Episode 47 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses neurogenesis, reconciliation of science and religion, and the slow immaturity of humans.
Episode 48 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this episode include the auditory hallucination of schizophrenia, Sapolsky’s brachydactyly fingers, and the benefits of fiction.
Episode 47 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses neurogenesis, reconciliation of science and religion, and the slow immaturity of humans.
Episode 46 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses Winston Churchill’s ass and its relation to wealth, the link between alcohol and cancer, and fox domestication.
Episode 45 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this video include the biology behind religiosity variance, including the relevance of anxiety vs. fear, and insulin resistance in type II diabetes.
Episode 44 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this video include the desire for youthful appearances, the conflation of beauty and goodness, and the cerebellum.
Episode 42 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics include toxoplasmosis and other parasites, the mechanisms behind inheritance of trauma, and racism in other animals.
Episode 41 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses the role of sleep in depression, whether Bipolar Disorder is a sleeping disorder, and the psychosomatic nature of chronic pain.
Episode 40 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this episode include the field of sociobiology, whether men are naturally monogamous, and the value of genetic testing.
Episode 39 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses the effects of alcohol on the brain, what Freud got right and wrong, and how to reframe the disempowerment of no free will.
Episode 38 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this episode include the neurobiology and environmental factors behind Parkinson’s, the link between inequality and free will, and the difference between cis- and trans- brains.
Episode 37 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses the phenomenon of pareidolia, the results of the U.S. election, and how to manage psychological stress.
Episode 36 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode discusses the dangers of COVID, nerve decussation, and the consequences of “Thymicolymphaticus.”
Episode 35 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this episode include the values of meditation, the good in religion, and the impacts of anorexia nervosa.
Episode 34 of Father-Offspring Interviews. Topics in this episode include the legitimacy of altruism, downsides of empathy, and biological regulations of birth ratios.
Episode 33 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode talks about the mechanism behind synaptic gaps, the evolutionary explanations for homosexuality, and controversial Nobel Prizes.
Episode 32 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode talks about allostasis, the Cognitive Tradeoff Hypothesis, Sapolsky’s advice to his young self on ambition.
Episode 31 of Father-Offspring Interviews. In this episode, we talk more about stress and SSRI’s, including their efficacy and suicide risk increase, and whether Sapolsky wants us to have free will.
Episode 29 of Father-Offspring Interviews. This episode focuses on the neurobiology of dyslexia, the brain size relativity metric, and factors that influence autoimmune diseases.