
  • It’s been a while.

    I haven’t recorded a new podcast in forever!

    So I wanted to hop back in and just fill you guys in on what I’ve been up to, why I took a break from the podcast, and what I have up my sleeve coming down the pipeline for you in the next few months :)

    So part of the reason I took a break from the podcast is because I was feeling overwhelmed. I had a lot on my plate and some things had to get curbed for me to feel like I could get everything else done. But this podcast is something I truly love doing, and I’ve missed it.

    So if you are in a phase right now where you’re kind of feeling overwhelmed (I mean...hello...2020 has been hard on nearly everyone!) Here’s what I would recommend.

    Give yourself permission to say no to some things if you need to. It doesn’t mean you have to say no forever, but prioritize the things in your life or in your business that really are important and move those higher on the list.

    So there’s a little sneak peek, and if there are any other stories, or topics, or lessons you want me to talk about let me know on social or email! I’m always up for getting ideas from you guys. In the meantime, I’m so happy you are here and am so excited to start sharing on this podcast again. I hope you guys will subscribe, and share this podcast on social media or with your friends. It means so much to me when you do, and if you tag me in your stories I will always re-share.

    I appreciate you guys! See you next time!

  • Have you heard of @fit2fat2fit? My friend Drew Manning intentionally GAINED 70lbs in 6 months (back in 2011) and then spent the next six months losing the weight.
    And guess what? Nearly ten years later….he’s doing it AGAIN
    But this time, with a totally different perspective and understanding. His new journey is called Fit2Fat2Forty (because he’s turning 40 in December) where he is currently spending 4 months gaining 60lbs and then he’ll spend the next 4 months getting back in shape. He’ll be sharing his workouts, meals, etc all online (all for free) so you can follow along too.
    I brought Drew on my podcast today and asked him alllll the things! We go through things like:
    The science behind what is happening/going to happen in his body, and also advice on what health markers we should ALL be getting tested on a regular basis.
    The emotions he is experiencing (food cravings, brain fog, body image), what it’s like for his daughters (ages 9 & 11), and how his relationship with his girlfriend @juliefreedom is being impacted by this experiment.
    We broke down what a typical day of meals looks like for him right now in the weight gain phase. One of the cool things we talked about is how he’s breaking down a lot of the popular fad diets as he does this...Vegan, Keto, Paleo & Vegetarian. He’s going to show how you can do all of those the right way OR the wrong way.

    My favorite part, though, is where Drew explained his genuine intention and goal for doing this. He wants to bring empathy to the forefront of the fitness industry and show how having an empathy-first approach can have so much more of an impact than what you typically see in the fitness industry (get skinny, get a 6-pack, etc) and make everything all just about body image.

    I really think you’re going to love this podcast with Drew (who is a long-time friend of mine). You’re seriously going to want to follow along on his new journey...I know I am excited to see how it goes!
    Hit play to listen -- link in bio!

    You can learn more about Drew at:




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  • “So many things in our food system actually are making us sicker. In my quest to heal my son’s ulcerative colitis, I learned that what actually was working with nutrition was in direct conflict with what I had been taught during my formal education and past 20 years experience as a Registered Dietician Nutritionist.”

    That’s what @shana.hussin.rdn told me during our conversation about taking control of our weight, health, and illnesses. She explained how the majority of Americans believe that following standard nutrition will make you healthier (i.e. eat less, lower your fat intake, and move more) when in fact, it often can actually be the driver behind obesity and chronic illness.
    It was so fascinating for me to hear Shana tell her story of how she had been in the medical nutrition therapy field for 20 years but then in 2016 her son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and got severely sick. She found that through nutrition, you can work together with your body to not only lose weight, but reverse many symptoms of chronic illnesses (and the best part...her 14-year old son is thriving and healthy now)
    Shana is a master at helping others take control of their weight and health, and now even helps other practitioners and nutritionists who want to understand the core reasons behind obesity and chronic illness.

    3 moments you’ll want to listen for:
    💫“The timing of your eating is just as important as what you eat”
    💫“I don’t give people any kind of special foods, I don’t have them take special supplements, I don’t have them count anything. And they are having sustainable, long term amazing results.”
    💫“In our school systems, young kids are being fed breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and often times sugary treats and drinks. What that means is that they are telling their bodies to store energy all day long. This can be one of the biggest drivers for children and weight gain.”
    You can listen to this episode wherever you listen to podcasts -- Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and more!

    You can learn more about Shana’s 28-Day Fast To Heal Challenge we talked about in the episode here! 👉🏻https://www.fasttoheal.info/

    Registration Link to Shana’s challenge: https://www.subscribepage.com/f9h3j4

  • “If I just lose ten lbs I will feel good about myself again…”

    “When I’m thin I get so many compliments on my appearance…”

    “If I don’t follow my plan perfectly and to a “t” then that means I’ve failed…”

    “I can’t keep any sweets in my house or else I will gorge myself on them…”

    Has anyone ever had those thoughts before?

    I know I certainly have in the past 🙋🏼‍♀️ In fact, truthfully, it took me years to learn how to rewire my brain out of wanting to constantly diet.

    But once I learned to change the way I looked at food….it was the most wonderful freeing feeling ever.

    I’m so excited to share my newest podcast with you guys! I brought on Maria Simpson (@bodyloveboss) to talk about the amazing movement she is creating teaching others how to end the diet cycle, to love your body, and to never have to diet again.

    In our podcast, we talk about:

    -Her past experience of disordered eating and compulsive exercise
    -How her body started shutting down from extreme dieting and overexercising
    -How she struggled with thyroid issues, gaining weight, losing her hair...and how she overcame that
    -Ways you can cultivate positive body image for your own children (Maria is a mom of 5!)
    -The first step you can take as you learn to break out of the diet cycle.

    “It came down to restriction. Your brain wants what it can’t have. That’s human nature. Knowing in my brain that I was going to restrict food again caused me to obsess about it and want it. It was a constant craving and obsession and having to fight against it. I decided “what if I never restrict again? What if I just take that off the table and my body can trust me that all food is available at all times. There’s not a scarcity.” It really changed the game. Knowing that if I wanted a cookie I could have it. Food lost it’s power once I decided to take restriction off the table.”

    Maria has an incredible way of using empathy and compassion to share her own journey and help others as they are navigating through that as well. She has amazing programs where she helps teach other women how they can learn to love their bodies and never have to diet again. You can find more about Maria www.bodyloveboss.com!


  • Have you ever thought about investing but weren’t really sure how to get started? If so, you will love our newest podcast episode. Kiana Daniel (@investdiva) shares her wisdom and guidance on this topic and how investing even just an extra $100 a month can radically change your future.

    I loved having Kiana, and we really ‘pulled back the curtain’ to talk about a topic that often times can trigger a lot of shame or insecurity for people.

    Kiana has the coolest story! She shares in this episode how she was living in Japan when she started to learn about investing (something she didn’t really grow up around), and how she grew up in a culture where women weren’t really taught to run businesses or manage money.

    In our podcast we talk about things like:
    -What is the first thing someone should know when it comes to investing?
    -Should you use someone else to manage your money or should you be doing the investing yourself?
    -How to talk to your spouse about finances in your marriage and if that is a touchy subject...ways you can work through that and get on the same page.
    -Should you invest first or pay off debt first?
    -How you can teach your kids important money principles at a young age (Kiana has the sweetest little baby girl!)

    I love how Kiana’s superpowers are: helping people understand complicated financial concepts, empowering women to remain feminine in male-dominated industries, and helping people grow their wealth by investing (even if you don’t have a lot to invest - she started with just $500!).

    I really, really think you guys are going to love this new podcast as much as I enjoyed recording it. Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions! I’ll answer them in the comments!

    Learn more about Kiana here 👉🏻https://bit.ly/InvestDiva


  • I brought on one of my friends, Brad Gibb, who has SUCH a cool program and process. Once, I was joking with them and asked, “Are you the anti-Dave-Ramsey”?

    To understand why I asked him that, you can listen to today’s podcast. (:

    He has a process that will make you Financially Free in ten years, or less! It’s REALLY really interesting. To hear about his perspectives, his philosophy, and his reasoning behind it is something I think you’re really going to love.

  • Hey guys! This was such a fun podcast! I got to chat with my friend, Kurt Yazici. He has a brand called “Karnivore Kurt”. His story, his book, his brand and his methods to improve overall health are incredibly fascinating.

    If you’re looking for answers with your dietary health, easing your anxiety or clearing your skin,

    he has an alternative that not many are talking about.

    In fact, when I first heard about the Carnivore Diet, I thought it had something to do with hunting. But after he explained and educated me on the diet and the benefits, I thought it would be fun to bring him on to the podcast to explore this topic.

    I know that sometimes, this can be a divisive topic. At first, I thought, “That’s kind of weird… you’re only going to eat meat?”

    Then, as I started to learn more about some of the benefits that he’s experienced, it felt worthy of sharing.

    Even if you aren’t looking to change your diet, there are unheard perspectives in here that I think would be interesting to listen to with an open mind.

  • HERE is the link for the free live training I talked about in the podcast! Hope you’ll be there with me! http://wrgo.io/NAH/16768

    I was in my kitchen one night running around and making dinner for the kids, and I heard a ding on my phone. I glanced over at my lock screen and saw the ding was an email from my business mentor Russell Brunson to Dean Graziosi….my heart started racing. Why was
    I included in this email between these two powerhouse men?? This had to have been a mistake….

    As I scrolled on my phone and kept reading, I saw that Russell was emailing Dean and telling him that I should be a speaker at his next event…

    As much as I’ve done loads of personal work on changing the negative voice in my own head….I found my internal thoughts kick into imposter syndrome. Has that ever happened to you before? Things like:

    “I’m not qualified to be in the same space as these guys.”

    “Uh oh...they’re going to find out soon that I’m not really that special, I’m just a single mom who came from a small town in Idaho and I’m really not that smart.”

    “I don’t have best-selling books like these guys do. They’re going to see right through me.”

    What ended up happening next was really important. I learned more about Dean’s story. I learned that, just like me, he grew up in a broken home (his parents were married and divorced nine times), he had been diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, and everyone around him told him he wasn’t smart enough to even get to college.

    But even facing all that...he’s still gone on to build multi-million dollar companies and build a business that gets to impact and help SO many people.

    I started to see myself in his story. I started to realize that voice in my head that kept me feeling “not enough” wasn’t actually real. I started to believe that maybe I actually could take my own life experiences and the skills and knowledge I already had to help other people.

    Dean’s story was so helpful and impactful for me that I asked him to be on my podcast and he graciously agreed. I hope you will get a chance to listen to this one because, if you’re anything like me, hearing stories of other people who have faced hard challenges in life and worked through them is usually the little ray of hope I need to keep going.

    Dean didn’t go get a fancy MBA or have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on traditional education. He figured out a way to take his own life experiences to use that to create a business that makes a real impact.

    We talk all about that on today’s podcast, and how you can do that too.

    I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome. I know what it feels like to wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or if you have what it takes. I know because I’ve been there...I still feel that at times. But I hope that my story, Dean’s story, and others can show you that you do have something great inside of you. The things you have gone through in your life have happened for a reason. You can use those skills, that knowledge, those experiences to help and impact others.

    This is one of my favorite podcasts I’ve recorded maybe…..ever. Hope you’ll take a chance to listen ❤️

    HERE is the link for the free live training I talked about in the podcast! Hope you’ll be there with me! http://wrgo.io/NAH/16768

  • Have you ever had to experience tragic loss in your life? 💔Or have had a loved one who is grieving? If so, you are going to love this new podcast we put up today.

    I had the privilege of bringing Jodi Coochise onto my podcast today, and her story made me tear up, smile, and get goosebumps... all at the same time.

    When Jodi was 27 years old, she was hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa with her husband. It was something they trained for an entire year and was a bucket list adventure they had always wanted to do. As they were climbing the mountain, there was a major rock slide and Jodi’s husband was hit by the rocks and instantly died.

    In our podcast today, she tells the story of what was going through her mind in the moment, how she still had to hike down the mountain to get aid, what the grieving process was like for her then and now, how she was able to eventually move on and find her current husband, things she did at the time that helped, tips for others who may have a friend or family member experiencing grief, and how she still honors her late husband to this day.

    This was SUCH a beautiful story and it was such an honor to have Jodi on the podcast. I really know you guys are going to love this one, and I am so grateful that Jodi really “pulled back the curtain” and shared the real, raw parts of her story.


    PS - Jodi is a licensed psychologist in Boston, if you would like to connect with her more you can find her here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jodi-coochise-phd

    Also, here are links to the books she mentioned in the podcast:
    “It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok” by Megan Divine (Amazon: https://amzn.to/2uLWxy5 and Audible: https://amzn.to/35UvwFu)
    “The Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion (Amazon: https://amzn.to/2QRxulI and Audible: https://amzn.to/3a9jRpW)

  • I sometimes joke (but not really joking) that I’m a recovering perfectionist. Anyone else feel that way? 🙋🏼‍♀️

    I used to really struggle with an all-or-nothing mentality. If I couldn’t do things perfectly I would just push them off until I thought I “had enough time” or the situation was “just right” for things to be perfect.

    A few years ago I learned how to use the “good, better, best” technique to help me still keep my promises to myself even if I couldn’t be perfect.

    This one simple trick has helped me learn to train my brain that I can say I’m going to do something and actually do it….even if it’s not as perfect as I actually wanted. This process is what helps me gain momentum towards the things I want to get done instead of getting stuck in the “I’ll start again on Monday” mentality.

    I just released a new podcast where I teach this process to you guys, and give you specific examples of times I applied this. I hope you like it!


    PS - this is one of the strategies I teach in my 21 Day Challenge. We are starting our challenge up next week and I would LOVE for you to join us! You get daily videos from me for 21 days where I teach you my exact process for learning to get unstuck and re-write your story. Best case scenario: you learn tools that will change your life. Worst case scenario: you get to hang out with me for 21 days :) I hope you will join us! 👉🏻 challenge.nataliehodson.com

  • Want to know my secret for getting “unstuck” and re-writing your story? 🙋🏼‍♀️

    This is the time of year where I see everyone posting about their 2020 resolutions, their “word” for the year, and the changes they want to make. I think it’s great to dream big and have big ideas….but only if you have the tools to actually make that happen.

    I recorded a new podcast today where I teach you guys my one simple trick that I’ve used for the last 15 years to actually make changes that stick.

    It’s a simple concept, but it works so well and it’s the exact same process I still use to this day.

    All you need is an inexpensive whiteboard you can get for less than $10 and the courage to try something that might feel a little out of your comfort zone.

    This “microgoals” process that I use is what has helped me build confidence. It’s taught me that I can say I’m going to do something and then actually do it. And it’s what gives me the momentum to stick with things.

    I hope you’ll listen and check it out! This concept is also something I teach in my 21 Day Challenge which is starting in just a few days. You should join us! My big promise is that you will have at least one life-altering breakthrough by the end of the 21 days. You’ll learn the tools you need to get “un-stuck” and re-write you story. 👉🏻challenge.nataliehodson.com for more info.

    So much love,


  • Earlier this year I dealt with a situation at my daughter’s school where she was being bullied. As a mom, it was something I had never gone through before, and it broke my heart to see how it was impacting her.

    I recorded a new podcast today on this topic. I didn’t go into any specific details of what happened that day, but I wanted to record a podcast that I hope will open up a very important conversation on how you can support your kids if they are being bullied. I know that I felt very lost on what to do when this happened with my daughter, and I wish I could have had a resource like this when I was going through it.

    So in today’s podcast, I talked about:

    -Some of the steps I took (and my attorney advised me to take) during the process working with the school

    -How I talked to my daughter about what happened and how it was important to me that she knew I was always going to believe her

    -Conversations we had in our home about consent, bullying, and how we can be kinder to others

    -Books I purchased that helped me talk to my kids about the situation

    I hope you enjoy this one! I believe that when we share our stories, and we talk about things that people don’t always talk about, we are able to live more wholeheartedly. I know how grateful I was from the advice I got from you guys during this situation, and I hope I can provide that same advice to other parents who are going through similar things.

    So much love,


  • Something happened a few weeks ago that really bothered me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had a FB memory pop up from last year where I posted a status and it said, “I want to learn to snowshoe and cross country ski this year! Any tips on what I need, where I can go to get it, and how to get started?”

    I had loads of comments and advice people gave me on that post.

    And guess what? I never did it. I never put myself out there and learned to do something I’ve really wanted to do for a long time.

    Today, I put out a new podcast where I talk about “Why We Don’t Try New Things”

    I think the biggest reason is because most of us are experts at avoiding criticism. It doesn’t feel good to fail or to be judged publicly, so we tend to avoid situations where that might happen. We try to delay potential failure.

    I learned in (one of my favorite books ever) “Atomic Habits” by James Clear that a lot of times we get stuck in motion (planning, strategizing, learning, etc). Instead of actually taking action (doing something that produces a result).

    Motion (planning, dreaming) makes you feel like you’re getting things done. But really, you’re just preparing to get something done. When preparation becomes a form of procrastination, you need to change something. You don’t want to merely be planning. You want to be practicing.

    So that’s what I talk about in my new podcast! I shared with you how I got all my ski gear on a budget ($47 to be exact! Which I was super proud of because normally that gear would have been hundreds of dollars).

    How I talked a friend to go with me who had also never been skiing, and how we laughed our way through the falls.

    When you embrace the fact that you are always going to suck at the beginning, everything becomes so much easier.

    Hope you love this podcast! If you’ve been putting off trying something new because maybe you are afraid of looking like you don’t know what you are doing, or are feeling timid, or just doing too much “planning” instead of taking action, this podcast will be a fun one for you.

    Leave a comment and let me know if there’s something you’ve been wanting to do lately that you’ve been putting off!

  • Have you ever felt paralyzed before when negative Imposter Syndrome or “I’m-Not-Enough-itis” thoughts start to creep into your head? 👋🏻

    I 💯 have! In fact, research actually shows that 70% of us struggle with Imposter Syndrome or feeling like a fraud. Even huge name actors like Jodi Foster, JLo, and Maya Angelou have said they have felt this way too!

    I released a new podcast today where I talk about how this happened to me recently. I got a really cool opportunity to speak on stage at Brendon Burchard’s Influencer event. I remember the day so clearly…. when I saw that text on my phone pop up from Brendon asking me to be there - I was so excited in that moment!

    Later that day, they asked me to send in a bio and headshot. As I was sitting there in my chair in front of my computer I was staring at the blank cursor on my screen and just couldn’t come up with the words to write my bio.

    I started reading the bios of all the other amazing speakers (Rachel Hollis, Tom Bilyeu, Lewis Howes, Trent Shelton, Dean Graziosi, and others)...and those negative voices started to creep into my head.

    “Natalie, you haven’t written a New York Times Bestseller Book like Rachel has...”

    “Natalie, you don’t reach 60M people weekly like Trent does with his videos...”

    “Natalie, you haven’t done $1Billion in sales revenue like Dean has...”

    “Natalie, your podcast doesn’t have 100M downloads like Lewis’ does...”

    In my podcast today, I talk about what that day was like for me, and how I worked through it. And other times I’ve felt this way (launching new products in my business, not feeling good enough at mom groups, not thinking I was smart enough around my internet marketing friends, not feeling “fit” enough in a swimsuit in public, etc).

    I shared with you my 5 strategies for beating those imposter syndrome feelings when they creep up...things you can implement today if you’re struggling with this too.

    Ultimately, I knew I had two options. Option 1: I could let the imposter syndrome paralyze me and do nothing. Cancel my invitation, or shrink into that fear. Or Option 2: I could show up anyways.

    I chose to show up.

    The braver choice.

    I reminded myself that I was asked to be there for a reason, and that I have a unique voice that nobody else has. I wholeheartedly believe that pushing through those negative voices, and putting yourself in hard or uncomfortable situations are what ACTUALLY give you the grit and tenacity needed to be successful.

    Learning how to do this over and over and over again (even when it feels hard) is the secret that what will lead you to long term success and greatness.

    Hope you love the podcast!


  • Shame and How It's Holding You Back From Achieving EVERYTHING You Want In Your Life- LIVE Presentation I am OBSESSED with the idea that... Just because you failed, doesn't mean you're a failure. Failing is an act, a failure is your identity. The thing about identity is that it's malleable. You can put steps in place to change things about yourself. So anyway we look at a time we've screwed up, failed a class, messed up a promotion, felt like we did a bad job as parents, we have the chance to change it and fix it. I have put so much shame around failure in my past and I think it's important to learn how to work through that and get past it so that it doesn't keep you from trying again. So today,I pulled the audio from a live presentation I did in my 30 Day Challenge and shared it with all of you. I hope you love it! xoxo, Natalie

  • Todays podcast was awesome! I brought on my personal therapist, Rick Boyes! Rick has truly changed my life and helped me identify issues I didn't even know I had. I get tons of messages asking about therapy and finding a therapist so I hope this helps!

    I always imagined counseling to be this kind of awkward sit down where you talk about how you feel and the counselor just nods their head. What I love about Rick is he calls you out on your stuff, and helps you work through issues and traumas quickly. My life has changed so positively because of him and the work we have done together. I urge anyone in need of a counselor to listen to this podcast and seek therapy today. Sometimes we get stuck and it's OKAY to need help conquering our darknesses.

    A little about Rick: He has both his Masters and PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education and is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. He also teaches at a local University here as the Director of Trauma, Grief and Crisis.

    We cover:

    - Psychological survival skills and how we adapt

    - Readiness for change and how to get there - EMDR and hypnotherapy and what it's used for - Marriage and relationships and the agenda we carry in the beginning of relationships - How our brain turns parts off and on when we talk about our traumas - Suggestions on what YOU can look for if you're searching for specific therapy or don't know where to start ... so much more! I hope this helps anyone in need of therapy. xoxo, Natalie
  • I loved recording this podcast so much. We talked for so long, we had to cut this into two parts. If you haven't listened to part one already, go check it out before you listen to part two so you can get these amazing people's back story.

    Last podcast, we talked about what it was like to go through a divorce, for your husband to come out as gay, and how to continue co-parenting with such a unique dynamic.

    Today we go into:

    - How to accept yourself and own your story

    - How to handle hate from other people and not let it define you

    - Jealousy in a marriage

    - Ex-spouses that are still a part of your life, and how to get that amazing connection these three have

    ... so much more!

    I just want to take a minute to remind everyone exactly what this podcast is about. Owning who you are and knowing that that's how you can become your best you is so important.

    "Once you own your story, it no longer has power of you." -Brene Brown

  • I had such a great time recording this, I can't wait for you to listen! I had three of my great friends, Jessica, Steve and Matt on. We talked so long that we had to cut this into two parts.

    "Steve and Jessica were happily married for 7 years until Steve came out as being gay which inevitably ended in divorce. Now, Matt and Jessica have been happily married for 6 years. As you can see, Matt, Jessica, and Steve have a relationship that, by most standards, would be considered atypical."

    No matter what situation you're in, you can walk away with something from this podcast today. The respect these three have for one another is so inspiring! These three have a podcast called Husband In-Law that I recommend everyone check out for some amazing advice in parenting, marriage, relationships and so much more!

    They leave nothing off the table and really reinforce the saying, "once you own your story, you can take the power away from it."

    I hope you guys enjoy part one of two!

  • Today, this whole podcast is about negative and unproductive thoughts! So many times we go down the rabbit hole of believing things our mind is telling us when we feel scared, insecure or like we are failing. I have done this so many times, so I came up with a system that I always use to replace those thoughts with a “how?” question. I give you the step-by-step system I shared in my 21 day challenge, on how to keep thoughts from leading you down that same rabbit hole and instead, get your mind to ask HOW can I take this on and make it happen? I hope you all can take this podcast and apply it to something you are struggling to achieve but know you want to.

    We cover:

    How negative thoughts can make you not be able to do something you really want to do and how replacing those with a “how” question can change your reality A three question process I use to get rid of insecurities Helpful books that have helped me come up with the tools I use and share

    I hope you love it!




  • So many of you guys reach out with questions about the aftermath of divorce, I decided to bring on two of my friends, Angie and Marie, to dig deep and talk about the "grieving" process of a divorce. They have an awesome community of women that they call "The Unwed's" where they lift each other up by sharing advice and stories... post divorce.

    We cover:

    - The first year post divorce

    - Dating

    - Prenuptials

    - The broken feeling you have afterwards and how to work through that

    - Having kids during and after

    ...and so much more!

    Hope you love it!

