S01E113 - Pando sits down with CCP Bee and current member of the CSM Dark Shines to talk about the Eve Online Equinox patch that is about to be released. Various topics like the changes to carriers, some sov mechanics and more are discussed.
Episodi mancanti?
S01E111 -
S01E110 -
S01E109 - In this episode Pando is joined by Fredrik Knudsen who recently released a 6 hour long documentary about Eve Online called "Eve Online | Down the Rabbit" . Together with CCP Convict they discuss the journey that Fredrik went through to research and publish this masterpiece.
S01E108 -
S01E105 - A special episode with 5 guests that are all running for the current CSM election.
S01E104 - Let us find out what Noraus and StarFleetCommander have to say about the ongoing conflict in the north. Noraus is the leader of FRT whereas StarFleetCommander represents the B2 Coalition.
S01E102 -
S01E101 -
S01E100 - For this 100th episode Pando decided to invite the two FCs he is probably closest with and learned the most from during his Eve career - Sister Bliss & Dark Shines.
S01E99 - BJK from Fraternity and Securitas Protector from Horde join Pando in an episode that is focused on the recent conflict up north and what all of this could lead to.
S01E98 - It's been a long time but Pando wants to get back into the flow. Vex Tsnipe from the Anti Krab Coalition and Dark Shines from The Initiative join him on this episode to talk about hunting those damn Krabs, past wars and current wars. Enjoy!
S01E96 - There is a war in the north and these folks have been fighting for a bit now. Let's see what they have to say!
S01E95 - A special episode dedicated to Faction Warfare since that is going to be CCP's focus for the next big update.
S01E94 - It is still CSM season and this time Pando invited a couple other candidates! If you feel like you don't know who to vote for maybe consider voting for Pando? He would appreciate it!
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