This is a big, big win for him...
Everything that Hillary Clinton gets involved with is a controversy...
Episodi mancanti?
Both parties don't look out for the folks at times...
Press does not seek the truth...
I think this is about as fair as you can get it, and it'll put money in everybody's pocket to spend, hopefully, so the economy will be stimulated.
I think this is about as fair as you can get it, and it'll put money in everybody's pocket to spend, hopefully, so the economy will be stimulated.
He is going to bring them down - we don't know yet what the percentages will be.
The No Spin News is Back! Bill opines on the latest news headlines and answers questions from Premium Members.
Continuing on my theme of yesterday's No Spin News, Donald Trump is very quiet these days, isn't he? Isn't he quiet? What happened to the guy who was tweeting his heart out and yelling at press reporters?
Have you noticed how quiet President Trump's been lately, even with the tweeting and stuff? I think he's consumed by the work. There's so much going on. But it's better, right?
It was the right thing to do for the variety of reasons I laid out in the Talking Points Memo. Timing. I think he wanted to send, he being President Trump, a message to the Chinese guy that look, it's a different crew in town now.
Not a lot new on the Susan Rice front. We've got to take that story slow to be fair to everybody. You don't want to make any mistakes.
It'll be interesting to see what President Trump does about Syria. It puts him right up against Putin.
So this Rice story is fascinating to me because I don't know the motive. It's like a detective or mystery novel-what's the motive here?
I'm getting a little tired of the repetition of the Trump bashing and all that. I'm trying to look for a way to cover politics without this insane rep... I use repetition, now I'm going to use it again, so I'm going to be repetitive.
So here we are and we're watching another crazy scenario play out in the White House. Devin Nunes, the head of the House Intelligence Committee, you'll remember, went to the White House...
I'm one of these guys who believes that the planet is much dirtier than it should be, ok? That's because I'm a diver and I like to go around the world and go into the water and the ocean and all that.
So PC has hurt the country and I don't know if there's any solution to it.
Let's take Gorsuch first. I think he's going to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, which I think is good news for the country. He looks like an honest man.
It was a busy day today. I didn't learn all that much. The most interesting thing is that the Trump administration is standing by the Obama wiretap accusations and says shortly there'll be new information coming out.
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