In the final season of season 2 Joni and Susan walk you through their process of reviewing their year and setting goals for the coming year. They also introduce you to their Facebook community of creatives 'Dare to Do'. Please do join the group for support, inspiration and accountability.
Joni and Susan talk to Claudia the owner of Deadly Is The Female, a boutique and online shop based in Frome specialising in vintage Hollywood style. We talk to her about her thought process on taking the leap to starting the business, getting back into being creative and design and how she cultivates a supportive and unique community both in the shop and online.
We had such a wonderful time listening to her story and being inspired by her 'Just Do It Anyway' attitude. We know you will enjoy it it too!
Find out more about Deadly Is The Female at www.deadlyisthefemale.com or on instagram and TikTok @deadlyfemale
Episodi mancanti?
This week on episode 6 we answer your questions! Covering all topics from inspiration, dream duets and who would win in a fight!
You asked we answered.. and tried not to go off on too many tangents!
We hope you enjoy this bumper episode!!
Susan Grant and Joni de Winter continue their mission to talk to passionate people who are 'Just Doing It'. And in this episode they take you to school again whilst talking to Carolyn Hopkins, entrepreneur, props designer, food judge and owner of Dorset based businesses The Truckle Truck and Filthy Cheese.
We talk to her about launching a new business from scratch, mixing creativity with business and well - lets face it - we talk a lot about cheese!
Be inspired by something a little different today and give this a listen!
Support Carolyn online or see where she will be next with her cheese vans at www.thetruckletruck.com or on instagram at @truckletruck.
Joni and Susan are back, discussing the benefit's of dwelling on your successes!
Our special guest for this episode is artist, Jess Luck. Prepared to be fully inspired by what Jess has learned about getting over the boundaries we put in our own way when we lack self confidence to step into our creativity.
We abslolutely loved talking to Jess and felt incredibly inspired - we hope you do to!
You can find Jess Luck on Instagram, @Jessluckart or at www.jessluckart.com
Frogs? Elephants? And self help books... we take you through what we have been discovering about just getting things done whilst still being kind to yourself!
Susan Grant and Joni de Winter, otherwise know as Belle Street - are back with Season 2 of their podcast!
In episode one the talk to the founding members of mental health charity The Brave and Determined and find out the importance of being relentless when jumping in with new projects that you feel passionate about!
To find out more about The Brave Determined and how to support them, follow them on @thebraveanddetermined or visit their website www.badco.co.uk
In the final episode of Season one we discuss all the things we have learned through the process of starting our podcast including the wisdom we have gleaned from our three fabulous interviewees this season. Oh and we have set you a little homework to be busy with until we meet again for Season 2!
In Episode 7 we talk to Amber Harrison and Karen Brazier who run award winning bookshop Folde based in Shaftesbury, and their experience of taking the leap and how it feels in the free fall afterwards!. The two friends started the new business amidst the challenges of lockdown stepping away from their well established careers into the brand new venture
If you need inspiration on how to get started, advice on how to make a success of your project whilst sticking staying authentic to your brand and a good laugh while you're at it - then this podcast is for you!
Check out their business at https://www.foldedorset.com or @foldedorset
In Episode 6 we open up a conversation about how hard it can be when you're a creative and life gets tough. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having to show up when you're handling life's challenges. But don't worry, despite touching on subjects such as grief and overwhelm we have made sure to include some Belle Street ridiculousness.
Welcome back to episode 5 of the Not Just B.S Podcast!
In this episode we interview Natalie and Matilda Bourchier, owners of new business Sorelle. We were really inspired by these amazing sisters who after having the seedling of an idea for a flower farm, took an exciting leap together which resulted in them sucessfully creating and running a fresh, popular and evolving business.
Check out sorelle on instagram @sorelle_dorset or at https://www.sorelledorset.com
In our fourth episode 'F*ck Off Fabulous' we discuss the dreaded 'Imposter Syndrome'. We use stories from our fun and failures to talk about ways in which Imposter Syndrome can affect your confidence and try stop you from achieving your goals. We hope this episode can help you shake off the self doubt and get you believing that you really are F*ck Off Fabulous!
Welcome to episode 3 of our podcast -'Bravery Is Addictive'.
In this epidose we talk with the inspirational Alice Perry. It is an conversation full of laughs and thought provoking ideas. We talk together about her new projects and how when you allow yourself to be brave amazing things can happen
Check out Alice on Instagram @pezzzzle
Welcome back to episode 2 of our podcast, 'Get Over Yourself'. Join us as we discuss some of the hurdles of starting your own project - whatever it may be. Offering insights from our own experiences of getting over ourselves with some of our most challenging projects and sharing tips on how you can too!
In this episode we introduce ourselves, for those of you who don't know who we are and share how we embraced the power of showing up for ourselves.