שיעורים על סדר פרקי התנ"ך המשלבים פשט, דרש, היסטוריה ומחשבה יהודית.
In 2006, Shimon Kolyakov and his brother Rubin Kolyakov from the Queens, NY Bukharian community along with Yosef Davis, started TorahAnytime in order to give their friends and family the ability to experience Torah classes wherever they were, whenever they wanted.
Today, TorahAnytime is the largest library of originally recorded Torah videos in the world, with 70,000+ Torah videos from more than 1000 different speakers. -
ישיבת תקוע בנשיאות הרב שטיינזלץ, משתפת את תכניה עם הקהל הרחב.
בפודקאסט הדף היומי יועלה מדי יום, שיעור מפי הרב שוקי מאירסון, ובו יבואר הדף באותו היום בלא יותר מחצי שעה קולחת ונהירה.
לעוד תכנים של הישיבה: פודקאסט חיי עולם על פרשת השבוע פודקאסט הכנה לחגים
באתר הישיבה או בכל אפליקציות הפודקאסטים. -
הרב נח פלאי מלווה את הבחורים העולים לישיבות ומצייד אותם, בשיתוף רבנים ומטפלים, בכלים מעשיים ובטיפים מקצועיים שיסיעו להם בדרך החדשה
سلسلة حلقات إذاعية للعلامة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين - رحمه الله -، والتي بيَّن فيها جملةً من الأحكام والفوائد المستنبطة من آيات القرآن الكريم.
Welcome to The Embodied Jewish Woman podcast with Rena Reiser.
This is a podcast made for thoughtful Jewish women searching for the next step in their personal growth, the integration of mind, body, and soul. The Jewish woman embodied.
A place where we acknowledge that success doesn’t come at the price of compassion, health, or peace of mind. A moment to slow down and look deeper into the needs we want to fulfill, learn about the changes we can make at the very roots of our struggles, and get clarity on what is truly valuable to us.
I’ll share powerful mind body tools, compassion based methods, meditations and insights that I use along my own journey and in my work with my clients, as well as interview like minded professionals to pool our collective experience and insight so we can all connect to our inner selves and live life from a mindful and compassionate place.
Download Rena's free Tune In Journal and accompanying meditation to help you embody your emotions at -
Weekly podcast on Parashat Hashavua - פודקאסט שבועי על פרשת השבוע
قرأت لك هي كتب صوتية بهدف نشر الثقافة
A free weekly video podcast featuring excerpts from Living Torah and other films by Jewish
Educational Media. -
R' Ari Bergmann talks about various portions of the Torah and Talmud.
Welcome to Kol Deracheha, a podcast about women and mitzvot, from, a Yeshivat Har Etzion Initiative.
Our name comes from the pasuk in Mishlei 3:10, which says “be-chol derachecha da’ehu.” “In all your ways, know God.” We’ve changed that to Kol Deracheha, which means “all her ways,” and also “the voice of Deracheha.”
Our goal is that Kol Deracheha will inspire you wherever you walk on the pathways of Torah.
Season 1 of Kol Deracheha is dedicated in memory of Mrs. Anita Hirsch Silverman, Yehudit Raizel bat Eliezer v'Esther, zichrona livracha. -
שיחות על עולם היוגה, מדיטציה ומיינדפולנס עם אלירן חביב Yoga, meditation and mindfulness talks by Eliran Haviv
“Rappers & Rabbis” is hosted by Rapper Matt Bar, Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Rabbi AdAm Mayer and Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky. Join us every two weeks for a lively hip hop havruta-style Torah conversation with a rotating cast of Pardes alumni and holy MCs. Each episode is framed by a question with metaphysical ramifications, such as “Why did God create the snake?” Or “Can Rabba Yaffa Epstein rap?”
If you stop to look around you will find negativity everywhere. Media is providing negative news. You find out that everything around you is bringing you down. For us Christians our walk with Jesus is hard . It is because of all this negativity that this podcast was created, to lift you up when everything is bringing you down. You will be motivated and inspired after every episode. You will choose to live a blessed life and not a stressed one. God has not forgotten about you, He is using this podcast to speak to you. Prepare to be blessed!
This Jewish Inspiration Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and enhancing our relationship with Hashem by working on improving our G-d given soul traits and aspiring to reflect His holy name each and every day. The goal is for each listener to hear something inspirational with each episode that will enhance their life.
Together, with the best of intentions, we will embark on a mindful exploration to living a more fluid life with a deeper connection to the soul. With new episodes dropping weekly, the Loving Your Own Soul podcast hosts heart-centered and thoughtful conversations where Britt Olson and inspiring guests will dive deep into topics like holistic health, spirituality, personal development, modern wellness, entrepreneurship, and life as we know it. Through every dialogue and thought-provoking topic presented, the intention is to always provide expansion and inspiration so that you can embody the highest expression of your true potential, while creating more beauty in the ever-changing world around us. Thank you for tuning in and being a part of this journey!