
  • My guest today is David H. Smith, Precious Metals Mining Stock Expert and Expert in the Resource sector. David Smith co-wrote the book Second Chance: How to make and. Keep Big Money from the Gold and Silver Shock - Wave with David Morgan of The Morgan Report. David Smith is a senior resource analyst for the Morgan Report. David Smith travels the world visiting mining properties and analyzing their potential.

    David writes for many precious metal mining financial sites. He will also be a featured speaker at the Silver Symposium.

    In today's interview David gives us some insider hints for profiting from Canadian Mining Stocks. There are some critical nuances he feels the US Investor needs to understand to profit.

    The second idea in the book Second Chance is just as important as the first but investors tend to pay more attention to making money and less attention on strategies on how to keep what you made. David feels many investors will ride the Gold and Silver Shock wave up but then ride it all the way down.

    David has some effective strategies so that doesn't happen to you and you leave the table with your earnings.


  • Wall Street Silver's motto is Buy Physical Silver - Protect your wealth. This week on PreciousMetalsInvesting.com Ted Sudol interviews Ivan Bayoukhi. Ivan is the founder of the Reddit group Wall Street Silver. This group is growing at an amazing rate. Since our last interview about a week ago they have added over 10,000 members and are now at 60,000 strong.

    Ivan feels the group's focus on increasing the public's awareness of silver has been a major factor in today's Silver Squeeze. There are many reports of mints, precious metals dealers, etc running out of physical silver. This silver squeeze is exposing the lie of paper silver. The paper silver is fiction that can only happen through the charade of hypothecation and fractional lending. Many people that believe they have physical silver really only have a paper promise of silver. The bullion banks and central banks depend upon not everyone demanding delivery of their physical silver at the same time so they sell the same piece of silver over and over again.

    On https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com I interview precious metals experts. Sign up for the newsletter so you get the latest information and tips.

    The Precious Metals Investing podcast is available on iTunes for Apple Users, Google Play for Android users and it is not an Amazon Alexa skill. Add it to your flash briefing and every time you say "Alexa Play my Flash Briefing" you'll get the latest from the Precious Metals Investing Update.

    Be sure to visit the Wall Street Silver on Reddit or visit WallStreetSilver.com to find out the latest from Ivan and the Silverbacks as the group members call themselves

    The information supplied in this audio and on the website is for information purposes. it is not investment advice. Before you make any investment be sure to consult with your financial advisor.

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  • I have Precious Metals story that should put a smile on your face and some spring in your step.

    I've been talking about the benefits of investing in precious metals for over 10 years.

    If we are going to be completely honest with each other the conversation had tended to be dark.







    I've known precious metals experts who have spent their entire lives and careers waiting for the manipulation to end, true price discovery to happen, and triple-digit silver prices.

    But face it. Up to now the best story we have had for the precious metals is the big bad wolf and the three pigs.

    We all know the winds of economic destruction are coming and will blow this house of cards down.

    But thank goodness precious metal investors are not like the pig who built their house of fiat currency.

    Thank goodness precious metal investors are not like the pig who built their house of stocks and bonds.

    The houses of those investors will be blown away.

    Precious Metals investors built their house with a solid foundation of physical precious metals - silver and gold.

    But the precious metals and specifically silver has a brand new story. A story of coming silver awareness, higher silver prices, and true price discovery.

    Ivan Bayouhki established WallStreetSilver, a Reddit group that promotes silver. The group, calling itself the Silverbacks now has over 51,000 members. According to their press release, the goal of the group is to spread awareness of silver. The group wants to spread the word that silver can protect your wealth.

    Ivan started a gofundme page to increase awareness with a nationwide billboard campaign.

    The gofundme campaign collected over $105,000 in the first 24 hours and continues to grow with donations not only from individual forum members but also from large silver producers, precious metals firms, and precious metals funds.

    They have already announced multiple billboard locations in Cincinnati, Ohio, Las Vegas, Nashville, TN, Oklahoma, Buffalo, NY with more to come.

    Don't tell me that the Silverbacks and WallStreetSilver isn't having an effect.

    Endeavor Silver, a major producer of silver is actually holding back almost 45% of their 4th quarter production in the belief that higher prices are coming.

    It's reported that mints such as the Perth Mint have run out of physical silver and are supplying clients who are demanding delivery that they accept bars refined in China.

    You'll be hearing more about the new precious metals "David versus Goliath" story in upcoming posts featuring Ivan, WallStreetSilver, the SilverBacks, and the billboard program.

    Be sure to listen to my interview with Ivan at the top of this post.

    Go to https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com for more information about the Silver Squeeze, WallStreetSilver, and the billboard program. Get free precious metals investing tips and more.

    Check out the latest from Wall StreetSilver at https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver

  • This week on Precious Metals Investing Ted Sudol interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Charlie's focus is on precious metals but he also has his eye on what is happening with commodities and oil.

    His expertise is in technical analysis and it always amazes me the amount of insight and trading information he can get from analyzing the charts.

    For the past few podcasts, we have been talking about the coming inflation and what effect it will have on precious metals.

    If you have been shopping lately you know that the real inflation rate is far higher than the CP figures the government releases.

    The evidence of inflation is all around us in the price of groceries at the supermarket, the cost of gasoline which in this area has gone up 75 cents since last year, and the cost of cars both new and used.

    The government modified the CPI to exclude food and energy. I don't know about you but food and energy are important in my household.

    With Inflation in our future, many precious metals experts were predicting the precious metals would rise. But they haven't. In fact, some of the precious metals have gone down.

    When I look at the world situation, all of the stimulus that will be inflationary, and the world shortage of silver I look at the current situation as bargain time in the precious metals.

    This can be an advantageous time to stock up as long as you don't overpay on premiums on physical precious metals.

    I believe that physical precious metals should form the foundation of your precious metals investment. There are alternate ways to invest in Precious Metals such as those discussed in this Precious Metals Update.

    Charlie Nedoss is an expert in technical analysis and can assist you.

    It's important that you contact your own financial advisor before making any investments. The information on this website and that provided by our guests is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. All investments are not suitable for everyone and your financial advisor will help you decide what is the best for you.

  • Silver, Gold, Oils, And Vaccines - The Markets have been really active dealing with all of these currents and cross-currents. How can you read the precious metals markets? No one is better able to help us understand the importance to precious metals than today's guest on www.PreciousMetalsInvesting.com,

    Today Ted Sudol of www.preciousmetalsinvesting.com interviews Charlie Nedoss, the Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group.

    This podcast is also available at Google Play for Android users and iTunes for Apple users. It's now available as an Amazon skill. Simply add the Precious Metals Update to your Flash Briefing.

    The next time you start your Flash Briefing on Alexa you will hear the latest Precious Metals Update from preciousmetalsinvesting.com

  • The controversy surrounding the election had ended andJoe Biden was declared President-Elect by the Electoral College.

    Here's our special post-election analysis of the precious metals markets.

    So the precious metals markets have calmed but there are still looming questions and controversies that are buffeting the markets.

    The vaccine has been approved and is rolling out to the nation. The first health care workers have already received their shots.

    So help is on the way in our fight against Covid19.

    However, Congress still has not been able to agree on a stimulus package that the American people so desperately need.

    All these economic factors also weigh on the precious metals.

    Ted Sudol interviews Charlie Nedoss, senior market analyst for Lasaalle Futures Group.

    Visit https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com and sign up for the free newsletter.

    There are also lots of free additional resources on the https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com

  • On today's Precious Metals Investing update Ted Sudol interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Charlie is an expert in technical analysis and shares with us what the charts are telling him about precious metals, the stock market and oil.

  • Ted Sudol of PreciousMetalsInvesting.com interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Today we talk about COVID-19 and market Movements. Charlie is an expert in technical analysis and it always amazes me the amount of information Charlie is able to read from looking at the charts.

    We talk about the stock market, oil prices and of course precious metals prices.

    This podcast is available for Apple users at iTunes. Android users can get the Precious Metals Investing podcast at the Google Play Store. The Precious Metals Investing Podcast is now available as an Amazon Alexa Skill. Simply go to your Amazon Alexa app, look for the Precious Metals Update and add it to your flash briefing.

    Next time you say "Alexa play my flash briefing" it will play the Precious Metals Update as well as anything else you have in your flash briefing.

  • In last week's silver update we talked about the Central Bank Gold
    Buying Agreement that was originally signed in 1999. It was up for renewal this year and the Central Banks that signed the original agreement decided not to renew it. The reality is Central Banks are no longer selling gold but reading the world situation, the stability of fiat currencies, and today's realities they are gold buyers.
    Central Banks collectively hold a huge hoard of gold and their actions can have a substantial effect on the price of gold.
    It's important for precious metals investors to understand what the Central Bank Gold Buying Agreement was and what the motivations were for this agreement. If you understand those motivations it will help guide your precious metals investing philosophy.
    Although when originally signed in 1999 it was called the Central Bank Buying Agreement it more correctly should have been called the Central Bank Selling Agreement. Why? Because it was really designed to prevent another disastrous Brown's Bottom decision. This decision has gone down in history as one of the most financially disastrous decisions in history achieving fame as Browns Bottom. Gordon Brown, Britain's Prime Minister sold half of Britain's gold reserves 20 years ago at the absolute bottom of the market when others were also selling their gold.

    Make no mistake about it, this agreement was designed to serve the best interests of the central banks. They didn't want to be caught selling cheap again. They wanted to coordinate and limit the amount of gold selling at any one time.
    I know if you go to the organization that formed and promoted this agreement they will go on about how the did it to stabilize the prices and markets.
    If it was done for our sakes to stabilize the markets why was it just formulated and signed 20 years ago? Remember Brown's Bottom occurred about 20 years ago too. Coincidence? I don't think so. Central Banks were burned selling cheap and didn't want it to happen again.

    So what does this mean for the precious metals investor? Let's first look at one other decision the Central Banks recently made -the Basell III agreement which raised gold from a tier 3 asset to a tier 1 asset. What exactly does that mean for banks and what benefit is to them? Banks make their money by lending it out. The amount of money they can lend out is based on the reserves they hold. So when an asset is a lesser tier 3 asset like mortgages, the banks can only lend about 50% of the value of that asset. With a tier 1 asset, the banks can loan 100 percent of the value. So with Basell 3 in raising gold from a tier 3 asset to a tier 1 asset the asset valuation has doubled the amount of money banks could lend. In effect very significantly increasing the amount of money banks can make by greatly increasing the amount of mortgages they can make and money they can lend.
    So for the precious metals investors basically what this means is that the central banks, who, because of their huge catch of gold have a significant influence on the price of gold can now make a lot more money. Can you ever imagine that once they are given this huge gift that doubles their gold asset base enableing them to double the amount of money they lend and very very significantly increasing the money the banks can make that this decision raising gold to a tier 1 asset will ever be reversed? Can't you just hear the howls from banks who suddenly had their profit potential halved by moving gold back to a tier 3 asset?
    The precious metals update is a new shorter version of the Precious Metals Investing podcast. It usually focuses on one issue. I would appreciate your comments and feedback. Send your thoughts and recommendation for future updates to [email protected]
    PreciousMetalsInvesting.com brings you more tips from precious metals experts like David Morgan author of Silver Manifesto and
    Second Chance, Paul Mladjenovic author of Precious Metals Investing for Dummies and Stock Investing for Dummies, Charlie Nedoss of LaSalle Futures Group, Randy Smallwood CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation, Richard Mayberry author of the US and World Early Warning Report and the Uncle Eric series of books offering Financial advice to young people, Ted Sudol of
    PreciousMetalsInvesting.com and author of Affiliate Marketing for Dummies and many more

    For more from precious metals investing news please go to preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    Subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing podcast. It�s available on iTunes for Apple users and Google Play for Android users.

    Stay well and feel secure with your precious metals investments.

  • Today's spot gold price is $1507.20
    Today's spot silver price is $18.07
    Platinum $932.85
    and Palladium $1,644.50
    By the time you are listening to this update I'm sure the prices will be different
    Yesterday Gold appeared to be on a rocket ship ride. Today it appears to be in a bit of a free fall down about $25
    Despite the breathless voices quoting the ups and downs of precious metals prices, we should remember why you invest in the precious metals. Their strength is they are a store of value.

    If you look at the historical performance it paints a picture of enduring and rising value. The 7-day performance is up about $20 The 6-month performance of gold is up about $200 The 1-year performance of gold is up about $300 The 5-year performance of gold is up about $300 The 31-year performance of gold is up about $1100. Just to reinforce the idea gold is a store of value you don't have to look any further than the central banks. The 21 central banks in the Basel III agreement raised gold from a Tier 3 asset to a Tier 1 asset. Which means they can loan 100% of the value of gold as opposed to lesser securities they hold like mortgages, etc where they can only loan about half the value. Central banks know what the real stores of value are and are preparing for what is ahead in terms of the rocky financial world and rocky political conditions.
    Central Banks have become buyers of gold rather than sellers. The 21 Central Banks decided not to renew the CBGH or Central Bank Gold Agreement which governed Central Bank selling of gold because they aren't selling gold anymore. We'll explore the Central Bank Gold Agreement and what it means for you as a precious metals investor in more detail in next week's precious metals investing update brought to you by preciousmetalsinvesting.com.
    PreciousMetalsInvesting.com brings you tips from precious metals experts like David Morgan author of Silver Manifesto and Second Chance, Paul Mladjenovic author of Precious Metals Investing for Dummies and Stock Investing for Dummies, Charlie Nedoss of LaSalle Futures Group, Randy Smallwood CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation, Richard Mayberry author of the US and World Early Warning Report and the Uncle Eric series of books offering Financial advice to young people, Ted Sudol of PreciousMetalsInvesting.com and author of Affiliate Marketing for Dummies and many more. Stay well and feel secure with your precious metals investments. Talk to you again next week.
  • What does Technical Analysis tell us about Gold prices, Silver prices, and the dollar in response to Trump's Iran Pullout. Trump's Iran pullout is in the news and everyone is wondering what the markets response will be.

    Ted Sudol Interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Charlie is an expert in technical analysis. He tells us how the markets are responding to Trump's Iran Pullout and what precious metals investors can expect in the coming weeks and months. Technical analysis is another tool you can add to your investing arsenal to help you profit from the precious metals.

    If you are not knowledgeable about technical analysis it is a great tool that you can add to your investing strategies to increase your accuracy and profit.

    Charlie is also a great teacher. I know I have learned from Charlie and I'm sure that the audience here on the Precious Metals Investing podcast will learn also.

    One of the great additions to this podcast is that Charlie sent me several charts so that you can actually look at the charts and follow along on the points he is making. I will post those charts along with this podcast at https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    Listen to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    You can listen to some of the episodes right here at Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    Or even better yet subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here: Precious Metals Investing Podcast on iTunes

    Android Users can subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play here:

    Precious Metals Investing Podcast on Google Play

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    The content provided here is for informational purposes only. Investor's situations vary so make sure you consult with your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Users agree to hold preciousmetalsinvesting.com, its owner and affiliates, harmless for all information presented on the site. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com presents no warranties. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com is not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access PreciousMetalsInvesting.com, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

    The information contained on this site does not constitute investment advice and may be subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com assumes no duty to make any such corrections or updates. As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com disclaims any and all liability relating to any investor reliance on the accuracy of the information contained herein or relating to any omissions or errors and as such disclaims any and all losses that may result. The information supplied by the experts featured at PreciousMetalsInvesting.com are assumed to be accurate.

  • In this episode of the Precious Metals Investing podcast I talk with Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Charlie is an expert in technical analysis. Today he shares with us his analysis of the gold, silver and dollar charts and what they are saying about the market and the direction things are going.

    If you are not knowledgeable about technical analysis it is a great tool that you can add to your investing strategies to increase your accuracy and profit.

    Charlie is also a great teacher. I know I have learned from Charlie and I'm sure that the audience here on the Precious Metals Investing podcast will learn also.

    One of the great additions to this podcast is that Charlie sent me several charts so that you can actually look at the charts and follow along on the points he is making. I will post those charts along with this podcast at https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    Listen to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    You can listen to some of the episodes right here at Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    Or even better yet subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here: Precious Metals Investing Podcast on iTunes

    Android Users can subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play here:

    Precious Metals Investing Podcast on Google Play

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    The content provided here is for informational purposes only. Investor's situations vary so make sure you consult with your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Users agree to hold preciousmetalsinvesting.com, its owner and affiliates, harmless for all information presented on the site. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com presents no warranties. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com is not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access PreciousMetalsInvesting.com, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

    The information contained on this site does not constitute investment advice and may be subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com assumes no duty to make any such corrections or updates. As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com disclaims any and all liability relating to any investor reliance on the accuracy of the information contained herein or relating to any omissions or errors and as such disclaims any and all losses that may result. The information supplied by the experts featured at PreciousMetalsInvesting.com are assumed to be accurate.

  • In this video on preciousmetalsinvesting.com Ted Sudol Interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group.

    Charlie uses technical analysis and closely analyzes what the Gold Charts tell us. We discuss the effect of politics and world events on the Gold Charts.

    If you primarily use fundamental analysis to guide your investing I urge you to add technical analyis to the tools you use. Gain insight from Charlie Nedoss, an expert in technical analysis. You may learn some tips and insights that makes your investing in Precious Metals even more profitable.

    You can find out more about Charlie and the services he offers here on his resource page at preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    If you would like to find out more about LaSalle Futures Group just click on this link.

    Listen to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    You can listen to some of the episodes right here at PreciousMetalsInvesting.com: Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    Or even better yet subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here: Subscribe To Precious Metals Investing podcast on iTunes

    Android Users can subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play here:

    Subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing podcast on Google Play

    DISCLOSURE: If you purchase items though the links on this site such as the Amazon Links, PreciousMetalsInvesting.com will be paid a commission. The prices charged are the same as they would be if you were to visit the sites directly. Please do your own research regarding the suitability of making purchases from the merchants featured on this site.

    The content provided here is for informational purposes only. Investor's situations vary so make sure you consult with your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Users agree to hold preciousmetalsinvesting.com, its owner and affiliates, harmless for all information presented on the site. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com presents no warranties. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com is not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access PreciousMetalsInvesting.com, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

    The information contained on this site does not constitute investment advice and may be subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com assumes no duty to make any such corrections or updates. As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com disclaims any and all liability relating to any investor reliance on the accuracy of the information contained herein or relating to any omissions or errors and as such disclaims any and all losses that may result. The information supplied by the experts featured at preciousmetalsinvesting.com are assumed to be accurate.

  • With the tremendous debt levels and increased Stock Market volatility what does that mean for the price of gold? What does the recent volatility in the stock market mean for the precious metals? Some say the gold price is headed up. Some say the price of gold is headed down.

    Today on preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    Ted Sudol interviews Charlie Nedoss, Senior Market Strategist at LaSalle Futures Group. Charles closely reads and analyses the charts. Listen to what the charts tell Charlie about the future price of gold. The charts tell an interesting story if you know how to read them. That story can be quite profitable if you know how to take advantage of what they are saying.

  • What does the 1000 point Stock Market Plunge mean for the future? Does this portend the end to the 8 year bull run? Are further drops in the future? Today on the Precious Metals Investing podcast Ted Sudol interviews Paul Mladjenovic. Paul is the author of Stock Investing For Dummies and Precious Metals Investing For Dummies.

    I asked Paul to gaze into his crystal ball and tell us what his analysis says about the future of the stock market and the future of precious metals.

    Please Listen to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    You can listen to some of the episodes right here at PreciousMetalsInvesting.com: Precious Metals Investing Podcast

    Or even better yet subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here: Subscribe To Precious Metals Investing podcast on iTunes

    Android Users can subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play here:

    Subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing podcast on Google Play

    DISCLOSURE: If you purchase items though the links on this site such as the Amazon Links, PreciousMetalsInvesting.com will be paid a commission. The prices charged are the same as they would be if you were to visit the sites directly. Please do your own research regarding the suitability of making purchases from the merchants featured on this site.

    The content provided here is for informational purposes only. Investor's situations vary so make sure you consult with your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Users agree to hold preciousmetalsinvesting.com, its owner and affiliates, harmless for all information presented on the site. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com presents no warranties. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com is not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access PreciousMetalsInvesting.com, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

    The information contained on this site does not constitute investment advice and may be subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com assumes no duty to make any such corrections or updates. As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com disclaims any and all liability relating to any investor reliance on the accuracy of the information contained herein or relating to any omissions or errors and as such disclaims any and all losses that may result. The information supplied by the experts featured at PreciousMetalsInvesting.com are assumed to be accurate.

  • Bitcoin has been in the news. We have seen some spectacular rises and falls in bitcoin price. What does this mean for the gold price.

    Bitcoin, which originally began with bitcoin miners using this as a way to make money from home have been superseded by bitcoin farms with buildings full of specialized computers.

    Bitcoin has been catching quite a bit of bad press recently for bitcoin thefts, bitcoin fraud and bitcoin energy consumption.

    What does this mean for the price of gold? Today on https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com

    Ted Sudol discusses bitcoin and gold with Charles Nedoss of LaSalle Futures. Charles closely follows and analyzes the charts and comes to some interesting conclusions that investors can use to profit.

    Visit http://preciousmetalsinvesting.com and sign up for our free newsletter and free buying guide.

    To learn more about Charlie Nedoss please visit his resource page on the website or email him.

    The Precious Metals Investing Podcast is available on iTunes for Apple users and on Google Play for Android users. Please subscribe there.

    If you have a Google Home device you can simply say "OK Google" to wake it up. Then "Play Precious Metals Investing Podcast" And you'll be listening to the latest episode.

  • News about Bitcoin is being shouted all around us. According to the poplar press instant bitcoin millionaires are being created every day. There is opportunity but there are also things that you nee to know before you invest in bitcoin or any of the hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

    Listen to this podcast here. Apple users can also listen on iTunes and Android user can get the episodes at Google Play.

    Another great option for you if you have a Google Home Mini you can simply say "OK Google" to wake it up. Then say "play Precious Metals Investing Podcast" and it Will play the latest episode. To play a previous episode simple say "Ok Google, Play previous episode" and it will! The Google Home is smart enough to recognize and continue contextual questions. So you don't have to repeat the name of the Precious Metals Investing podcast to play a previous episode just say play previous episode.

    Or even better you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here:Precious Metals investing podcast on iTunes

    Android Users can subscribe to the Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play here: Precious Metals Investing podcast on Google Play

    DISCLOSURE: If you purchase items though the links on this site such as the Amazon Links, PreciousMetalsInvesting.com will be paid a commission. The prices charged are the same as they would be if you were to visit the sites directly. Please do your own research regarding the suitability of making purchases from the merchants featured on this site.

    The content provided here is for informational purposes only. Investor's situations vary so make sure you consult with your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Users agree to hold preciousmetalsinvesting.com, its owner and affiliates, harmless for all information presented on the site. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com presents no warranties. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com is not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access PreciousMetalsInvesting.com, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

    The information contained on this site does not constitute investment advice and may be subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com assumes no duty to make any such corrections or updates. As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. PreciousMetalsInvesting.com disclaims any and all liability relating to any investor reliance on the accuracy of the information contained herein or relating to any omissions or errors and as such disclaims any and all losses that may result. The information supplied by the experts featured at https://preciousmetalsinvesting.com are assumed to be accurate.

  • Puerto Rico Bonds - Default Announced - Is this Only the First Bomb to Drop?

    Precious Metals Investing podcast - Audio version of our interview

    Puerto Rico Bonds - Is it the first bomb to drop in the Bond Bubble Collapse Michael Pento predicted in an earlier interview here on www.PreciousMetalsInvesting.com Michael Predicted this in his book "The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market."
    In this interview Ted Sudol talks with Paul Mladjenovic, author of Stock Investing for Dummies about the big story in the news - the Puerto Rico Bond Default. We have been hearing rumblings about the possible debt default in Puerto Rico but we have also been hearing about other possible defaults. Atlantic City, New Jersey is almost out of cash and near default. When the casinos first came into Atlantic City and cash was flowing in to government coffers it was spent lavishly. When the economics turned down the government expenditures continued to outstrip the money coming in. The formula for a default is all to common and easily recognized. Spending that outstrips revenue coming in. Since politicians like spending money and telling all of their constituents they can have everything the die is cast. Politicians keep kicking the can down the road for someone else to solve the problem and meanwhile the debt keeps growing.

    The precious Metals Investing podcast is available at Apple iTunes for people who use the iPad and other Apple mobile devices. Precious Metals Investing podcast on iTunes

    Great news for Android users! The Precious Metals Investing podcast is now also available now on Google Play Music. Precious Metals Investing podcast on Google Play Music

  • The big news we discuss on www.preciousmetalsinvesting.com ismanipulation in the precious metals markets and Deutsche Bank'sadmission of guilt in a silver price fixing lawsuit. Even moreimportant is that they have agreed to expose othermanipulators.

    Ted Butler has been investigating price fixing for 20 years inthe precious metals markets.

    Bill Murphy and Chris Powell in 1998 formed GATA the GoldAnti-Trust Action Committee "to expose, oppose, and litigateagainst collusion to control the price and supply of gold andrelated financial instruments."

    So this has been a long hard fight to bring these manipulationschemes to light. Congratulations to all of those in the preciousmetals markets who fought to expose these manipulations in the faceof denials and stonewalling by the regulatory organizations thatwere supposed to be the watchdogs.

    The precious metals advocates who are heros in this story arealmost too numerous to mention. People like Gerald Celente andwebsites like www.zerohedge.com If I haveforgotten any that I should have mentioned please said an email [email protected] andI will make the needed edits and additions to this post.

    On this Precious Metals Investing Podcast I talk with PaulMladjenovic, author of Precious Metals Investing for Dummies andHigh Level Investing for Dummies about the manipulation in thePrecious Metals markets and what he feels will be the effects forinvestors.

    If we look to the past for some guidance we can see that athreat of a lawsuit against the big banks and suspectedmanipulators lead to a steep rise in precious metals prices. Asettlement lead to a drop. But here we are in new territory. Amajor bank, Deutsche bank,admitted guilt in the silver price fixinglawsuit and further more agreed to exposing other banks thatparticipated in the manipulation schemes.

    Does this spell the end of the manipulation schemes in theprecious metals markets? I certainly hope so. I think a a freermarket will mean a truer price discovery for the preciousmetals.

    For a long time the silver story has been very compelling.Increasing industrial use in electronics, solar energy, medicaluses, low recovery rates and lower levels of production leading tosmaller above ground stocks of silver.

    The story of silver was very compelling and many silveradvocates asked why in the face of all of these factors wasn'tsilver higher. Now we know - Bank Manipulation to keep the pricesdown.

    To repeat the words of Richard Maybury of the US and World EarlyWarning Report:

    "I see nothing but good things ahead for the preciousMetals."

  • On www.preciousmetalsinvesting.com I talk with Richard Maybury one of the world's top free market thinkers. His geopolitical analysis and world view has been guiding investors and subscribers to his US and World Early Warning Report to profitable investments for years.

    In this episode we talk about government and the differences between government and the country. Confusing these two leads many to give the government more credibility than it deserves.

    Blind loyalty to government leads to many problems. The US government has overthrown democratically elected leaders, supported dictators and butchers that have killed their own people.

    Unfortunately the two things we can depend upon from government are war and currency debasement. Although that is not good for the people - it causes a lot of suffering and pain. But it is profitable for precious metals investors.

    Great news for Android users! The Precious Metals Investing Podcast is now available at Google Play Music:

    Precious Metals Investing Podcast at Google Play Music

    The Precious Metals Investing podcast is also available on iTunes:

    Precious Metals Investing podcast at iTunes