
  • Robbie Upcroft, Cloud Business Manager at Tech Data ANZ, may have “fallen into IT”, but his passion for using tech to help people reach their full potential runs deep. He’s inspired by how assistive technology has transformed the life of his son Toby, who has Cerebral Palsy.

    Join your host and Executive Creative Director Barrie Seppings as he quizzes Robbie with ‘20 Questions’, uncovering how being fired made him a better manager today, why we should treat business as a contact sport and all about that one time he found cows in the office.

    The interview format at Plugged In, Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 different (but always great) answers. Here are some of our favourites from our interview with Cloud Business Manager Robbie Upcroft:

    What did Robbie at school think he was going to go and do? If you had your time again, but you couldn't do anything in technology or marketing, what would be your dream job? Was there a moment in your career where it became clear that you just learned a very valuable lesson? What's the underrated idea or tactic that you think is ripe for a comeback? What's the most unexpected situation you found yourself in thanks to work?

    Robbie Upcroft is in the Tech Data ANZ leadership team and is responsible for accelerating success in Australia by delivering value across the Microsoft and AWS ecosystems. He previously worked at Microsoft, both in Australia and the UK, and in various channel leadership roles covering both Australia and APAC.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • Did you have a life’s mission when you were a kid? Michael Vermeersch, Accessibility Lead for Microsoft in EMEA, sure did. And over the course of our ’20 Questions’ episode of the “Plugged In, Switched On’ podcast from Splendid Group, we discovered that he’s very much still on that same life mission.

    Join your host and Executive Creative Director Barrie Seppings, as he gets 20 often life-changing answers during this month’s interview with Michael, covering everything from astronaut routines and realising your potential to finding the cure for cancer and getting stuck in an elevator door in front of a celebrity.

    The interview format at Plugged In Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 different (but always great) answers. Here are some of our favourites from our interview with Marketing manager Michael Vermeersch:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo? Who have you learned the most from in your career? What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the most unusual situation you’ve found yourself in, thanks to work? Who has the worst job in B2B tech marketing?

    Michael Vermeersch is the Accessibility Lead for Microsoft in EMEA and is an in-demand speaker, advocate and consultant on the subject of accessibility, technology and the human potential.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

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  • When you get to a senior level in marketing, you pride yourself on being able to make quick decisions. But what if that approach was preventing you from making the right decisions? Lis Walters, Marketing Manager for Commercial and Data Center Solutions, Ingram Micro, asked herself that very question a couple of years ago and it completely changed how she operates at work.

    Join your host and Executive Creative Director Barrie Seppings, as he gets 20 great answers during this month’s interview with Lis, unpacking the future of distis, why sports mascots are underpaid and the career benefits of an addiction to Pilates.

    Welcome back to this month’s “Plugged In, Switched On’ podcast from Splendid Group.

    The interview format at Plugged In Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 different (but always great) answers. Here are some of our favourites from our interview with Marketing manager Lis Walters:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo? Who have you learned the most from in your career? What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the most unusual situation you’ve found yourself in, thanks to work? Who has the worst job in B2B tech marketing?

    Lis Walters is the Marketing Manager for Commercial and Data Center Solutions, Ingram Micro and has dozens of years’ experience with some of Australia’s biggest brands, including Telstra, Metcash and Toys r Us.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • Just because your workplace is demanding you be authentic at work, doesn’t mean you have to reduce yourself to just one persona. It’s a refreshing take on what it means to be a leader (and be human) in one of the world’s most demanding B2B Tech marketing jobs.

    Join your host and Executive Creative Director Barrie Seppings, as he fires 20 Questions at Elise Miller and learns why enthusiasm is your greatest asset, how box breathing became part of meeting prep and why she would probably make a great detective in a TV crime show. Welcome back to this month’s “Plugged In, Switched On" podcast from Splendid Group.

    The interview format at Plugged In Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 different (but always great) answers. Here are some of our favourites from our interview with ABM Director Elise Miller:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo? Who have you learned the most from in your career? What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the most overhyped buzzword in tech marketing right now? How different are you in ‘work mode’ compared to when you’re off the leash?

    Elise Miller has many years of experience in marketing and ABM specifically, working with global B2B brands such as Fujitsu, O2, Salesforce, Canon and The Marketing Practice. Elise is passionate about understanding the needs, challenges, and opportunities of customers, and is proudly ITSMA certified.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • That’s exactly how a self-described “shy kid from a country town” ended up as an in demand keynote speaker and technology evangelist for some of the world’s biggest technology brands. Join your host and Executive Creative Director Barrie Seppings, as he fires 20 Questions at Mark Fenson and discovers how to stay sane in a high-pressure job, why regrets aren’t worth your time and all about that business tripped that changed everything. Yes, we’re back with this month’s “Plugged In, Switched On’ podcast from Splendid Group.

    The interview format at Plugged In Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 different (but always great) answers. Here are some of our favourites from our interview with evangelist Mark Fenson:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo? Who have you learned the most from in your career? What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the most overhyped buzzword in tech marketing right now? How different are you in ‘work mode’ compared to when you’re off the leash?

    Mark Fenson has over 20 years experience in business technology sales and education for the likes of Cisco and Lenovo. He now travels the world explaining the near future on behalf of Intel and HP as their AI Compute Evangelist.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • In this episode of Plugged In, Switched On, our host, Barrie Seppings asks why Account Based Marketing is the tactic du jour amongst B2B Tech Marketers right now. Joining Barrie in the ‘conversation that matters’ are Jess Littlewood, Strategy Director at Splendid and Felicity Theobald, Client Services Director at Splendid, two agency leaders who spend most of their time deep in the very fashionable trenches of ABM with some of the world’s biggest B2B Tech brands.

    In this discussion, they explain why patience is an ABMer’s most valuable skill and why many B2B Tech brands are once again committing big budgets (and their best people) to this approach.

    This ‘deep dive’ special edition of the Plugged In Switched On podcast puts the focus on one particular skillset or format in the B2B Marketer’s armoury to find out:

    Where the approach originally came from Why it’s back in vogue right now The skills and attitudes a marketer needs to develop in order to succeed How technology is changing and accelerating the field What role creativity can (or should) play Why brands are committing significant funds to this approach How is it likely to evolve in the coming year

    Jess Littlewood is the Strategy Director at Splendid, having honed her skills at developing insights for clients while leading teams at specialist agencies in Sydney and London. Connect with Jess on LinkedIn

    Felicity Theobald, Client Services Director at Splendid, has years of experience cultivating both relationships and talent at agencies in London and Sydney. Connect with Flic on LinkedIn

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • In this episode of Plugged In, Switched On, we invite you into the conversations that matter in B2B tech marketing when our host, Barrie Seppings fires 20 Questions at Sonya Aboudargham from Dicker Data. Sonya is one of Australia’s most experienced marketers: working for the likes of Microsoft and IBM, then pioneering the ‘fractional CMO’ role as a consultant for many years before joining Dicker Data. in this interview, she explains why the most dangerous idea in tech marketing is quarter-to-quarter planning.

    The interview format at Plugged In, Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 wildly different answers.

    Here are some of our favourites from our interview with Sonya Aboudargham:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo? Who have you learned the most from in your career? What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the most overhyped buzzword in tech marketing right now? How different are you in ‘work mode’ compared to when you’re off the leash?

    Sonya Aboudargham has almost 25 years experience in the B2B tech marketing industry, and in her current role as Senior Marketing Manager for the Microsoft Business at Dicker Data, she’s helping this Australian tech powerhouse make the most of its relationship with one of the global giants of the industry.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In, Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com

  • In this first episode of Plugged In, Switched On, we invite you into the conversations that matter in B2B tech marketing when our host, Barrie Seppings fires 20 Questions at Kat Yon of Harness Consultancy. Kat is one of Australia’s most experienced marketers when it comes to B2B Partner ecosystems and in this interview, she explains how partners and vendors should be treating each other if they want results.

    The interview format at Plugged In, Switched On is very simple: we ask every guest the same 20 Questions and invariably we get 20 wildly different answers.

    Here are some of our favourites from our interview with Kat Yon:

    What's the one career move you wish you could go back and undo?What’s the one thing in this industry that has gone on for too long and needs fixing? What’s the one question you’d ask an agency if you knew you’d get the truth? What’s a long-held belief about marketing that you no longer hold? How different are you in ‘work mode’ compared to when you’re off the leash?

    Kat Yon has over 20 years experience in the B2B tech marketing industry, including stints with HP and Acer. In her current role as CEO of the Harness Consultancy, she is known throughout the industry as ‘The MDF whisperer’. If you want to see how she helps specialist partners unlock more than just funding assistance for better go-to-market results, be sure to check her out at Harness Consultancy.

    Barrie Seppings is the Executive Creative Director of The Splendid Group and the host of Plugged In, Switched On. Connect with Barrie on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you want to learn more about Splendid Group , see some of our work or meet any of our people, visit splendidgroup.com