Holy moley! The guys are back! After a LOOOOONNNNGGGG hiatus, Earl and Jurek return to play Zero Wing on the Sega Genesis! "All your base are belong to us!" Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded way back on July 1, 2022. That means it's been at least 8 months since an episode has come out. We've got a bunch in the can, and they will all get out soon! To get us back on track, we're only releasing the episodes, and skipping things like an intro/outro. Thanks for sticking with us, Revelers! We've missed you! -
This episode has Jurek and Earl taking control of everyone's favorite Avengers (and Hawkeye...) as they play Captain America and the Avengers on the SNES! This game is a pretty standard beat em' up, with not too much to write home about. The music is just fine, but the game looks great! The guys also discuss their thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday May 13, 2022. Yeah, yeah, yeah... we're obviously a little behind! We give a great big thanks to those that are sticking with us! Episodes will keep coming out, but probably at a pretty slow drip feed. Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
Episodi mancanti?
This episode features the shows first original Xbox game! Earl and Jurek play the multiplayer hit Fuzion Frenzy! The guys have an absolute blast playing this game! They played with two real players and two computer players, but this game is dying to be played by four actual people at once. The games are fun, easy to learn, and very fast paced! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 15, 2022. Our episodes are getting farther and farther apart but we promise we're working on getting back to a regular two-week schedule. Thanks for sticking with us, Revelers! We appreciate you! -
NOTE: This episode is pretty much UNLISTENABLE!! There is an odd audio click that happens every few seconds and it's extremely annoying. The only reason it's getting posted is for posterity's sake!
This week Jurek and Earl take on a little more Metroid Prime! The guys have a bit of a tougher go-around this time, as they get to a boss and have some difficulty getting past it! All in all, Metroid Prime turns out to be a great game, with some major flaws. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 1, 2022. Again, this episode is barely worth listening to! The audio is horrible! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! But thanks for listening, Revelers! -
Could it be? A new episode of Retro Gaming Revelry?! After a months long hiatus, the guys are back! This episode sees Earl and Jurek playing their first Gamecube game on the show! The guys try out Metroid Prime! This game turns out to be pretty fun, if not a little frustrating. Even in 2002 they were still trying to figure out first person shooter controls, and while they are almost there, it's still a little hard to control. Despite the controls, the guys have so much fun with the game, they decide to make it a two-parter! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded way back on Friday March 4, 2022. Sorry about the long delay between episodes. A lot of life is happening for both of us and we don't have the time we used to to devote to the show. That said, we are still recording and still planning on releasing episodes when we can. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl -
(WARNING: The first 2 minutes of this episode have a terrible audio click that is pretty annoying to listen to! Skip to the 2 minute mark if you'd prefer to skip the terrible audio! Thanks! ~Earl) This episode has Jurek and Earl continuing to play Super Mario RPG on the Super Nintendo! The guys are a little bit farther into the game than last time, and have just as much fun! They also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 11, 2022. As you can see, we are WAY behind on releasing episodes, considering it's now April! Many apologies for the delay, Revelers! Big thanks to those that have stuck with us! Also, we are terribly sorry for the poor audio in this episode. We have since figured out the issue, but weren't aware of it while we were recording. Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
It's been another ten episodes, so you know what that means, Revelers! Earl and Jurek will be playing a Mario game! This time it's Super Mario RPG for the Super Nintendo! The guys go through the beginning of the game and wax nostalgic on it because it's just soooooo good! The controls, the music, the gameplay are all top-notch, but the best thing that came out of this game are the characters! There are truly some memorable characters in this game that we basically have never heard from again, which is a shame! The guys will continue with a later part of the game next time! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Thursday December 30, 2021. Right around the 22 minute mark of this episode there is a weird audio cut. We somehow lost a few seconds of Audio and don't know why, so when you hear it, just move past it! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
The boys are back! After a little (or maybe kind of long?) holiday break, Jurek and Earl are back and this episode they play Crossed Swords on the Neo Geo! This game is super weird! It's got RPG elements mixed with a Punch-Out type playstyle! The music is severely lacking, but the game ends up being pretty fun to play! The guys also field a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday December 3, 2021. It's been a while Revelers! Sometimes life happens and podcasts are unable to be put out, but we're back now and hopefully on a more regular schedule! I know we've said that before, but we (probably) mean it this time! As always, thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This week Earl and Jurek thought they were going to get their edu-tainment on, but were pleasantly surprised that Goofy's Hysterical History Tour for the Sega Genesis turned out to be a fairly decent platformer! Despite it's ridiculously long title and punishing difficulty, the game plays pretty decently! It looks great and the music is passable. It's main downside is every time you die you have to start the level completely over! I mean come on, ever heard of checkpoints?!? The guys also have a Reveler submitted discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday Nov. 19, 2021. So far, this is the only episode in which we don't have a single drop of alcohol! I know... blasphemy! But Earl had just received his booster shot and was advised against drinking. We'll be back to our regular ways next time. Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
The boys are back! After an accidental hiatus, Jurek and Earl make a triumphant return by playing Twisted Metal on the Playstation 1! While the guys can see why this game was so popular at the time, it has not aged particularly well. This game is screaming for twin stick control, which just isn't available on most PS1 games. They manage to have a little fun with it though! And the music features some real bangers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 5, 2021. Hopefully we're back to our regular recording schedule of every two weeks! Sometimes life just gets in the way, ya know?! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This episode sees Earl and Jurek taking control of giant monsters and destroying everything as they play Rampage World Tour on the Nintendo 64! The guys knew this game was fun, but had forgotten just how fun it can be! It truly shines when playing with two or more people, as it's just too much fun to destroy city after city with your buddy! The game is surprisingly charming and full of humor! The guys also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday September 24, 2021. Don't forget to check out Earl's Retro Gaming Revelry: Reveler Hangout streams on Friday nights! The next one is Friday October 1st! Find it at twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This episode sees Jurek and Earl once again teaming up with everyone's favorite mutants as they play X-Men 2: Clone Wars on the Sega Genesis! The game turns out to be pretty fun, but suffers from crazy difficulty! The guys eventually get over the difficulty by playing with some cheat codes and then they have some fun with the game! It looks and sounds great, and it's always fun to play as the X-Men! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday August 27, 2021. We got a little chatty in this one so it's an extra long episode! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This episode features Earl and Jurek doing a little bowling... no, wait... that's not right at all! This episode features the guys playing On the Ball for the SNES, which is definitely NOT a bowling game! This game is the true definition of hidden gem! Not many people have ever even heard of it, let alone played it, but it truly is a super fun game! The player spins the board around a marble, trying to get it to the end of the maze. Sounds simple, but it's truly complex and did we mention fun? Because it's mega fun! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 30, 2021. This one is a week late due to a bunch of life conflicts, but we got it released eventually! There also won't be a new episode until September 3, 2021. Sorry for the delay, Revelers! In the mean time, be sure to come hang out with Earl as he streams retro games at twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry! The next few streams will be Friday August 13th and Friday August 20th. Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This episode sees Jurek and Earl entering into the world of magic as they play Magician Lord on the Neo Geo! This is one of those rare games that neither of the guys had ever played before! It turns out that, just like almost every game they play, it's super hard! The guys don't get very far but they have some fun trying! Jurek also tries to guess what NES game Twitter thinks is better, based on some random tweets we were mentioned in! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 16, 2021. Don't forget to check out the Retro Gaming Revelry live stream every-other Friday (sometimes Saturdays!) at 7pm central at twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry! Come hang out with Earl and play some retro games! The next one is Saturday July 24th! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This week Earl and Jurek had to pull an audible and play a game they weren't planning to! All in all, it went pretty well! The guys play Jumping Flash on the Playstation 1 and this game is completely bonkers! It's a glorified tech demo for 3D platforming, but it's filled with quirky charm! The music is nothing to write home about, but the game controls well and is quite fun to play! No discussion question (again!) this week, so please send those in Revelers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday July 3, 2021. Please send us those discussion questions! We're desperate! Also, be sure to come hang out with Earl on his bi-weekly (every-other week) Retro Gaming Revelry stream! The next one is Saturday July 10th at 7pm! Had to switch days this week, but they are normally on Fridays! Find it at twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry. Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This episode sees Jurek and Earl jumping into tiny cars and racing through the house as they play Micro Machines 64 Turbo on the N64! This game has a lot going for it, and should be the epitome of fun, but boy is it hard to control! Despite the terrible controls, which theoretically a person could get used to, the music is absolutely banging! And it's still pretty fun to race Micro Machines, even for a couple guys in their 30's! The guys also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 18, 2021. We had to take a little break so I (Earl) could go on vacation, but we're back! Also, don't forget to check out twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry every-other Friday night at 7pm central to hang out and play games with Earl! The next two are Friday June 25th and Friday July 9th. Hope to see you there, Revelers! Thanks for listening! -
To celebrate our 250th episode, Earl and Jurek are back recording in person! The guys are joined by their friends John and Kat and the four of them play Mario Party 2 on the Nintendo 64! It feels great to be playing something that isn't for the NES or SNES! While they don't get a whole game in, Mario Party 2 still offers plenty of fun! They also discuss their favorite and least favorite parts of quarantine! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday May 22, 2021. We're back recording in person, and as is par for the course for this show, there were a few audio issues! We've got to get back into the swing of things, so thanks for understanding Revelers! So glad to no longer be recording remotely! Thanks for listening, Revelers! -
This week Jurek and Earl play Fire n' Ice on the NES! This game is the sequel to a game they've previously played on the podcast, Solomon's Key! It turns out that Fire n' Ice is a lot less stressful than Solomon's Key, and that's a good thing! This game is actually quite fun, featuring a fun puzzle solving mechanic using blocks of ice! It looks and controls great, but the music is really nothing to write home about. The guys have some serious fun playing this one, though! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday May 8, 2021. Just a reminder that we're now on an every-other week release schedule. Also, don't forget to check out twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry on Friday nights at 7pm central (on the off weeks) to hang out and play games with Earl! The next two are Friday May 14th and Friday May 28th. Hope to see you there, Revelers! Thanks for listening! -
This week Earl and Jurek play Operation Logic Bomb for the Super Nintendo! This is a game that neither of the guys have ever played before and it turns out they weren't missing much! The game plays well enough and the music is fine, but it's just a little boring. There are better "search and destroy" type games on the SNES, but this one will do in a pinch! The guys also have a lively discussion about food! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday April 24, 2021. It happened faster than we thought, but we are now officially on the "every-other week" release schedule. This episode is releasing a little earlier than planned so you Revelers have a little time to learn about what we're doing on the off-weeks! We talk about it in the episode, but please join me (Earl) at twitch.tv/retrogamingrevelry every-other Friday starting this Friday April 30th at 7pm US central time! I'll be streaming retro games and hanging out with you, the Revelers! For now I'll be playing retro games on the switch, so if you have one too, we can play online together! I'd love to see as many of you there as possible! It should be a fun time! Don't forget the whiskey! Hopefully see you on Friday, Revelers! Thanks for listening! ~Earl -
This week Jurek and Earl take control of a couple of anthropomorphic air crafts as they play Twinbee on the NES! This game turns out to be pretty fun, only hampered by... you guessed it, the difficulty! Twinbee was extremely popular in Japan, but not so much in North America, so neither of the guys know too much about the series. There are certainly some interesting things about this game though! Come have a drink with us and find out what they are! Cheers!
NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday April 3, 2021. We drop some news in this episode, Revelers. Due to Jurek's increasingly busy schedule, the show will be moving to releasing every other week, instead of every week. But fear not, there is a plan in the works for the off weeks, so stay tuned for news on that! Thanks for listening, Revelers! - Mostra di più