We begin this broadcast with a brief public service announcement. The world is coming back, y’all. We are running around like chickens with our pod-casting/jingle-ing heads cut off. We are going to scale back to an episode a month. It’s better for you. It’s better for us. And, most importantly, it’s better for the business. They get a whole month of a feature. We are constantly trying to streamline and find out what works best for us. You get it. We are finding less is more. (Remember to follow us @podhelptheoutcasts and subscribe anywhere you get your podcasts.)
In This Episode:
We are turning 21. This is our twenty-first episode so what better way to kick it off then to focus on two very grown up things: beer and pole dance fitness. This week’s featured jingle is one of our favorites because it’s been played in so many different
styles over the course of advertising history. It’s been done by Louis Armstrong, Lena Horne and featured in a Broadway show, among other things. It’s the Schaefer Beer jingle. So good.Our biz of the week is ATX Pole Fitness. They are a boutique fitness and dance studio located in the Austin, TX area, Round Rock to be exact. What many people don’t know about pole as an art form is that it’s actually quite a serious and measured base of training. I certainly had no real context for pole other than how I’ve seen it characterized; it’s usually connected somehow to strippers, adult entertainment and the like. Contrary to what many of us realize, it’s a highly strategic practice and training method that many would like to turn into an Olympic sport. Very freaking cool. Stephanie Olles, the owner of ATX Pole Fitness, has a deep passion for movement and how it improves your overall headspace in life. I’m so grateful for my conversation with her. We are so excited to have met them and beyond happy to have created something fun and sexy for them in our 21st episode.
This week’s business:
ATX Pole Fitness, Stephanie Olles (owner and operator)
1100 Sam Bass Rd #202, (Located in the Sam Bass Marketplace)
Round Rock, TX 78681
John and Justin
John has a shit-eating grin on his face. Why? I think he has been thinking about naughty things he doesn’t want to say. That’s okay. We don’t want to know. OK, folks, so please remember to send us your small business ideas and buy the people you love a flash
jingle. Flaaaaaash jingle. Refer-O-Matic: https://refer.glow.fm/outcastsJohn talks for a while about those people, (you know the people), who sit in restaurants long after closing and make the servers wait for them. All I can think as he does this is: Oh, nooooooo. I fear DEEPLY that that is me. DEEPLY. Am I that person who actually thinks the servers want me to be there?! Oh, noooooooo. I have definitely closed down a bar or two in my day. Oh, uh oh. I continue to learn very valuable things from Johnny every day.
Welp…this week’s episode is not brought to you by Folger’s. Coffee. Oh, man, what a wonderful jingle to revisit. This jingle actually made me feel warm and toasty when I was little.
There was something about the chord structure that made me, as a child, just want to grow up and be able to drink coffee so that I could feel like the song sounded. IS THAT NOT A GOOD JINGLE OR WHAT?! Making kids want to give their childhoods away so that they can drink coffee sooner?! COME. ON. Johnny has a mean history lesson for us all, as per usual.This week we are talking about a small business in Fort Worth, Texas called Boopa’s Bagel Deli. The proprietor is named Holly Pills. She is a marvelous, talented, successful, ingratiating, funny and just all around awesome person to have a cold call with. Her business partner, Lisa Underwood, passed away in 2005 and Lisa’s son’s nickname was Boopa. So cute.
Friends, it’s all about kettle boiling here. I hate to break it to you, but it’s just not an authentic bagel if it’s not kettle boiled. It’s science, folks. It’s chemistry. I failed chemistry in high school. Welllllll, I got a C because the teacher liked me. This jingle was easy to write because I love Holly so much. She has remained so hopeful and hard working during the pandemic, she reminded me about how great it will be when everything has recovered.
This Week’s Business:
6513 N Beach St.
Fort Worth, TX 76137
Call to order:
(817) 232-4771 or (817) 232-2982
Email: orders@ftwbagels.com
Hours are:
5:30am - 1pm
6am - 1pm
6:30am - 1pm
Please call if you need to verify our hours on any given day.
Website: https://www.boopasbageldeli.comPHTO Links:
Thank you for supporting us as we support the small business heroes of our local communities.
Support the show:
$podhelptheoutcasts (cash app)
@Jcampione (Venmo)
Jcampione10101 (PayPal)Follow, Subscribe, Like, Share:
@Podhelptheoutcasts (Instagram)
@podhelptheoutcasts (YouTube)For podcast editing, production, and coaching John can be reached at campiaudio@gmail.com
To be added to Justin’s direct e-mail list for his private cocktail club please e-mail podhelptheoutcasts2020@gmail.com
Episodi mancanti?
We are very happy to be back, y’all. Our new format will tastefully, beautifully and efficiently reach DOUBLE the amount of small businesses we reached in season one. You hear me, DOUBLE?! (Remember to follow us @podhelptheoutcasts and subscribe
anywhere you get your podcasts.) Use Refer-O-Matic to earn perks for sharing with friends.In This Episode:
We begin with talking about what we are thinking about this week. Spoiler alert: As usual, mine is booze and John’s is some crazy train of thought. (Opposites attract, guys.) His tangent has a point, though. It always does.
This week, we talk about the classic Johnson & Johnson, Band-Aid jingle. It’s very timely as vaccinations continue to roll out. John will provide us with a brief history and discussion of the tune….Barry Manilow. John Travolta. Terri Garr. Are you enticed to listen to the full episode? I know you are.
Our biz of the week is Bubbles & Brews, Philly. It’s a small franchise owned by Tyrese and J’Nelle Lawrence that exists within a larger model called Get Cozy Bars. Being that Justin is a virtual bartender now, he is VERY excited to meet other people who are
striving to innovate the cocktail industry. This particular business is a drive-up bar. Yes. You heard this right. You tell them what you want. They have 7 kegs on tap and a full bar. They drive a fully-booze-loaded vintage piaggio ape onto the site of your event. It’s
the CUTEST DAMN BAR on the face of the planet. We are so excited to have met them and beyond happy to be featuring and ‘jingle’-ing them this week.This Week’s Business:
Bubbles & Brews Philly, J’nelle & Tyrese Lawrence (owners)
E: philly@getcozybars.com
E: jclem112@hotmail.com
www.getcozybars.com (Inquire for Philly area)
Instagram: @bubblesandbrewsphillySee you soon! Thanks for listening and don’t forget to visit Bubbles & Brews online. Also follow and subscribe to us! We love you. Bye bye for now.
John & Justin @ PHTO (www.podhelptheoutcasts.com)PHTO Links:
Thank you for supporting us as we support the small business hero’s of our local communities.
Support the show:
$podhelptheoutcasts (cash app)
@Jcampione (Venmo)
Jcampione10101 (PayPal)Follow, Subscribe, Like, Share:
@Podhelptheoutcasts (Instagram)
@podhelptheoutcasts (YouTube)For podcast editing, production, and coaching John can be reached at John@campiaudio.com
To be added to Justin’s direct e-mail list for his private cocktail club please e-mail podhelptheoutcasts2020@gmail.com
We are fully back in business, y’all. We love our new format, we love our new musical sound bites, but, mostly, we love our listeners. Please love us back. Share us, follow us, tell people about us, follow us, SEND US YOUR SMALL BUSINESSES!
(If you need a refresher, here it is: @podhelptheoutcasts and podhelptheoutcasts.com Subscribe anywhere you get your podcasts). Share us with your friends! Share with five friends and get a custom flash jingle for anyone you choose. And the rewards are only up from there! Refer-O-Matic
Texas tattoos. Think about how 80% of people from Texas have the state tattooed somewhere on their body. Why is this relevant? Well, listen on. John is moving apartments in NYC. Anyone who has done that knows the emotional ramifications of what moving in NYC entails. Justin was lucky enough to get his second vaccine and have zero side effects. Cool. Moving on…
We have many new fun sound bites for you. We release ‘Not Brought to You By’ this week. All the credit to Johnny here. He wrote it and it’s one of the top 5 five songs Justin wishes he had written. What is the feature of the ‘Not Brought to you By’ segment?
Chili’s Baby Back Ribs! Right?! Do you remember where you were when you first heard this jingle? John does. He was in his childhood home in Dallas with his brother Matt running around trying to sing the bass part in his pre-pubescent boy soprano church voice. To keep the jingle in the family, we have a special surprise for you that you will only get if you listen to the episode in its entirety. The other special surprise, obviously, is John’s history lesson about the jingle. John’s research is always a treat to be enjoyed on your morning commute, during a nice power walk or jog, or, as I personally like, with a huge cocktail that puts you right to sleep. (N’Sync and Fat Bastard…come up…in the history lesson….Oh…John….Wait for the funeral, y’all. That’s all I’m going to say.) Buy Guy Bommarito’s book: Creative Bones
Our biz of the week is Jackie’s Place in San Jose, CA. They are a woman led, family run, black-owned soul food & BBQ restaurant located in the heart of the Silicon Valley and the only soul food restaurant in a 30-mile radius! Jackie made her way to California
from Hondo, Texas. (John?!) What started out in 1998 as preparing small dishes for family and churches has turned into a growing success. In 2013, they launched their bakery, Noonie Cakes, specializing in unique southern style cupcakes, and in 2018
they celebrated their Jackie's Place grand opening in Japantown, San Jose. After the pandemic struck in 2020, they experienced a fire that condemned their building, but they are happy to announce that this minor set back has set them up for a MAJOR
come back!This week’s business:
Jackie’s Place in San Jose, CA
JACKIE'S PLACE: 840 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112
Catering: (408) 223-7777 Restaurant: (408) 490-4653
E: events@jackiesplaceSJ.com W: www.jackiesplaceSJ.com
Instagram: @JackiesPlaceSJSee you soon! Thanks for listening and don’t forget to visit Jackie’s Place online. Also follow and subscribe to us! We love you. Bye bye for now.
John & Justin @ PHTO, (www.podhelptheoutcasts.com)PHTO Links:
Thank you for supporting us as we support the small business hero’s of our local communities.
Support the show:
$podhelptheoutcasts (cash app)
@Jcampione (Venmo)
Jcampione10101 (PayPal)Follow, Subscribe, Like, Share:
@Podhelptheoutcasts (Instagram)
@podhelptheoutcasts (YouTube)For podcast editing, production, and coaching John can be reached at John@campiaudio.com
To be added to Justin’s direct e-mail list for his private cocktail club please e-mail podhelptheoutcasts2020@gmail.com
In This Episode:
We are going to begin with some apologies. We have been very busy trying to improve ourselves as not only joint, small business owners and podcast makers, but also as individual small business owners now. What?! We now live, think, breathe and poo small
businesses. John has founded an audio company and I now have an online cocktail class company. This in no way means that we are taking time off from creating POD HELP THE OUTCASTS. Oh, no. If anything, we are coming back stronger with a much more efficient, more streamlined show format that is less flowery and more about heavily featuring the business of the week. Season one was great, but season two will make you want to quit your jobs and start a small business of your own. See you soon!As always, share us with your friends! Share with five friends and get a custom flash jingle for anyone you choose. And the rewards only go up from there! Refer-o-matic!
Thanks for listening and your faith in us. We love you.
John & Justin @ PHTO—————————————————
Follow, Subscribe, Like, Share:
@Podhelptheoutcasts (Instagram)
@podhelptheoutcasts (YouTube)For podcast editing, production, and coaching John can be reached at John@campiaudio.com
To be added to Justin’s direct e-mail list for his private cocktail club please e-mail podhelptheoutcasts2020@gmail.com
(Referral Link! You know the drill. Tell your friends; get a flash jingle about you or someone you love! Easy. Refer-O-Matic)
In This Episode:
It’s that time of year, folks! This episode is a special Christmas edition. Well, it’s basically the same thing we always do, but it’s Christmas this time. Ok, so we need to get back to a certain formula moving forward. We need get back to talking about our favorite tunes and why we like them so that John can do what John does best: give you nerdy history. Please help yourself,
as a special Christmas gift, to all of these things in Episode 16: my favorite carols, John’s favorite carols, and the history attached to John’s favorite carols. Hint: It’s about Irving Berlin….who’s Jewish. Anyway, moving on.This week's business is kind of cool. Do you all remember the end of season one? Well, if you don’t, we finished it off with a song for the Leigh Weimers Award Committee. They gave John
and I an award through the Rotary Club of San Jose. Through this meeting, we connected with the man named Jason Minsky. He is the executive director of Christmas in the Park, an annual family holiday celebration in downtown San Jose, that has been a tradition for many in Justin’s hometown of San Jose, California. He approached John and Justin about writing an original pitch for the festival. Very cool, right?! What’s even cooler? They made the festival drive-through and Covid-proof this year.Well, Justin ended up going to the drive-through Christmas in the Park this year! He loaded his mom into the car with some burgers from 5 Guys and decided to check it out. (Thanks for the
free passes, Jason!) It was SOOO SWEET. It was a 15-20 minute drive-through of historic History Park in San Jose. First of all, there was a radio station synched to listen to on your drive that synched with the mouths of the singing characters! There were maybe a million pixel lights. Forests. Reindeer. Sleighs. Santa, (who waved at me). Pixel arches. Christmas Trees. Teddy bears. Penguins. Oh, man it was freaking beautiful. Kids were going bananas hanging
out of the sun roofs of their parents SUVs. Now, that doesn’t really sound safe at all, I know, but we were only allowed to go 2.5 MPH. So glad I was able to get there!Happy Holidays to all, whatever you celebrate, from your guys at the Pod!
This Week’s Business:
*Drive-Thru Nov 27 - Jan 3 at History Park
General Info: 408-809-XMAS (9627)
• Help Center: 800-879-0769
• info@christmasinthepark.com -
In This Episode:
(Referral Link! You know the drill. Tell your friends; get a flash jingle about you or someone you love! Easy. Refer-O-Matic)
Justin is back in California. You know what that means?! Quarantine and Covid test tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. John is in New York. OK, I want you to listen to how crazy I drive John in this episode. Listen to his voice. His job consists not only of finding meaning in my rants and having to sit through them, but also, in this episode particularly, how I never want to talk into the mic and how I never remember which episode is which. I am a major liability for John and the podcast. I have a foul mouth with a VERY annoying voice this week. I am uncouth and unhinged and easily triggered.
Okay, moving along. My Covid test was not comfortable, y’all. However, that does NOT mean you shouldn’t go get one. It felt great to do it once I was done. (Have you gotten a flash jingle yet? Get one.) Okey doke. So. We were fortunate and blessed to be invited back to V&Ts Laundry Box to interview Vincent and re-listen to our first season of jingles before sending them off to be re-mastered for our season one album. Ohhhhhhh, it’s coming, guys. It’s a’comin’.Vincent @LaundryLikeUs is such a great guy for so many reasons. You know him from our jingle for his laundry spot, but this episode we get to hang with him and hear about what is going on in his life and with his business. He continues to stay positive and dedicate his business to hospitality, positivity and creating a great and welcoming neighborhood laundry experience and atmosphere. BUT. Drumroll, please. He has ventured into podcasting! He is launching a podcast called THE RINSE. It will showcase people he has met as customers only to discover later that they are talented artists. There are instrumentalists, rappers, singers, poets, you name it. All local Harlem and NYC talent that has been walking the neighborhood in disguise. DAMN, WHY DIDN’T WE THINK OF THIS, JOHN?! It’s an amazing idea for a podcast and YouTube channel. Thank you Vincent for having us and for all you do.
The song this week is too cool. It’s TOO COOL. But, back to my earlier point: Listen to when I ask John if he likes the opening riff. His answer is: “Sure”. I’ll translate. “Sure. Now get your
goddamned face facing the mic while you’re playing. I’ll like anything as long as you talk into the mic”. HE GETS EVEN MORE PISSED LATER. I KNEW IT! I KNEW HE WANTED TO KILL
ME THIS EPISODE.This week is City Lights Theater Company in San Jose, California. Their executive artistic director is Lisa Malette, an awesome lady who we met working on the Leigh Weimers jingle. They give us “Thought-provoking plays and musicals, along with concerts
showcasing hot local artists.” Enjoy!!CITY LIGHTS THEATRE COMPANY
529 S. Second Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Check out their website, links to their online programming and their podcast
In This Episode:
Whoa. Warning: The excitement John is going to give you right off the bat is going to alarm you. It’s for a legitimate reason. We have a new referral program! Get 5 friends to check us out: get a free personalized flash jingle. For you, for grandma, to drop on ‘em as you enter a Zoom call. Get 10: get a flash jingle and PHTO merch. Get 20?! You will get a full out 45-60 second jingle pitch.
Click the link —> PHTO Refer-o-matic Add the names. Share us. It’s that simple. Both our lives will change forever. We love you.
Okay, stay with me now. In our main segment, Tim Sebastian from 10glo.com joins us. Tim is the CGO (Chief Growth Officer) at 10glo.com, a new open forum for theatre artists to promote and share their talent in a ‘white label’ YouTube type of format. Their goal is to give actors and performing artists a platform where they bypass the audition room and get their work seen directly by industry professionals.
Sign up —> https://10glo.com/ using the code “JINGLEBROS” To get some groovy free stickers as well!
We chat with Tim about the challenges of opening a media company during the pandemic. We did the same thing, you see. BAZAAAAAM! Tim’s interview is great for other performing artists who have had to adjust to the transition of working from home. For many of us it has felt strange and unnatural, but we are trying to keep it in the context of how it will improve our work when live performance returns. PHTO show at Madison Square Garden, anyone?! (I go on a long tangent mid-interview and it’s like WTF but just try to stay with me.)
Lastly but not least-ly? Huh? We head back down to Dallas, Texas to promote a Christmas show for Uptown Players. This is a theatre in Dallas that John has worked for that is entering their 19th season. REGIONAL THEATERS ARE SMALL BUSINESSES, TOO, PEOPLE! We are writing this week for Paul J. Williams and “Sister Helen Holy’s Holiday Streaming Spectacular!” I can’t say enough great things about this performer, but I will say this: he uses his faith, his experience in the church, his love of and presence in the LGBTQIA community and his humor to bring joy, laughter and unity to the world at large. We think the world of this man’s talent.
This Week’s Business:
Uptown Players and Sister Helen Holy’s Holiday Streaming Spectacular https://www.uptownplayers.org/ (Keep your eyes peeled for their promo video featuring our jingle!)
Virtual/Streaming Production: December 4 - December 20, 2020
Tickets available at: https://www.uptownplayers.org/more_info.php?show_id=8
Uptown Players
3636 Turtle Creek Blvd, Dallas Texas, 75219 (214) 219-2718 -
In This Episode:
Democracy matters, people. We discuss democracy matters while discussing how democracy matters? DO YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! Hey, so, okay, you need to vote. You. That’s all we say about that. We aren’t a politics podcast.
Firstly, it’s season 2! We can’t believe we completed Season 1. Twelve great episodes! What’s the first and most exciting thing about Season 2?! Introducing Pod Help The Outcasts as a small business. We are now a small business. We make jingles. It’s what we do. What’s exciting about this is that we can make one for YOU, if you want. You do want. You know you want one. First, though, we need to know who you are. We know you are out there. But, who are you? Record yourself on a voice memo or DM us on Instagram. We will send you a special gift. Or, even better, ORDER A FLASH JINGLE. For yourself, for you mom, for your grandma, to break up with someone. For whatever.
Today, it seems, is fitness day. We have a very bro-like discussion about fitness. How’s your internal rotation? You may not know. We talk about gyms and how Justin has returned to his. Have you heard of a speakeasy gym? They are out there. How is your metabolic endurance? How is your front squat? Do you even lift, bro?! Well, all of this is kind of boring, but it’s relevant because of this week’s business...
Harlem Cycle 2350 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd, New York, NY 10030 (646) 404-2891 https://harlem-cycle.com @HarlemCycle This is the only cycling studio in Harlem, owned and run by Tammeca Rochester. The studio was recently broken into and vandalized, which can be catastrophic for a small business right now while gyms are already suffering. Tammeca’s passion has been to bring the culture and the soul of Harlem to this cycling studio and keeping it there, creating a positive and soulful environment for residents of Harlem who love cycling. It’s a one stop shop for cycling, fitness and nutrition. Buy a gift card from them! They make really great gifts, especially with their online content and the holidays coming up! -
In This Episode
Update: We pushed the season 1 finale a little further down the road. But I’m leaving these notes intact so you can hear Justin’s unbounded joy and excitement. He’s always best unedited.
So. This is an extremely exciting episode for us; it is Number 12 and the FINALE of our first season! Do you comprehend?! This means since May 29th, we have created and released Twelve. Original. Jingles. Promoting. Small. Businesses. During. The. Pandemic. A moment of silence, please.........It’s honestly more like an empire being born. We are so freaking proud of this idea and of the businesses we have connected with, and for them hanging tough during this really difficult time.
We change it up for Ep. 12 and record remotely. We are at what is maybe our favorite place in Manhattan for the final episode of our season: Hold Fast Kitchen & Spirits, on Restaurant Row. You remember them from Ep. 2? Of course you do. If you don’t, I know what you’ll be doing tonight: yes, going back and listening. Anywhoo, Hold Fast arranged to have a flash mob with 30+ dancers shoot a music video featuring our jingle to commemorate their win of best bar in Hell’s Kitchen, their 3-year anniversary, and to celebrate the re-opening of indoor dining at 25% capacity in NYC. Very exciting!
Do you know what is also very exciting? Since moving back to the Bay during the pandemic, we had had lots of positive feedback about what we did for Roy’s Station in San Jose, CA, in Ep. 1. I got wind of an emerging artists award through my mom’s yoga group. Thanks, Mom. We ended up being one of the winners selected! We are receiving a grant for the pod! A huge thank you to the San Jose Rotary Club and Leigh Weimers Emerging Artists Awards Committee. We have created an original piece for them. Ya know what? It’s tight. I have no problem saying it. We are pimping out the Rotary Club’s vibe in a MAJOR way. Leigh Weimers was a columnist for the San Jose Mercury News who devoted his life to writing about emerging Bay talent. We are so thankful and humbled to be honored for the work we’ve done in the past 4 months. This is the proverbial cherry on top of a very exciting first season. Thanks to all who have listened and subscribed. KEEP DOING IT. TELL THE WORLD ABOUT US!
This Week’s Business......Us! (Just kidding)
The Leigh Weimers Emerging Artists Awards Committee Website: https://www.weimersawards.com
This committee has given over $100,000 to emerging artists and their work in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their winners have run the gamut: rappers, songwriters, visual artists, dancers, you name it. Very cool to be honored as winners in 2020.
In This Episode:
Name that tune. If you recognize the tune that opens the episode and can name the episode it comes from, you get a free coaster and water bottle sticker sent to you. Not kidding. First and foremost, John makes me breakfast because I am always hungover when we work on Fridays because of my cocktail club on Thursday nights. This guy’s eggs will make you weak. Jalapeño. Onion. Potato. Fresh tomato. Avocado. Mushroom. This guy. Okay,
so the jingle at the top is Mikey Abrams’ jingle that was sped up, per Mikey’s request. Good idea. It sounds good fast. It sounds good slow. Don’t you think our jingles sound good at any
speed? Did you catch that John says he doesn’t like kids? LIES. John is a damn liar. He is OBSESSED with his brother’s kids. Don’t buy it.In very exciting news, Kiara from HOLD FAST, our episode 2 business, calls us. West 42nd Street Magazine ran a competition for best bar in Hell’s Kitchen, NY and Hold Fast won it! Deservedly so. Hold Fast Kitchen & Spirits is a fantastic and wonderful place that we love very much. You already know how much we love them. Kiara also spills the beans about FILMING A FLASH MOB WITH OUR JINGLE FOR THEIR THIRD ANNIVERSARY. WHAT?! We can’t wait. Is. This. Real? New York City is getting indoor back at 25% capacity starting 9/30. Keep wearing your masks, folks.
John discusses Bonnie, Tony, Hannah, and Harrison, a lovely family he met on a hike in Colorado that own a ramen restaurant in Indiana. Segue to...
This Week’s Business:
Ramen Alley
217 Washington Ave. Suite D Columbus, Indiana 47201
812-552-5089, ramenalley@gmail.comhttp://www.ramen-alley.com/ Instagram
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Open 11-7 for Dine in or Take Out
Friday and Saturday - Open 11-8 for Dine in or Take Out -
In This Episode:
John is still in Denver and he is “living his dreams.” We have many exciting things on the way here at Pod Help The Outcasts, all of which will be revealed very soon. Very soon. Two more episodes on the season, but we are moving along in a wonderful way. WE WANT YOUR DMs. We want to hear your comments about all we do. Sooooooooooo, we are having a bit of mic drama. We are overcoming it, because that’s what we do, but we still have a bone to pick with a few companies who shall not be named; well they won’t be named on the air (DEVIL EMOJI).
Fall is coming, folks. Justin is pissy off and on because the summer is ending and that makes him irritable. John flat out calls me out for not exercising. Well played. Mr. Campione. In gay culture, we call that a read. And I was read. In the larger lens, we are trying to address the subject of how to stay happy and functioning well during this seasonal transition as the pandemic lingers on in NYC. Did I mention John is happy because he is still in Denver? I think his exact words were “I breathe better here”? Is he ever coming back? Not unless we figure out some more outdoor-sy things for him to do here this fall. WEAR A MASK AT YOUR GYM, PEOPLE! C’MON. YOU HAVE TO DO IT. Did Justin go back to the gym in NYC.......What do you think?
John isn’t coming back. We all know it. (Just kidding, he comes back in the middle of the episode). On this note, we have a new business to pump out in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Where John just came from. Wheat Ridge, CO is west of Denver, like a ‘burb. John is obsessed. It’s called Colorado Plus. Bar. Restaurant. Mini-Brewery. All Colorado beers. Lovely service. Best Wings (had John at hello). Locally sourced meat. Cue the animal sounds. Grow their own organic veggies. You can taste the difference. YES. YESSSSSSSSSSSS. JINGLE FOR YOU, COLORADO PLUS! Good find, Johnny. Their motto: “If you create an environment where passion and hard work is nourished and encouraged, success with follow.” Life lessons, my dudes. Life. Lessons. Intention is what we could all stand to reconnect with all the time.
So....this week’s business:
Colorado Plus. Brewery. Tap House. Restaurant.
Website | Instagram
6995 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
(720) 353-4853 (Phone)Friday-Saturday: 11a-11p
Sunday-Thursday: 11am-10pm“If you create an environment where passion and hard work is nourished and encouraged, success with follow.”
In This Episode:
John has finally lost his mind and fled New York. Will he come back, ever? It’s not looking good. I have this feeling this will be the first of many more remote Pods. Please, no one think that John HATES New York. He doesn’t HATE it. He just LOVES mountains
more. So, respectively, I think you could call that hate but IT’S NOT HATE. Anyway, he has to come back because there are lots of very exciting things coming in the fall and we have much exciting Pod content to bring to the world.OH. MAN. OHHHHHHHHHHHH MAAAAAN. I think it’s no secret that here on POD HELP THE OUTCASTS things can quickly turn into a bromance fest. This week, it happens way earlier in the episode than usual. Enter Matthew Campione and Inspiration Roofing. John’s younger brother Matt, the ‘fit and funny one’, owns a company in Dallas, Texas called Inspiration Roofing. They’ve been hit during the pandemic but luckily, for the most part, they have been able to stay pretty stable due to the nature of what they do. Social distance and roofing happen to compliment on another. He says they have seen a slow down, naturally, because of economy slowing, which is understandable.
SPOILER ALERT: REALLY GOOD INSURANCE ADVICE. WE SHOULD BE CHARGING A SUBSCRIPTION FOR THIS ADVICE.What we love about Matt and his team is that they work with insurance on your behalf. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to go back and forth with condo board and insurance and it’s SUCH A PAIN IN MY BLACK ASS. The irony here is that Matt and
his Project Manager, Kevin, look weirdly exactly like John and I. Whoa. Weird. Go to website and look. My mind just exploded a bit.This Week’s Business:
Inspiration Roofing & Construction, LLC (Matthew Campione)
Website: https://www.inspirationroofing.com P: 214-799-4793 E-mail: Matthew@inspirationroofing.com Instagram: @inspirationroofing & @matt_campione1 YouTube: Inspiration Roofing -
In This Episode:
Another bourbon and coffee or “bourbee and coffee,” I slur. We have come to a crossroads and we need your help. Firstly, we need to up our cocktail game during taping. We can’t drink bourbon and coffee forever. Plus, we ran out of John’s bourbon anyway. We are on it. JUST YOU WAIT FOR SEASON TWO, FRIENDS.
Secondly, merch. We are thinking stickers and coasters. Would you stick us to your stuff? Would you sit your glass on our faces and then drink from it and then put it back? Would you smile every time you looked down as you did it? These are the things we
ask ourselves, on your behalf, multiple times a day.We get a phone call from Abigail Figueroa-Vera of Aby’s Upholstery!!! Gosh, we love her to death. She is the best and
we feel beyond warm and fuzzies knowing we are reaching people. We then pivot to a discussion about art and the price of art as we enter the realm of Maurice Harris, a luxury florist, community coffee shop operator and performance artist, of Bloom &
Plume in Los Angeles. My sister has visited his space in L.A. and I recently stumbled upon a New York Times article entitled: “Maurice Harris is a Superstar. Can He Bend
Capitalism to His Talents?” What is it like to finally arrive at a place in your career when what you are making is something you could never afford? (Mind explosion). We see it as performing artists all the time in NYC. The price of a ticket to a Broadway show is
more than three of my utilities in a month. Well, maybe not my summer ConEd bill, but you understand. The power of beauty. Capitalism. Creativity. Who Owns it? Can you
bloom? Will you, even? Enjoy!This Week’s Business:
Maurice Harris of Bloom and Plume @bloomandplume
Bloom & Plume Coffee
213-908-5808 (Call in Orders ONLY - NOT for Merch or Customer Service)
1638 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
General Inquiries - hello@bloomandplumecoffee.com
Merch Inquiries - merch@bloomandplumecoffee.com
https://shop.bloomandplume.com -
In This Episode:
We begin by giving John a physical assessment of his alignment. He’s not symmetrical. Neither am I. It’s because we are old and used to be young. What do we decide to do about it? Drink. Coffee and bourbons. We are very excited to enter into the Texas market of podcasting. John is from Texas, everyone. John also gives us
more history we didn’t know we needed, as well, as tells us that he, unlike me, actually listens to lots of Podcasts. Well, I feel like a real a$$&^*e. Oh, guuuuuys?! WE GOT INVITED TO FLORENCE. That’s actually real. Well, we hope. Uhhh, what else? We
love ourselves even though we didn’t release an episode last week. I’m feeling very warm. It’s summer and we are day drinking at 1pm in NYC. Dallas how we love thee. John references Marie’s Crisis unprompted. Just sayin’. Oh, and…I LIKE TO MAKE
UP FAKE WORDS. Please enjoy!!This Week’s Business:
Mikey Abrams of Texas Pride Realty Group
T. 817-714-5959 IG: @mikey_abrams
Https://www.mikeyabramsrealtor.com -
In this episode:
We talk about being ‘songwriters’?! WHAT?! Over more coffee and bourbon, we bro-out on this question. John thinks songwriters have to do with bands and music, I think they have to do with theatrical composers and lyricists. See why this relationship works somehow? The bourbon continues to do its work... We discuss our very fake Chick-Fil-A campaign. Are we getting sued for this? Hopefully. Justin is now slightly slurring, more than usual. John is talking about Lord Knows What. Hey, everyone. We’re going to Croatia? Uhhhh, we’re giving ourselves props for our regional production of Les Mis from 2014?!!! Still?!! YIIIIKES. Bourbon, bourbon, la, la, la...Hey, guys, if you wanna unsubscribe now, we totally get it. Thanks for everything. Love, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. THIS S*&T IS LOSER-TASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for listening! WE LOVE YOU!
This week’s business: Aby’s Upholstery*
T. +1 (408) 289-8887
E. info@abysupholstery.com @abysupholstery545 Horning St. San Jose, CA 95112 Appointments Only
*Due to Covid-19, Aby’s Upholstery will now be working on appointment only availability. We understand that this makes things a little tricky, but we are more than happy to work with your schedule, to find the best times to create the pieces you love.Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
In this episode:
Finally, we record an episode drinking coffee and bourbon at 10:40 in the morning. This is our dream and has been our dream for this podcast. We talk about my Thursday night cocktail club that you are all invited to. The bourbon leads us to a conversation about
New York and her abusive and demanding treatment of her inhabitants. She’s a demanding lover. Obviously, there is mention of how the pandemic might look in the fall. Duh.THIS WEEK’S BUSINESS:
V&T’s Laundry Box
906 St Nicholas Ave, New York, NY 10032Vincent and Tanya have created a cool, welcoming, FUN, space where…YOU CAN DO YOUR LAUNDRY. WHAT?! There are three slushy machines, six speakers, big screen TVS, beautiful high quality washers and dryers that I want to molest and make sweet
love to. I have been saying that I wished there were a cool laundromat in the world for like 10+ years. They have created it. Movies, a dog space, games, slushies, amazing vibe and THE BEST OWNERS. I’m getting married here. I’m getting buried here. No matter I what I do here, it’ll be fun and I’ll have clean clothes.https://www.yelp.com/biz/v-and-ts-laundry-box-new-york
Call first to make an appointment.
(212) 234-7333Monday: 8a-10p
Tuesday: 8a-10p
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8a-10p
Friday: 8a-10p
Saturday: 7a-10p
Sunday: 7a-10p
In this episode:
In the continuing battle to eliminate background noise from my home recording station, John demands another sound check. I retaliate with Cinderella. Brian, the Dog Father of Harlem, tells us he feels like a superhero!! YAAASSSSSSSS! AND he wants a cut for a radio spot he is doing. (You guys, it’s happening. We are going global.) John and I talk about how sad we are about the Europe ban, places we have visited, Justin tries to recall facts about Europe’s economy but then just talks about crashing a mob boat on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. And.....the most legendary vocal crack ever recorded. EVER.
Masse’s Pastries @ 1469 Shattuck Avenue, in Berkeley, California.
Paul and Marcia Masse own and operate an exquisite gem of a European-style pastry and cake shop in North Berkeley. Found in what was once referred to as the “Gourmet Ghetto”, (we don’t say this anymore, kids), it’s the birthplace of California cuisine; Peet’s, Alice Waters’ Chez Panisse, Cheese Board Collective, Cocolat chocolate are all there.
http://www.massespastries.com**Reviewers have written of them:
—“A tiny place where perfection without pretension rules.”
—“Masse’s stands with Paris as best pastry shop. Why go to Paris when you come to Berkeley?”
**Ordering Timeline
24 hour notice for ordering cakes 48 hour notice for ordering tarts -
In this episode: Justin talks about being back in NYC. The MTA is clean, empty and early. WHAT?! We are very excited for summer and Phase 2 in New York City. We are taking every opportunity to get as much Vitamin D as possible while we can. THIS WEEK’S BUSINESS: Harlem Doggie Spa (http://www.Harlemdoggiedayspa.com) Brian Taylor, AKA, The Dog Father of Harlem, runs a mobile pet grooming service that has a cult following and rave reviews. In the multi-million dollar pet industry where black business owners are highly underrepresented, Brian has become a local celebrity, philanthropist and rock star groomer with return clients spanning all over Manhattan. He is currently raising money for a “Pandemic Pup Relief Tour,” servicing the furry friends of people who have been fiscally impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. His Go Fund Me Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-pandemic-pup-relief-tour Follow Brian @harlemdoggiedayspa and @dogfatherofharlem Then follow us @podhelptheoutcasts on Insta and YouTube Thanks so much for listening and don’t forget to subscribe! Next Episode: Masse’s Pastries in Berkeley, CA!!!!
In this episode:
We briefly debrief, (you see what we did there?), on BLM and how small businesses are coping with the current climate. We, then, move on to our LOVE DU JOUR:
Hold Fast Kitchen & Spirits @ 364 W 46th St (b/t 8th and 9th Avenues), on Restaurant Row in Manhattan. It’s a mom & pop on Restaurant Row! Open for Limited Food Takeout Menu & Takeout Full Bar. It’s Hell’s Kitchen & Broadway’s latest hangout;
•Open Tues-Fri 2-8p
•Open Sat-Sun 12-8p
Follow them at @holdfastnyc on Instagram!!Thank you so much for listening and don’t forget to like and subcribe! 💗💗💗
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