A VO's Journey is about helping new voiceover artists grow their business by listening to my journey to becoming a full-time voice actor. I have been an actor, coach, director, and teacher for over 20 years. I started six years ago in the voice-over industry and wanted to create a way to document my journey so other voice over actors could benefit from it. Voiceover is now my life, and I love every moment of it.
The Strange Recital is an audio forum for short fiction. We delight in perceptions of reality that twist and fold in unexpected ways.
Each podcast episode runs about 30 minutes and includes a story reading (the Recital), a musical interlude, and an author interview (the Post-Recital)... with a twist.
Subscribe to get a new episode once a month. -
So, you’re finishing school or you’ve signed a contract. While other new band directors are just trying to survive that first year, what can you do to thrive? Each episode will give you direct, usable information based on actual experiences relevant to your needs as a future or beginning band director. So grab your earbuds or turn up the car stereo, and let me give you some great program notes for success.
Episodes release on either the 2nd or 4th Thursdays of each month (sometimes both). -
We've all heard the stories from block buster actors. In Kahnversations, you’ll hear interviews with some of Lesly Kahn & Company’s working actors, directors, and writers. Folks who have just broken through, not yet to wild star status, but they aren't bartending either (probably). The goal: de-mystifying career trajectories and talking through those moments where everything shifted.
We’ll learn how they got their start in Hollywood, the challenges and hurdles they faced, and how they overcame the odds, not to mention dish some juicy stories! Listen in and enjoy as these entertainers speak candidly about their path, process, and experiences, and about how Lesly and the Kahnstitute have influenced and shaped their careers. Also, did we mention Lesly impersonations…?
Our new hosts (also LK&Co actors!) have a cool, free-flowing vibe that we know you will enjoy. George Twopointoh, producer of the podcast (IG @twopointoh and and Patrice Covington, Emmy award winning actress-singer-speaker, and writer and performer of our theme song (@patricecovington on social media) joyfully guide the Kahnversation.
To learn more about Lesly Kahn & Company actor training visit, and social media @leslykahn.
Additional music Mumble B Blues by Cheyenne Amen used with permission. Visit, @cheyenneamenmusic on social media to learn more about this talented artist.
You can download or subscribe to the podcast for FREE by clicking below. If you like “Kahnversations,” feel free to leave a rating or review! -
After the ‘Broadway Disher’ (Lesli Margherita) leaks news of a top secret, in-the-works, new mega musical, the Broadway community goes off-the-charts batty. Top-of-their-game Broadway Producers Cheryl Philips (Lillias White) and Steve Jones (James Monroe Iglehart), arch enemies, pounce. Who will get the rights? Will way-out-of-their-comfort-zone creators Kaye (Ashley Park) and Bobby (Michael Urie) manage to deliver a draft of the show before their marriage implodes? Will Director/Choreographer Zoey Taylor (Ariana DeBose) send the show’s budget into a free fall with her wildly ambitious vision? Will Broadway Diva Emma-Olivia (Sarah Stiles) get a Schmackery’s cookie (with Sprinkles) named in her honor? Will newbie Agent Maxwell Fernsby (George Salazar) step into his new big shoes? And will Science Consultant Andrew Barth Feldman (Andrew Barth Feldman) protect the integrity and authenticity of the in-the-works mega musical, before he needs to leave this top secret show to star in a new Broadway musical? The drama on stage pales in comparison to the drama behind the curtain….You don’t want to miss this. This is an original radio play produced by the Broadway Podcast Network. As The Curtain Rises proudly supports The Actor's Fund, the Broadway Podcast Network Frontline Initiative, and is a sponsored project of IFP ( See for the full cast list. Tremendous Gratitude To our Producing Partner Liz Armstrong.
A lively and opinionated cultural history of the Broadway Musical that tells the extraordinary story of how Immigrants, Jews, Queers, African-Americans and other outcasts invented the Broadway Musical, and how they changed America in the process.In Season One, host David Armstrong traces the evolution of American Musical Theater from its birth at the dawn of the 20th Century, through its mid-century “Golden Age”, and right up to its current 21st Century renaissance; and also explore how musicals have reflected and shaped our world -- especially in regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, and equality.
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Does the world really need yet another movie podcast?Probably not, but I made one anyways. Support this podcast:
The Audio Description Network Alliance presents this interview series with professionals and other experts.
4 Minds. One Story. We have fused two age-old activities; Storytelling and the game Telephone into a thrilling new medium.
Storytellers. We build delicious little narratives. Come try one. -
Join us for a Bouncy Suzie's Q's Episode about Israel's (and worldwide) Swing Dance Cultures. We'll be talking with world class Swing dance teachers, competitive dancers, musicians and many more.
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As part of the 400th anniversary celebrations of the King James Bible, an ensemble of leading National Theatre actors, directed by Nicholas Hytner, James Dacre and Polly Findlay, read twelve extracts from the Book that changed the world. This podcast collection features each of those readings and a live recording of the talk Melvyn Bragg gave looking at the radical impact of The King James Bible over the last 400 years. These audio recordings of the National’s King James Bible readings were made possible thanks to the generous support of Allchurches Trust Limited. Sound design by Yvonne Gilbert.
This podcast is about being grateful and how it can effect your life
Modern Stories Mix is a podcast that focuses on one story (and one storyteller) at a time. It's produced by Julie Threlkeld.
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Monday Matinee is a weekly series taken from the Mutual Audio Network Podcast Network. Every day Monday Matinee provides great stories of audio drama and audio fiction from the modern audio drama movement. Drama, Old Time Radio Recreations, Classic Adaptations of Literature and Stage, Live Performances, and Variety Shows. It's all part of the Monday Matinee!
Exploring the relationship of how we are both shaping and being shaped by our surroundings through embodied conversations with artists and thinkers, the Worlding Podcast expands our awareness of our more-than human surroundings and traces interpersonal connections by inviting each guest to recommend an important person for them to be interviewed next, similar to a string figure. Hosted by dance artist Renae Shadler, this show has an organic life of its own and tends to meander in unpredictable and unexpected ways.
Learn more at: -
Teaching you to be the best at the worst things.