-5kms per run. Mostly trying to stay in zone 2 and occasionally taking it to zone 3. No significant result.

    * About 6 months of HIIT training. Specifically on the assault bike doing the Norwegian 4x4 method (4 rounds of 4 mins on, 4 mins off, at the highest intensity possible). Vo2 Max result of 50.8

    (my apple watch reading for this exact same workout was not as gracious)

    So I made a video about it too. Check it out here.

    A slight complication happens when you consider that zones aren’t a thing!

    There are a few ways to determine your heart rate (HR) zones, including:

    * Karvonen formula

    This formula is [Maximum heart rate – resting heart rate] x % intensity + resting heart rate = training zone.

    * HRR percentages

    This method calculates your HR training zones using percentages of your heart rate reserve (HRR). There are typically five zones, each representing a different intensity level.

    * Age-based formula

    This classic formula is 220 - your age, but it may be inaccurate for older people. A revised formula is 208 - 0.7 x your age.

    * Maximal exercise stress test

    This is a more accurate way to determine your maximum heart rate (MHR) by undergoing a test with a healthcare provider.

    “Your body and your heart couldn't care less about minor variances between calculators or formulas. Forget what those things tell you or what "some say." Do whatever feels right to you.” - Reddit User

    zone 1: You could be talking on the phone and the person on the other end wouldn't know that you were exercising.

    zone 2: You can converse mostly normally on the phone but the other person would be able to tell that you were exercising.

    zone 3: You can't converse without really obvious breaks in talking.

    The unfortunate thing about this is that I can, under my current routine, be in zone 4 according to my max heart rate test results, and still speak like the zone 3 listed above, but also be in zone 2 according to the calculation methods above.

    My Current Routine

    Based off this youtube video, I decided to make some changes.

    The basic idea is that we have only 2 things to truly train: delivery and utilization of O2. Below are the intervals.

    So of course you need to know your threshold! When do you flip from burning fat and using aerobic respiration to burning carbs as fuel and anaerobic respiration? Well, according to my assessment, it is 153bpm for me!

    Therefore, I now do 3x 30 minute sessions per week. All on the assault bike.

    Twice a week I do:

    30 mins of 5 mins on, 2.5 mins off (ratio of 2:1), typically between 129bpm - 152bpm.

    Once a week I do

    30 mins of 20 secs on, 200 secs (3min20s) off (ratio of 1:10), typically pushing my HR above 162.


    Recently, my apple watch rated me at 52.8!!

    I’ll keep going and in October, I’ll do another metabolic assessment to see if it agrees with my apple watch. I’ll also do another garmin watch test (minimum of 10 mins of running outside to get a measurement). I’ll also do vo2 max tests with walking and running to see what each of them estimates my vo2 max to be.

    Thank you for subscribing, a bit of an unusual post today as I don’t normal like to talk about physical training too much, but I’m really enjoying myself at the moment.

    As you can see, I have started uploading Premium Audio Courses to this substack, these are courses available on Insight Timer too, under the premium membership, but I decided that I wanted to make sure they are here too. Feel free to start a FREE 7 DAY TRIAL and check them out to see if they are helpful. I will potentially open up the premium subscription here to also include monthly coaching calls, and also add an option for 1-2-1 coaching calls.

    Check out the Premium Courses here

    Index Of Our Premium Courses

    8 full Premium Audio Courses now available with more coming soon!

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • DISCLAIMER: this is me sharing what I have found. Nowhere in this is advice for you. I’m not pretending to be an expert here, I am just sharing my thoughts.

    I’m sure at one point or another we have all wanted to lose weight and everyone has heard the same boring crap. Eat less, move more. Although it is much more complex than that… (Basal Metabolic Rate accounts for almost all our calories and just eating less is the jam, providing we can avoid eating disorders).

    I’ve heard these all:

    * cut your carb intake

    * fasted cardio

    * don’t eat with a screen

    * eat slower

    * don’t eat junk food

    * you can eat junk food as long as its within your calories

    * portion sizes

    * plate sizes

    Have I missed any?

    Now the main issue for me is always my hunger! Maybe I was born with an appetite or maybe I’m a glutton but I always have seconds, I always want more and I always have room for dessert.

    My wife’s parents literally call me “Fan tong” which is Cantonese for “rice bucket” 😂 based on how much I eat when I go to their house.

    SOooooo, the issue was always:

    How do I eat a calorie deficit without feeling hungry?

    When I did a cut last year, it was hell, it was long and it was minimal in terms of results. I cut for 3 months! 500 calories a day and some days felt like I would die of hunger. Who wants that?

    The Secret Hack

    Whilst watching a video of Mitchell Hooper, a strongman competitor, he mentioned something so quickly in passing that I almost missed it. BUT I got it and I reversed it. and that’s when the weight loss started.

    Here are the 2 most important points




    What? I’m gonna give it away in the post? Listen to the audio! This is a primarily audio thing dammit.

    Ok, I’ll give it up. But only coz I like you.

    Number 1 is to chew your food until it’s a paste. Increasing the chewing means the signaling to your system to turn down the hunger signaling hormone (ghrelin) and turning up the satiety signaling hormone (leptin). It is all controlled through chewing, nothing to do with being distracted by screens, or managing plate and portion sizes. It’s all bollocks I’d say. Chewing more. Chew your food until it is a paste. Number 2 is that it introduces a “chew-ability scale” or how many chews and calorie load per bite. If you eat a cookie, one bite may contain, let’s say 30 calories, but the chews-per-bite metric is low, perhaps a max of 10 chews before it is paste. Therefore, many calories, few chews results in still feeling hungry with a lot of calories consumed. Let’s say we have chicken with some kind of vegetable, depending on how you cook them, you will change how many chews-per-bite they require. Generally, it will take about 30-50 chews-per-bite in order to chew it to a paste. For the amount of calories in the bite, let’s assume the same, perhaps even more than the cookie, you are sending the signal to the body to turn down hunger and turn up satiety. However, any kind of ultra-processed food is usually fewer chews-per-bite, and more calories-per-bite, making it a poor trade-off. Whereas whole foods tend to be more hews-per-bite, and fewer calories-per-bite, also more nutrients-per-bite. You get the picture. Hacking these ultimately led to my weight loss.

    What I’m tracking and doing

    I do 3 things…

    1 - I track my calories using the myfitnesspal app. This way I control CALORIES IN. This eventually becomes easy as you get the hang of it. This is as tough as it gets, it’s downhill from here on out.

    2 - I wear an apple watch which, through the app Athlytic, I can see my burned vs consumed calories. This way I also see CALORIES OUT. Literally don’t need to do anything. It is all collected automatically and is there for me to see whenever I want.

    3 - I measure myself on the fitindex electronic scale every morning, this way I can keep an eye on the effect of my previous day’s efforts. This is how I see the RESULTS. Once again, I literally just stand on the scale in the morning with the app connected and it logs everything for me. I’m so lazy 😄


    Muscle loss avoidance:

    Losing weight could mean both muscle and fat, this is true. Looking at all the advice, there are some things to ensure I am keeping the good stuff and shedding the unwanted stuff.

    Firstly, consuming enough protein. Menno Henselmans is the pro that I’d cite here, saying 1.6g/kg of bodyweight (at the high end, just to be sure)

    Secondly, using the muscles. When you do strength training, it doesn’t burn quite as many calories as cardio however using your muscles signals your body that you still need them and therefore the body doesn’t break them down. That is the concept, and this is advice given by many pros in the space who see clients who only do cardio and neglect resistance training during a cut, losing as much muscle as fat.

    Thank you for subscribing, a bit of an unusual post today as I don’t normal like to talk about physical training too much, but I’m really enjoying myself at the moment.

    As you can see, I have started uploading Premium Audio Courses to this substack, these are courses available on Insight Timer too, under the premium membership, but I decided that I wanted to make sure they are here too. Feel free to start a FREE 7 DAY TRIAL and check them out to see if they are helpful. I will potentially open up the premium subscription here to also include monthly coaching calls, and also add an option for 1-2-1 coaching calls.

    Check out the Premium Courses here

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
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    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • This is a meditation I call the Smile Bank – literally 15 minutes where your goal is to think of things you have experienced recently that make you smile. Through this, you will strengthen neurons and pathways that will make it easier in the future to recognize opportunities to smile, storing them for future meditations, and making you smile more. This helps elevate your mood via neurotransmitters, vagal tone. It alleviate stress and has other benefits like better more grey matter in the brain! Think of it like lifting a heavy weight to train your mind.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • “ Rule your mind or it will rule you. ”

    - Buddha

    The commodification of mindfulness

    The business of mindfulness is fast becoming a pillar of the $4.5T wellness industry. The US meditation industry is now worth $1B.

    So much of mindfulness is made up of the industry at large, but the deeper question is always “WHY”!

    What is the point of a mindfulness practice? Despite hearing all the positives of a mindfulness practice, there are risks! Did you know that? Were you aware there are adverse effects of a mindfulness practice? And according to Cheetah House (organization formed to support those who have experienced these adverse affects), at least 1 in 10 people who try mindfulness will experience an adverse effect?!?

    “ The fact that I am receiving calls from meditators-in-distress indicates that they are not receiving adequate support from wherever they learned to meditate. ”

    DR. WILLOUGHBY BRITTON Co-director of Brown's Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory

    Ok, this isn’t about the adverse effects of mindfulness, just a question of what is it for?I have friends who use mindfulness as a pill. Used in case of stress. It is something to alleviate pain and that’s it. I would absolutely argue that this is delaying the fight.

    Kicking the can down the road.

    As someone who loves learning about cognition, it is all about being mindful and using it as a tool in order to achieve the goal of being mindless. Bam. That’s it.

    Wanna know more? Check out the links and listen to the audio!

    The understudied risks of mindfulness

    Seeking inner peace? Brown researchers warn that mindfulness meditation isn’t as harmless as you may think. (Click on image to read article)

    There are a few changes coming here, the biggest of which is that I’m opening up this substack to paid subscribers!!What’s in it for you?

    I’m uploading my premium audio courses which are available on other platforms, only here it is a better price! Also many other benefits, like group coaching calls, and some perks too for referrals like 1-to-1 coaching calls.

    So far, the following premium audio tracks and courses have been uploaded:

    With many more on their way. Feel free to try them out with a free 7 day trial!

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • What Is The Tenth Man Rule?

    "The Tenth Man Rule suggests that, if nine people of a group of ten come to the same conclusion when presented with the same information on an issue, the tenth man must take an opposing stance and assume the other nine are wrong. In the zombie flick by Brad Pitt, “World War Z” , it’s the strategy Israeli intelligence adopted after their repeated failure to take highly unlikely threats seriously.

    “After several disasters that NO ONE thought could happen, the Council decided that if a vote was unanimous against a possible outcome, one member would act as if it was ABSOLUTELY going to happen, and trying to prevent it. This way, if they have a crisis, one man is prepared for it, and assumes directorship of the council for the duration of the crisis.” - World War Z

    How does it help me?

    In a few ways:

    * If the 10th man is 1 of 10 people, therefore the 10th man is 10% of the council, well, we dedicate 10% of our time, energy or resources to oppositional thinking. No matter how certain we are. In this way it acts almost as if we are hedging our bets!

    * Group think is commonplace and the 10th man rule promotes us challenging group think. In the creative thinking types model, it would be the model of “divergent thinking”

    * Skeptical thinking: doubt things, require evidence for things, and finally question the practicality of the debate! What will come of the discussion.

    Check out this article by themindcollection.com

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • It has been very interesting for me to come into the US and to see the focus here on productivity. It very much is a cultural perspective of showing value through productivity. You can see it a lot in the types of non-fiction books that are very popular: the four hour work week, deep work, the seven habits of highly effective people.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that productivity is bad. I love being able to get the most out of my time, and I can see the benefits to companies, businesses and society at large. What I am saying is that there needs to be a harmony between the focus on productivity and the ability to be okay with not being productive.

    This contrast is best exemplified by the slow movement. A movement that is reactionary to the industrialisation / the globalisation of industries. It very famously started in Italy with the introduction of the first McDonald’s restaurant. I’m sure it was already in people's minds before then.

    In order to find Harmony, it’s a good idea to ask the question of “intentional convenience versus intentional inconvenience”. Where in your life would it be more beneficial for you to choose the less convenient route to meeting your needs? Perhaps a better way to phrase it would be “selective convenience”.

    There is a fort here as well as to what would you do if you won the lottery? Most people would find that they make their life as comfortable and convenient as possible. Losing out on opportunities to challenge themselves, opportunities to grow, opportunities to respond to difficulties in their lives. I don’t know about you but I truly believe that this is something fundamental to the nature of being human.

    I hold a strong belief in the idea of controlled or selective inconvenience.

    What are your thoughts?

    Check out the SLOW CULTURE MOVEMENT here

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • What is the point of doing something?The result or the process? A bit of both perhaps?And why? Why do you want the result? What is the inherent value for you?Ok, so now determining an approach to a problem based on an 80-20 analysis of the situation (what is 20% of the situation that will give me 80% of the results I desire?) AND all for the purpose of keep me productive!! Tech-broification is this essentially. How can I analyze something, break it down into its constituent parts and paste it back together again in order to do something faster, just as effectively and in a way that means that I don’t have to learn a pesky skill or participate in something that takes me away from either being productive or being a party animal! Why? Is there more to life than this?All of this was inspired by this recent video by Adam Something:

    Share this post

    I’ll be starting up regular emails soon based on a simple concept:

    Mere Exposure Effect

    People often comment how I know the most ridiculous of things, or that I have a lot of knowledge about a lot of different topics. The secret to this is my thoughts on the mere exposure effect. The basic idea is that you don’t know what you don’t know and learning more about things helps you to create a frame of reference for myriad other things.More to come soon!!

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • In this episode, I’d like to share a story of a client of mine. We will go into how we restructured the perception of certain information so that she felt it was no longer a weakness, an embarrassment, a shameful thing to hide away from others. But rather it became a badge of honour, a strength, something to use and utilise, moving forward in life. One of the big beliefs I have, that is in all of my work, is the concept that we can rearrange information so that it becomes a different thing altogether our perception of things can influence as more than the thing itself, this is the concept behind mental frames.

    Carmen is an award-winning Masterchef.

    Please consider voting for her.

    Thank you very much for listening. Here is a 20% discount code for my neuro resiliency program.

    Preview the program here…

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • In this podcast episode, I share my zone 2 vs vo2 max training results.

    I will show you my routine changes as I tried the different approaches with the goal of longevity. You might be wondering how to run faster, don’t worry! I’ll explain to you which training would be better: zone 2 vs vo2 max training.

    ** 📚 ** Vo2 Max study ** 🎵 ** Tabata Songs** 🧪 ** Cooper Test Calculator** 🧠 ** Check out the Neuro Resilience Course

    Click on the link above and use code "YOUTUBE" for a 20% discount.

    Or click 👉 here 👈

    🔊 Listen to the podcast on Spotify or Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Connect with me on linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • This episode is based off a conversation I had with a friend in reaction to the most recent youtube video I made. Rather than saying “eat this, don’t eat that”, it may be better to approach things with guiding principles that help distinguish helpful VS unhelpful opinions in the landscape of wellness. These are mine.

    Just released today on Insight Timer: My first premium course!

    How To Reframe Self Development And Overcome Your Blocks

    but for you, my wonderful friends, you get it totally on the house! It will be emailed to anyone who comments “COURSE” on this post! For this to work, you must first be a subscriber to this substack.

    Check out the Neuro Resilience Course

    🔊 Listen to the podcast on Spotify or Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Connect with me on linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • What are the things you need to know in order to move forward with your journey.Looking to reach your potential?What is the majority of the advice out there? What are the problems with this advice?

    Busy-ness does not mean productivity

    Challenge your beliefs!How? Listen to the episode and your find out!

    Check out the Neuro Resilience Course

    🔊 Listen to the podcast on Spotify or Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Connect with me on linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • For many years I have asked myself the question of how to enact change in a person’s mindset permanently and self-directed. There are many paths to choose from but ultimately it comes down to a basic equation:

    insight + action

    In this podcast episode, I go into the 3 perception shifts that have changed my mindset from one of feeling disconnected, depressed and angry, to one of feeling connected, fulfilled and at peace.

    Check out the Neuro Resilience Course

    For a more in-depth look at these 3, click on the links below:

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • For many, setting goals gets pretty complex, pretty quickly. For others, it is just an idea of where to even start. This year, be sure to get on top of the changes you would like to live. Check out all these resources to help you out!!

    * Goal setting workshop recording

    * Loom recording of goal spreadsheet

    * Goal Template (don't request access, just make a copy)

    * Neuro Resilience Course on emotional upgrading

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • Mastering emotional balance: Never let it blow up again

    This episode is very much in honor of a conversation I had with a friend of mine. Very quickly I realized that knowledge of HOW exactly to make sure you are not kicking the can down the road. The easy categories to create awareness of this are:

    * Physically how to stress detox

    * Emotionally how to stress detox

    * Mentally how to stress detox

    It’s important to recognize that we may be in stressed states, states of stress recovery, or even zero stress. Nevertheless, having just basic strategies to dissolve stress may be life changing. What strategies do you use?

    The Neuro Resilience Course is 100% free (for now)

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • * Appreciation -

    * What are the top 3 things about this moment that I am enjoying/savoring?

    * What about this moment that I like, can I put my attention to?

    * What about my favorite past moments did I savor? How can I invite more of that into my life?

    Neuro Resilience Course

    Watch this episode on youtube:

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • Too often I see woo-woo everywhere!Not a problem if it actually worked. What happens more is that it is a random pile of “choose-your-own-adventure” thoughts that do not collate well with reality. It wouldn’t be such a problem if more well-adjusted people were walking around as a result. Instead, there is an epidemic of people talking about “energy” and “spirit” but still being triggered into anger from unresolved childhood patterns.If you are interested in development with direction and purpose, check out my 20 lesson progression!!

    Watch this episode on youtube:

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • In a world where you may here everyday that “humans are the problem” or “I hate people” or maybe “the world would be better if we (humans) just wiped ourselves out”, it is all too common to feel some sense of shame about being human.

    I don’t. I think humans are beautiful creatures capable of amazing things! And as we track our path through time, we are getting better and better at what it is that we are doing as social animals with psycho-technologies. Enjoy this episode on a values system near and dear to my heart.

    Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • It’s all too easy to be depressed and sad about the state of the world. Even if you are an optimistic person, seeing all the stuff happening can get you down. Unless…

    …Unless you focus on the things that are innovative solutions. Focus on exploring the world around you, how things connect and evolve and look for a brighter future.

    These are a few shares of what I have been exploring:

    * passive homes,

    * alternative power,

    * space manufacturing and processing, and

    * space mining, to name a few.

    Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • The law of attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.

    On the Law of Attraction

    Jay Shetty Videos

    Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe
  • Wakanda VS Timbuktu

    The Queen mother’s crown inspiration

    The blankets from Lesotho but the facial scarification from South Sudan



    Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    🔊 Listen to the podcast here: Spotify, Itunes🎥 Check out the youtube channel📸 Follow me on IG (@justinnoppe), linkedin

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit becomingresilient.substack.com/subscribe