
  • “Schooooooool’s out for the Summer!”! šŸŽµAnyone else hear those lyrics blasting and think “S*#%!!”? Same sister. 

    Gone are the easy breezy days of summer when all we had to worry about was how awesome our tan was getting or what kind of bottom-line profit we were pulling in on our corner lemonade stand because - MOTHERHOOD. In fact, as a Mom, summer can be all kinds of exciting and anxiety-inducing because we want it to be awesome. Truth be told, we WANT our kids to have a summer filled with memory-making and fun, but at what cost to our own mental health? Today we are digging into the madness of summer and talking all about practical things you can do to stress less. From running the kids to every activity under the scorching sun to setting boundaries with the lovely but ever-present neighbor children and laying the hammer down (nicely) when it comes to getting a system down for keeping the house clean this episode will be the breath of fresh summer air you’ve been looking for. Grab your favorite summer sip and snacks and enjoy!

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  • Is there anything worse than feeling sleep-deprived? In the grand scheme of things - yes, but when it comes to motherhood - NO. I’m sure you don’t need us to tell you that waking up multiple times a night (or maybe just waking up and never falling back asleep) makes parenting during the waking hours so. much. harder. It’s like being hungover but without the beverages or social interaction, and we’re not here for it.

    That’s where our hero guest today, Rachael Shepard-Ohta, comes in. She is the founder of Hey, Sleepy Baby and the host of No One Told Us Podcast! She helps parents navigate infant and child sleep in a way that feels good for them to get the whole family more sleep and feel more well-rested. And did we mention she's the busy mama to three, ages 6.5, 4, and 18 months?! Our chat with her is truly insightful, even if you’ve passed the infant sleep stage with your own kiddos. Find a comfy seat - but not too comfy because we don’t want you falling asleep - and learn how you and your whole family can start enjoying better sleep all the time.

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  • “Just relax!” Two words that are both practical and condescending as heck at the same time. When it comes to being a woman, and especially a mom, in 2024 you would think we would have fewer societal expectations about productivity but guess what? We don’t. And THAT is the heart and soul of our episode today.

    We’re going to be talking about the difficulties of relaxing as a Mom and a woman and WHY this pressure feels so intense sometimes. We’re tapping into the fear of being judged for literally EVERYTHING we do (Did we pack enough snacks? Did we manage that tantrum correctly? Did we drink our coffee in the right way?! The list is ENDLESS) and the deeply ingrained messaging that down time is wasted time. We’ll also be covering the role expected gender norms and competitiveness play in putting our nerves on a ragged edge. Grab your lavender essential oils, your most soothing tea (or something stronger!), and take a little time to listen, relax, and NOTHING ELSE. Multi-tasking is not invited to this party! 

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  • Did you know The Joys of Motherhood was a potential name for this podcast? Not really, but if you’re here you know we love a healthy dose of sarcasm and you can see how it would work for us. No matter what we named our show we wanted it to be a treasure trove of information for Moms and Moms-to-be in all stages of motherhood and today we’ve got Amanda Tice on the show.

    Amanda is a Ford curve model and the author of The New Mom Code: Shatter Expectations and Crush It at Motherhood. She helps moms tap into their inner wisdom and uncover hidden truths about motherhood to thrive postpartum and beyond. She’s going to be chatting with us about all the things that NO ONE TOLD US before we became Moms and to be honest - we needed to know them. We’re digging into the science behind Mom Brain, the many moments postpartum when you’re wondering “What the HELL happened to my body?!” and “Is this normal?”, and the importance of having a community to tap into when things get tough… and they’re going to - because you’re a Mom. This episode will make you feel seen, Mamas, so hit play and enjoy, or share with a friend and have a listening party!

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  • If you’re a woman who has left her house in the last 20 years you know when it comes to your appearance, your family, your lifestyle, heck even your HEIGHT, people have a lot of HOT TAKES that they’re just dying to share with you.

    From fielding questions like “Who’s watching your kids?” when you’re out with friends for an evening to “How tall ARE you? Did you play basketball?” we’re breaking down why people feel the need to speak to women and particularly, Moms as if they’ve lost all understanding of social norms and politeness. This communication can be particularly harmful not only to us - because who needs some random guy at the grocery store commenting on the size of your family - but also for our children when they see it. The internalized message of “Moms should always smile” or “Moms are the ones responsible for caring for the kids… always” creates a cycle that we want to change. We’ve got a serious lineup on our list of silly comments so let’s break it down and break the cycle, hit play, and enjoy!

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  • Mom Guilt. We’ve lived it, we’ve defined it, and we feel so passionately about fighting back against it that we made this podcast. Hence the name, No Guilt Mom!

    Today, our guest Renee Reina is totally on board with our mission. As the host/creator of The Mom Room Podcast, she is changing the narrative around what it means to be a mom. Renee is also the mom to a 5-year-old son. With her PhD in psychology (!!!) Renee provides incredible insight into why Mom guilt is so damaging and what it is doing to us as parents. From the way we perceive our physical appearance to the business of our minds and the importance of showing ourselves self-compassion we are covering all the things when it comes to being a guilty Mom and we’ve to got to say - we’re here for it! We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we loved recording it!

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  • Picture this: You drop your kids off with their Grandparents while you and your partner go out for a much-needed date night. When you pick the kids up they are wide awake and bouncing off the walls. You know the culprit: sugar. Because, according to your mother “Grandparents are SUPPOSED to give their grandkids treats!”. Now - before you get twisted we’re going to ask you to hit a hard PAUSE on your stress spiral and serve you some realness: sugar doesn’t make kids hyper. That’s right people - it’s a MYTH. And one we’ve believed for way too long.

    On today’s episode, we’re digging into the origins of three myths that are commonly upheld and perpetuated in parenting circles and finding the truth. That bouncing-off-the-walls energy after a treat-filled visit to the grandparents’ house? It’s probably just a high your kid is riding from being with people who aren’t their parents and doing activities that are different from the daily norm… aka excitement. From sugar and hyperactivity to ADHD this one hits close to home because…. well, it’s happening in our homes! If you’ve ever wondered why we think a Jolly Rancher has the power to keep a child up all night or help them run a marathon in circles around the backyard, we’ve got the answers for you. We’re so excited to share a whole ton of information with you today and make you the Mom in the Know on your Mom text message chain. Grab your favorite sugary treat and relax!!

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    Busting the Sugar-Hyperactivity Myth
    Signs Your Child Is Exhausted: Spotting Sleepiness, From Babies to Teens 
    How to Tell if Your Daughter Has ADHD 
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  • Our kids challenge us. Whether it’s dishing up what we served when we were their age (um… hi!) or a whole new beast to manage, our children are just like us: individuals who are living their truth, their identity, their lives. So how do we parent in a way that recognizes that? Keep reading to find out.

    Now we’re not saying let your home and your teenager just be a rogue society because… LOL that is not going to work and we all know it. Luckily there are some parenting experts in the world today who are telling us exactly what to do and how to do it when it comes to fostering a strong, positive and supportive relationship with our kids. Today’s guest, Michelle Kenney M.Ed., is the founder and CEO of Peace and Parenting, author of Unpunished, host of the Peace and Parenting Podcast and mom to two teenage girls. She helps parents move away from punishments and into a more connected way to parent all the while using limits and boundaries instead of punishments and consequences to form deep bonded and long lasting relationships. This episode is the secret sauce we’ve all been searching for!

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  • Hey listeners and welcome to the Yes Woman’s support group. It’s where we go to commiserate and try not to lose our da*n minds when it feels like we’re planning and handling EVERYTHING for our families. **record scratch**

    Wait a minute - is this really the best way for us to live our lives? By packing our schedules, saying yes to everything, and trying to keep up the (impossible) image of being Super Mom?! NO. When it comes to being a Mom, planning comes with the job. But why does planning the events always have to be Mom’s job? Because the world tells us that good Moms do it all, and they do it with grace. If you’ve ever been stuck planning a graduation party or a birthday party and have a running list of things in your head that only you could possibly ever know - you get what we’re saying. This episode is all about why planning is such a miserable experience when done alone and how to get the heck out by assembling a team of people to help. Enjoy this live episode and start sharing the responsibilities!

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  • Have you ever felt like all your stuff is just closing in on you? Do you find yourself questioning “Do I actually NEED 3 different sizes of rubber spatulas?” or “Why DO my kids have 6 pairs of shoes each?”. We’re living in Attack of the Homes.

    We live in a time where there is just a lot of things… and we’re not market experts or anything, but we don’t see it getting any better. Enter: Katy Wells. Katy Wells is a Declutter Expert and Podcast Host of The Maximized Minimalist. She helps families create homes that are easy to maintain and joyful to live in. Katy is the proud mom of two boys, 7 and 9 years old. We’re getting real and talking about life priorities, the true necessities of life, and reminding you that your home does NOT need to be perfect - it needs to work for you and your family. If you’re feeling like your home is basically attacking you with all the things the moment you walk in the door - this is your cue to go lay down somewhere, close your eyes (because - we don’t want you looking at all that stuff and getting anxious) and take a listen!

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  • Today’s episode is getting personal.

    Sometimes life is like a living case study - and that is totally the case for our host, Brie Tucker. Today she’s sharing her experience navigating different parenting styles as she co-parents with her ex and how these different approaches to parenting impact her children. We’re diving into the authoritarian vs. authoritative parenting and detailing the differences between the two. We’ll be breaking down the way these parenting style impact parent/child relationships as well as your child’s perception of self, willingness to advocate for themselves, and communication style while at home. At No Guilt Mom we know being a Mom is simultaneously the most difficult, challenging, and rewarding job out there. We hope today’s episode will give you insight into the difficulties so many Moms face with parenting and the tools to parent in a way that feels authentic to you. 

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  • Let’s talk about the p-word today, shall we? 

    That’s right people, we’re talking about PERFECTIONISM and the crushing pressure that comes along with it. If you’ve ever struggled with your self confidence, felt like whatever you do isn’t good enough, or make decisions based on what others will think about you - you might be living as a perfectionist. Living like this is not only a fast track to chronic unhappiness, it’s a burden you don’t need to take on. But that is WAY easier said than done. That’s why we are SO PUMPED to chat with our guest, Bianca Hughes. Bianca is the owner of Authentically Be You Counseling & Wellness Studio, a mental health therapist, and a speaker - she recently spoke at our MOMignited and Happy Mom Summit! She guides women to let go of perfectionism and give themselves permission to connect to their true selves and live authentically. You need to take a listen to the episode Mama so grab some water or wine (or your beverage of choice), a good snack, and enjoy. And don’t forget, you’re perfect just as you are.

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  • Parents of teenagers - this episode is for YOU!! Itā€™s time to be honest - fill in the blank: ā€œI wish my teen would just _______________ā€. If you said something along the lines of ā€˜careā€™ or ā€˜stop playing video gamesā€™ or ā€˜get off their phoneā€™ - you are not alone!Being the parent of a teenager can be a baffling, confusing, and unchartered experience; so many teens seem unmotivated! But why? Well, that question is more than a little complicated but weā€™re unpacking it today. Weā€™re going to be covering how to approach an unmotivated teen and why itā€™s so important. Building trust with your teen during an unmotivated stretch will help them feel loved, safe, and get their motivation back. And in turn, you as a parent will be able to ditch the stress and frustration associated with trying to constantly motivate your teen to just. do. SOMETHING productive. If youā€™re feeling frustrated with your teen, raising preteens and preparing for the days ahead, or just needing some practical advice take a listen and letā€™s go!Resources We Shared:Join our newsletter! Get connected to No Guilt Mom and get our Stop Doing Checklist absolutely FREE, so you can start taking tasks off your plate today!Join our FREE No Guilt Mom Podcast groupCheck out the Left Unheard Reel on InstagramFollow us on Instagram HERE!Visit No Guilt MomRate & Review the No Guilt Mom Podcast on Apple here. Weā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast! Listen on Spotify? You can rate us there too!Check out our favorite deals from our fabulous sponsors here!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • This is a bonus episode of the No Guilt Mom Podcast where JoAnn and Brie share their thoughts on the recent commencement speech made by Harrison Butker at Benedictine College.

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  • We just launched our first No Guilt Mom Podcast Group! And to celebrate, we're celebrating the No Guilt Mom Podcast all week with LIVE streaming of our podcast recordings with JoAnn, Brie and our expert guests, opening a our new Facebook community to connect our podcast audience, and hosting a HUGE giveaway with a grand prize worth over $6,000!

    You won't want to miss a minute of it! To get in on all the fun & enter the giveaway, simply join our No Guilt Mom Podcast group HERE.
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  • In case you didn’t know, the “one size fits all” approach to life is BS. Here’s what we mean: being productive, living minimally, embracing motherhood, and everything else we’re trying to do 24/7/365 looks different for everyone!

    Today, our podcast guest is talking all about finding ways to be successful in your life - ESPECIALLY at the start of the day - in a way that works for YOU. Desirae Endres is the host of the top-ranked podcast, Minimal-ish, where she talks about all things realistic minimalism, motherhood, and intentional living each week. In 2018, Desirae and her husband set out to live with less clutter in their home. Soon she found that the journey to less was about so much more than a clutter-free home. Five years later, she has learned to embrace a messy, realistic version of minimalism, and she teaches others how to fit minimalism into their unique life, family, personality, and season. She’s sharing her tips for starting your day off in a way that will help you face whatever the day has in store for you. Enjoy!

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  • The 90s were sickā€¦ like literally, sick. Hereā€™s what we mean: the popular body type of the day was being Kate Moss skinny. If you missed the 90s or just werenā€™t old enough to remember Kate splashed across all the magazines, trust us, it was an unattainable look. While itā€™s easy to fall into feeling like weā€™ve come a long way since those days we want to face the truth: that the way womenā€™s bodies are treated, the messages we receive, and sometimes even the messages we SEND are still perpetuating the idea that being thin means being beautiful. This episode is alllllll about flipping the script (and perspective) surrounding our bodies and saying goodbye FOREVER to the word fat. This episode is for the struggling, the body conscious, the body positive, and the Moms who want to empower their daughters to view their bodies in a loving light. Gear up Mamas, this episode is going to go deep and we are here for it - we hope you are too!Resources We Shared:Join our newsletter! Get connected to No Guilt Mom and get our Stop Doing Checklist absolutely FREE, so you can start taking tasks off your plate today!No Guilt Mom Podcast Episode #22: Let's Talk About Positive Body Image The "B" Word with Carly Anderson of Lipgloss and Crayons Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Ameila & Emily NagoskiOn Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise LoehnenAshley Graham on InstagramJamila Jamil on Instagram Follow us on Instagram HERE!Visit No Guilt MomRate & Review the No Guilt Mom Podcast on Apple here. Weā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast! Listen on Spotify? You can rate us there too!Check out our favorite deals from our fabulous sponsors here!Mysteries About True Histories (affectionately known as M.A.T.H.) is a weekly show full of time travel, puzzles, hidden equations, history, and lots of laughs. M.A.T.H. is geared towards kids 6+, but can be enjoyed by the entire family. Episodes drop every Thursday and are about 15 minutes, perfect length for car rides; meal times; break times; and bed time.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Remember the end of the movie Freaky Friday when Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan both have a better understanding of each other because they have literally walked in each otherā€™s shoes? Or how about the movie Brave when Meridaā€™s Mom finally GETS her daughter because sheā€™s been able to parent differently? Shifting parent-child relationships are all around us. Today, weā€™re giving you all the ingredients to embrace the chaotic lifestyle of motherhood and strengthen your relationship with your kids ā€“ without doing a body swap or turning into a giant Scottish bear. Our guest, Marielle Melling is the founder of Lovin' Life with Littles, author of Peace Amidst the Mayhem, and her upcoming new book The BUT Book (releasing June 3, 2024). She helps parents simplify the hard stuff of motherhood, so they have more calm, stronger relationships with their kids, and more joy. Oh and did we mention sheā€™s the busy mom to five kids ages 5-16, so when she talks about chaos, she KNOWS her stuff. We are so excited for this episode and hope you love it too!Resources We Shared:Join our newsletter! Get connected to No Guilt Mom and get our Stop Doing Checklist absolutely FREE, so you can start taking tasks off your plate today!Learn more about Marielle and Lovinā€™ Life with Littles HERE!Pre-Order The BUT Book HERE!Visit No Guilt MomNo Guilt Mom Podcast Episode 253: The Mom Food Fight: We Donā€™t Do Homemade and Neither Should You!Rate & Review the No Guilt Mom Podcast on Apple here. Weā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast! Listen on Spotify? You can rate us there too!Check out our favorite deals and discounts from our amazing sponsors here!Mysteries About True Histories (affectionately known as M.A.T.H.) is a weekly show full of time travel, puzzles, hidden equations, history, and lots of laughs. M.A.T.H. is geared towards kids 6+, but can be enjoyed by the entire family. Episodes drop every Thursday and are about 15 minutes, perfect length for car rides; meal times; break times; and bed time.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • I. D. K. The three most dreaded letters in the alphabet for Moms everywhere.

    There’s nothing more conversation halting than the “I don’t know” response when you ask your kids what they learned, how their day was, what they want to eat… anything. We’re not sure if it’s some kind of kid code or what, but we know it’s definitely not helping us have open and honest conversations that give us insight into their lives and potential struggles. Today we’re breaking down that IDK and talking about how to get your kids to open up - especially when you feel like I don’t know actually means “I’m panicking inside and have feelings I can’t quite explain”. We can’t promise you’ll leave this episode a parent/child relationship expert, but we can say you’ll learn a bit about communication and how it can help you and your child grow together and as individuals. We hope you love this one as much as we do!

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    No Guilt Mom Podcast Episode 78: The Secret to Raising Capable Kids with Vicki Hoefle
    No Guilt Mom Podcast Episode #147: Why You Need Healthy Anxiety vs. Unhealthy Anxiety with Lisa Damour, PhD
    No Guilt Mom Podcast Episode #57: 3 Things You Must Stop Doing to Get Your Kids to Behave
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  • Here’s why we love the 40 hour work week: Everything you do while you’re on (or off) the clock for work is financially rewarded… right?

    Laughing. Out. Loud!! No matter if you’re currently working full time or the last ”official” job you held was in high school (SAHMs we see you!!) we know that the effort you put forth at work each day is not always rewarded financially or at all (again, SAHMs, we see you!). If that’s the reality of the world we live in, why do we use that approach with our kids when it comes to school and grades? Today we’re doing a little call back to a past episode where we shared that we DON'T financially reward our kids for good grades and let us tell you - this was a hot topic! We’re breaking down why we - and the research - believe that giving your kids money for “good” grades can be harmful, not only in their learning, but to their overall perception of worth at such a formative age. We’ll cover how to approach good grades and broach the not so good ones too. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode as we head into report card season!

    Resources We Shared:
    Should You Reward Kids for Good Grades? Parents Article
    Does Paying Kids for Good Grades Pay Off? Positive Parenting Solutions Article
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