Hey Busy Mama!
Do you struggle with trying to keep all your plates spinning in the air?
Are you paying money for this app and that app and suddenly realize you have tow of apps doing the same thing- or pretty much the same thing?
Do you look at your bank statement and think, "Dang, I forgot I was paying for that!"
I know the feeling!
Today's podcast looks at how to clean up, lean up and pare down the excesses in your app world and focus on what you really need.
It's a look at an entrepreneurial Kaizen type event for your business. Where are you spending your money and how can you be more productive?
Which apps help and which are a time suck? I talk about several of the resources I use regularly. If you aren't familiar with them, the links for exploration are below!
These are a mix of free and paid apps, and many have both versions where you use the free until you get big enough to justify paying for them.
Zoom A free (and subscription) based screen sharing platform
Less Annoying CRM (Customer Service Management Platform) With this one you get a free month's trial to check it out.
Canva. A Graphic Arts App A free (and a subscription) graphics art program
Mileiq an automatic mileage tracking system
See if any of these can help you be more efficient and productive in your business and then in your personal life.
After all, time is a gift we are to use well and enjoy!
Let me know in the comments, on our FaceBook page or DM me on Insta how this episode works for you!
Join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
For Better or For Worse.
For Richer or Poorer
In Sickness and In Health are words we repeat in our wedding vows never thinking about what the future may hold.
Today's podcast guest, FOREVER Senior Executive Director Deanna Johnson, a wife, mom and successful business owner shares her story of triumph in the midst of trauma.
Perseverance in pain and the long road of recovery when one is faced with a traumatic brain injury.
Insightful and inspirational, listen in as Deanna recounts the story of their family journey.
Hope and commitment are the hallmarks of this transparent interview.
I pray you will be moved, encouraged and inspired as you listen.
oin us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Episodi mancanti?
Hey Mamma!
Are you already stressed over how to coordinate your kid's Easter outfits?
Need some ideas to share the importance of the season that go beyond just candy and Easter egg hunts?
In today's episode I share some fun ideas that give a twist to your family traditions and breathe new life into your Easter celebrations.
If you celebrate Lent and are in the middle of teaching those lessons, these ideas bring you up to the week before Easter.
Using object lessons and baking you can share the story of Passover and the week before Jesus' death in some fresh and unique ways.
Above all else as you raise your little warriors (and princess warriors) in the faith, I pray these ideas will infuse your holidays with warm family activities that become treasured traditions!
You can get the eggs I mention in the podcast here:
Resurrection Eggs (we have a set like these)Enjoy the holiday and take lots of pictures!! If there is no picture it didn't happen. Just kidding!
I'd love for you to continue the conversation by joining us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Hey Mama!
I know you have great goals for your kids! Who doesn't want to raise kind, loving, gentle, intentionally inclusive, good humans???
But, in today's episode I want to look at the question-Is that enough?
It's almost a which came first, the chicken or the egg, discussion. Can we really raise intentional kids without first giving them a foundation on which to stand?
How do we lead our children to make Godly choices apart from His Word?
If we are not in fellowship with a local body, learning and growing ourselves how do we model that behavior to our children?
Is being good, good enough to earn heaven? Listen in to see my take on that question!
I'd love to hear what you think as these are my thoughts and beliefs which I hope encourage to see what God's Word has to say!
Speaking of getting started; join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Hey Mama!
Do you have a baby, toddler or even bigger kid for which eating anything is an ordeal?
I'm not talking about a picky eater, but one in which there are tears, tummy aches, throwing up and stinky poos?
You have tried everything but don't have any answers and don't seem to be getting anywhere?
Today's interview guest, Amber McIntire, is a blogger who discusses freely as one mom to another their journey with F.P.IE.S. or Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome.
Never heard of it?
Neither had she until she did a deep research dive trying to find some answers for her children.
If this isn't your struggle but think it might benefit someone else, be sure to share this episode with them.
You can read more on Amber's website www.fpiesroadmap.com Not a medical blog, but one mom helping other moms find some answers.
I would love to know what you think about today's episode as well! DM or Message me on social!
Join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
Or, check out and download the freebies I have over on the website, My Website
Hey Friend,
Have you "washed your face" and are still struggling?
Do you wake up feeling a failure and go to bed not much better off?
I think you will find you are in good company as many of us are walking around with unmet expectations- from others and ourselves.
Join me today as I share 5 ways that I have found over and over to help me out of my feelings and into my faith.
So, buckle on that belt of truth and let's get started!
Speaking of getting started; join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Ever wanted to find that ONE PERFECT PICTURE that you know you took, but you just can't seem to find it as you scroll?
Or gotten the message "your storage is full purchase more"?
Worse yet, have you deleted a picture from your phone to find out it disappeared across all platforms because you were trusting a sync service not a true photo service?
In this day of digital dumpsters - where big box companies simply delete or hold your photos and projects hostage (if you don't make a purchase on a timetable they delete your pics) it's tricky to navigate.
Add that we take thousands of photos and it quickly becomes a dilemma we don't want to deal with.
In today's episode I offer you some suggestions to help make some sense of how to organize and get started enjoying your memories!
I love it when folks decide "I am going to get started!" It's my passion to help you along the journey!
Check out all of our freebies and create a photo account over at www.kathylanham.com
Speaking of getting started; join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Join my FB Forever Kathy Lanham Photo Tips and Tricks group for challenges and inspiration here: Kathy Lanham Photo Tips and Tricks
Connect with me on IG @KathyLanham
Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!
Hey Sister Friend!
Coming at you live from the no judgment zone, I have a serious question to ask, Are you authentic or a hypocrite?
Do hypocritical people drive you crazy?
Does your "walk" match up with your "talk"?
Do you have a social media face but also an at home, fed up face?
How do you handle it when you are called out for a behavior, your words or some habit you have? It may be something you have no idea is offensive so you feel blindsided when it's brought to your attention!
Or, on the flip side of that coin, maybe you are the one calling out a sin, pointing to a harmful or immature behavior. How do you handle that task?
In today's episode we are starting the year off with a hard topic, one sure to get you thinking!
If you've experienced a hard conversation, I'd love to get your perspective in the comments below!
Did you know I have some free resources over on my website, including a Forever intro account with a bonus $20 coupon. Check it out here: https://www.kathylanham.com
We have a Facebook Community that I would love to have you join! Productivity and Proverbs 31 Community
And to connect on IG or FB it's @kathylanham
Blessings Friend,
Music courtesy of https://pixabay.com/users/daddy_s_music-22836301/
Hey My Katies!
Do you have your Word for the Year yet?
One Word....a buzz word and concept in Christian and business circles.
Do you find yourself doubting that one word could really change anything in your life?
Do you make endless goals and resolutions, but find you forget them 2 weeks later?
How about if we just cut to the chase and simplify? No goals. No wish lists. No workouts. Just one word.
One simple word with a Scriptural nudge to create laser focus, clarity and empower you. Truly, that is the power of My One Word!
I traded in my resolutions long, long ago, but found the "my one word" challenge has changed my character!
I look at different aspects of my life: my physical (of course, I'm a woman), mindset, spiritual, financial and relationships.
When I focus in on just One Word, it holds fast. It sticks.
When you choose your one word, write it down, share it, apply it and live it, your life will become more fulfilling and incredible than ever.
Just One Word.
Give a listen!
I'd love to know your word too btw!
Join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Has the Christmas magic left and all you have is the mess?
Need some motivation to clean up the mess so that you are ready for the new year?
Today's episode has 10 tried and true tips and tricks to make next year better and hopefully improve your attitude about this one!
Grab a trash bag, a permanent maker and let's get started!
Speaking of getting started; join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloads I have over on the website, My Website
Holiday Blues or Christmas Crazy?
How do you fare during the holidays? Overwhelmed? Busy? Tired? Broke?
Well, my little Katies take a few minutes for yourself with a beverage and a deep breath as I give you 10 very practical Christmas helps for getting through your holidays with joy and grace.
Bonus- you will be intentionally including Jesus in your celebration!
As promised- My Manger IQ Game. (Feel free to make it more or less hard depending on the age of the kiddos playing!)
Manger Memory True and False Game (from Luke 2 and Matthew 2)
1. Mary is the mother of Jesus. (True)
2. There were 3 wise men,. (False, we don't really know! We do know they brought 3 gifts...but there could have been many wise men)
3. Jesus was visited by shepherds the night he was born. (True)
4. Joseph was Jesus' dad. (False. He was Jesus' earthly dad. Jesus is the Son of God)
5. Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem to be counted in a census. (True)
6. They had to go to Bethlehem because they were from the family of Levi. (False)
7. The angels told the shepherds to wait about a week and they could see Jesus wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. (False)
8. The wise men also visited Jesus in the manger. (False, Matthew 2:11 they visited him in his house)
9. The king, Herod, was the first place the wise men stopped when they were looking for Jesus. (True)
10. There was a great star (light) in the heavens that led to Jesus. (True)
11. Herod the king told the wise men to come tell him when they found the baby because he wanted to go worship Jesus too. (True)
12. Herod the king was kind and loving. (False)
13. An angel told Mary she was going to have a baby even though she was not married. (True)
14. Angels appear a lot to tell about Jesus' coming- to Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and to the wise men. (True)
15. The angel's name was Samuel. (False, Gabriel)
16. Angels warn the wise men to go home the same way, stopping by Herod's palace to give him directions to Jesus. (False- they went home another way)
17. Angels told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus and run away to Israel so they would be safe. (False- they were to go to Egypt)
18. Two special people, Anna and Simeon, were waiting for Jesus at the temple so they could bless Him. (True)
19. Mary was really confused and a little afraid when Gabriel appeared to her. (True)
20. The name Jesus means Son of the Most High God.
May these questions help you teach your little ones and help you Keep Jesus In Your Christmas!
DM me your tips @kathylanham on Instagram
Collect your freebies at www.kathylanham.com
Join our Facebook Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Hey Friends!
Do you have a passion to bless and encourage others, especially women? Maybe you have the passion but no idea what to do or how to begin?
Are you full of the day to day busy but wish there was just a little something more?
Something to spark your creativity and imagination that would also add some income for your family?
I'd love to invite you to give a listen to my two guests today for some encouragement! Brittany Parker and Jen King, co-owners of Curated Gifts and Goods, speak from the heart about their new business and how it came about.
Brittany and Jen are neighbors and friends who discovered they shared a desire and passion for helping others and bringing joy into their lives through gifting. Together they have expanded the fledgling business Brittany had started.
Brittany is married to a local realtor and has two kids, a senior in high school and toddler. She has her hands full as a stay at home mom turned entrepreneur. She loves the Lord, spending time with her family and friends, travel and being outdoors. Brittany also loves making all things pretty!
Business partner Jen King also has two children, active teenagers and has been married for 19 years. Also a stay at home mom, she had been praying for guidance in her "something more". Over a cup of coffee, a offer of help and a generous heart, she joined Brittany as a creative team member. Jen blesses others with her singing, playing piano and decorating ANY space.
You can find them socially on Instagram at @curatedgoods_gifts
Or, through their linktree address: linktr.ee/curatedgoodsandgifts
And, as always, I trust this episode will be a blessing your life and that you will find encouragement!
Feel free to leave me a comment via DM on FB or Instagram @Kathylanham
Join our FB Community Productivity and Proverbs 31 Community
Or, check out all of my freebies, courses and offerings over at www.kathylanham.com
Love and Blessings,
OK my Katies, my Kats, and my fellow procrastinators,
Are you struggling with entertaining over Thanksgiving or already freaking out about Christmas? Who needs some last minute, get it all done tips?
When you don't have time to backwards plan for weeks and you are pressed to the wire, when do you sleep and how in the world do you get it all done?
I feel you sister. As a matter of fact, I am in that very situation as I sit at my moms, 6 hours away from my house that needs to be cleaned, groceries that STILL need to be purchased and an unknown number of guests.
BUT, since I have been at this a loooong time, I have some tried and true, spot on tips and tricks that will absolutely let you entertain with a minimum of stress. I'm sharing my 4 Step Plan for Procrastinators to help you enjoy the time you have with family.
As a bonus, I have thought of a few more tips that I probably should have included!
4 Step Plan to Entertain without extra Stress:
1- Quickly Declutter.
2- Ready your spaces and clean.
3- Make a menu & shop.
4- Prepare as much as you can in advance and jam out to a motivational playlist.
*Think about friends who are single and invite them to join you
*Have a sink of hot soapy water to rinse off, wash, wipe and clean as you go.
*Delegate, delegate, delegate- which means ask for help!
*If using Cool Whip or ice cream for dessert toppings, set out of the freezer as you serve the food. That way it's soft enough to serve when you are ready!
*Have guests load their dish straight into your empty diswasher
*Get containers or baggies for leftovers.
*Consider getting to go containers from a local restaurant (or purchase at the store) to take a plate to someone who is alone, recovering from a sickness or surgery, or shut in.
DM me your thoughts @KathyLanham on Instagram
Join our Facebook Community-Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Grab some freebies and printables @www.kathylanham.com
Blessings as you enjoy this season. I am so very thankful for you!
PS Here's the link to the 5 Days to Faith Course! bit.ly/fivedaystofaith
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”⠀ -Langston Hughes
Motivational words that today's guest had as a poster on her wall throughout high school. Which was a good thing as she was sailing in waters of a male dominated world.
Give a listen as my friend and guest, Laurie Knight, shares her dream of being on the water sailing.
Keeping the dream as as a poor college student-
As a busy, mini-van driving, mom of three.
And as a working mom until the season came where she stopped just having the dream and started to pursue it.
If you have had to push the pause button on a dream of your own, are in the "too busy to get a shower" stage, wonder if you will have anything left of yourself once the kidos are gone, take time to listen to today's podcast.
I think you'll leave inspired and with hope.
Let me know what you are doing to find joy in your journey where you are! Then, what's your dream to achieve?
Contact me with questions or messages for Laurie on my Instagram channel and
DM me your thoughts @KathyLanham on Instagram
Join our Facebook Community-Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Grab some freebies and printables @www.kathylanham.com
Looking for some Honest Moms on this one!
Do you have clothes waiting to be folded either in the dryer on on your couch?
Hate being surprised by company because there is no where to sit?
Have you bought new underwear for the kids so that you didn't have any clean?
You are not alone friend! (And there is no judgement from this corner!)
Check out these great tips from really savvy laundry folks who know how to clean up a mess. Along with my free life experience of all the boys lol!
This quick, fun episode will give you (hopefully) some new ideas on a thankless task!
Oh wait, did I hear you whisper that you love doing laundry?
Well, listen up as well! You might learn something new. But if not, you can share your best tips!
Fun Resources for a Happier Suds Day!
Wool Dryer Balls
Non wool dryer balls
Laundry Essential Oils
Cozy Fireside Essential Oil Scents
Fall Scents Essential Oil Collection
Winter Wonderland
Laundry Detergant "Shelf"
Skinny Laundry Roller Shelves
Mesh Laundry Bags
DM me your tips @kathylanham on Instagram
Collect your freebies at www.kathylanham.com
Join our Facebook Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Hey Momma!
Are you ready for your day in the spotlight?
To get that bonafide Influencer status?
To influence others with your gorgeous photos and excellent content?
Today's episode takes a look at how to become an authentic influencer- in the space you have, with the time energy and abilities you have been given.
I give you 10 quick ways to check to make sure your influence is authentic and trustworthy.
Listen to Anne Wilson's Hey Girl Video Here
And if you really want a good cry in validation of the job you are doing as a momma, go ahead and listen to Mamas here. It's also by Anne Wilson!
Quick overview?
1. Own Truth of your Worth
2. Grow in that truth and rehearse it.
3. Know Your Audience
4. Know Your Season of Life
5. Who in your Audience Matters?
6. Grasp the Important not the Trendy.
7. Mind Your Motives.
8. Keep Your Seat at the Table.
9. Talk it and Walk It.
10. Be Kind and Compassionate
That list of 10 would be good for any life, not just those of us who want to influence others!
DM me your thoughts @KathyLanham on Instagram
Join our Facebook Community-Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Grab some freebies and printables @www.kathylanham.com
If there is one overriding thing the COVID Pandemic did, it was to increase our isolation.
The enforced lockdown robbed us of our community.
Our sense of belonging.
Our ability to see the world as we did before-or BC, before COVID.
But, I believe that we were made for community. For seeing the needs of others and being seen.
In today's episode we look at a variety of ways to find a community, to model making and being friends to our kids. And then, the value of reaching out to find our place and voice.
And, after I had recorded this, my precious niece posted this so I had to copy it!
Today one of my neighbors, who has since moved away, called me and said she’d be by in 10 minutes for a cup of coffee so we could catch up. I loved this. My mom and her friends/sisters did life this way. We’d pop in and show up on people’s doorsteps all the time. No time to clean up, to fix your hair, or make your house look perfect, just real life. People would be screaming at their kids or the kitchen would be a mess. They’d throw us a laundry basket or a dish rag and we’d go right along with them as we visited. I always admired how my mom did life this way. It has always made me feel kind of sad when so many people talk about how much they hate when people show up unannounced, but that’s how life really works! That’s how community is created. I get it, it’s inconvenient at times, but maybe we’ve started caring way too much about how things look in our life rather than how our relationships look. Anyways, I love you and you are welcome here any time 💗💗💗 Thank you for this reminder!
Now y’all get ready, I may just be stopping by 😂
Here's to being not only in community, but a great community member as well!
Speaking of, join us over in our growing FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Connect with me on Insta @Kathylanham
or check out and download the freebies and downloadables I have over on the website, My Website
Hey Mama,
Do you wonder some days if you are going to lose your mind because your kids won't mind?
Do your days of feeling defeated outnumber your days of victory in the child rearing realm?
Do you need a boost of confidence and help?
Join me today as I look at 4 Parenting Styles to decide where you are. It could be that your mindset is part of the issue. With a little redirect, you can get your chaos under control!
You've got everything you need and are doing a great job!
I'll keep reminding you of that until your kiddos are old enough to do it themselves!
Big hugs,
Oh, and do you know I have freebies for you over on my website?
Don't miss our study looking at the Proverbs 31 woman! It's pretty cool and goes right along with today's episode. New Bible Study: Busy Women Get It Done, A Look at Proverbs 31
Cool Resources for my freebies and downloads: www.kathylanham.com
Dr. Kevin Leman Resources:
The Birth Order Book
Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours
Have a New Kid by Friday
Dr. James Dobson Resources:
Temper Your Child's Tantrums: How Firm Loving Discipline Will Lead To a More Peaceful Home
The NEW Strong Willed Child
Socially Connect with me @kathylanham
FB Community- Productivity & Proverbs 31 Community
Hey Friends,
Ever read your kiddo's favorite book for the 100th time and thought, "I should write a book!"
Or maybe you have had that book idea in your head forever and have been too afraid to act on it.
Maybe you'd love to write that book but just don't know how?
Join me on the podcast to hear how new children's author, Cindy Witty, decided to make that dream come true.
She freely shares her process, the steps she took to get to publication and inspiration that it's never too late to chase your dream!
You can contact Cindy through her website www.cindybwitty.com
DM her on Instagram @wittycindyb
Purchase her book, Musical Soul Mates: A Girl Who Hears Music Everywhere , on Amazon or at public events if you are in KY.
Or, if all else fails, DM me @Kathylanham and I will connect you if possible!
Are you ready to write??
Hey Mommas,
As the weather turns cooler and the leaves begin to change it's a great time to get some family photos!
Fall (in any place that has trees), provides a natural backdrop of beauty for your photos. Coordinate your outfits and you have photos you can use in a multitude of ways.
Does just thinking about trying to coordinate the clan, get them to a photographer and have everyone smile make you inwardly cringe?
Then, today's episode will give you some practical and helpful ideas on how to pull it all together so you are ready for your photographer!
Resources that might help!
Fall Barn Backdrop
Pumpkin Glasses for Fun Photo Ops
Floral Wreath Headbands
Canon DSLR Rebel Camera Starter Kit
Share your photos and tag me on your Socials! @kathylanham
Freebies are found at Website with freebies & printables
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