
  • Rachel Peru is undoubtedly a PR Powerhouse. This week she's been featured on 17 radio interviews alone and she's regularly featured in national press as a spokesperson for midlife women. She attracts brand collaborations and is regularly called upon for her experience and commentary having become a model and influencer in her 40's. We have worked with Rachel from the beginning of her PR journey and we are super proud to see her using her voice now, as we always knew she could. A female entrepreneur, who like many others suffered from Imposter Syndrome and fear of judgement she has overcome many mindset monkeys to get to where she is today. I hope you are inspired by this chat. I continue to be inspired by Rachel and how she shows up. Go and give her a follow if you're a woman in midlife - I bet you'll love her too x

    We helped Rachel with her media bio - click here to get an example of one - https://www.chocolatepr.co.uk/get-your-media-bio/

    Rachel got many of her first PR opportunities from our membership - doors are open right now for you to join us - https://www.chocolatepr.co.uk/membership-join/

    We also supported her with a 'done for you' PR campaign at the start to get her off the ground - DM me Done for You PR to find out what packages we have and how we could help you.

    Connect with Rachel via:-





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  • In this episode we encourage you to really think about the power of your journey and your story. Trigger warning - we do discuss suicide in this episode as Jen attempted to take her own life more than once and she explains why she feel she was saved because she has a calling to now help others overcome trauma and adversity. Jen is an incredible passion and purpose fuelled female entrepreneur who is using her story to show others what is possible, alongside using her skills and knowledge to guide those who need a new path. Open, honest, inspirational -if you have ever wondered what it sounds like when you're super connected to your passion and purpose - this is it! We talk Imposter Syndrome, confidence issues, and finding your voice. I hope you find this as inspiring as I did. xx Follow Jen on https://www.facebook.com/jenconsciouslivingcoach https://www.facebook.com/lunarspiritwellbeing https://www.instagram.com/lunarspirit_wellbeing/

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  • In this episode I chat to assertiveness coach, best-selling author of Woman Up, and founder of female empowerment festival, Womanifest Jodes Salt. We talk about how she has chosen an event as her PR route to really personifying her mission and message and you can hear how you can get involved too as a female entrepreneur or a business owner in the wellbeing or personal development space. Events are such a great way of building relationships, starting interesting conversations, and making inroads to actually making change happen in the way you desire as well as attracting media attention to get press coverage and PR. Jodes has used PR for so many milestones in her business - come and hear why she chooses to do this and how it's helped power her and her business up for success. To find out more about Womanifest, which takes place 17/18 September visit

    https://www.tickettailor.com/events/womanifest/r/chocpr and https://www.facebook.com/womanifest.uk and https://www.instagram.com/womanifest.uk/

    To connect with Jodes find her at https://www.facebook.com/JodesSalt and https://www.instagram.com/jodes_salt/


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  • Meet the amazing Hannah McKimm who is a graduate of our Dare to Be Seen Programme- Hannah has featured on national TV, radio, in newspapers and in magazines - she's become a PR Powerhouse from a PR novice in a matter of a few months.

    She was scared to share her story - it is one of severe trauma - but when ready she trusted in us to support her in communicating it with clarity and confidence, to support her mission to help other women not feel trapped by their experiences. Working with Hannah has been incredibly inspiring, seeing her strength (that she didn't know she had) shine through as she has got more and more connected to her mission. Seeing her have a voice in national media was amazing but seeing her get booked up as a result with ideal clients she was just perfectly suited to support was the best. Join us as Hannah shares with you her PR journey and how she learned to be more comfortable about getting visible.

    Follow Hannah at




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  • Meet the incredible Louisa Herridge from Mamas Ignited who is one of our star students, having worked with us in our Make Me Famous Mastermind to build her kick ass brand profile. Louisa is a new entrepreneur, having been a teacher until very recently -but one who went all guns blazing from day 1 and there's a lot to be said for this. Join us as we chat female entrepreneurship, limiting beliefs, finding your fire and having the balls to get behind your mission 100%. If you've got a story that needs to be shared and mission that needs to reach more people I reckon you'll be inspired to take some action after listening to this one! x Follow Louisa at www.mamasignited.co.uk




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  • What makes my business PR-able?…..you may ask yourself as a female entrepreneur, solorpreneur, small business owner, kitchen table business, - whatever you term yourself as! Many women in business struggle with believing they are PR-able. You absolutely are no matter what stage in business you are at, because PR isn't about your business, it's about you and your mission. In this episode I ask you 6 key questions that can help you build your PR-ability and also help you communicate more powerfully with your ideal clients overall.


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    We discuss -

    WHO are you? WHAT’s your party THEME? WHAT are you bringing to the party with your work? What’s

    different about YOUR party? What change are you here to make?

    WHAT’s your party trick? What will you be remembered for? WHY are you so passionate about INVITING PEOPLE to your party? WHY is it important people JOIN you?

    And we explore WHAT parts of your story must you share to connect with your ideal client to create empathy and create trust in you as your ideal client's perfect trusted guide.

    I'd love to hear if you have any lightbulb moments! Drop me a DM on Insta and also let me know via an Insta DM if you'd like to find out more about our new StorySteps progamme which helps you nail your story in 4 weeks xx

  • This is a biggie for many of our clients - it's seen as the ultimate trust tag, the title they strive towards. Does it feel out of reach for you as a woman in business? Maybe you've just started out and it's a dream, on your vision board? Well it IS do-able no matter how long you've been in business. It's not easy and yet it's totally do-able...! Come and join me to find out how, as I share the 3 ways female entrepreneur clients of ours have become featured in Forbes with some fabulous PR wins. At the end of the episode I also mention our new mini programme, StorySteps that helps entrepreneurs build their story to be press ready. It's just 4 weeks and at an entry price of £197 + VAT it's a no brainer way to get PR ready. Find out more about StorySteps via our socials below, or drop me a DM.


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  • This week alone we’ve seen our clients win awards, get paid speaking gigs, win new DREAM clients, be approached for collabs, and secure national press coverage impacting millions - ALL from them nailing their story and getting super clear and confident on communicating their unique awesomeness - BOOM!

    This is why I am so passionate about helping female entrepreneurs to get your story straight here and now - because from here incredible opportunities come rolling in - opportunities you are currently blocking yourself from if you’re muddled about how to share your story.

    In this episode we cover 5 ways Nailing Your PR Story can Boost Your Business


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  • In today's episode we are talking about barriers and blocks as to why you are NOT doing PR. We take a quick look at 3 of the main reasons female entrepreneurs we come across feel stuck or nervous about taking their first steps in their PR journey to getting in the press.

    It all comes down to overwhelm.

    - Overwhelm around the logistics and fear of dealing with the media - Overwhelm of not knowing what to do with your story, not knowing which bits are PR-able, not knowing how much or what to share with the press, or what content to create - Overwhelm around judgement, and fear of what others will think about what you share via your PR

    I offer you some guidance on how to move through these blocks and also invite you to keep an eye out for something very special we have opening up to you this week - a 1 time only mini offer that will help get you PR ready. Keep an eye on our socials as to not miss that!

    Follow Us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PRYouCanDoIt https://www.instagram.com/jochocpr/ www.chocolatepr.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/chocpr

  • In this episode I share with you some insights from a fabulous talk from radio and TV Presenter. Remel London - who talked about 'How to Make it into the Mainstream' at Dani Wallace's recent Bee Inspired event.

    Listening to Remel's talk from a female entrepreneur perspective, with a PR hat on was so interesting as she talked about making the most of opportunities, the importance of authenticity, not taking no for an answer and being brave to fully showcase your true passion for your craft. As a purpose and passion filled entrepreneur or startup it's essential you stand behind your mission and what you are here to do with your work. If you're holding yourself back in any way I hope you'll find these insights inspiring - I certainly did! We need to get visible in our business to do it justice. We need to use the media and press to showcase and further amplify our message. We need to create our own opportunities to generate the impact we desire. It's time to do all these things! x

    Find out more about Bee Inspired - https://www.iamthequeenbee.co.uk/events

    Find out more about Remel London - http://remellondon.com/

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  • Today I’m going to talk to you about a recent event entrepreneurial event I attended - the fabulous Bee Inspired, hosted by my incredible friend and client Dani Wallace, AKA the Queen Bee and I’m going to share with you some insights from the media panel I hosted there as well as some reflections on a talk from one of the guest speakers, Trina Nicole.

    The theme of the 2 days was ‘Taking up space’ - and this couldn’t be closer to my heart in terms of seeing people share their message and story to start important conversations and get people thinking. Trina talked to us about her perception of being an influencer, what this really meant and how we can all find the power of our own influence.

    We then asked a national and local journalist what they were looking for in terms of PR approaches from entrepreneurs - we asked them how they could support you in celebrating your stories and journeys and I share these tips with you.

    Find out more about Bee Inspired - https://www.iamthequeenbee.co.uk/events

    Find out more about Trina Nicole - https://www.trinanicole.com/

    Find out more about Lebby Eyes national journalist and how to contact her - https://muckrack.com/lebby-eyres

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  • This week's episode is all about owning your impact as a female entrepreneur or online coach - I ask you how often you actually stop to think about the impact you are making with your work. As part of International Women's Day we got tagged all over the Internet and it made me proud and reflective of how we've helped so many other women in business create powerful ripple effects/ Do you see the impact you're making or do you still focus too much just on what you do rather than the effect of what you do? In this episode I ask you to:- 1) Regularly check in with yourself to acknowledge the impact you're making 2) Document and share your successes 3) Use your successes to drive you to make even more impact 4) Use the media to reach more people This episode was also inspired by Louisa from Mamas Ignited whose book launch I am speaking at this weekend - go and give her a follow - she will also help you step into celebrating you and the impact you make! www.mamasignited.co.uk www.facebook.com/mamasignited

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  • "Find out who you are and do it on purpose!" Have you heard this quote before from the fabulous Dolly Parton? We loved on this quote last week in our PR Party and really worked with those involved to get them to think about if they do this. Do you do this? Really?? Let's explore that... In this episode we talk about how the big brands own their brand personality and consciously create the image they desire, which highlights and showcases their values - lots of food for thought here as we quote American behavioural scientist Jennifer Aaker from her article published in the Journal of Marketing Research where she talks about brand personality being made up of five key factors -come and find out what they are! We also provide a roundup of what we covered in the PR Party (our free week's worth of PR training for female entrepreneurs and online business coaches who want to get published in the media, which ran over on Facebook in https://www.facebook.com/groups/PRYouCanDoIt We covered The importance of celebrating you in PR The key to press success- clearly communicating your mission message Finding your PR angles- you have more than 1 story but how do they connect - to the 1 thing you want to be known for?

    In the end we conclude the only way to nail this is to listen to Dolly...and find out who you are and do it on purpose!

    Lastly we invite you to Dare to Be Seen and let you know how we can help you with our PR Programme created for female entrepreneurs and online business coaches who are in their first few years of business.

    - Jennifer Aaker Dimensions of Brand Personality Paper -https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=945432

    - Dare to Be Seen - our 8 Week PR Accelerator programme for female entrepreneurs and online business coaches - https://www.chocolatepr.co.uk/dare-to-be-seen/

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  • In this week's episode I want to show you what PR looks like - without actually being able to show you what PR looks like!?! We chat through the PR wins of 2 of our clients- both female coaches to other female entrepreneurs - to try and show you how varied PR can be, and how the same message can strike a chord with multiple media, enabling you to reach your audience via so many different press routes. In doing so I hope to open your eyes to the vast opportunities that exist when you start to engage with the media and I also hope to excite you about what's possible for you when you get PR ready! From being featured in mainstream consumer womens' media like Closer magazine, to being featured in powerhouse online publications like Medium.com the 2 women I celebrate and showcase in this episode are riding the wave of being press ready and experiencing so many business benefits from this. Have a listen to find out what these are and see if you can imagine yourself also celebrating these wins. If not, why not? What do you need to do first? (Maybe go back a few episodes and have a listen at how to get Press ready! :)) If you'd like to follow the ladies I mention check out their links in the shownotes below and if you'd like to join in the PR Party I also invited you to you can do so below too. Have a fabulous week and please make sure you celebrate YOU within it!


    Laura Rowe, Align Lifestyle https://alignlifestyle.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/alignlifestyleliverpool https://www.instagram.com/align_lifestyle/ Laura will also be taking to the stage again this year at Bee Inspired March 2022 -but as a full blown speaker this time to share her story in a full talk - see here - https://www.iamthequeenbee.co.uk/beeinspired Claire Sweet, Peace Together Money Coaching https://peacetogether.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/peacetogethermoneycoach https://www.instagram.com/peacetogethermoneycoach/ https://medium.com/authority-magazine/women-leading-the-finance-industry-claire-sweet-of-peace-together-money-coaching-on-the-5-things-a9b9ceb17b15

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  • So today's episode is a bit of a different one - one based on my reflections from an epic week in LA with the incredible Niyc Pidgeon and her Elite Mastermind. This was a real uplevel situation for me and I think it's useful for me to reflect on my own business growth as well as just to talk to you about all things PR.

    In this podcast we cover:-

    - The power of TRULY unapologetically connecting to your mission and the confidence and consistency this brings in how you show up in your business

    - The power of working with aligned mentors who can help you grow and hold you accountable to your goals

    - The power of magnetism with others on the same road, and why I believe community is a key driver for success

    I hope you enjoy these musings and that they help you reflect on your own business and the support you have around you.

    We only grow when we step into new ways of being and working.

    I also invite you join us in our FREE online PR Party - running 28th Feb - 4th March where you can gain clarity on communicating your mission more strongly, where you can experience the support of my team, and where you can connect with our community who will cheerlead and champion you. I really hope you can join us xx


    Here's Niyc's Podcast which I would highly recommend you add to your list - it's seriously packed with gold if you're looking to grow your business !


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  • Today we’re talking about using your story in PR and marketing, as a small business owner/female entrepreneur on a mission - and we talk about how it’s a responsibility to share it - for so many reasons! With inspiration from varied sources from Demi Lovato to Steve Jobs to Terry Pratchett we talk about the role of the storyteller in society and why you must become one.

    We cover:-

    1. Remembering your story is what the media (and your potential clients) really want to hear

    2. Remembering you have many stories to tell - not just one

    3. Being aware that your story doesn't have to be one of woe

    4. The importance of uplifting with your story

    5. Remembering your story is unique

    As a female entrepreneur, an online business owner, a coach, have you thought about your story in this way before? Have you used it to generate PR? It’s such a powerful tool on so many levels. I’d love to connect with you so you can share your experiences with me x

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  • This has been quite a week - a juicy one full of a LOT of emotion, with some extreme highs and also moments of real vulnerability from our clients who are stepping out to be visible. You see it’s not plain sailing this PR lark - it’s not always a smooth ride, as due to the nature of PR we do, as a client of ours you dig deep, you often lay your heart and soul on the line and you may find parts of your story painful to tell…..

    But all this becomes worth it when you are involved in needle moving PR - in PR that moves the dial, in PR that starts conversations that need to be had, and in PR that inspires and motivates others to be better, to be kinder, to be stronger, to be more honest…whether for the sake of others or for themselves.

    This episode is not so much of a teach session but in it I want to share with you 2 different insights into our week working with online female entrepreneurs, as we kick off a conversation about the real impact of PR and how you can use it to leave your legacy.

    We cover:-

    - Questions to ask yourself to help you hone in on the wider world impact of your work

    - Examples of lightbulb moments around long term goals

    - Celebrating PR that's got people talking and the power of starting difficult conversations

    I hope this inspires you to think bigger, and to do more with your voice, as what you have to say needs to be heard. x

    Follow The Queen Bee - Dani Wallace:

    Dani's Metro Article - https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/28/i-love-my-plus-size-body-i-was-gutted-to-be-told-to-lose-weight-for-my-health-16006111/

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  • Hello! Continuing our month of chat around business planning I thought I’d use this episode to answer a question I get asked a lot by female entrepreneurs who are starting to think about using PR to raise their profile and increase the power of their business communications and marketing….

    The question:- When do I need a PR agency?

    So this will be a short podcast right? Surely the answer is always…..!

    Not so.

    In this episode I chat about most common times we are asked to support clients as well as discussing how getting your PR foundations right and making yourself media ready also strengthens your business and marketing overall.

    We chat:-

    - PR messaging

    - Media content creation

    - Sourcing contacts

    - PR strategy

    Come and join us to see if you can identify where you are on the journey.

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  • If you're still in planning mode we thought it would be useful to highlight a few awareness days and diary dates coming up that you can use to supercharge your PR. These opportunities give you the chance to get in on the conversation NOW, and be seen as relevant and topical by the media. In this episode we talk about the following PR routes you can take to utilise diary dates:- 1) Sharing your story 2) Providing case studies 3) Commentary 4) Offering tips and advice 5) Being reactive to media requests 6) Running events As a female entrepreneur with a passion and purpose fuelled business you should always be looking for ways to spread your message so you can make the impact you desire....and this episode helps you see how there are opportunities on a plate to do so. Resources www.awarenessdays.com Ways to work with us





  • Welcome to 2022! A Huge HAPPY NEW YEAR from me. For this first episode back we're talking about Planning for PR Success and as well as kicking the year off with a forward focus I'm encouraging you to also take a look back....to see what you achieved last year, where you moved forward, and where you fell short of your goals around getting more visible. I'm here to help you with 5 steps tp Planning for PR Success in 2022 as a female entrepreneur on a mission! In this episode we cover:- 1. Your Business goals for the year - we look at what your overall plans are for your business and how your PR plans can support these . I also point you to a fabulous resource from my incredible mentor Niyc Pidgeon who brings a positive psychology perspective to things - not to be missed! 2. What is your PR message? - it's time to get clear on double down on what specifically you want/need to communicate this year through your content and media exposure 3. What are your PR routes? We look at what your opportunities are to gain PR coverage, and what media you could target as female entrepreneurs/mums in business 4. Getting PR ready - let's not forget the basics. We look at what you need in place to be press friendly. Do you need support in this area? Hear how we can help. 5. Celebrating your wins - here we discuss the power of being driven on by the positivity of celebration and gratitude of the success you have already achieved to enable you to fly even higher and discuss celebration as a route to connection too. More gems from Niyc Pidgeon in here also! I hope you enjoy this episode and it gets you looking at 2022 with excitement and anticipation! Let's make this the year you REALLY get visible. With love Jo xx Links Niyc Pidgeon, The Hope Map - You can grab your copy of The Hope Map Here so you can reach your goals faster: www.thehopemap.com

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    DM me on Insta https://www.instagram.com/jochocpr/ to book on our FREE Masterclass 13th Jan





    Niyc Pidgeon Unstoppable Success Podcast Episode 16 - How to use celebration to grow yourself and your business - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/016-how-to-use-celebration-to-grow-yourself-your-biz/id1562013568?i=1000524187119