Each week, under dark of night, in a dining room in Encino, a group of warriors led by Brian Posehn plays Dungeons & Dragons and you’re invited to attend!
Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford.
This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
Riddles! Puzzles! WhoDunnits! Adal Rifai, Erin Keif and John Patrick Coan, three of Chicago's most overrated improvisers, are on the case to solve every riddle, puzzle, brain-teaser, and head-scratcher known to humanity. Some riddles are almost impossible, some are absolutely improbable, and some simply have not aged well. And if you don't like riddles, don't worry! This podcast is barely about them!
Like what you hear? Join the Clue Crew for weekly bonus episodes at
Roll For You is a TTRPG focused Dungeons and Dragons podcast run by Spruce Juice Studio! Join us in our very first campaign, Arcane Train, as 3 very different adventurers survive living in a world above the clouds, uncovering ancient secrets and seeking revenge on those who have wronged them!
Join me as we discuss silly things! Sometimes that involves singing, impersonations...all made to make me laugh alone. Join in on these adventures with me!
Join us on "Just A Taste" where we embark on a journey through a labyrinth of everything and nothing simultaneously. Each episode is a vibrant exploration of fascinating interests or things that happen to us at a local Applebee's, as we dive into the depths of diverse subjects that have peeked our interest or fascinating topics of the local shopping news.
From politics, to urban gardening, criminal underworld, to homesteading recipes. this channel knows no bounds. With a blend of enthusiasm, humor, and genuine intrigue, we invite listeners to join us on our electric adventures, sharing insights, anecdotes, and occasional mishaps along the way.
In a world that often celebrates specialization, we proudly embraces our status as vagabonds that don't have enough in site in any one category to be useful, and as the old chinese proverb goes "if you can't be useful you better be enjoyable". So on that note we hope you enjoy! -
We’re a family-friendly actual-play podcast, but our humor is for everyone! Campaign II is starting soon!
Direcast is a weekly actual play RPG podcast where your 6 hosts try out different TTRPGS, ranging from classics like DnD to new and obscure indie games.
A Dungeons & Dragons podcast with a splash of hilarity.This is a world of myth magic and wonder. The world is Avlonia where magic is so saturated even the most mundane farmer has access to a "gift". Please sit back and relax as we weave a tale of delight for your listening pleasure! We play in Las Vegas Nevada.
Question: What happens when you get two college dudes to sit down and talk about everything they care about? Answer: The greatest podcast to ever grace the internet. Join Sam and Mitch on their very own show, Club Sammitch.
Conversation Street is a podcast started by two guys in college who thought about making a podcast in high school but life put those plans on hold until fall of 2020 when they finally got started. The show is about all things cars, motorsports, and everything in between! Join hosts Gus and Luke as they dive into some automotive news, then voice their opinions even if no one wanted them to, and to top it all off they do a segment called "guess that car!" where they play a car sound for the other person who then has to guess what it is in four tries or less.
Join Caleb J. Ross and Travis Terry on a journey through some of gaming's wildest narratives. It's a storytelling podcast where the stories are already written but rarely told. It's comedy at heart and all for fun.
Welcome aboard TDFP, first generation Mexican American red pilled in the United States of BlackRock covering subjects about worldly events, wise talks and some laughter every now and then. If you listen closely you can hear the people screaming in the basement! WELCOME!
IG: thedrowningfishpodcast
The podcast where two guys have one mutual connection, the brother. Trevor and Kory discuss different topics in a light hearted and open mindset. They take you back to their childhood and share stories of growing up. Expect to hear about TikTok, business, science, peanut allergies, and much more! Join them each Friday as they get together virtually to catch up and talk.
Steph and Jeff messing about in boats. Boaty life, Boat Of The Week, interviews, and more from around the World.
What happens when a deep-thinking designer, a music loving adventurer, a coffee drinking Pokemon Trainer, and an all around cool guy make a podcast? We’re not quite sure but dang it, stick around and find out. The Secret Show Podcast is the brain child of four friends and brothers who got tired of small talk and pop culture. We wanted to make a podcast that reflected the type of conversations that we had at 2am in the living room the night we all got back from vacation. The late night talks where you know you should go to bed, but the conversation is just too good. The kind of conversations that challenge your beliefs and really dig deep. The kind of conversation that the side notes and rabbit trails end up being the best part. This podcast equivalent to looking up a "How To” video and ending up on an area 51 conspiracy video.
"You stalked through the Svalich Wood for hours, maybe days, surrounded by that damnable mist. Cold.. clammy.. chilling you to the bone."
Strahdo Mojado is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Actual Play of the published campaign, "Curse of Strahd", written by Chris Perkins.
Led by Dungeon Masters Arthur Milliken and Anna Wenger, our group of unwitting heroes is drawn into the mysterious and (un)deadly world of Barovia, where Count Strahd von Zarovich will face the greatest threat of his existence yet. Spring cleaning will be a real rumspringa for this less-than-modern yet more-than-man multi-centenarian with a thirst for the divine.