
  • 🎯 How do the principles of persistence and patience, honed through professional sports and Ironman competitions, empower entrepreneurs to achieve success?

    🎙️ Join host Dan Nicholson as he engages in a compelling conversation with guest Andy Neary, former professional athlete and founder of Complete Game Consulting. This episode sheds light on the crucial mindset shifts from sports to entrepreneurship, the importance of resilience in overcoming business challenges, and how lessons from competitive sports translate into entrepreneurial success.

    5 Key Takeaways:

    🧠 Mindset Over Mechanics: Transitioning from competitive sports to business requires significant mental adjustments, focusing on long-term growth over short-term wins.

    🚀 The Infinite Game: Viewing business as a continuous journey encourages a focus on ongoing improvement and enduring success.

    💡 Conquering Fears: Strategies for overcoming fears of judgment and failure are essential for both personal and professional growth.

    🔍 Effective Targeting: Understanding your audience and crafting precise messaging is crucial for impactful marketing and operations.

    🏋️ Relentless Effort: Similar to training for an Ironman, successful entrepreneurship demands unwavering dedication and persistence.

    Memorable Quotes from Andy Neary:

    "Persistence in the face of challenges is key—whether on the sports field or in the business arena."

    "Detaching from immediate outcomes to focus on sustained effort has revolutionized my approach to business."

    Connect with Andy Neary:

    LinkedIn: Visit Andy's LinkedInWebsite: Complete Game Consulting

    Stay Connected and Informed with Unconventional Wealth:

    🌟 For more insights and strategies from leaders like Andy, subscribe to our newsletter.

    Visit the host Dan Nicholson’s website to sign up for exclusive content delivered to your inbox. Subscribe here!

    Discover the Unique Way You’re Designed to Build Wealth - take the free assessment here! https://assessment.wealthtype.com/

  • Nelson Chu is the founder and CEO of Percent, a global leader in financial infrastructure solutions. Founded in 2018, the company leverages proprietary technologies, integrations, and data to bring first-of-its-kind transparency and efficiency to lenders and credit transactions. Prior to Percent, he founded a strategy consulting firm specializing in helping companies build products and raise capital for growth, creating over $1B in equity value. He began his career at several of the top financial services firms, including Bank of America and BlackRock. He is an active angel investor, with notable investments including Anthropic, BlockFi, Care/Of (Acq: Bayer AG), Clover Health (NAS: CLOV), dv01, Eden Health, Plentina, Tala, and Uala.

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - The Power of Selective Investor Choices in Growth

    - Balanced Decision-Making for Entrepreneurial Success

    - Strategic Financial Decision Making for Long-Term Success

    - Private Credit: The Rise of a Robust Asset Class

    - The Importance of Rational Decision-Making in Business Growth

    Guest Contact Info:  

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nelson-chu/

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  • Glenn Dawson is the Founder of Reset-U Fitness

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - Prioritizing Personal Well-being for Long-term Prosperity

    - Embracing Feedback and Accountability for Team Success

    - Empowering Lifestyle Changes Through Fitness Coaching

    - Overcoming Physical Limitations: Glenn's Resilient Mindset Approach

    - Empowering Wellness through Thoughtful Health Gifts

    Guest Contact Info:  

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/glenn-dawson-98205414/

  • Seth Greene is a Nationally Recognized Direct Response Marketing Expert. Seth Greene is the author of five best-selling marketing books, and his latest book, Market Domination for Podcasting hit Barnes & Noble in January 2017. He is the only person in history that Dan Kennedy has nominated for marketer of the year three years in a row. Seth has been featured on real media like CBS MoneyWatch, CBS news, Inc magazine, The LA Times, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, and the #1 morning radio show in New York City. Seth has shared the stage with Steve Forbes, John Mackey of Whole Foods, Dan Kennedy, Jeff Mask (Infusionsoft), Dave Dee, Darcy Juarez, Sam Bell, Dustin Matthews, Dave VanHose, Perry Marshall, Brad Martineau, and many other luminaries. Seth has been written about in three best-selling business books, the top industry trade journals, and in Dan Kennedy’s NO BS Newsletter. Mike Koenig’s put him in his launch videos as one of his all-stars. He represents everyone from local bricks and mortar businesses to four Fortune 500 companies. Seth is the founder of one of the fastest growing direct response marketing firms in the country, www.MarketDominationLLC.com, that will make new customers appear for your business, like magic!

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - Captivating Audiences Through Compelling Storytelling

    - Effective Marketing on a Budget: Practical Strategies

    - Profitable Narratives: Marketing Success through Storytelling

    - Low-Cost Tools for High-Impact Marketing Success

    - The hidden connection between magic and business revealed

    Guest Contact Info:  

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sethgreene/

  • Larry Morgan is an accomplished Government Affairs and Policy Advisor currently serving the City of Gresham, Oregon. With a distinguished career spanning public service and civic leadership, Larry plays a pivotal role in directing and overseeing the Government Affairs program at the federal, state, and local levels.

    Before joining the City of Gresham in 2019, Larry held the esteemed position of Director of Citizen Engagement and Inclusion at the Oregon Secretary of State's office. In this capacity, he spearheaded numerous statewide initiatives, demonstrating his commitment to fostering inclusivity and civic engagement within the community.

    Listen to this informative UnConventional Wealth Podcast episode with Larry Morgan on the Art of Making Memories: Lessons in Wealth and Happiness

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    -Understanding the difference between cost and value in financial management

    -Emphasizing common ground and problem-solving in politics and public service

    -Prioritizing investing in memories over material possessions for a fulfilling life

    -Building impactful connections and collaborations in the political landscape

    -Embracing spontaneity and taking risks to create lasting memories and connections

    Guest Contact Info:  

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larry-morgan-35349832/

  • Mike Coy, fueled by his father's parting words, "Make a difference," champions those hungry for success. A best-selling author and keynote speaker, his journey gained depth through an unyielding fight against cancer, fueling his acclaimed book "I Chose...Live: There’s No Cheating Cancer, And We All Have a Choice to Make." This battle solidified his pursuit of excellence. Beyond his stellar career as a Registered Financial Consultant, Mike's accolades extend to a triumphant baseball journey, coaching luminaries like Drew Brees and offered a minor league contract with the NY Mets. Mike's empowering speeches stir audiences, infusing them with life-changing strategies. He champions a belief: Winners find a way to win. Losers only find excuses for why they fail.

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - The Resilience and Tenacity of a Cancer Survivor

    - The Power of Listening to Client Needs in Business

    - The Impact of Personal Conviction in Providing Advice

    - Client-Centric Financial Advising Principles

    - Finding Purpose Through Life's Challenges

    Connect with Mike:

    Links Mentioned: https://ichoselive.com/

    Guest Contact Info:  

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-coy-r-f-c-c-p-b-a-865b9a58/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mike.coy.75033

  • Dr. Heather Stone is one of the top functional medicine practitioners in the world. She has over 20 years of clinical experience in private practice. During that time, she has successfully helped thousands of women overcome the symptoms of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Her thyroid transformation blueprint has been used by hundreds of doctors, and thus has helped countless women return to happy, healthy, & lean. Her mission is to change the face of healthcare through her private practice, books, masterclasses, webinars, education programs, and retreats on her ranch in Texas.

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    -The Interconnectedness of Health and Business Success

    -Balancing Self-Care in Healthcare Practice

    -Unconventional approach in business & health, going against the norm to achieve results

    -The importance of Like-Minded Community

    -Following intuition and seeking solutions outside the traditional path

  • Mark B. Murphy, CEO of Northeast Private Client Group, is an accomplished author, speaker, and motivator who’s revolutionizing the financial planning and wealth management industry. He helps entrepreneurs achieve multigenerational wealth through personalized strategies, leveraging his strategic planning and financial engineering expertise. Forbes has ranked him as the #1 financial security professional in NJ and #15 nationwide. Additionally, his book, The Ultimate Investment, is a #1 bestseller and new release on Amazon

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - Create diverse income streams for financial freedom 

    - Focus on differentiation and innovation in business to stand out 

    - Evaluate opportunities using the 'igakai' framework 

    - Prioritize personal growth and self-awareness for attracting positive opportunities 

    - Address limiting factors to pave the way for personal and professional growth

  • Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world. He studied literature at Oxford University, as well as holding a master’s in early Roman Empire Propaganda from Seton Hall University. His podcast was named the #1 Podcast to Listen to by INC Magazine in 2019, as well as Top 40 Under 40 by Podcast Magazine in 2022.

    Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, co-founded Command Your Brand—a new media public relations agency designed to help entrepreneurs share their message by appearing as guests on podcasts.


    Listen to this informative Unconventional Wealth Podcast episode with Jeremy Slate about commanding your brand and leveraging media for impact.

    Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

    - Recognizing the value of time and money in decision-making

    - Significance of perseverance and resilience in achieving success

    - Drawbacks of consumer debt and importance of tax strategies for financial stability

    - Leveraging small pond strategies for media coverage and credibility

    - Highlighting the significance of taking risks and following happiness


    Links Mentioned: commandyourbrand.com


    Guest Contact Info:

    X: https://twitter.com/JeremyRyanSlate  

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyryanslate/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jeremyryanslate/ 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-ryan-slate-bb7b284a/ 

  • When was the last time you approached a big life or business shift with rose-colored glasses? And which drawbacks did you discover afterward? No one likes being blindsided by the downside after making an exciting new change. There is a way to make sure you’ve considered all angles before making a move.

    Jay Bhakta is a tax professional, business owner, and family man who is dedicated to helping young people learn strong lifelong practices around their finances, decisions, and overall confidence.

    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Jay go over the rhythms the tax industry goes through and how they have impacted Jay, viewing big decisions with a bias towards asymmetry to the upside, the barbell model of weighing choices, and how that model has helped Jay operate with more confidence without depending on just one business. Listen in to add another invaluable decision-making tool to your toolbox.

    Key TakeawaysHow Jay began reevaluating his businesses in the context of his life as a husband and father.What Jay learned after making a big investment in a fitness center without stepping back to view the downsides.How Jay is turning his insight from CCA and the barbell method into a way to give young people the frameworks they’ll need to make better decisions throughout their lives.
    Favorite Quote

    “I feel very confident that I'm going to make sure that I compile and analyze, I do all the things I haven't done in the past, and all bets will be to the upside, and I will consider downsides from now on.”

    Jay Bhakta

    Learn more about Jay Bhakta's Base Case n' Build program on The Success Finder.

    Visit Dan Nicholson’s websites - Nth Degree CPAs to learn how he helps small business owners cultivate good accounting and tax practices to achieve their financial goals. 

    Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Don’t forget to check out Dan’s book Rigging the Game on Amazon. Interested in the Certainty Certified Advisor Program? Get the information you need at CertaintyU.com.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • When was the last time you made a big decision with blinders on? You know — you were so busy looking at all the potential benefits that you missed the downsides. We all do it occasionally, but fortunately, there’s a way to not only recognize the downsides, but minimize or eliminate them.


    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan lays out the fourth commandment — biasing asymmetry to the upside — including what placing your bias to the upside actually means, the backstory behind the phrase “burn the boats,” and why it doesn’t mean what you think it means, and the practice of considering the downsides of a decision up front in order to choose the best possible step forward. Listen in to break out of the work cycles that aren’t serving you. 

    Key Takeaways


    Why the common advice of burning the boats doesn’t always work  What we miss when we constantly look for the upside and narrow our perspectiveHow the middle-of-the-barbell system we embrace guarantees us a lifetime of unnecessary work


    Favorite Quote


    “At the end of the day, we're looking towards an orientation with the least amount of effort, least amount of risk, and most amount of options…When we're talking about asymmetry to the upside, when you violate this commandment, you're almost guaranteeing that you're going to take on the most amount effort, the most amount of risk.”

    Dan Nicholson




    Visit Dan Nicholson’s website - Nth Degree CPAs and the Rigging The Game to learn how he helps small business owners cultivate good accounting and tax practices to achieve their financial goals. 


    Don’t forget to check out Dan’s book Rigging the Game on Amazon. Interested in the Certainty Certified Advisor Program? Get the information you need at CertaintyU.com.

     Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Entrepreneurs talk all the time about doing their own thing and breaking the mold in their careers, but not everyone can manage both their resources and the trade-offs in front of them effectively. Let’s take a look at someone who’s learned to do both with incredible success.


    Paul Sparks is a lifelong innovator with a background that ranges from engineering to real estate to the blockchain. Now, Paul is focused on bridging the real estate and blockchain worlds through The Whale Club.


    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Paul break down how Paul came into entrepreneurship and why, the process of navigating trade-offs in your first couple of years in a new business and dealing with the urge to go fast and test out options, and how Paul used the barbell method to maximize the upside and minimize the risk involved in his projects. Join the conversation for an inside look at an entrepreneur who’s using the commandments we’ve covered to gain a massive advantage.

    Key Takeaways


    How the pandemic made Paul take a step back and reevaluate what he really wanted to be doing with his life.How Paul’s family and social circle reacted to the biggest changes in his career (and how to manage the scrutiny and expectations you face when you buck convention).What Paul’s natural curiosity and his time in CCA and around other thinkers and innovators has given him in terms of perspective and the ability to identify and eliminate his blind spots.
    Favorite Quote


    “There's a trade-off to growing your business, to doing all these types of projects that suck your time and your energy out. Because resources are scarce. And we can't now allocate those to the things that really get me excited, which is innovation, which is doing something that's going to impact the world in a massive way.”

    -Paul Sparks



     Connect with Paul Sparks

    The Whale ClubBunny Hill Properties

    Visit Dan Nicholson’s website - Nth Degree CPAs and the Rigging The Game to learn how he helps small business owners cultivate good accounting and tax practices to achieve their financial goals. 


    Don’t forget to check out Dan’s book Rigging the Game on Amazon. Interested in the Certainty Certified Advisor Program? Get the information you need at CertaintyU.com.

     Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Do you ever get tunnel vision when making important choices? Too often, we look closely at the upside or risk of a single decision, and we never stop to look at the possibilities that will disappear once we’ve made a choice.


    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan covers the third commandment — every decision has an infinite number of trade-offs — including the TIMER acronym for all the currencies we have at our disposal, how to optimize before maximizing to find the most efficient path forward, and the consequences we run into when we don’t look at the trade-offs involved in our decisions. Join the conversation for another commandment that will help you play your game and achieve even more clarity.


    Key Takeaways

    What possibilities we remove when we choose to invest in something, and how to use that concept to make better investments.Why the business school idea of “maximizing first” often won’t apply to you.How to recognize when you can turn a “no” opportunity into a “yes” opportunity, and what to evaluate as you make your decision.

    Favorite Quote

    “We tend to view these opportunities that we face through this lens of ‘more’ and maybe fear of missing out. And so what if I don't capitalize on this? What's going to happen?...But what is the trade off? What could I be doing that's going to be a better use of my precious resources, because they're scarce?”

    -Dan Nicholson



    Visit Dan Nicholson’s website - Nth Degree CPAs and the Rigging The Game to learn how he helps small business owners cultivate good accounting and tax practices to achieve their financial goals. 


    Don’t forget to check out Dan’s book Rigging the Game on Amazon. Interested in the Certainty Certified Advisor Program? Get the information you need at CertaintyU.com.

     Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • How much time do you spend following your own advice instead of someone else’s? In life and in work, it can be hard to tune out the ready-made business advice all over the Internet and move forward the way only you can — but the rewards are worth it.


    Dan Barrett is an artist at heart and an online real estate marketer by trade, as well as the founder of AdWords Nerds. He combines both his creativity and his business skill sets to help those around him live more fulfilling lives.


    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Dan discuss the meeting of creativity and analytical skills in each of their personalities (and how bias can affect whether you primarily see one or the other), the moment Dan Barrett realized he needed to put the preference vs. binary concept into play in his SEO work, plus the questions he now asks himself to figure out whether he’s making the best decisions possible, and how intentional, consistent writing has changed Dan Barrett’s life, work, and sense of self for the better. Tune in for an episode that will begin to break down your boundaries and help you mold your life in a way that works for you.


    Key Takeaways

    Why Dan Barrett sees both creativity and analysis as paths to get to the same place — and why the end goal matters more than how you get there.Why following the same checklist and practices as your competition won’t put you ahead of the game, and how to change your direction.How Dan Barrett learned to embrace his rebellious streak and evolve beyond it to sculpt the best possible version of himself.

    Favorite Quote

    “There is so much more in life that is preference than binary, right? So much more of reality is open to your influence than you think. And that's really, really fun and a little exciting and a little scary sometimes. But it's liberating in the deepest sense of the word.”

    -Dan Barrett



    Connect with Dan Barrett

    AdWords NerdsBetter QuestionsGet a copy of Dan Barrett's book, Break Free Of Your Rut: 10 Steps To Discovering And Breaking The Patterns That Dominate Your Life

    Don’t forget to check out Dan’s book Rigging the Game on Amazon. Interested in the Certainty Certified Advisor Program? Get the information you need at CertaintyU.com.

     Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • What do you do when you encounter a question with no clear answer? More importantly, what if you were to find out that there are far fewer “right” answers than you thought–and that that’s a good thing?

    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan digs into commandment number two, or understanding the difference between preference and a binary view of right and wrong. 

    He breaks down the freedom that comes with a world based on your preferences, recommendations to help you avoid a guilt spiral as you navigate preference-based questions, and how to recognize and push through the peaks and valleys of all your endeavors. Listen in for a perspective-shifting look at how we answer life’s most important questions.

    Key Takeaways

    Why starting any question with “Should I?” puts you at a disadvantage.How the willingness to change your mind gets you closer to your goals and priorities.What you need to acknowledge about yourself to progress past “fake guru” status.

    Favorite Quote

    “We tend to view the world as if there's just a right and wrong in almost everything that we're dealing with. But the reality is that most of the questions that we're asking ourselves about business and life are not right and wrong. It's a preference… It depends on what you want.” 


    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from Dan's private Telegram Channel here.

    Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word! Intro Music by: The Marshall Law Band. 

  • Is your perspective holding you back? It’s easy to believe that the future of your business, and even your family, rests on the next big project or partnership. When you’re in that place, having partners and mentors to help you pinpoint what’s worth pursuing makes all the difference. 

    Ben Frank and his wife Joyce are dedicated to helping kids (and humans in general) reach their highest potential through athletic programs and education initiatives including the Play Big Project. 

    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Ben discuss the advantages and challenges of running a business with your spouse–including letting each set of talents shine, not only deciding what you want but accepting what you want, and how being committed to playing your game and letting go of the outcome changes every relationship you have, from your partners to your clients to your family. Tune in for an episode that will revamp how you show up in business and in life.

    Key Takeaways

    What Ben and Joyce realized about dividing their strengths and passions versus bringing them together, and how they changed course to become better than ever.How Ben learned to reject a black-and-white view of business opportunities and worked to mold them to his priorities instead.How letting go of your limiting beliefs and need for “more” opens up a world of options and opportunities you never knew existed.

    Favorite Quote

    “When you can interact that way with people, you're coming from a place of abundance rather than scarcity and confidence rather than fear…all of a sudden, it just leads to things that you didn't think were possible starting to present themselves.”

    -Ben Frank


    Learn more about Coach Ben Frank at https://linktr.ee/CoachBenFrank

    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from his private Telegram Channel here.

    Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word! Intro Music by: The Marshall Law Band. 

  • What’s running your current operating system? Most of us, consciously or not, are still operating on conditioning we received as kids or on pressure we’re feeling from our peers. If you could cut out all that noise and stress, what would it mean in your life and the lives of your loved ones?

    Renee Metty is devoted to helping humans live their lives with more ease. From helping preschoolers build strong foundations for a mindful life to coaching adults through life and leadership without harmful conditioning, Renee guides her students in getting out of their own way and back to their natural state.

    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan sits down with Renee to take a look at Renee’s own journey of self-discovery and how she began to move away from her Type-A tendencies, the inflection point she encountered when she began embracing “closer vs. more,” and why that one commandment alone just isn’t enough. Listen in for a breath of fresh air and plenty of much-needed insight.

    What You’ll Learn

    Why Renee’s natural state of being is so intriguing to hard-driving entrepreneursHow to get comfortable with the idea that priorities don’t have to be permanentHow Renee’s kids have played an active part in keeping her on track and in line with her goals.

    Favorite Quote

    “I thought…there's got to be something where people don't have to suffer so much. And I knew I wasn't going to take away suffering. But I figured there was something to ease the burden of it.”


    Learn more about Renee Metty at https://www.withpause.com/

    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from his private Telegram Channel here.

    Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word! Intro Music by: The Marshall Law Band. 

  • When is having more not enough? When it isn’t bringing you closer to anything that matters. If “more” isn’t getting you what you want, it’s time to take a new approach. The first step? Deciding exactly what it is that you want.

    On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan lays out the first commandment in achieving certainty, closer vs. more, the “more” mindset we’ve been conditioned to follow, how to use your mental flowchart to make decisions based on your actual priorities, and thinking in terms of relative change as you get closer to what you want out of life. Listen in for the clarity you need to start achieving certainty.

    Key Takeaways

    Why money isn’t the only currency that mattersHow to filter out the actions and paths that won’t bring you closer to what you really wantHow following this first commandment gives you back your time, energy, and resources.

    Favorite Quote

    “The game is, recover, reallocate, resources, because we want to put in the least amount of effort, least amount of risk, and have the most amount of options.” - Dan Nicholson

    How To Get Involved

    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from Dan's private Telegram Channel here.

    Learn more about Rigging the Game book at www.riggingthegame.com/book

    Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

    Intro Music by: The Marshall Law Band. 

  • Defining what certainty means to you is an essential step in living a fulfilling life. The Certainty Operating System is a framework for achieving certainty on your terms. On this episode, Dan shares what he defines as certainty and how to orient towards taking the most efficient path forward to get what matters most in your life.

    Key Takeaways

    Defining what certainty is for your life.Overview of the Certainty Operating System.Why our tendency is to orient towards "more" as individuals.Taking the most efficient path forward with optimization. The backstory to "burning the boats". What it means to play your game, and achieve certainty on your terms.


    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from Dan's private Telegram Channel here. Rigging the Game Book is now available, learn more at www.riggingthegame.com/bookGet the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word! Intro Music by: The Marshall Law Band. 

  • After a long delay, Dan Nicholson is back and better than ever. This episode is a short one intended to catch you up on what to expect in Season 2 of the Rigging The Game Podcast (hint: more unconventional advice that will show you how to Play Your Game and fund your Solvable Problem TM). 

    Key Takeaways

    Interviews with Graduates from CCA discussing how they've applied core principles to their life.Expect a breakdown of the 4 Commandments to Financial Certainty


    Visit CertaintyU.com to Learn More about joining the CCA Program (Certified Certainty Advisor) or get updates from Dan's private Telegram Channel here.Learn more about Dan's Book at www.riggingthegame.com/bookGet the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

    Enjoyed the Podcast? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. We love to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!