Dakota Dzerk, co-owner and manager of Reed's Green Growers in Lincoln, Nebraska, shares his experience as a first-year grower of industrial hemp in Nebraska and his vision of how the crop could benefit the state. Nebraska legalized hemp production for fiber, grain, or cannabidiol (CBD) in 2019.
Prairie Plains Resource Institute Executive Director Mitchell Lyon and Naturalist Educator and Greenhouse Manager Sarah Bailey talk about the importance of prairies and the work PPRI is doing in Nebraska to preserve and restore prairies.
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Prairie Plains Resource Institute Executive Director Mitchell Lyon and Naturalist Educator and Greenhouse Manager Sarah Bailey talk about the importance of prairies and the work PPRI is doing in Nebraska to preserve and restore prairies.
A report on a Mead, Nebraska, ethanol plant that is causing major environmental issues and thus posing great risks to land, water, wildlife, pets and humans. Includes highlights from a Mead Town Hall about the issue. (This story has since developed further since this production.)
Prior to the Lincoln Primary Election in April, several Lincoln City Council candidates joined to discuss climate and environmental matters, relevant to Lincoln. Ten of the 12 candidates gathered on a Zoom call on March 16 for an environmental forum, which was hosted and sponsored by several local conservation groups.
Ttwo leaders of the Lincoln Climate Action Plan explain and discuss the process and goals of the plan. Miki Esposito is the Lincoln City Mayor’s Senior Policy Advisor and she leads the Resilient Lincoln Initiative. Kim Morrow is the Director of Climate Planning and Resilience with the Verdis Group which is a consulting company that was commissioned by Lincoln City Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird to develop the Lincoln Climate Action Plan.
Lincoln Electric System plans to produce net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. What does that mean? Why does it matter? How are they going to get there? What are the ups and downs of various energy methods? We hear from three Lincolnites: Scott Benson (LES Resource and Transmission Planning Manager), Ken Winston (Policy Director of Nebraska Interfaith Power & Light and Organizer with Bluestem Nebraska Sierra Club) and Lucas Sabalka (climate activist and environmentalist.)
Josh Moenning explains the importance and efficacy of wind power and how it has boosted the economy of Norfolk, Nebraska. Moenning is the director of New Power Nebraska and the mayor of Norfolk.
Graham talks about the benefits of solar energy, how it works, solar potential energy and actual solar energy use in Nebraska, and more.
A look at the Trump Administration's attitude and action relating to climate change and the natural environment, and an outline of newly elected President Joe Biden's climate plan.
Nebraska State Climatologist Dr. Martha Shulski answers questions about climate change.