What is our mission? What are our goals?
https://scottmannion.com/fellowship join us! Contents here:
00:00 - Your instinct something is WRONG. Modernity killed the West, accept it
01:46 - How do we overcome Modernity & Nihilism?
04:22 - What is initiation?
07:10 - The Narrow Way: Join the fellowship
08:39 - Spiritual Deception on the rise: Slavery's coming
09:35 - The West is Dead
11:10 - More than attending Church on Sunday
12:24 - Our mission and goals
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Audio only Contents:
00:00 - False Holy Spirit and Mary's protection 02:20 - Why Pray to the mother 04:10 - Imitating Mary 05:26 - Mistakes in Mary Icons 06:21 - Becoming Mary 08:51 - Fixing Western Women with Divine Authority
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Episodi mancanti?
Overcoming the Demons of Modernity
Contents/timecode below
00:00 - Lost Sheep
01:56 - How to start
02:50 - Serving many masters
03:20 - Capital is intelligent, and must not be your master
04:02 - Higher than your mortal parents
04:58 - Surrender the low calculative 'master'
06:53 - True knowledge & Certainty
08:37 - He will grant you time, nothing is lost
09:15 - He gave you everything, and you don't have time?
09:47 - The Lord will give you time
11:25 - bring Modernism to heel
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00:00 - Benefit of forgiveness 01:47 - The Northman movie as low determinism 02:59 - Miraculous as the only free will 05:39 - Prac1: Ask for Forgiveness 07:37 - Prac2: 'Bless' your enemies 09:12 - 'Loving' your enemy is easy & opposite of cucky 10:38 - Not checking out from the world, saving it 12:03 - Prac3 12:41 - The empirical self is not to be trusted.
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Regrow Your Angelic Wings
Contents and video below friends:
00:31 - Breath in the ancient world 02:54 - Linking prayer to psycho-vital currents 05:02 - What are Angelic Wings? 06:36 - Symbol for the practice: Sun thermal and flock of birds 10:38 - Types of wings 13:14 - Finding the Zone of Silence 15:21 - Servant of the Secret Fire of Emmaus 19:39 - Mystic experience & confirmation 21:53 - Be the returning Prodigal Son
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Contents and video version below friends:
0:00 - Modernity as the enchantment 01:15 - 3 crisis' 03:17 - The Thought Regime: Crisis of truth 05:26 - Basic sketch of Pre-disclosed illusion 07:55 - Sketch of Experimental Phenomenology 11:23 - Scientism removal 13:50 - The Ideational superstructure 15:22 - Crisis of Value: Nihilism & the end of Philosophy 15:46 - Ground of technology & will to power from virginity 18:04 - The history of Being & Transvaluation of all to Will to power 21:12 - The West grows old as she grows away from Virginal first beginning: Mary Sophia 21:57 - Symbol vs Diabol: Mercenaries cut up Christ's clothes 23:02 - You have no future without providence 24:46 - Dissolve polemical energy for virginal Zoe 25:52 - Crisis of WAY 26:10 - Active Nihilist artwork 27:00 - Nietzsche's possession, identification with Ahriman 29:13 - Active nihilist as the moon prince 30:51 - The Moon Arcana: Escaping History and the Moon Paradigm/thought regime 34:26 - A true resurrection of art 36:05 - Jung & Bergson heal Nietzsche's diagnosis.
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What is Faustian Man's Test? How is Divination Legitimate?
CONTENTS and VIDEO below, Friends:
00:39 - Faustian Man's test, the opposite of Job 02:15 - Mephistopheles' temptation of us 03:13 - Overcoming Mephistopheles: first step 04:41 - Divination is LEGIT? 06:53 - What is Divination? 09:17 - Metaphysics of Divination: Future as available NOW 10:28 - Benefits of divination 11:39 - Dangers in divination 13:36 - Objective guidance away from illusion 16:24 - From Magic to Mysticism, just a first step 17:14 - Framing questions in divination 18:28 - A Bridge: letting go of divination
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Video version is below, friends, and content timestamps!
00:00 - General look at Carl Jung 01:27 - What does Individuation mean? 03:09 - What is transvaluation? What is a value? 05:36 - How does Jung Practically go through this process 08:27 - Jung's realisation: Ubermench to Christ 11:25 - Not of this world: but here to save it 12:48 - Does Jung Believe in God? 14:21 - How to follow Jung 15:16 - Don't Fail Nietzsche
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The Juvenile Hero Must Die so the Holy Hero Can Live: Contents of AUDIO below friends:
0:00 - A Caesar Must Initiate 1:15 - Heraclitan fire: War, the Father of all? 2:00 - Destiny, Collective Unconscious, Providence 2:56 - Providence: Love as true essence of Ethnic group: Willed Good 5:08 - The Juvenile Dragonslayer/hero must die, so the holy hero can live 7:36 - The Enemy haunts the psyche after you kill him: Memetic demons 8:10 - A Caesar must have holy sanction 9:53 - The Mystic Essence/ground of a people: Love, willed good
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JP as Shitlib Demonologist?
0:00 - Finding Silence & Providence from Outside
1:37 - Shitlib goalsetting as demonology
5:14 - 'Created Values' are egregores/demons
6:31 - Non-demonic goalsetting
8:16 - Restore free will from Eternal Outside/transcendent self
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A Philosophical Sketch: Alchemy & the Philosopher's stone
02:14 - The four organs of man, The elements, the biblical animals the imprint of YHVH (Heidegger’s Fourfold, Aristotle’s four causes)
06:21 - Alchemy: Making the animals winged, the philosophers stone
11:39 - Synchronising symbols: Sword, Cup, Coin, Sceptre
12:58 - Philosophically understanding initiation
16:58 - Vocation: Direct experience of the process
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The whole initiation process outlined (audio only)
CONTENTS: 00:00:00 - Un-likeness to likeness, toward the image 00:01:16 - Initiation stages: preparation 00:02:58 - Purification: How to do the three oaths 00:04:01 - Growth from mechanical logic to moral logic 00:05:05 - Meditation = prayer Thinking in the presence of god 00:05:38 - From the non-likeness to image of God. 00:08:29 - Phenomenology of Initiation: Mystic, Gnostic, Magical 00:15:29 - Illumination 00:16:07 - Awakening psychic and spiritual aspect of world 00:16:35 - Emissary of the Master, the Herald of the Christ
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An Intuitive Sketch. Video & Contents below friends:
0:21 - Time-spiral zones decoded 04:25 - The Timespiral is the fallen state: Non-likeness 5:19 - Apocalyptic timeflow vs Becoming area 6:45 - Intuitively understanding true timeflow 9:21 - Personal retrocronic understanding 10:08 - Nested in the Outside 11:11 - Initiation & timespiral 12:15 - Fallen Self vs Transcendent Self 13:28 - Sending of being as fourfold 15:00 - Futural evolution Vs Darwin 15:46 - Time of Eternal Return (hell) Vs Apocalyptic time 18:44 - Miracles as proof 19:22 - Mapping psychic organs
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The Basic Practice of initiation: Prayer-Meditation, Meditation-prayer What is the basic practice of Initiation? How is it related to Carl Jung's Individuation?, and overcoming Modernity & nihilism? What is Concentration Without Effort? What does this practice do? For those looking to get practical straight away I describe how in this video:
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Get full access to Scott Mannion's Metalore at scottmannion.substack.com/subscribe -
[Video Version Below] Dangers of Human World Creation - Co created temporality, nested in the eternal - Tolkien's On Fairy Stories - Quantum Mechanics means we're all sub-creators - Cringe Individualism Vs Microcosm - We’re More than the Body, Body keeps the score - Anti American Revolution traditionalist take - What is true Originality? - Christ, the true Radical Subject - Fads Vs Authentic Being - C.S. Lewis, Perennial values, Is Liberty a rescuable ideal?
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I hosted the great Philosopher Nick Land for a dialogue that’s the best had on the show so far. We discuss Hyperagents, Ai, The Enigma of time, Acceleration harnessed for a Caesar’s rise, and as a possible return of the mythic
Nick Land is an illustrious philosopher and father of Acceleration. In the late 1990s he founded the radically experimental CCRU Cultural Cybernetics Research Unit while a professor at Warwick University, where he made discoveries and developed methods that would heavily influence Speculative Realism, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science, decades after the fact. His tech predictions made decades ago continue to come true. Land's underground influence can't be escaped, reverberating through many disciplines and in the arts. Also a father of NRx.
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Get full access to Scott Mannion's Metalore at scottmannion.substack.com/subscribe -
New Founding CEO, Real estate Investor, Investment Banker, and Entrepreneur Nate Fischer joins us to talk the rising exodus of Capitol looking to exit woke tyranny, and the rising dissident venture capital and commercial networks emerging to fill the demand.
00:00:00 - Nate's Mission & Vocation & Background
00:08:18 - DUTY over PROFIT
00:11:25 - RULE of the Disagreeables
00:12:22 - Screening out Bad Actors in Right Wing Business
00:19:32 - The New Signals of Value
00:28:26 - Authentic religion as TRUST signal
00:36:17 - RETVRN of Hierarchical Protestant
00:40:40 - What formed Nate's Worldview
00:48:39 - Doing Business For Higher Values
00:59:15 - Getting Conservative Capital Comfortable with Risk
01:06:06 - Overcoming Conquests Law to protect institutions
01:15:21 - Nate's Advice to young RW men
01:23:40 - Nate's Fraternal practices
01:30:30 - Transnational Dissident collaboration
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