Episode description
Did you know that some lizards can run on 2 legs? Do you know why others can’t or won’t? How could this relate to robotics or dinosaurs? Is it to make them appear bigger, or are they faster on 2 legs? Dr Nicholas Wu talks with me about all the different theories as to why some lizards might run on 2 legs, why the lizards tails are an important factor and which lizards are more likely to move in this way. Listen in to get more familiar with these amazing reptiles!
Things to check out from this episode:
Bipedalism Cold bloodedEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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Did you know that not all frogs start as tadpoles? Or that not all frogs live in water as adults? Frogs are so varied and amazing but some are struggling to survive certain threats that face them. Listen to this episode to find out more about the Southern Corroboree frog, an aussie icon that is under threat. Mikaeylah Davidson tells us about why this species is so wonderful and what she is doing to help them.
Things to check out from this episode:
Southern Corroboree Frog Captive breeding Chytrid fungus Frogs used as pregnancy testsEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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Episodi mancanti?
Eastern Barred Bandicoot (EBB) numbers are declining, but we aren't too sure why. In this episode I speak with Bridgette Barnden and Joanna Lyall, who are both studying the EBB to see if they can figure out how they use the landscape and what is affecting their populations. We discuss how important the EBBs are as ecosystem engineers, what bait they prefer and how to use seeds to determine how scared they are! Another 2 part episode, because there is so much to learn about these little diggers.
Things to check out from this episode:
Ecosystem engineers Habitat fragmentation Bush revegetation Breeding programsEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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Eastern Barred Bandicoot (EBB) numbers are declining, but we aren't too sure why. In this episode I speak with Bridgette Barnden and Joanna Lyall, who are both studying the EBB to see if they can figure out how they use the landscape and what is affecting their populations. We discuss how important the EBBs are as ecosystem engineers, what bait they prefer and how to use seeds to determine how scared they are! Another 2 part episode, because there is so much to learn about these little diggers.
Things to check out from this episode:
Ecosystem engineers Habitat fragmentation Bush revegetation Breeding programsEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What does lake mud have to do with bushfires? How can we go back in time and look at bushfires in the past? These questions and more are answered as I speak with Dr Emma Rehn, a postdoctoral researcher in Archaeology, about her research on bushfires in the northern savannas of Australia up to 4000 years ago. We talk about how important it is to know about the bushfires in the past and how that knowledge can help us now and in the future. This episode is in two parts, so make sure you listen to both of them to become completely Quollified!
Things to check out from this episode (part 1 & 2):
Beyond the bushfire education resource About bushfires What is cultural burning? Carbon dating Rad carbon zine - Dr Emma Rehn How to record fires from thousands of years ago - Dr Emma RehnEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What does lake mud have to do with bushfires? How can we go back in time and look at bushfires in the past? These questions and more are answered as I speak with Dr Emma Rehn, a postdoctoral researcher in Archaeology, about her research on bushfires in the northern savannas of Australia up to 4000 years ago. We talk about how important it is to know about the bushfires in the past and how that knowledge can help us now and in the future. This episode is in two parts, so make sure you listen to both of them to become completely Quollified!
Things to check out from this episode (part 1 & 2):
Beyond the bushfire education resource About bushfires What is cultural burning? Carbon dating Rad carbon zine - Dr Emma Rehn How to record fires from thousands of years ago - Dr Emma RehnEpisode transcript: coming soon.
Head here to find out more about the guest and topic from this episode.
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Did you see that little blue flash in your garden? Have you been able to get close enough to see what it was? It was probably a male Superb Fairy-wren, showing his fabulous colours for breeding season! The females are there too if you look closely, but they like to blend into the bushes a bit more. Superb Fairy-wrens are one of the most loved birds in Australia and it’s easy to understand why when you get to know them. Listen to this episode to learn all about their life cycle, breeding quirks, how they are trapped (safely) and the issues they are facing, from Jenny Evans, who is studying them at the Australian National Botanic Gardens. This episode is also being released at the start of the Aussie Bird Count for 2022 (17th-23rd October), head to the website linked below to see how you can get involved in counting our wonderful birds!
Things to check out from this episode:
Aussie Bird Count 2022 Superb Fairy-wren - bird life Superb Fairy-wren - birds in backyards Superb Fairy-wren call Moulting in birds Moulting in Superb Fairy-wrens Superb Fairy-wren song What is a mist net Field guides Birds in backyards parent pack Identification posters The fairy-wren project Superb city wrens - Melbourne basedEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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Plants are great, but most of our plants can't survive without a special relationship they have with fungi! Which fungi, you ask, Mycorrhizal Fungi! Not sure how to pronounce that word, Mycorrhizal? Listen in to this episode with Dr Adam Frew who is a lover of all fungi and tells us all about what this type of fungi is and why it is so important.
Dr Adam Frew is a Research Fellow at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Behavioural Biology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, before moving to Australia for his PhD in Ecology.
Things to check out from this episode:
How fungi help plants communicate What is mycelium What is a carbon store Molecular biology explanation DNA barcodingEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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Have you ever wondered who the first scientists were? And what science looked like more than 60,000 years ago. Australia is in fact home to the first scientists and there is an amazing and rich history that we can learn from. In this episode I speak with Corey Tutt OAM, who is a proud Kamilaroi man and CEO and founder of DeadlyScience and is also Young Australian of the Year for NSW 2020. We talk about some of the awesome science that has been happening in our country for thousands of years and is still happening now. Corey is also an author and has written a fantastic book that everyone should check out, The First Scientists - Deadly Inventions and Innovations from Australia's First Peoples.
Things to check out from this episode:
DeadlyScience The DeLorean - note there is some minor swearing in this clip David Ngunaitponi (Unaipon) Caring for Country Tea Tree plant First bakers Looking after Country with fire - Victor Steffensen The First Knowledges series Riley Callie ResourcesEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What do you picture when you hear the word Bee? Possibly the first thing that pops into your mind is the European Honey Bee, which isn't native to Australia at all! So what about our native Australian bees, what do they look like, do they make honey, do they sting!? If you want to learn more about our native bees then this is the episode for you! I speak with Dr Mark Hall who loves native pollinators and is involved with the Pollinator Corridors Project. He is also Vice President of the Australian Native Bee Association and is the Biodiversity Officer for the City of Greater Bendigo. Listen in to learn about masked bees, why some bees blow bubbles and what buzz pollination is. You will also learn about protecting our bees and why it is so important to do so!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Making a bee hotel Cuckoo bees Masked bees Neon Cuckoo beesEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What do you picture when you hear the word Bee? Possibly the first thing that pops into your mind is the European Honey Bee, which isn't native to Australia at all! So what about our native Australian bees, what do they look like, do they make honey, do they sting!? If you want to learn more about our native bees then this is the episode for you! I speak with Dr Mark Hall who loves native pollinators and is involved with the Pollinator Corridors Project. He is also Vice President of the Australian Native Bee Association and is the Biodiversity Officer for the City of Greater Bendigo. Listen in to learn about masked bees, why some bees blow bubbles and what buzz pollination is. You will also learn about protecting our bees and why it is so important to do so!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Australian Native Bee Association Leaf cutter bees Resin bees Dr Ken Walker Middle C on a pianoEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What is a quollet? What is a quoll? How long do baby quolls stay with their mum, or in their den? What does it mean to reintroduce an animal to part of the country it hasn't lived in for a long time? These quollity questions and more are answered in this episode, as I speak with Belinda Wilson who is an ecologist, conservation biologist, and science communicator. Belinda is currently undertaking her PhD on the reintroduction of the eastern quoll to the ACT (in Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary) at The Australian National University.
Head here to listen to part 1
Links from this episode:
https://www.mulligansflat.org.au/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Willy https://savedolphins.eii.org/campaigns/kwr/ Twilight tours - https://www.mulligansflat.org.au/visitEpisode transcript: coming soon.
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What is a quollet? What is a quoll? How long do baby quolls stay with their mum, or in their den? What does it mean to reintroduce an animal to part of the country it hasn't lived in for a long time? These quollity questions and more are answered in this episode, as I speak with Belinda Wilson who is an ecologist, conservation biologist, and science communicator. Belinda is currently undertaking her PhD on the reintroduction of the eastern quoll to the ACT (in Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary) at The Australian National University.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
https://www.mulligansflat.org.au/ https://birdlife.org.au/get-involved https://conservationvolunteers.com.au/ https://www.parks.act.gov.au/get-involved/parkcare-volunteering https://app.betterimpact.com/PublicOrganization/7baf50be-3b65-4dd3-bc53-04307685cfdb/1 https://www.woodlandsandwetlands.org.au/Episode transcript: coming soon.
Head here to find out more about the guest and topic from this episode.
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Did you know that some bees blow bubbles? Or that eastern barred bandicoots are pregnant for only 12 days!? Do you know what Zooxanthellae are?
Quollified Kids is an Aussie podcast for kids that will teach you all about Australian environments and biodiversity. In each episode, I will talk to someone who is an expert in their field about why their area of interest is so important and cool!
With some amazing guests lined up to talk about their awesome topics, including fungi, past bush fires, cyclones and even invasive species, you will soon become Quollified in these topics too!
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