
  • Putting the Soy Anxiety to Rest by T. Colin Campbell at NutritionStudies.org

    Original post: https://nutritionstudies.org/crucial-soy-link/

    Related Episodes:

    687: Soy Foods for Menopause Hot Flash Symptoms by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    604: Is Soy Milk the Most Nutritious Non-Dairy Milk? by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    530: Breast Cancer: How to Reduce Your Risk by Physicians Committee at PCRM.org

    432: 3 Myths About Soy And Men Debunked from Switch4Good.org

    401: Mythbusting Soy: Women’s Health & Hormones from Switch4Good.org

    388: Soy and Cancer: Should we Worry? Here’s What the Recent Literature Says. By Brigitte Gemme at VeganFamilyKitchen.com

    309: Fighting Hot Flashes With Diet by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    191: Is Soy Healthy for Breast Cancer Survivors? By Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    190: 5 Facts About Soy Milk by Switch4Good.org

    36: Soy and Health by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies was established to extend the impact of Dr. Campbell’s life changing research findings. For decades, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been at the forefront of nutrition education and research. He is the coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study, and his legacy, the China Project, is one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted.

    Their mission is to promote optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research. By empowering individuals and health professionals, we aim to improve personal, public, and environmental health.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb #soy #cancer #heartdisease

  • Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Reversed with a Plant-Based Diet? by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Original post: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-alzheimers-disease-be-reversed-with-a-plant-based-diet

    Related Episodes:

    449: The Best Diet for Healthy Aging by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    448: Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and Cognitive Decline by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    430: Processed Meats Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes. Now Dementia Is on the List. by Nicole Axworthy at VegNews.com

    368: [Part 3] The Blue Zones: Longevity Secrets From Centenarians. By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    367: [Part 2] The Blue Zones: Longevity Secrets From Centenarians. By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    366: [Part 1] The Blue Zones: Longevity Secrets From Centenarians. By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    277: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet. By Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    116: Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    Dr. Michael Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. He founded NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a non-profit, non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Dr. Michael Greger, providing free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos. There are more than a thousand videos on nearly every aspect of healthy eating, with new videos and articles uploaded every day.

    His latest books —How Not to Die, the How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet — became instant New York Times Best Sellers. His two latest books, How to Survive a Pandemic and the How Not to Diet Cookbook were released in 2020.

    100% of all proceeds he has ever received from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements have always and will always be donated to charity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #alzheimers #dementia

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  • As a Radiation Oncologist Suffering from IBD, Discovering Plant-Based Nutrition Has Changed My Life by Isabelle Vallières M.D. at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/success-stories/as-a-radiation-oncologist-suffering-from-ibd-plant-based-diet-changed-my-life/

    Dr Michael Klaper’s “Moving Medicine Forward” initiative: https://www.doctorklaper.com/moving-medicine-forward

    Related Episodes:

    396: A Registered Dietitian’s Professional & Personal Journey to WFPB Nutrition. By Didem Varol at NutritionStudies.org

    271: Doctors Don’t Learn Nutrition in Med School. Here’s How That Affects You. By Lucy Danziger at TheBeet.com

    771: I’m Keeping Crohn’s Disease in Check with a WFPB Diet by Chelsey Williams at ForksOverKnives.com

    556: The Best Diet for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    99: The Best Diet for Crohn's Disease Treatment by Dr Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    75: Healing Ulcerative Colitis with a Plant Based Diet by Shamiz Kachwalla at ForksOverKnives.com

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #diabetes #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #wfpb

  • Bird Flu Highlights the Problems With Factory Farming by Jennifer Molidor at the Center for Biological Diversity at TakeExtinctionOffYourPlate.com

    Original post: https://biologicaldiversity.org/programs/population_and_sustainability/food-x/food-x-issue-36.html

    Related Episodes:

    785: Bird Flu Infects Dairy Cows And Farm Worker In The US by Claire Hamlett at Plant Based News posted at All-Creatures.org

    728: When Tyson ‘Depopulates’ Chickens, Taxpayers Are Left Footing the Bill by Grace Hussain at SentientMedia.org

    476: ‘Censorship Concerns’ & ‘Veterinary Profession Should Not Condone Killing Animals by Heatstroke(VSD+)’w by Barry Kipperman, DVM at OurHonor.org

    393: The Use of Chickens in Agricultural Research: An Eye-Opening Look at Unspeakable Cruelty by Karen Davis at UPC-Online.org

    391: The Connection Between Deadly Pandemics and Our Diets by Frank Dixon at NutritionStudies.org

    157: How Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Fuel Pandemics

    BONUS 1: Go Vegan or Risk Another Pandemic by Bronwyn Slater at VeganSustainability.com

    684: CEW's Smear Campaign Against Animal Protection Groups by Dr. Crystal Heath, DVM at OurHonor.org

    The Center for Biological Diversity is a non-profit working to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.

    Why is the Center for Biological Diversity focusing on reducing meat consumption?

    When it comes to the causes of environmental destruction and overconsumption of resources, the meat industry is at the top of the list. Meat production uses massive amounts of water and land, and leaves behind devastating amounts of pollution and greenhouse gases. America’s livestock industry — particularly through grazing on public lands — is one of the greatest threats to endangered species and habitat.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #takeextinctionoffyourplate #avianflu #birdflu #h5n1 #pandemics

  • [Part 3] Are Air Fryers Worth It? + 5 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes to Consider by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/are-air-fryers-worth-it/

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #airfryer

  • [Part 2] Are Air Fryers Worth It? + 5 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes to Consider by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/are-air-fryers-worth-it/

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #airfryer

  • [Part 1] Are Air Fryers Worth It? + 5 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes to Consider by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/are-air-fryers-worth-it/

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #airfryer

  • Original post: https://vegnews.com/vegan-health-wellness/sweet-potatoes-superfood-nutrition

    Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. They have a best-selling plant-based magazine, and they create amazing content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, beauty and health info, a meal planner, and vegan travel excursions. Their Guide section on their website is full of great information and they have an online shop where you can find cookbooks, foods, kitchen tools, vegan meal delivery services. They also have a website, VeganWeddings.com.

    Please visit www.VegNews.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #sweetpotatoes #superfood

  • Mistakes We Make When Going Plant Based & How to Avoid Them by Chef Del Sroufe at NutritionStudies.org

    Original post: https://nutritionstudies.org/3-misconceptions-about-building-muscle-on-a-plant-based-diet/

    Related Episodes:

    427: Chef Del’s Top Tips for Cooking Without Oil by Chef Del Sroufe at NutritionStudies.org

    310: How to Cook Brown Rice The Simplest, Healthiest & Easiest Way By Brigitte Gemme at VeganFamilyKitchen.com

    The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies was established to extend the impact of Dr. Campbell’s life changing research findings. For decades, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been at the forefront of nutrition education and research. He is the coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study, and his legacy, the China Project, is one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted.

    Their mission is to promote optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research. By empowering individuals and health professionals, we aim to improve personal, public, and environmental health.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

    Recommend the podcast on your social media.

    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb

  • [Part 2] Farmed Bluefin Tuna Brands Claim to Be Sustainable. Here’s What Really Happens. By Rachael Adams at SentientMedia.org

    Original post: https://sentientmedia.org/farmed-bluefin-tuna/

    Related Episodes:

    520: This Is Where Your Caviar Comes From by Rachael Adams at SentientMedia.org

    514: The World’s First Octopus Farm Will Have a Cannibalism Problem, Report Warns by Anna Starostinetskaya at VegNews.com

    356: The Hidden Toll of Factory Farming by Erin Wing of AnimalOutlook.org, writing as Eva Walker at TheDoe.com

    333: [Part 2] Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - Increasing the Impact of Pandemics by ProVeg International at ProVeg.com

    332: [Part 1] Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - Increasing the Risk of Pandemics by ProVeg International at ProVeg.com

    236: Why This Undercover Investigator is Helping Others Expose Animal Abuse by Erin Wing of Animal Outlook at SentientMedia.org

    Sentient Media is a nonprofit news organization that is changing the conversation around animal agriculture across the globe. They seek to create and sustain a sense of global urgency about the agriculture industry’s impact on the climate crisis, extraction of natural resources and systematic exploitation of the fringes of society. They're doing this through critical commentary, investigative journalism, creating resources, strengthening the journalist and advocate community, partnering with publishers and holding the media accountable when it fails to report on the most pressing issues of our time.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #aquaculture #tuna #atlanticbluefin #fishfarming #animalcruelty #sushi

  • [Part 1] Farmed Bluefin Tuna Brands Claim to Be Sustainable. Here’s What Really Happens. By Rachael Adams at SentientMedia.org

    Original post: https://sentientmedia.org/farmed-bluefin-tuna/

    Sentient Media is a nonprofit news organization that is changing the conversation around animal agriculture across the globe. They seek to create and sustain a sense of global urgency about the agriculture industry’s impact on the climate crisis, extraction of natural resources and systematic exploitation of the fringes of society. They're doing this through critical commentary, investigative journalism, creating resources, strengthening the journalist and advocate community, partnering with publishers and holding the media accountable when it fails to report on the most pressing issues of our time.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #aquaculture #tuna #atlanticbluefin #fishfarming #animalcruelty #sushi

    Rachael Adams is a marine biologist specializing in marine conservation and aquaculture. She takes a tuna tour to scuba dive with “wild Atlantic bluefin tuna in their own habitat,” as the tour’s site explains. Instead of having “possibly one of the best adventures of your life” she left with a sense of fury. Hear why in today’s episode.

    By Rachael Adams at @sentientmediaorg

    @bjorn_olafsson @sentient_media @anabrdly

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #animalagriculture #methane #beef #greenwashing #grassfedbeef #chicken #chickenfarming

  • From Taking Aim at TikTok’s “Amateur Nutritionists” to the Milk Fountain of Youth, Is Oatly the Master of the Clapback? By Charlotte Pointing at VegNews.com

    Original post: https://vegnews.com/vegan-news/oatly-tiktok-clapback

    Related Episodes:

    447: How Big Dairy Infiltrated TikTok by Björn Ólafsson at SentientMedia.org

    Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. They have a best-selling plant-based magazine, and they create amazing content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, beauty and health info, a meal planner, and vegan travel excursions. Their Guide section on their website is full of great information and they have an online shop where you can find cookbooks, foods, kitchen tools, vegan meal delivery services. They also have a website, VeganWeddings.com.

    Please visit www.VegNews.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #tiktok #oatly #oatmilk #dairy

  • Are Jains Vegan? What Do Jain Scriptures Say About Dairy? By Christopher Miller, PhD at ArihantaInstitute.org

    Original post: https://www.arihantainstitute.org/blog/47-are-jains-vegan-what-do-jain-scriptures-say-about-dairy

    Related Episodes:

    363: Freedom from the Chains of Eating Meat by Fr Donatello Iocco at SARX, posted at All-Creatures.org

    Arihanta Institute’s mission is to build a world-class online institution for deeper learning of the Jain tradition, its principles, and how these principles apply to daily life for the benefit and well-being of individuals and society in light of today’s most pressing concerns.

    Their courses taught by world-renowned scholars and other community leaders, and the curriculum is comprised of six areas of learning: Animal Advocacy and Biodiversity, Climate Change and Environment, Jain Philosophy, History and Anthropology, Social Justice, Yoga, Self-care and Spirituality, and Professional Ethics.

    NEW Vegan Studies Initiative

    A groundbreaking online program focused on promoting and enacting veganism as an expression of multispecies nonviolence. The initiative interweaves graduate-level academic training, live and self-paced online learning courses, and public conferences and guest speaker events. Their mission is to educate, empower, and connect everyone who is passionate about reimagining and co-creating a world in which our values and actions converge. The Vegan Studies Initiative will have a free monthly speaker series, online classes open to the public, and an accredited masters program for those who want to dive deep into vegan studies.

    First Course Offering: Jainism, Veganism, and Engaged Religion

    Free Monthly Speaker Series: July 17, Toward a Plant-Based Food System

    The Vegan Studies Initiative is dedicated to pursuing a future of compassion and consideration for all.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #jainism #nonviolence #compassion #dairy #veganism #vegetarianism #spirituality

  • Syncing Your Brain and Body Clocks by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Original post: https://nutritionfacts.org/blog/syncing-your-brain-and-body-clocks/

    Related Episodes:

    745: Chronobiology – How Circadian Rhythms Can Control Your Health and Weight by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Dr. Michael Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. He founded NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a non-profit, non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Dr. Michael Greger, providing free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos. There are more than a thousand videos on nearly every aspect of healthy eating, with new videos and articles uploaded every day.

    His latest books —How Not to Die, the How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet — became instant New York Times Best Sellers. His two latest books, How to Survive a Pandemic and the How Not to Diet Cookbook were released in 2020.

    100% of all proceeds he has ever received from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements have always and will always be donated to charity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #chronobiology #peripheralclocks #internalclock #semiautonomousclocks #circadianrythm

  • [Part 2] Tactics In Practice: The Science Of Social Media Advocacy by Björn Ólafsson at Faunalytics.org

    Original post: https://faunalytics.org/when-big-agriculture-funds-university-experts/

    Faunalytics is a non-profit organization providing animal advocates with data to understand how people think about and respond to advocacy, and the best strategies to inspire change for animals. They empower advocates with access to research, analysis, strategies, and messages that maximize their effectiveness to reduce animal suffering. Their online research library is free and has summaries of over 4,000 peer-reviewed research articles, public opinion surveys, and blog posts offering deep analysis on every animal issue you can think of. It’s the world’s biggest collection of opinion and behavior research about animal issues, and it’s presented with an emphasis on effectiveness, readability, and useability. Sign up for their email alerts and get weekly or monthly updates on the latest research.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #socialmedia #animaladvocacy

  • [Part 1] Tactics In Practice: The Science Of Social Media Advocacy by Björn Ólafsson at Faunalytics.org

    Original post: https://faunalytics.org/when-big-agriculture-funds-university-experts/

    Faunalytics is a non-profit organization providing animal advocates with data to understand how people think about and respond to advocacy, and the best strategies to inspire change for animals. They empower advocates with access to research, analysis, strategies, and messages that maximize their effectiveness to reduce animal suffering. Their online research library is free and has summaries of over 4,000 peer-reviewed research articles, public opinion surveys, and blog posts offering deep analysis on every animal issue you can think of. It’s the world’s biggest collection of opinion and behavior research about animal issues, and it’s presented with an emphasis on effectiveness, readability, and useability. Sign up for their email alerts and get weekly or monthly updates on the latest research.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #socialmedia #animaladvocacy

  • Vegan Diet Lowers Insulin Needs for Type 1 Diabetic Patients, Groundbreaking New Study Suggests by Courtney Davison at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/vegan-diet-lowers-insulin-needs-type-1-diabetes-new-study/

    Related Episodes:

    701: Keto Diets and Diabetes by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    628: [Part 2] Diet and Diabetes: Recipes for Success by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    627: [Part 1] Diet and Diabetes: Recipes for Success by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    459: The Benefits of Millet for Diabetes by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    443: On a Healthy Plant-Based Diet, I’ve Reversed Type 2 Diabetes and Sky-High Cholesterol by Lauri Perrella at ForksOverKnives.com

    430: Processed Meats Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes. Now Dementia Is on the List. by Nicole Axworthy at VegNews.com

    241: 'How to Reduce the Glycemic Impact of Potatoes' & 'The Healthiest Type of Potato' by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    212: Do Potatoes Increase the Risk of Diabetes? by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    206: A Diabetes Diagnosis Shocked Me Into Changing My Diet. The Results Have Been Incredible. By Miranda Haes at ForksOverKnives.com

    111: 'The True Cause of Type 2 Diabetes’ and ‘What’s Wrong With Eggs?’

    103: From Prediabetic, Asthmatic, and Anemic to Positively Thriving on a Plant Based Diet

    47: A Carb-Centric Diet Helped Me Recover from Type 2 Diabetes & I Overcame Debilitating PMS on a Plant-Based Diet from ForksOverKnives.com

    21: How Not To Die From Kidney Disease and How Not to Die From Diabetes by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #diabetes #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #wfpb

  • The Incredible Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for People with Type 1 Diabetes by Cyrus Khambatta and Robby Barbaro at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/plant-based-diet-benefits-for-type-1-diabetes/

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #diabetes #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #wfpb

  • Can Going Dairy-Free Help With Blood Sugar Control? By Tiffany Bruno at Switch4Good.org

    Original post: https://switch4good.org/can-going-dairy-free-help-with-blood-sugar-control/

    Switch4Good is an evidence-based nonprofit dedicated to rattling accepted norms around dairy and health. They’re working to abolish the current system of dietary racial oppression, and promoting solutions for climate change. They have a fantastic podcast hosted by Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch and Baywatch actress/health coach Alexandra Paul - they'll inspire and educate you to start living better and feeling better.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #diabetes #insulinesistance #type1diabetes #dairyfree

  • Plant-Based Pregnancy Outcomes and Breast Milk By Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Original post: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-pregnancy-outcomes-and-breastmilk

    Related Episodes:

    425: Avoiding Fish for 5 Years Before Pregnancy by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    401: Mythbusting Soy: Women’s Health & Hormones from Switch4Good.org

    253: Health Concerns About Fish by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    667: Whole Food, Plant-Based Baby Formula: Alternatives When Breastfeeding Isn’t an Option by Theresa “Sam” Houghton at NutritionStudies.org

    133: Treating Reflux in Babies with Diet by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Dr. Michael Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. He founded NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a non-profit, non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Dr. Michael Greger, providing free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos. There are more than a thousand videos on nearly every aspect of healthy eating, with new videos and articles uploaded every day.

    His latest books —How Not to Die, the How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet — became instant New York Times Best Sellers. His two latest books, How to Survive a Pandemic and the How Not to Diet Cookbook were released in 2020.

    100% of all proceeds he has ever received from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements have always and will always be donated to charity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #pregnancy #breastfeeding #veganpregnancy #plantbasedpregnancy