
  • In this inspiring episode, Ali Katz talks with lawyer Kim Rockwood to explore the critical distinction between investments and expenses. Together, they delve into how understanding this difference can transform your law practice from struggling to thriving. Ali shares her journey of building a million-dollar practice, the mistakes she made along the way, and the mindset shifts that led to her success. This episode is a must-listen for any lawyer looking to grow their practice and achieve financial stability.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Investments vs. Expenses: Learn why distinguishing between investments and expenses is crucial for business growth and how to make decisions that drive long-term success. Mindset Shift: Discover the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset to enable strategic investments in your practice. Leveraging Credit Wisely: Understand how to use business credit as a tool for growth and the importance of having a solid financial strategy. Building Confidence: Recognize the role of confidence in making business investments and how to develop it by meeting your fears and insecurities head-on. Partner Support: Gain insights on how to communicate with your partner about business investments and address any concerns or fears they may have.

    By the end of the episode, listeners will have a clear understanding of how to make strategic investments that lead to sustainable business growth and financial stability.

    01:41 Kim talks about her initial confusion about the difference between investments and expenses, emphasizing the need for deeper understanding in running a business.

    03:00 Ali elaborates on the importance of buying back time through investments, such as hiring the right people and learning to engage clients effectively to generate results.

    05:00 Ali shares a story about selling her law practice to an inexperienced business owner who cut essential expenses, leading to the downfall of the business due to a lack of client acquisition.

    12:08 Ali and Kim discuss the blurred lines between expenses and investments, using examples like postage and client experience to illustrate their points.

    13:00 Ali shares her personal experience of building out an office on credit, which, despite initial fears, became a valuable investment that enhanced her client experience and business vision.

  • Meet Melissa, a lawyer facing the overwhelming challenge of inconsistent client acquisition in a new community. Plagued by fluctuating client numbers and the pressure to generate leads, Melissa is struggling to find her footing. Through focused coaching, Ali provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help Melissa navigate her way to a more stable and prosperous practice. Melissa discovers the power of strategic calendaring, effective networking, and education of her community. This episode unveils the step-by-step process Melissa adopts to consistently secure four clients per month, transforming her practice and mindset.

    Key Takeaways:

    Practical Magic: Limiting calendar availability to create demand and focus energy. Community Engagement: The importance of attending other people's events for better visibility and networking. Referral Conversations: How to educate referral partners effectively and leverage their networks. Presentation Power: Creating valuable presentations to clarify what clients can do themselves versus when they need a lawyer. Imposter Syndrome: Turning self-doubt into a tool for self-improvement and community support.

    In this episode, you'll learn how Melissa overcomes her challenges and sets her practice on a path to consistent growth. Tune in to discover practical tips and inspirational advice to boost your own client acquisition strategies.

    02:31 Melissa shares her struggle with generating a consistent flow of clients, noting her pivot to online marketing and video content due to positive feedback.

    06:30 Ali highlights resources available for finding initial practice clients and emphasizes the value of using curiosity questions in Melissa’s referral conversations and networking events.

    10:09 Melissa admits that imposter syndrome is a recurring issue for her and Ali touches on the idea that focusing on service is a solution to feelings of desperation and imposter syndrome in building a law practice.

    11:38 Ali advises Melissa to create a short presentation to delineate what clients can do themselves versus when they need a lawyer, leveraging her on-camera strengths to establish value.

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  • In this episode, join Ali as she shares a rather eye-opening negative experience with an asset protection lawyer, unearthing critical lessons for lawyers striving to elevate their services, and uses it as a springboard to discuss the powerful upside LIFTed Business Advisors can offer their clients. Ali’s encounter provides a unique window into the shortcomings of a conventional approach and sets the stage for a deeper understanding of what truly sets apart a transformative legal practice.

    Through her insightful analysis, Ali reveals how a transactional mindset, even from a skilled lawyer, can fail to resonate with clients seeking comprehensive and personalized guidance. She highlights the pitfalls of a standardized service model and emphasizes the importance of adapting to each client’s unique needs and circumstances.

    Key Lessons and Insights for lawyers seeking to implement a holistic service model in their businesses:

    The Role of a LIFTed Advisor: Explore how lawyers can evolve into what Ali has termed a “LIFTed Business Advisor”, offering holistic guidance encompassing asset protection, tax strategies, entity management, and intellectual property. Transcending Transactional Limits: Discover how moving beyond transactional legal services to deeply understanding client needs can create lasting relationships and trust. Customization is Key: Learn from Ali’s story about the importance of tailoring services to each client’s unique situation rather than relying on a cookie-cutter approach. Engagement Strategies: Understand where the asset protection lawyer missed opportunities in client engagement and how LIFTed Advisors can capitalize on these moments to deeply connect with clients. Building Comprehensive Solutions: Gain insights into developing comprehensive solutions that address not just the immediate legal needs but the overarching goals and challenges of business owners.

    This episode is particularly valuable for lawyers looking to redefine their practice and adopt a holistic recurring revenue-based legal service model. Ali Katz’s narrative highlights the significance of this transition, offering practical strategies and insights to develop a practice that goes beyond traditional legal services. It’s a call to embrace a more integrated, client-focused approach, turning legal advisory into a journey of collaboration and mutual growth. Tune in to learn how to become an indispensable asset in your clients’ business and personal growth.

    Interested in learning more about becoming a LIFTed Business Advisor? Apply for a call with a Law Business Advisor at newlaw.co/show.

    02:15 Ali reflects on her journey from being an associate lawyer to realizing the need for a new kind of business advisor, inspired by her experiences.

    04:33 Ali explains that as a lifted business advisor, you’re not selling documents or hours. Instead, you’re selling a comprehensive package of outcomes, support, guidance, and coordination, allowing clients to make informed decisions with the right advisors' help.

    09:17 Ali highlights the benefits of staying in touch with clients between booking and appointment, even if the communication could be improved.

    13:39 Ali notes the importance of clients feeling confident and not perceiving the service as cookie-cutter, emphasizing the need for personalized engagement.

  • In this episode, Ali explores how seasoned lawyers can shift from traditional legal practice models to a range of alternative approaches. This episode provides a roadmap for creating different types of practices, from solo operations to multi-million dollar empires, ensuring success regardless of the chosen model. Through various success stories, she examines how lawyers have navigated these transitions, transforming their vision into reality by implementing effective systems and making strategic decisions.

    Key Takeaways:

    Roadmap for Change: This episode offers a guide for transitioning from traditional practice models to a range of new approaches, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability.

    Solo to Empire: We explore various business models, including solo practices, staffed firms, and empires, highlighting how each can be successful when tailored to individual goals.

    Tailored Systems: Effective systems for client engagement, project management, and marketing are key to sustaining any practice, allowing lawyers to focus on their strengths.

    Transformative Success Stories: Examples of the way different models can lead to significant financial rewards, including growth from modest beginnings to multi-million dollar practices.

    Sustainable Growth: Small, incremental steps can lead to significant achievements, guiding seasoned lawyers through successful transitions and ensuring long-term success.

    This episode serves as a roadmap for lawyers seeking to shift from traditional practice models to new, flexible approaches. By tailoring systems, implementing strategic decisions, and aligning business models with their goals, lawyers can create sustainable practices. Whether aiming for a solo operation, a staffed firm, or an empire, this episode provides valuable insights for making those dreams a reality.

    01:30 Ali shares a success story of a lawyer who built a million-dollar practice after many years in the field, underscoring the value of persistence and continuous improvement.

    04:47 Ali stresses the importance of deciding the type of practice you want to build—solo, staffed, or empire—and how this decision will shape future actions and investments.

    07:42 Ali discusses the new approach to law practice, focusing on creating a positive experience for clients rather than just selling services or hours.

    09:50 Ali talks about the importance of developing systems to manage different roles within the practice, allowing the lawyer to focus on specific areas of interest.

  • In this episode of the New Law Podcast, we get to hear the story of Jordan Ostroff, a once struggling lawyer who found himself drowning in debt while trying to balance his family and law practice. He managed to turn it all around by evolving his firm into a successful business that no longer depends solely on him. Co-founder of Driven Law with his wife, Jordan reveals how he emerged from the brink of burnout to becoming a thriving law firm owner and author of "Love Your Law Firm." Host Ali Katz digs into his journey from prosecutor to business-savvy firm leader, uncovering how lawyers can build a business they love by focusing on effective strategies that go beyond the traditional legal practice.

    Key Takeaways:

    Transition from Lawyer to Entrepreneur: Learn how Jordan transitioned from being a prosecutor to running a successful PI law firm, focusing on the business aspects of law which are often neglected in traditional law education. Building a Firm That Runs Without You: Jordan discusses how creating systems and processes allows the firm to operate efficiently without his constant presence, highlighting the benefits of having a clear division of roles within law firm partnerships. Work-Life Balance: The episode touches on the significance of maintaining a work-life balance and how taking time off for a 13-month road trip with his family was made possible by the firm’s robust operational structure. From Personal Brand to Broadened Business Model: Insight into Jordan’s decision to rebrand from "Jordan Law" to "Driven Law" to create a sustainable business model that is not overly dependent on his personal brand.

    This episode provides invaluable insights for any lawyer looking to transition from traditional practice to a more entrepreneurial approach, ensuring their law firm is not only a place of work but a business they truly love.

    05:02 Jordan shares how he met his wife, Heather, and how they worked on opposite sides of the legal field before starting a business together.

    06:48 Jordan talks about their approach to defining roles in the firm to avoid conflicts, leading to business and legal sector separation.

    21:34 Jordan explains his extensive experience with marketing strategies, noting the importance of having a solid sales process and the capacity to fulfill services before significant marketing investments.

    31:15 Jordan discusses how he was able to go on a 13-month road trip with his family while his firm continued to thrive, hitting their goals and KPIs without his daily involvement

  • Welcome to a transformative episode of our podcast, where Ali shares a presentation she gave to a VC fund about the concept of “Regenerative Wealth” - proposing a model where wealth creation and distribution are aligned with life-enhancing principles and sustainable growth. This episode is a must listen for lawyers who are interested in exploring how to maximize life's resources and enhance family relationships through dynamic estate planning.

    What You’ll Walk Away With:

    Understanding Regenerative Wealth: Grasp the concept of regenerative wealth, which emphasizes using assets in a way that benefits the individual, their family, and the community while they are still alive. Die With Zero: Learn about the innovative idea of living fully by planning to utilize all resources by the end of life, ensuring wealth serves its purpose during one's lifetime. Creating Sustainable Legacies: Discover strategies for creating legacies that contribute to long-term family and community resilience rather than merely passing on assets. The Role of Personal Family Lawyers: Explore how lawyers can become more than just legal advisors by facilitating deeper family conversations and supporting clients in making impactful decisions about their wealth. Investing in Relationships: Understand the importance of investing in personal relationships and community ties as a way of building a support network that can outlive financial wealth.

    By fostering a deeper understanding of how to manage and discuss wealth, personal family lawyers can guide their clients towards decisions that not only secure their financial future but also enrich their lives and those of their communities. Join us to learn how shifting your perspective on wealth can lead to more meaningful, impactful legacies.

    07:33 Ali shares a personal anecdote about choosing to speak at an investor conference focused on humanity's resilience, emphasizing in-person interactions.

    09:59 Ali talks about how she met the son of a multi-billionaire, during a talk about generational wealth to regenerative wealth, who turned out to be one of her most important clients.

    17:46 Ali proposes a shift to regenerative wealth, suggesting a permaculture approach to investing, starting with oneself, emphasizing the importance of lawyers investing in their personal development and ability to earn as part of this shift.

    20:06 Ali advocates for investing in non-extractive ways, understanding the concept of 'enough,' and initiating early and open conversations about incapacity and death to better manage family wealth planning.

  • What are the essential things you need to know and do to successfully transition from being a new entrepreneur to a savvy business owner? In this episode, Ali delivers a talk on the essential knowledge and skills required for successful business ownership that most first-time business owners get wrong:

    Setting Realistic and Ambitious Goals: Understand the importance of setting high yet achievable targets for your business, drawing inspiration from historical wisdom and modern success stories. Confronting and Overcoming Fear: Explore how fear of disappointment can hinder progress and learn strategies to overcome these emotional barriers, paving the way for growth and success. Client Engagement Mastery: Discover the secrets to turning inquiries into appointments and appointments into loyal clients. Learn the art of effective engagement and why it's critical to your business's success. Building a Solid Business Foundation: Dive into the essentials of setting up your business legally and financially. Gain insights into entity formation, financial systems setup, and the intelligent use of credit for business expansion. Aligning Your Calendar with Business Goals: Ali guides you through the practical steps of aligning your day-to-day activities with your long-term objectives. Understand how effective time management and goal alignment can propel your business forward.

    Ideal for lawyers transitioning into business ownership that are looking to establish a firm foundation, this episode is packed with actionable advice, practical tips, and motivational guidance. Listen in to start your journey to becoming a successful business owner with confidence and clarity.

    02:34 Ali talks about the common fear of setting goals too low to avoid disappointment, and the encouragement to aim higher.

    03:53 Ali highlights the importance of writing down goals and projections as a method to solidify and realize them.

    10:54 Ali emphasizes keeping your business and personal finances separate and shares the use of business credit wisely as a tool for business growth.

    15:32 Ali suggests managing one's calendar effectively by scheduling sufficient planning sessions aligned with the business's conversion rate and further explains focusing on improving these rates to potentially unlock limitless earning capabilities without the complexities of designing pricing or service delivery models.

  • Tired of the billable hour grind? It’s possible to run a lucrative practice serving your ideal business clients in just 10 hours a week. Tune in as Ali interviews two powerhouse lawyers - AJ and Denise - who broke free from the “Big Law” burnout by niching down to serve select entrepreneur clients at high monthly retainers.

    Key Takeaways:

    Strategic Niche Focus: niching down opens the door to become a coordinated advisor guiding all your clients’ legal, financial, insurance, and tax needs and move beyond just documents to provide the kind of holistic planning and protection today’s top business owners crave but are difficult to find. Effective Client Acquisition: Denise shares her approach of attending high-ticket events to connect with potential clients, offering initial free services to demonstrate her value. AJ discusses leveraging personal and professional networks to establish connections with potential clients who require sophisticated estate planning. Innovative Retainer Models: Gosnell utilizes a retainer-based model where she acts almost as an in-house counsel for her clients, offering them quick and effective legal solutions. Olofsky integrates estate planning with business growth strategies, helping clients prepare for future transitions and ensuring their legal needs are met as they evolve. Building Trust through Generosity: Denise's strategy of initially offering free services to potential high-value clients showcased her expertise and built trust, eventually leading to lucrative, ongoing engagements. Both attorneys emphasize the importance of proactive service and being readily available to address urgent client needs, reinforcing client trust and satisfaction.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights for any legal professional aspiring to niche specialization or seeking to innovate their practice. Denise Gosnell and AJ Olofsky exemplify how targeted services, combined with a client-centric approach, can lead to a fulfilling and profitable legal career. Whether you are a seasoned attorney or just starting out, their stories provide inspiration and actionable strategies that can be adapted to your own legal practice.

    05:35 AJ talks about his background, when his career started, balancing multiple roles and responsibilities that led to exploring a new business opportunity.

    11:05 Denise shares her professional struggles before meeting Ali and how Ali changed her life after one conversation.

    13:06 AJ explains the importance of specializing in a particular area, which for him is estate planning for business owners with specific revenue ranges, emphasizing how this specialization makes client acquisition and service delivery more efficient.

    26:37 Denise shares her initial method for gaining clients by attending events, offering free legal services, and investing significant money for access, which developed trust and led to high-value, long-term client relationships.

    33:52 Denise shares insights on maintaining high levels of client service, including the importance of availability through personalized communication methods like texting, to solve client issues promptly and effectively.

  • When starting a new estate planning law practice, it’s crucial to establish strong financial systems right from the beginning. Join Ali as she coaches Brooke on the best practices for managing finances, bookkeeping, and securing client payments for budding a practice.

    You’ll learn:

    Why partnering with a bookkeeper early on is a worthwhile investment How proper income categorization and expense tracking provide invaluable visibility Why consistent monthly profit and loss reviews ensure accuracy How to plan your fee structure and payment options to get paid promptly Tips for seamlessly collecting payments at the end of client meetings The power of framing financial conversations logically, not emotionally

    If you’re an estate planning lawyer ready to build a prosperous practice, this episode is for you. Walk away with actionable strategies to foster financial health, and implement the critical foundations that position your new firm for sustainability, scalability, and success.

    00:58 Ali emphasizes the necessity of hiring a bookkeeper from the outset instead of attempting to handle it oneself, outlining the critical role of regular financial reviews with a bookkeeper.

    02:23 Ali discusses the importance of categorizing incomes by type to better understand and manage the law practice's financial standing.

    06:19 Ali illustrates how investing in a good bookkeeping service is crucial, even at the early stages of law practice, to ensure proper payroll and expense management to minimize taxes.

    08:39 Ali shares how to handle client payments efficiently, discussing various payment options, and ensuring that the practice covers its costs upfront.

    12:23 Ali and Brooke discuss the technical aspects of setting up systems to accept payments and ensuring clients are invoiced and receipts are issued promptly.

  • In this episode, Ali hosts special guest Jim Carlisle of the Dinsmore firm. Jim brings over three decades of legal expertise, and shares his secrets to building his book of business inside BigLaw and becoming a partner by using networking that works for all entrepreneurial lawyers, building their own firm or working inside another firm. Key Discussions: Proactive Networking and Marketing Techniques: Discover Jim’s strategy for effective networking and marketing, including how to choose the right events, engage in purposeful conversations, and conduct impactful follow-ups. Blending Big Law Experience with an Entrepreneurial Spirit: Learn how Jim transitioned from the structure of a big law firm to embracing the entrepreneurial spirit of a solo practitioner, providing valuable lessons for lawyers in various settings. Balancing Expertise with Approachability: Jim reveals how he has mastered being both approachable and exceptionally knowledgeable, making him a sought-after lawyer for clients and colleagues alike. Lifelong Learning as a Catalyst for Growth: Jim emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and staying informed, demonstrating how this not only enhances legal practice but also keeps you intellectually stimulated and adaptable. The Art of Building Client Trust: Explore how focusing on clients' core needs can elevate you to a trusted advisor role, offering comprehensive legal support and fostering lasting client relationships. This episode is an essential listen for any lawyer aiming to innovate their practice and remain relevant in a rapidly evolving legal landscape. Tune in for a treasure trove of actionable advice, inspiring stories, and insightful strategies to rejuvenate your legal career and create a law practice that is both rewarding and impactful. 02:24 Jim’s law practice - focusing on growth and building long-term client relationships right from the start. 12:29 - Jim’s approach to networking events. 14:52 - The importance of ongoing marketing and continuous learning to keep growing and staying relevant. 19:06 - Building trust through meaningful conversations, and the importance of serving clients' most crucial needs.

  • Growth and expansion are critical milestones in a law firm's journey, yet they often come with the daunting task of securing additional funding. Episode 4 tackles a pivotal and often misunderstood aspect of this journey: the strategic use of debt. Far from being a taboo topic, understanding and utilizing debt can be a game-changer for law firms poised for growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Debt as a Catalyst for Growth: Uncover the potential of debt as a powerful tool for expanding your practice. Ali debunks common misconceptions, illustrating how debt, when managed smartly, can propel your firm to new heights. Stigma vs. Strategy: Dive into the societal stigmas surrounding debt and learn how to shift your mindset to view debt as an asset rather than a liability. Cost-Effective Financing: Explore why debt can be a more affordable and effective funding option compared to other methods like selling equity. Understand the nuances of leveraging debt to your advantage. Ali's Personal Insights: Gain valuable insights from Ali’s own experiences with using debt to scale her company. Learn how to align debt with your growth objectives and timelines, ensuring you don't overstretch your financial capacity. Debt as a Tool, Not a Burden: Discover the critical difference between using debt as a strategic tool versus falling into the trap of burdensome debt. Learn tactics for employing debt in a way that fuels sustainable and responsible business expansion.

    This episode is vital for any lawyer contemplating staff hiring and firm expansion. Join Ali as she coaches a Personal Family Lawyer firm leader to demystify the role of debt in business growth, offering a fresh perspective and practical strategies for making informed, intelligent decisions about financing your firm's future.

    00:26 The need for funding support for business growth and expansion.

    02:26 The challenge of taking on additional debt and the desire for alternative funding options.

    03:03 The importance of mapping out financials and investment for growth.

    04:41 The entrepreneurial mindset of constantly seeking the next level of growth and the need for funding to achieve it.

    06:49 Shift in perspective from consumer debt to business investment using credit.

  • In a world rattled by constant upheaval – be it wars, economic shifts, or political turbulence – lawyers have an incredible opportunity to provide steadfast and reliable leadership in their communities. This episode zeroes in on the power of service and the importance of honing in on a specific niche to make a lasting impact with your business.

    What You'll Discover:

    The Essence of Niche Marketing: Explore why broad, generalized marketing efforts fall short and how adopting a laser-focused approach on a well-defined niche is pivotal for effective leadership and service. Psychographics in Legal Practice: Delve into the importance of psychographics – understanding the values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle of your target demographic. Learn how this knowledge is key in refining your messaging and choosing the right channels to reach your audience. Educational Outreach Strategies: Grasp the significance of educating your community on critical legal matters and how this positions you as the go-to expert. Avoid Common Niche Pitfalls: Gain insights from Ali’s live coaching with lawyers, offering a mirror to your own practice’s clarity or lack thereof. Understand common pitfalls in identifying a niche, and how being too vague or too specific can hinder your outreach efforts.

    This episode is a must-listen for any legal professional striving to carve out their space in the community as the trusted, go-to lawyer.

    Join Ali as she guides one of her Personal Family Lawyer firm leaders through the process of identifying, understanding, and effectively reaching out to your ideal niche, ultimately transforming your practice into a beacon of reliability and service.

    01:24 The education clients need on incapacity and death, and deciding when to plan with or without a lawyer.

    04:57 The type of clients the lawyers are meant to serve and what makes planning with a lawyer different

    13:29 Audience targeting and how to narrow down client demographics, alongside specific examples from participants.

    20:01 Single professional women managing careers and family responsibilities.

  • Starting a new law firm is no small feat, but with the right strategies and guidance, you can transform your first year from a challenge to a triumph.

    In this eye-opening episode, Ali Katz, your trusted guide in legal entrepreneurship, coaches one of her Personal Family Lawyer firm leaders and lays out a step-by-step roadmap for early-stage success.

    Here’s what we cover:

    Maximizing Tax Benefits: Discover how aggressive leveraging of tax savings through business expense deductions and S-Corp taxation can drastically reduce your self-employment taxes. Smart Funding Strategies: Learn how to harness the power of business credit to fuel growth in your firm, allowing you to focus on key priorities without financial strain. Marketing Mastery: Uncover the secrets to diversifying your marketing efforts for a steady flow of leads. Investing boldly in marketing isn’t just expenditure; it’s the cornerstone of sustainable revenue. Navigating Overwhelm: As a new entrepreneur, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Ali discusses how to stay centered on your mission to serve more clients, ensuring your vision remains the north star of your practice. Systemizing for Success: We break down how to optimize systems and workflows in your practice for efficient operation and a smooth path to growth.

    Whether you're in the initial stages of setting up your law firm or looking to fine-tune your existing strategies, this episode is packed with actionable insights. Tune in to learn how to lay down a solid foundation for your law practice, enabling you to soar towards your entrepreneurial dreams with confidence and clarity.

    04:23 Maximize business expenses before year-end for tax benefits.

    07:39 Limit business expenses, lower tax with S-Corp.

    10:39 Get support to grow your law practice.

    15:35 Block time for signings, presentations, and education.

    19:35 Entrepreneur secures $150,000 loan from local banks.

  • Welcome to the first episode of the "NewLaw Podcast for Entrepreneurial Lawyers" with Ali Katz. In this episode, our host Ali Katz shares her journey from leaving the security of a six-figure paycheck to launching her own law practice. Ali's story is one of resilience, learning, and growth as she faced the challenges of building a million-dollar business while balancing family life.

    Join us as Ali unveils the valuable lessons she learned, and provides a glimpse into the New Law Business Model and Personal Family Lawyer, training lawyers to serve millions of families across the United States with the heart centered, counseling based methodology.

    What you can expect from this podcast:

    Mastering Business Essentials: Delve into crucial business skills not taught in law school, such as financial management, effective leadership, and impactful client engagement. Creating a Lucrative Law Practice You Love: Gain insights into the strategies and mindset shifts that enabled Ali to build a highly successful law practice, offering valuable lessons for your own growth. Heart-Centered Counseling-Based Law Methodology: Discover how Ali's heart-centered, counseling-based methodology transforms the conventional estate planning process, positioning you as an irreplaceable asset in the age of AI and online legal services. Embracing Personal Growth: Draw inspiration from Ali's journey through failures, bankruptcy, and spiritual awakening, leading to the creation of a practice founded on truth and integrity. Understand the importance of inner work, resolving deep conflicts, and self-development in becoming a fulfilled and successful lawyer.

    Subscribe now and embark on a journey of discovering how to love your life as an entrepreneurial lawyer.

  • Welcome to the "NewLaw Podcast for Entrepreneurial Lawyers with Ali Katz," where we empower you to transform your law practice into a business you truly love. Join us on a journey that will guide you to the depths of understanding why you went to law school, and how to turn your law degree into your most valuable asset.

    In each episode, Ali Katz takes you behind the scenes into real life coaching of lawyers who are doing it, they have invested and are taking action, and getting coaching from Ali and her team of Law Business Mentors each step of the way.

    Whether you're a seasoned law entrepreneur or just beginning to explore the possibilities of going out on your own, this podcast will serve as your compass, lighting up the path to building your business as an entrepreneurial lawyer in ways that take you beyond what you ever could have expected.

    Discover practical insights, expert advice, and inspirational stories designed to awaken your entrepreneurial spirit and ignite your journey from law school to passing the bar and using your law degree to build a business you love.

    From strategic business development to cultivating a mindset of abundance and doing the healing work to resolve anything and everything in the way of the life of your dreams, the "NewLaw Podcast" offers invaluable guidance simply not available anywhere else.

    Tune in and let's redefine what it means to be an entrepreneurial lawyer in today's ever-evolving legal and business landscape.