
  • The ongoing CUSTOMS & CONVENTIONS series focuses on timely rules, regulations, and traditional observances related to the Jewish holidays and special times on our Jewish unique calendar! A fascinating discovery on the tradition of PURIM DRINKING. Why in Heaven would Halacha require Intoxication? Learn the truth about "GETTING WASTED" in an Episode overflowing with insight and inspiration. Making Sense out of Drinking till you are Senseless! Uncorking bottled-up secret Torah teachings on the traditional [mandated?] Purim over-the-top consumption of Wine is sure to bubble over with thrilling surprises. This complex mix of Torah-true vintage teachings features the kind of rich, satisfying flavour and texture, only achievable by blending the unique characteristics of a wide range of the literal, homiletical and mystical dimension! The creative genius of a contemporary Master serves to bring the concert of insight into a symphony of delightful perfection!

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Fifty-Two
    Chapter 9, Part 9 - Verse 23
    Narrates the story of how Purim became a Holiday.

    While our previous Episodes enabled us to better appreciate the unique observance of the miraculous transformation, this new Episode tells the story of the Great National Embrace of those very observances and why they didn't fade with the passage of time.

    The evolution of organic, elective celebrations to an obligatory annual Mitzvah observance was a bigger deal than most people realize.

    Here, we peel away the layers to reveal the untold story of how the timely inspiration was translated into perpetual perspiration and lasting commitment.

    This will lead us to discover the deeper cosmic messages secretly encoded into the way Purim festivities achieving eternity!

    This is the fifty-second segment in an ongoing series on the biblical Scroll of Esther.

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  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 17a - Class # 55
    features a Purim-inspired analysis of pious past precedents that provide a series of profound lessons on the power and overriding importance of Torah Teaching and Learning!

    In the previous Episodes, we’ve already explored the telling descriptions of Mordechai HaYehudi’s popularity and acceptance as overwhelming but not absolute. This segued into a discovery of the overriding virtue of Torah.

    In this final segment of Perek Megillah n'Kra'as, we carefully calculation and reconcile the detailed timelines in Jacob’s journey. As a discrepancy is revealed, a historic message shines forth and drives the point home with devastating accuracy!

    This will complete the thesis on what pursuit and accomplishment is Jewishly considered to be the most virtuous and important of all!

    Episode 55 of this continuing Talmud study-series of Masechet Megillah, ends our series on the second half of the first chapter.

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Fifty-One (Part Two)

    Chapter 9, Part 8 - Verse 22

    This Episode overflows with profound insight about one of the Purim's greatest enigmas: the Extreme Wine Infusion into our Holiday-mandated Feasting and Rejoicing!

    Our previous Episode completed the Purim Transformation Thesis, leading us into a fuller appreciation of this holiday is observed with such unique Mitzvot that foster and perpetuate its essence for posterity.

    Here, as we complete the study of the scriptural enactments, we zero in on Purim's trademark feasting and merrymaking that centrally features the lavish, and even unchecked drinking of wine.

    No other Torah observance is quite like this. In fact, to be sure, all other formal holiday celebrations pointedly shy away from it.

    This leaves us with the burning question: what in heaven does wine-induced intoxication have to do with holiness. Does increasing our spirits intake really increase spiritual consciousness, and how is it reflective of our said thesis of transformation?

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 54

    A Purim-Hero inspired focus on profiling greatness, specifically zeroing in on what virtue, matters most?

    The Scroll of Esther states; Mordechai HaYehudi’s unique weave of political power and saintly scholarship ~ was supported by [only a] majority of his brethren. This prompts an exploration of what achievement is considered greatest of all.

    Our quest will lead us into a surprising discovery of what pursuit and accomplishment is Jewishly considered to be the most virtuous and important!

    Ultimately, this comes back to reframe our perspective on Mordechai HaYehudi's unusual style of leadership and enables us to understand why not everybody appreciated his unparalleled synergy of politics, scholarship, and saintly stewardship!

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Fifty-One (Part One)

    Chapter 9, Part 7 - Verse 22

    In the previous Episode we elaborated on the full story of how Purim was penned into Posterity by Mordechai and unique Thesis of Transformation that incorporates not only the Festive Days, but rather the entire month.

    This Episode opens with a continued development of that fascinating Transformation Thesis. Fully understanding this will naturally lead us into an appreciation of why it's observed in so unique and unusual a fashion.

    Our literal and conceptual analysis of Purim's unique Mitzvah enactments explain how they were custom designed to perpetuate the true essence of Purim for posterity.

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 53

    Here we attain a better understand the extraordinary, yet enigmatic qualities of greatness possessed by these proverbial holiday heroes!

    We open with a homiletic reading of a precise word in the Scroll of Esther to reveal where credit must be given for the miracle. Perhaps the message on Great Leadership is about a partnership not isolation, or maybe it really is about the Power of One!

    Discover fresh context and background to enable a fuller appreciation of the unique, and unparalleled historic contribution of Queen Esther.

    Delving into the detailed description of Mordechai HaYehudi's unusual leadership, we'll learn why some didn’t fully appreciate the way he wove politics, scholarship, and saintly stewardship of the Jewish people together!

    This Episode is number 53 in a continuing Talmud study-series of Masechet Megillah, Chapter One.

  • A fascinating discovery on the Fast of Esther

    Lifting the Lid on the Tradition to Starve before Feasting!

    Our analysis of the earliest recipes regarding this pre-Purim observance yields tantalizing surprises. Looking back at the original ingredients it turns out there's more than one way to gel cohesion and consistency.

    Flavoured by an eclectic blend of the development of these Torah-true teachings traditions, a rich and satisfying presentation - punctuated with additions and preservatives - is then blended.

    Yet, the popular name indicates a very important ingredient is still missing. The creative genius of a contemporary Master Chef serves to bring this presentation to perfection!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Fifty

    Chapter 9, Part 6 - Verses 20-22

    These are the verses of scripture that present the remarkable story of Purim's formal canonization and induction into eternity. The fascinating story of how the holiday (along with its sacred observances) was enacted!

    The long string of extraordinary events that led to the Jewish People's salvation capped with the stunningly successful battle of self-defense was so obviously miraculous; the nation erupted in celebratory thanksgiving to Hashem.

    To be sure, the powerful visceral and soulful reaction and joyous expression was undoubtedly Mitzvah oriented. Yet, it could easily have faded with time. This is about how the festive celebration was embedded into the DNA of Torah-truth eternity.

    Discover how Purim became the most joyous day annually observed on the Jewish calendar and took its place of honour alongside the proverbial pantheon of mandatory Mitzvot -- binding upon every single Jew until the end of time, and even beyond!

    The story of penned Purim Posterity and its unique Thesis of Transformation observed with over-the-top Rejoicing come alive in the careful study of these verses.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 52

    Our Sages make a point of carefully analyzing the specific language employed by the scriptural narrative. That's because whether they were spoken, written, or read, the Words are telling, and they convey important details of the Megillah's Message!

    When a King’s belligerent tough talk miraculously shifted into softly spoken sensitivity. Why the Queen’s presentation of a letter written in hate, lead to a sacred inscription. How Words of Peace and Truth must be Transcribed and Told from a Scroll to fulfill obligations!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Forty-Nine

    Chapter 9, Part 5 - Verses 16-19

    The Jewish People across the vast Persian Empire rose to defend themselves against their mortal enemies. The offensive against those actively plotting genocide was stunningly successful.

    On the morrow of fierce fighting, upon miraculous deliverance from Empire-wide enemies, the Jewish People celebrated.

    Yet, in Shushan, the battles lasted longer. Consequently, their delayed deliverance meant a delayed celebration. Ultimately its all comprised of the same joy.

    We will also then discover how walls will heretofore divide Festivities. And this is filled with deeper meaning and significance!

    Decoding these verses does far more than give us a better appreciation of the scope of the Divine Deliverance. It opens the door to a radically transformed perspective of the higher purpose of life itself.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 51

    The Megillah makes a point of listing the Ten Sons of Haman who were killed by the Jewish people and (later) gibbeted in their offensive Battle of self-Defense.

    Here we will discover that it’s far more than reportage of facts and figures. The Talmud speaks of unique Mitzvah methodology for reading this enumeration of evil in a single breath. Clearly demonstrating that this Execution of Justice was No Simple Matter!

    More details about the unusual print prose employed conveys multiple messages in both written and audible Megillah media. This inglorious list of villains follows a unique code of written symmetry, striking some pretty awful chords.

    We'll also learn how this scriptural sonnet of poetic justice was designed to ensure finality, ensuring that this evil never rear its ugly head again!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Forty-Eight

    Chapter 9, Part 4 - Verses 11-15

    As already narrated in the previous episodes, the Jewish People across the vast Persian Empire rose up to defend themselves against their mortal enemies. The offensive against those actively plotting genocide was stunningly successful.

    Yet as previously elaborated, in the country's Capital; Haman's home base -- they met fiercer resistance. A pitched battle ensues. Ultimately, the Jewish Defenders achieve full victory and the enemy's demonic leadership, Haman’s Sons, were hung.

    The many casualties were reported to the King, and he asks what else can be done to ensure the Jewish People's lasting safety and security. Although, to be sure, the debriefed King first required an ethereal lesson in anger management.

    At the Queen’s behest, and in view of Shushan’s still unresolved situation, Capital Jews are given yet another day to mop up. In fairness, the King does far more that agree, and by royal edict the Capital Battle rages for on another day.

    This battle too meets great success, and it culminates in another symbolic hanging. Might this additional eerily foreshadow futuristic destruction of evil too?

    Decoding these verses does indeed enable us to better appreciate the scope and breadth of the Divine Deliverance we experienced.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 50 Returning to expounding the actual verses of the Megillah, we focus on the stirring statement encapsulating the triumphant reversal of the Purim Miracle: From Darkness (emblematic of the fasting and mourning) we moved to Light, instead of Crying and Wailing we had Happiness and Joy Gladness, and in the place of Sackcloth and Ashes there was Glory and Honour! Delving deeply into the Megillah's superlative string of uplifting euphemism describing the Miracle Aftermath, here, many rich ideas will be presented. After elucidating each detail on its own with a variety of fascinating sources, we return to discover overarching common themes. This teaching will demonstrate how a solitary biblical verse -- spanning Spiritual Illumination to Covenantal Connections, our annual Holidays to Awe-inspiring Ornamentation --- reveals much about the Yiddishkiet at large, and ultimately encapsulates its very essence! This Episode has been generously sponsored by the Bloom Family for the merit of a young boy who is a regular viewer! 

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Forty-Seven

    Chapter 9, Part 3 - Verses 6-10

    The miraculous turnabout of events and the rise of Persia’s pious new Prime Minister, enabled the Jewish People to mount a vigorous campaign of aggressive defensive measures across the massive 127 Province Empire. The offensive was met with surprisingly stunning successful.

    The Megillah's narrative now zero's in on country's Capital, Shushan where some of the fiercest fighting ensued. In the end this battle also meets success culminating in the critically symbolic and iconic Hanging of Haman’s Sons on common gallows!

    In this episode we discover why the Fighting in the Capital City was so fraught, as we learn all about the Ground Zero of Hamanite Haters. Even in this most dangerous urban battleground, justice was swiftly meted out.

    In revealing the many unarticulated details about this most important theater of war the miracle the Jewish People experienced emerges in full colour and high definition!

    Decoding these verses does indeed enable us to better appreciate the scope and breadth of the Divine Deliverance we experienced.

    A fascinating mystical overview of the story are included. An unexpected Kabbalistic reading of evil's violent end can provide deeply personal lessons for life. Profound ideas that can serve to stimulate meaningful character and spiritual betterment.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 49

    Opening on the hems of a seeming Wardrobe Malfunction, in this episode we continue to focus on an early period of our unique Jewish Saga, when we were comprised of only Jacob's nuclear family.

    Clearly, our Sages saw the details of patriarchal precedents presaging the future. In their illuminated view, these actions taken in antiquity were impelled by prophetic intuitions. A story of larger larger-than-life spiritual titans battling dark forces in distant watershed moments at events occurring many centuries later.

    In looking beyond the obvious drama of a predictable emotional outburst, the Sages discerned more than ordinary tears, or weeping symptomatic of a typical Family Reunion that healed historic Sibling Separation!

    Mysterious messages to be deciphered include a secret message encoded into the choice of a gift item for an old man. Does every dog really have his day as a clever fox, and can smoke actually extinguish fire?

    Most of all, what in Heaven does any of this have to do with the story of Purim!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Forty-Six

    Chapter 9, Part 2 - Verses 4-5

    This opening of the ninth chapter of the Megillah continues with the details of the primary technical cause of the stunning Turnabout, the Rising Star Mordechai, as well as the actual empire-wide campaign that was carried out.

    Here, we'll learn more about the remarkable power of Persia’s brand-new Pious Prime Minister. The Megillah chooses to highlight Mordechai’s influence and reputation, placing emphasis of the idea that it comprised key ingredients in the Jewish people’s total pivot. Yet, the big question may be asked was it really all about him?

    In shining a bright new light on the mechanics of the remarkable transformation, the Jewish People experienced, a whole new picture begins to emerge.

    It will clarify how and why we were able to transcend endemic weakness, instead moving far beyond being on the defensive. Mordechai's remarkable power empowered us to remarkably rise to a position of profound power. Now we assumed the offense and forcefully destroyed hateful enemies -- in full reciprocity!

    Decoding these verses reveals the extent of the Divine Deliverance we experienced. Our careful and insightful analysis of the biblical text will yield many fascinating details that will demonstrate how just how remarkable this turnabout really was.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16a-b - Class # 48

    This Episode focuses back on an early period of our unique Jewish Saga when the nascent nation of Israel was comprised of only Jacob's nuclear family. Our Sages clearly viewed these patriarchal precedents as seeds planted; the results of which produced fruit many centuries later.

    Digging beneath the surface we will uncover a surprising perspective on a Historic Wardrobe Malfunction that seems to cause the breakdown of the family, yet ultimately lead to a fascinating Futuristic Fix!

    In stitching together seemingly disparate biblical stories, the greater sweep of Jewish history emerges as an epic tapestry from an ancestral Family Feud to a Triumphant Torah Leader.

    Here the Talmud will teach us how the Royal Robes of Persia’s Purim-era Jewish Prime Minister were woven out of the very seams of a Prized Suit from Egypt’s only ever Jewish Prime Minister. Ultimately, these ancient events presage the entire Purim story, as Joseph's sale by his own brothers, as well as his gift to Benjamin empowered Mordechai, his direct descendant, to bring salvation to the nation!

    A fascinating Midrashic statement will be introduced to launch a new thesis to clarify the deeper meaning of our Sages exposition of the Megillah's verses. One, that will enable us to fully appreciate the profundity of their teachings.

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth,
    Part Forty-Five

    Chapter 9, Part 1 - Verses 1-3

    This Episode, opening the ninth chapter of the Megillah. It highlights the remarkable transformation experienced in triumphant, miraculous deliverance from murderous enemies. This details the historical battle and victory annually celebrated with the extremely joyous holiday called Purim.

    In a stunning turnabout, on the very same day the Jewish people were scheduled to be attacked, and slated for annihilation – they rose-up, organized and avenged themselves. Surprisingly, their controversial and aggressive self defensive offence was acclaimed and even aided by Persia's political leadership and armed forces.

    Yet, the biblical narration of how "We the Jewish People Rose Up" to overcome our adversaries in ancient Persia is filled with nuance and rife with hints of many acts of Divine Deliverance. Our careful and insightful study will demonstrate how it was really G-d, not our courage that saved the day.

    Our analysis of the carefully worded biblical text will yield many fascinating details of just how wondrous our salvation was. The insightful information can and should leave us with a newfound appreciation of what we celebrate on Purim. It may also serve to rarify our perspective on challenging times, fortify our faith in Hashem and Jewish eternity and inspire us to reach for greater heights in life!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

  • Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud
    Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16a - Class # 47

    This Episode opens with a re-examination of the King's Stroll-in-the-Garden. This serves to further clarify the general intent of the Sages in their expositions of these verses, and better appreciate the flow of their teachings.

    Reviewing the Monarch's successive [outdoor and indoor] jaded assessment of things is about more that simply setting the stage for the next act. Revisiting the scene allows us a deeply revealing look into the mechanics of Miracles and provides us insightful perspective on the nature of Angelic appearances.

    Having completed playing her role for "such a time" Queen Esther’s Victory is brought to fruition by an unexpected actor who preforms a great service for the Jewish people.

    Switching Loyalties at the last moment, an unlikely Man of the Hour emerges from the shadows to seal the fate of the Genocidal Purim Villain. In poetic-Purim turnabout, Haman is now Hung on the very same Gallows he had prepared for Mordechai.

    In analysis of the aftermath, many interesting details come to light. And as Angers’ Abate, a remedial sense of calm is now restored to the Kingdom’s of both Heaven and Earth. This all leaves us with many important lessons about life and higher purpose!

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan