
  • Hello how are you doing me and my family have been targeted victimized for years no help from no one just abuse by Stockton Police department,CHP , sheriff deputy attacked me in the Stockton California courthouse here in Stockton California

  • My name is Queenzzielocthevoice I have been targeted victimized for years no gov leaders haven't help me police attacks,hate , harassing me for years retaliation , ain't nobody help me five cops assaulted my son James and sicked a police dog on him Nov 212014 my other son was murdered November 19th 2015 here in Stockton California he was gun down harassment,hate equal rights my human rights, civil rights, amendment rights have been violated for countless of years Queenzzielocthevoice

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  • I stay in a small corrupt time call Stockton California I have been attacked for countless of years I have two boys who have been victimized my two boys one of their name is Josiah Smith who was murdered November the 19th 2015 my oldest son named James Smith was be assaulted by five Stockton California cops all five cops handcuffed my son let their cop dog maul on him while he was handcuffed Stockton Police car who have murdered and killed put a fake resistant arrest charge on my son James d Smith I had to go to court and fight for my son right Houston sensabaugh Stevens he the cop who attacked my son put a fake resistant arrest charge on my son I thought the charge in court here in Stockton California I beat the charge the fake charge he put on my son James Smith five cops beat my son handcuffed him sick a Stockton cop dog on my son James Smith all five cops was exonerated the chief of police let them walk away free my son was attacked at his own resident here in Stockton California all five cops got away with assaulting a disabled man who never been in trouble who don't even know how to write his name that's my son James Smith who was born developmental delayed at birth I'm tired of the abuse from these cops they trying to set me up and take my life and lie how I die that's their get down they sweep it under the rug right now they trying to set me up it's retaliation mode Stockton Police the share Deputy here in Stockton California California highway patrol here in Stockton California these are dirty corrupt killer cops government leaders they trying to kill me and my family retaliation is the word for it resisting arrest my son was charged with that crime when Houston sensabaugh Stevens put a resistant arrest fake charge on my son that's a crime itself they get away with highway robbery the cops hides behind the badge they take a oath to serve and Protect Stockton Police CHP the Sheriff deputy get away with murder I won't Justice I want a trial I have every right to ask for jury trial at federal court I don't deal with no Stockton Court I'm dealing with federal court in Sacramento California this is a shame no justice no peace they retaliating against me they play dirty they shoot they kill they have a history of killing innocent people shooting people selling them up sweeping death under the road like they swept my son death under the road Josiah Omar Smith they play dirty stop the police is throwing in my side CHP the Sheriff Deputy internal affairs Captain Arthur Harty taking up for his Sheriff Deputy that attacked me at the courthouse here in Stockton California I got a letter in the mail it stated the cop that attacked me it was unfounded his cop was innocent he didn't do anything to me I got the letter from Internal affairs Captain Arthur Harty he talked to me over the phone because I called his office he believed the Sheriff Deputy over me the truth so help me God and my daughter Jada Smith watch the whole thing at the courthouse here in Stockton California he stated in the investigation his Sheriff Deputy innocent no mam he attacked me at the Stockton California Courthouse here in Stockton California the sheriff office is retaliating against me and stopping police because they know I know the truth about the corruption that goes on in Stockton California and California highway patrol three gov entities attacked me in Stockton California I have proof I submitted evidence in the courthouse up in Sacramento California I filed a federal complaint on Stockton California cops ,CHP , sheriff deputy he attacked me at Stockton courthouse and he put me out the courthouse here in Stockton California sheriff deputy he attacked me in the Stockton courthouse he attacked me my daughter Jadae Smith watch the whole incident

  • I have been attacked for years I've been through hell I have been sick Stockton police calls me five disorders Attacks on my family years of pain and suffering hate harassment death of my son Josiah Omar Smith five evil Stockton cops attack my other son James Smith the same night guns was pointed at me by CHP cop lumsargis nov212014. Officer Braga badge 2626 the motorcycle cop racial profile mean stop me Stockton Police was going all around the block trying to set me up for death I call the Stockton Police after hours number and I got a lieutenant to come to the scene on California Street and hazleton Street the lieutenant came to the scene where Braga Stockton police cops stop me he told me the sergeant or the lieutenant I don't even know but anyway he told me to bring my insurance card to court and I can go on another day brother the same cop that stopped me on California Street he stopped me on Kelly drive and charge me with a phone ticket when he stopped me on California and hazleton Street here in Stockton California near downtown he didn't show up for court on that ticket because the lieutenant came out that day on a different date and told me to bring my insurance card to court and I can go so motorcycle cop officer Braga badge 2626 was mad because they tried to kill me Stockton Police was riding all around the block that day when officer Braga badge 2626 stop me on California and hazleton Street they were trying to set me up I have a dead son named Josiah Omar Smith Stockton Police racial profiled him for countless of years my son was murdered November 19th 2015 Detective Reader told the state a lie that my son inflicted his own death now he got a job with the district attorney when he was working with Stockton Police as a homicide detective when he lied to the state controller of California how my son died he got a raise now he works for the district attorney of San Joaquin county it's a cover-up I'm treated like this because I'm a black color woman I'm a strong black colored woman I took all the evidence to FBI agent Chris McKinley I showed him video dog bite proof how five evil Stockton California police attack my son took him away to the hospital blood was dripping out his risk the handcuffs was so tight on his arm so sad he stayed in jail for 4 to 5 days Houston sensabaugh put a fake resistant arrest charge on my son I beat that charge in court the resisting arrest charge I beat it in court. Houston sensabaugh Stevens changed his last name to Stevens after he assaulted my son put fake resisting arrest charge on my son he was involved shortly after that incident in another homicide wow Stockton Police still let him work still let him interact in the community knowing he's a killer cop cuz they don't give a damn it's not their family they don't care Stockton police don't give a damn only thing those killer cops get is a three day paid leave and they go back in there cop car then kill somebody else it's a recycle pattern how they get down with the community we don't need that in America in the community of Stockton California in no community in the USA that's corruption I'm speaking truth facts

  • Me and my family are victims Helicopters over here by my home 🏠 here in Stockton California I need help me and my family Stockton California police have Attacked me and my family for years I need Help I'm going through Hell living here in Stockton California the police are flat out easy

  • I'm fighting corruption Stockton Police is the biggest Corruption of them all they're against me CHP is with Stockton Police department I was Attacked inside of the Stockton California courthouse back in 21 I have no protection the city and county is corrupt I will not lie I am a citizen that have rights they trying to take my rights away which they already have took some of my rights away Stockton California police is evil the Stockton Union that runs the police station hates me I have been targeted by Stockton Police for years no help no lawyer no one to help me but me racial profiling blacks plays A big part all these police officers Actions shooting innocent people attacks on the Disabled men and women in Stockton California Endorse Mayor Kevin Lincoln don't even interact in the community properly I see what I see he don't. The Stockton Police endorse Kevin Lincoln to be mayor that's why he's Mayor He's a ass licker mayor if he don't lick Stockton Police ass And the Union he won't be Mayor no more that's how it works. Now Stockton Police have a cover up the new mayor that they hired is black I know it's a cover-up because I'm a black intelligent black woman who have common sense I see I study and I watch them closely I keep my enemy close to me that's how you do it. I watch my enemy when they think they watching me they don't know me but I know the evil doing Stockton police, CHP they all the under the same cloth evil and Corruption. It's ashame law enforcement are corrupt everything with Stockton California name is Gov corruption my real name is Teresa Y Smith me and my family are victims for along time.

  • My name is Teresa Smith I'm living in government corruption domestic terrorism I'm attacked in my own country call the USA I live in Stockton California this is not part of the USA my mental health my children's mental health have been violated for countless of years my son was murdered my small kids watch the five Stockton Police assault my son and let a police dog mall on him my son name is James Smith my other son Josiah Smith life was taken he was murdered November the 19th 2015 the Stockton Police attacked my other son James Smith November the 21st 2014 trauma for years retaliation is real Stockton Police is retaliating against me the sheriff's office of San Joaquin county,CHP San Joaquin county I'm living through Hell for years.

  • Hello I'm talking about how me and my family have have been treated November the 21st 2014 my son was beaten by five Stockton Police November the 19th 2015 my son was murdered his name is Josiah Omar Smith Nov192015 no justice yet guns pointed at me my children witness the five Stockton evil police assault my son handcuffed ham and the dog was modeling on him while he was in handcuff he was assaulted by five Stockton evil California police officers all five cops was exonerated they didn't get punished for nothing Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones didn't punish his cops at the time back in 2014 CHP pointed guns at me Stockton police ,CHP, sheriff is gov corruption

  • Me and my family have been violated in all kinds of ways Stockton California police is a thorn to my side my kids have been victimized all my little kids watch the Stockton Police Beat their brother James November 21st 2014 guns was pointed at me by CHP lumsargis on the same night my son James was beaten by five Stockton California cops handcuffed they let a cop dog eat him while he was in handcuff my neighbor also was attacked by the same police dog on the night November 21st 2014 Her name is Patrina Walker my friend died last year in 21 the doctor stated she had stomach cancer I believe when she was attacked by the Stockton California police dog it done something to her stomach because Trina was bit up in her stomach by the Stockton police dog back in 14 my son James was attacked also by the Stockton police dog and he was assaulted me and my family have been tortured victimized for many of years my children also have been victimized for countless of years racial profile hate it or attacks after attacks no government help in California I asked for help all ears close no help zero help I'm headed to court all our rights have been violated in this place called Stockton California the county and City are corrupt everything that says Stockton is government corruption they trying to find something on me when they're the problem they're corruption evil to do black little kids the way they did my kids my black children lives matter that part this is a shame to be treated like this in the USA I'm out numbered by a evil cup harassed everyday no help everything is stopped in California is evil including the mayor office who told me my case was too old Bull shit my civil rights amendment rights human rights have all been violated for many of years in Stockton California the government and the county is evil real evil especially Stockton Police CHP the Sheriff Deputy that attacked me at the Stockton California courthouse is one corrupt individual I'm ready to go to court on all this so I can leave this dirty county call Stockton California no justice yet

  • I live in Stockton California I have been attacked many of years my mental health have been violated Stockton Police have caused me over five disorders PTSD anxiety paranoia depression depressive disorder, panic attacks Stockton Police is a evil government entity that I would never like the mayor Kevin Lincoln I showed the mayor office evidence house Stockton Police have victimized me and my family for years they told me my case was old I'm still being targeted to this day I'm a victim everyday me and my family is harass down by a evil cult they run me down like a pack of wolves big trucks be behind my vehicle I drives a Ford Taurus these people's don't care nothing about my black kids in a moving car I'm chase down daily it ain't right I was put out the USA Stockton courthouse by a Sheriff Deputy who attacked me inside the courthouse I wrote a complaint on this deputy to internal affairs here in Stockton California at the sheriff's office the sheriff office act like they don't even want to give me the deputy name who attacked me inside the Stockton California courthouse here in Stockton California me and my family need protection by the USA they trying to take me and my kids lives like they do everybody else shoot and lie about it and sweep it under the Rug Stockton Police CHP Sheriff officer who Attack me in the California Courthouse I want a court trial the sheriff's Department never gave me the deputy name who attack me in the courthouse here in Stockton California the only name that I got was from Sergeant Wells who gave me my ticket for free this Deputy Attack me

  • I have been mistreated in a town call Stockton California my family have been victimized my black kids watch five evil stockton police beat their brother my children was under the age of 10 back in 2014. My son named James Smith was beat up by 5 Stockton California cops he was attacked at his own home here in Stockton California no justice yet my other son name Josiah was murdered November the 19th 2015 guns pointed at me by CHP here in California

  • I'm a grieving mother I have been tortured years of traffic stops harassing me all of my civil liberties have been taken away from me I'm living in bondage all my civil amendment rights have been taken away my civil liberties my innocent children black kids lives matter

  • Hello Stockton California have violated me for years me and my family Stockton California is a very evil place for anybody to live hate Stockton government is very corrupt my civil rights amendment rights human rights my children rights have been violated just because they're black it's a crime shame how Stockton California hires criminals to run our system and some of these people is not even from America how can a person join any group and have say so to kill take people lives and sweep it under the rug just imagine I am ran down by a evil cult here in Stockton California every time I drive my car I have to keep my phone on video film every move that they make they come in a group after me while my kids in the car they don't care they evil they know I know the truth how Stockton California is handle. The hospital, cops,leaders are criminals criminals run Stockton California government

  • My name is Teresa Smith I have been traumatized attacks on me and my family police brutality excessive force by Stockton California police guns pointed at me harassment attack in the United States courthouse by a Sheriff Deputy put out the courthouse racial profiling me giving me tickets some of the police don't even come to court on the tickets several occasions I even was taken down a dark road by Armstrong California Highway Patrol officer here in Stockton California guns pointed at me guns pointed at every minor in my vehicle the night of November the 21st 2014 my disabled son was attacked by five Stockton California police they was not punished at all my civil liberties have been violated racial profiling me because I'm black causing me countless of torture suffering racial profiling my children harassment by Stockton California police David Wells running my black son down named Josiah Omar Smith going to school took his bike Stockton California police David Wells. I was attacked at the Stockton California courthouse by a Sheriff Deputy threatened me he was going to tase me in front of my daughter Jada Smith whose artistic my daughter Jada witness November the 21st 2014 five Stockton California police beat her disabled brother James Smith harassment doctors gets caught up by the California medical board back in 18 the doctor that supposed to be my him and his son is harassing me because they think that I called the medical board on them because they got caught the dad got caught write a prescription drugs out to your patient negligence to his patients the doctor got caught up back in 18 the county the city of Stockton California is Gov Corruption the police took off to serve and protect this is not the case they serve and kill and what I learned they are very racist Stockton California police why have a job when you're very prejudice against blacks I have been stopped so many times so many occasion just because I tell the truth on these evil police three government entities have attacked me I went to the Stockton grand jury road or 40 Page letter twice and told the grand jury here in Stockton California what was going on how I have been treated me and my black children and what I learned is the judge are very prejudice they always take stocking police side because they corrupt with Stockton Police I don't want no judge to hear no case of mine because it's not going to be a fair outcome they hold government corruption evil in this County at their courthouse the judge always try to take stock the police side all the time what about the right what about racial profiling black people what about attacking somebody's son with a disability IQ of a 40 the boy don't even know how to write his last name what about when they handcuff my son blood leaking all down his wrist in the hospital what about that what about when the police attack you again the sheriff department now and put my son in jail by the week ago swolled up his wrist what about that I have pictures his wrist was swollen they swollen up in my son said they was rough with him very rough I called the jail they had my son out there in the jail on French count at the sheriff department I went and got him I have the videos to prove my case what about stopping people for countless of years racial profiling me giving me tickets over 20 CHP cops Stockton Police the sheriff involved in these activities against me and my family no help they trying to set me up to kill me what about a cop don't stop me twice the same cop badge 2626 officer Braga badge 2626 he's a Stockton California police corrupt car he told me he was watching me this cop stop me twice in a row downtown on California Street and hazleton Street then he stopped me on Kelly drive here in Stockton California he didn't come to court on the first ticket when he stopped me downtown on California hazleton street he didn't come to court on that ticket All my civil liberties have been violated my family are victims

  • It's a crime shame to live in a place where you have been victimized for countless of years you ask for help look like all ears are closed I have been abused my family have been beat to my eyes my black children lives matter Stockton Police have abused my whole family put fake charges on both of my boys detected reader the homicide detective told the state controller of California that Josiah Omar Smith inflicted his own damn death then he got a job at the district attorney's office after he lied how Josiah Omar Smith God the city and county is corrupt I have been treated lesser than a dog my whole family have because we're black people one thing I always notice they hire convicts in Stockton California people talking about their preachers and Born again Christians and they are devils I stayed with a preacher and his wife him and his wife used to be on dope and they both been to prison I stayed with them for two weeks I told them I had to leave the lady got mad I woke up my whole van window was busted out the husband and wife ran a prison ministry this place is corrupt my son was murdered no answers nothing but lies nothing but torment pain agony suffering for years no one have listened at me I'm outnumbered by evil city and the County government haven't did nothing to help me I even went to the mayor and ask them for help no one haven't helped me no one I want the world to know what I've been through I don't want no other black man brown man to go through what I went through with their family and Stockton California black and brown people don't have no hope the police take the hope the blacks the Mexicans the brown people racial profiling shooting them down so many young children are died and stopped in California I'm a witness the FBI need to investigate the activities of stop the police and stop letting the murders get by because they're murderers and they're killer cops that is too much crying because the cops is corrupt and evil tell me I'm lying I'm not and corruption in Stockton California the FBI need to come in here and investigate everything that I say because I know because I have so witnessed all these crimes that be committed by different police in Stockton California Fbi

  • My name is Teresa why Smith me and my family have been attacked since we moved here to Stockton California my son was assaulted by five Stockton California police my other son was ran down to his demise the Stockton California police took his bike David Wells the Stockton Police racial profile black youth I was attacked at the Stockton California courthouse here in Stockton California I have been racial profile my whole family have by Stockton police they have cause me to take medication because of their Evil actions against my children's and myself pointing guns at me three law enforcement entities have violated me Stockton California police is the main one CHP partnership will stop the police here in Stockton California and the Sheriff deputy that attacked me in the Stockton California courthouse put me out the courthouse here in Stockton California the Sheriff Deputy threatened to Tase me with his Taser gun in the Stockton California courthouse Teresa Y Smith

  • My constitutional rights my mental health my human rights my amendment rights all have been violated for years in a evil place called Stockton California my life haven't been easy I have wrote the Stockton grand jury I have asked the district attorney for help Tori Salazar for help I went to her office and asked her for help I want accountability because all five of them Stockton California police officers did a crime they handcuffed assaulted and beat my son chief of police stated that all five officers didn't do not one thing wrong then the same police dog attacked my now dead friend Patrina Walker beat her all up in her stomach she died and my son James Smith was attacked by five officers they put fake charge on my son a resisting arrest charge that I later beat in court The advocate that went to court with me name Dana Freeman she died everything around me dies this county is corrupt this is unbelievable how they treat people's in a dirty evil Community called Stockton California the district attorney is beside Stockton Police they have each other back Stockton police are together they all corrupt I know I stay here I have studied their actions actions speak louder than words I don't want to deal with no district attorney I don't want to deal with no Stockton police I don't want to deal with none of these people's in this corrupt county or city called Stockton California now the Sheriff deputy attacked me at the Stockton courthouse here in Stockton California this make me sick to my stomach

  • Hello my name is Teresa Smith I’m from Georgia I moved to this place Called Stockton California me and my family have been victimized for countless of years I have wrote people I have went to the Stockton grand jury still no help three entities have violated my rights in some type of way Sheriff Deputy assaulted me putting me out the united state court house because I talk to loud I never heard of that this is a crime shame to live in a place where you are victimized by Law enforcement wow

  • My name is Teresa Smith I have been victimized by three government entities the sheriff's office here in Stockton California I was assaulted at the Stockton California courthouse put out of the courthouse guns pointed at me in California Highway Patrol my disabled son was beat up handcuffed by five Stockton California Police department also the Sheriff deputy assaulted me no one haven't got back in touch with me the sheriff's office haven't done nothing to this deputy I am a victim to police brutality my whole family is a target to the government corruption the city and the county is corrupt I need help going to court getting out of here in this dirty ass corrupt government called Stockton California I want to go to trial I want to because I have been violated in the worst way I want me a trial all my constitutional rights human rights and amendment rights have been violated so racial profiling me as well I am a victim me and my family I have a murdered 15 year old son name Josiah Omar Smith he was shot down in cold blood the Stockton California Union is wicked I have peoples against me wicked and high places how do it look that someone ain't from America come over and move over to Stockton California and they're corrupt and evil in a murdering hard and trying to kill me and my family in a moving car my children screams loud in a moving car when I drive they tailgate my vehicle from the back hate harass me every single day I go through this me and my kids what about they follow me all over the internet trying to put fake copyright claims on my music something don't belongs to them and the duck don't go internet out tell you somebody harassing you the app tells me it's a lot of blockers and harassment all over my social media pay spyware this is a crime chain and I'm harassed driving my vehicle everywhere I go I'm harassed these people are corrupt next they going to try to set me up to take my life I don't trust nobody. I stay in my house to myself me and my family

  • I thought America was supposed to be the land of the free are you kidding me I have live learn I have been through torment pain slander my son was murdered my other son was a victim to police brutality hate ran down still to this day I moved to Stockton California in 2007 I have been violated in all kinds of ways no government leader have reached out to me none whatsoever November 19th 2015 my son was kill Josiah Smith.