How might we moderate the rare but very real risk of headbanging?
What is NAD+ and what role does it play in the aging process?
Episodi mancanti?
Do pet parents (or pawrents) live longer?
Even though using cannabis may help with IBD symptoms in the short-term, it may make the long-term prognosis worse.
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that an infusion of spinach leaves has evidently been used since ancient times to treat respiratory symptoms.
What is the role of dietary beta-carboline alkaloids in the development of the most common movement disorder?
A prebiotic derived from a type of brown seaweed is used for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia in China. Does it work?
Perhaps it should be less about personalized nutrition and more about taking personal responsibility for our own health.
Perhaps Ugandans had more than 50 times fewer varicose veins for the same reason they had 50 times less heart disease and up to 50 times less colon cancer.
Centenarian stool has anti-aging effects when fed to mice.
Which fruits have anti-inflammatory effects and which do not?
Why might healthy lifestyle choices wipe out 90 percent of our risk for having a heart attack, whereas drugs may only reduce risk by 20 to 30 percent?
The secretion of melatonin appears to progressively decline with age, dropping as much as 70 percent between middle and older age.
Greens, apples, tomato paste, and grapes are put to the test as edible skin care candidates.
HMB, magnesium, omega 3s, and vitamin D are put to the test for muscle strength and function.
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