
  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    We welcome Dr. Judson Brewer to our podcast this week. Together we take a deep dive into habit formation, habit change and mindfulness. Dr. Brewer’s take on food addiction and addictive behaviors with processed food is pivotal for all of us in recovery. This conversation is real, raw and enlightening!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Welcome to Episode 65 where we start to uncover the connection between self-worth, self-esteem and recovery. There are many closely related “self-” words including self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect, self-value, but two appear to mean virtually the same thing: self-worth and self-esteem. So, what exactly then is the difference between the two? Let’s break it down and then understand more about feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, including how they can help you live a happy and fulfilling life.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4U) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). Check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com

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  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Something happened in the culture zeitgeist recently that Paige and Jamie felt compelled to address. Oprah Winfrey aired a “special” titled, “Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution”. Her premise to invite viewers in was built around reducing shame and blame for those struggling with obesity. We agree that no blame or shame should ever be levied on those of us who struggle with food obsession, addiction or abuse. It truly is not our fault because we all are inundated by the environment of over-stimulating, hyper-palatable ultra-processed foods. And what seals the fate for most of us are the other lifestyle choices we make on top of the food.

    Unfortunately, though, Oprah and her team did not ever discuss these factors. They simply stated that Obesity is now a disease and implied that its best treatments must include medical and surgical intervention. No talk of food or our hyper-palatable food environment was ever made! We believe that true healing from the effects of the food environment we live in can only come from addressing the root cause, and focusing on skills to deal with the triggers in our environment. Listen in as we present and dissect the whole story behind this uber-anticipated and controversial primetime special.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Today we are discussing a topic that you might be surprised by: Self-Pity. Did you know that Self-pity is more than just an emotion
it actually acts like a poison and is directly tied to the use of processed foods? Self-pity creates a cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones in our body that can become as addictive as some narcotics! It acts like a drug, giving us the momentary pleasure of victimhood. But, ultimately, it becomes a dysfunctional and harmful way of developing emotional bonds with ourselves and others. And, what’s even worse, it can separate us from reality.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4U) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). Check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion with the smart, driven and spiritually-aware Dr. Laurie Marbas. Discover her story and learn how she incorporates a whole-food plant based diet into her life and her work with patients. Together, we dive into her comprehensive approach to life, health and healing, highlighting her new venture, The Healing Kitchen.

    You can find out more about Dr. Marbas here and join the Healing Kitchen here.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    People on both sides of the table will benefit from our conversation about Assertive Confident Communication. You might ask why we’d spend time on a recovery podcast addressing this issue? Those who struggle with processed food addiction have a history of numbing our feelings and emotions with food. Being an effective communicator, and doing so with confidence, allows for everything to shift in our favor, so find out how here!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And don’t forget to check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Today, we are going to talk about a tender topic
grief. This is an uncomfortable topic, but a necessary one, especially for those of us in recovery. That’s because recovery from addiction, no matter what shape it takes or the stage that it’s in, is an emotionally taxing time. Losing someone or something you love can bring great sadness for anyone, but for someone in recovery,it can throw us completely off, leading often to strong temptations and a even a the potential lapse and withdrawal. But we have hope and tools to share that can keep you on track in your recovery AND give you a greater sense of peace.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And don’t forget to check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Join us for a service-focused chat with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a GIANT in the nutritional excellence and longevity field. Dr. Fuhrman’s decades of research via his work with thousands of patients has led him to write his pivotal, Fast Food Genocide. We discuss this important work, diving into how processed food is killing us and impacting society with staggering speed! Listen to find out how our lives and our future can be healed by harnessing the power of nutrition.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Did you know that clutter and mental health are connected!? While clutter is sometimes associated with creativity or being right-brained, it can also be overwhelmingly stressful, especially if it gets out of hand and interferes with your ability to function effectively in your daily life. Listen in as Jamie and Paige clearly line out how clutter and chaos play into processed food addiction. Then enjoy their simple solutions to approaching the seemingly daunting task of organizing yourself, and your surroundings.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And don’t forget to check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    This episode digs into the question: Is dopamine good or bad? You might be surprised to hear that the answer is YES! Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that occurs naturally in our bodies, and plays a role in getting us addicted to an activity or substance, such as food.This release of dopamine induces feelings of well-being or euphoria, and the addictive cycle begins. But, did you know that dopamine can work for us too? Listen to find out more.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And don’t forget to check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Paige and Jamie had the honor of interviewing Dr. Nicole Avena. She is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction. Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition. She is an expert in diet during pregnancy and baby, toddler, and childhood nutrition. You can find Dr. Avena at www.DrNicoleAvena.com or on social media @DrNicoleAvena. Read the details of her new book, Sugar Less, here.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Join us for a lively conversation with Rich Holman, author of Killing You Softly, a comprehensive guide, backed by extensive research, footnotes, and real-life testimonies, proving how sugar is slowly, sweetly, and completely killing us. Listen as we uncover how Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Health play into our nation's obesity epidemic. And hold onto your hat for shocking statistics about how America spends the most in health care, yet is 47th in the world for life span. Gain clarity on the devastating effects of sugar, its highly toxic impact on our bodies, and how we can fight back!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery), or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Do you struggle with carrying guilt, shame, or other regrets from mistakes you’ve made in life? Have you wondered if it’s possible to ever find freedom from the choices of your past? Join Jamie and Paige as they help you release the baggage you’ve been carrying around. Learn why our mistakes can help us unlock our greatest growth potential and how to make amends when we hurt people we love and care for. It’s a deeply vulnerable and honest conversation that we are sure you’re going to learn a lot from!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And don’t forget to check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Have you ever been on a diet only to gain everything back, plus a little more!? What if we told you that you never have to suffer that trauma cycle again? In this episode, Jamie and Paige unlock the secret to weight loss. Prepare to be blown away by the simplicity of their fail-proof food plan. If you are looking for a sustainable way of living, one that you can look forward to waking up and doing again, then tap “play” as soon as possible
hope is just a podcast away!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    In this episode, Jamie and Paige have the honor of hosting one of the members of our RFR family, Shae Williams. Shae is one of our RFR leaders, a health coach, and a spiritual leader who is filled with wisdom
aren’t we lucky to have her? In sharing her story, Shae reminds us it’s never too late to turn things around, no matter how off track you’ve gotten and how her “mess became her message”. Shae knows that how we do one thing is how we do everything and if we begin change efforts by addressing the physical parts of life, we will then be free to lean into the emotional parts. There’s so much wisdom in this episode, so tune in and enjoy!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). And check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com!

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Do you love to serve? Or maybe you struggle with the notion of it. It’s never too late to start and it’s never too late to make up for the past. Paige and Jamie have lots of suggestions on how to find service that lights you up inside and out, plus all the reasons service is a better high than food ever could be.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Do you think goal-setting is necessary for success? Find out why this is true and how to set goals for yourself in recovery. In this episode, Paige and Jamie share some great stories and life lessons that exemplify why goal-setting is so important in recovery and in life. Tune in to be inspired and come ready to take notes!

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4U) and TikTok (@realfoodrecovery). Check out our website at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    In this episode, Paige and Jamie are honored to interview one of the original voices in the Food Addiction (and recovery) movement, Dr. Vera Tarman. Her book “Food Junkies” brought the concept of Food Addiction to society in a way that could not be ignored. Since that book’s release 10 years ago, Dr. Tarman has been influential in the treatment and recovery from food addiction and obsession. Dr. Tarman reminds us that healing happens from the inside out and through connection and community we find the strength we need to recover. She wants everyone to know that HOPE is there and recovery is possible.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Have you ever heard of ACT? No, not the college prep exam, but Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It is a wonderful world of psychotherapy that helps you stay focused on the present moment and accept thoughts and feelings without judgment. If that speaks to you like it did to us, then join our lively discussion based on developing an action oriented plan. We love how the steps are broken down into the most simple form, and makes it user friendly to anyone interested in this therapeutic approach.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.

  • Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.

    Do your values align with your behaviors? Do you feel different when they do? And, more importantly, do your food behaviors align with your values? If so, every bite you take can get you closer to freedom
something we all want and deserve. Dive into this provocative topic with Jamie and Paige as they unpack why our values are key in recovery.

    In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.