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Un podcast enfocado a personas ocupadas que desean conectar consigo mismas.
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Como generar lo que deseas en tu vida, por que te pasan las cosas que te pasan...
Es un espacio, para la gente; dirigido por medicos psiquiatras. Con el objetivo de romper mitos y tabúes de la Salud Mental. Pueden ponerse en contacto con nosotros a traves de las redes sociales:
Te invitamos a sumarte a este viaje de irnos hacia adentro sin miedo, para conversar sin filtros, conocernos, aprender y desaprender e ir resolviendo muchas preguntas, pero sobretodo para hacer del viaje de la vida un camino más placentero, hermoso y divertido. Porque al final de cuentas, es siempre el viaje, más importante que el destino.
Un podcast por Claudia Nieto y Nidya Castillo. -
Como dice el titulo, este podcast trata de la baja autoestima pero también digo algunos consejitos para tratar de subirlo:D
¡El devocional semanal que necesitas para comenzar tu semana con alegría, fe y el gozo del Señor! Alimenta tu espíritu junto a CVCLAVOZ.
Un espacio para hablar sobre temas como autoconocimiento, desarrollo personal, conciencia y meditación.
Ráshuah es una Organización que trabaja con técnicas exclusivas de Meditación, cuyo objetivo es enseñar autoconocimiento para que el practicante pueda hacer cambios internos, transformar su vida y desarrollar su conciencia espiritual. -
A podcast where the creator Manpreet Johal shares her journey of how her childhood trauma impacted her adult life in relationships, health, self esteem and confidence. Manpreet talks about her journey, the tools she used and the many teachers she worked with along the way to find her own heart's happiness.
Heart's happiness has been created to help people to kick start their own healing journey with various tools and services. The hope is to raise awareness of how trauma could be impacting people's lives. As well as opening up about her own struggles, she will also be interviewing professionals in the field.
Heart's happiness hopes to inspire you to transform your own mental health and life because everyone deserves to find their own heart's happiness. -
Este podcast va dirigido a todas los seres humanos con o sin trastornos de personalidad, aqui podrás aprender a tener una vida plena y feliz libre pero sin llegar al libertinaje aqui esta. Te regalo la herramienta para que lleves tu vida y la de los que te rodean a otro nivel. Ser el mejor no es una opción es tu OBLIGACIÓN.
Grupo de interés (Oratoria)
A podcast exploring the highs and lows of the process we call life. Each episode explores a lesson I've learnt along my process and share it in hopes that it helps you in some way along yours.
Many survivors of brain injury are confronted with a daunting question – what does it mean to be me now that so much has changed? This series tells the stories of survivors in their own words: who they were, what happened to them and who they are now.Produced by Claire Crofton in collaboration with charity Headway East London, to accompany an online life stories project at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to ReScript by NORMAL, a podcast that looks a little more closely at iconic pieces of pop culture trying to say something about sex and relationships. Each episode, NORMAL’s founder Lucy Wark and certified sex coach Georgia Grace will pick a moment from a TV show, movie or the news and will dissect the (sometimes not-so-great) messages they’re giving us. Then, Lucy and Georgia will “ReScript” the scene, revealing what they’d keep and what they’d leave behind. NORMAL is an Australian sexual wellness brand creating modern sex toys, sex essentials and sex education.
Meditações milagrosas códigos Grabovoi com Zondra dos Anjos é uma prática poderosa para a cura, autocura, paz e bem-estar.
Esta técnica utiliza a energia dos números para elevar a sua consciência e trazer a cura para a sua vida.
Com esta meditação, você pode conectar-se com as frequências mais elevadas, cura e equilíbrio em todos os aspectos da sua vida.
Através desta meditação você pode trazer mais paz, amor e harmonia para a sua vida.
O Podcast Meditações Milagrosas Códigos Grabovoi não se responsabiliza por quaisquer resultado e escolha dos ouvintes destas meditações.
Namastê. -
Como mantener la CALMA y ser pacientes en cualquier circunstancia.
The Jen Z Podcast: It’s all about people! My podcast features great conversations with fascinating people sharing experiences, illuminating the life events that shaped their growth, the challenges that built their character, and the goals that have inspired their successes.
You’ll get to meet people from all walks of life and all areas of expertise, from favorite neighborhood business owners who helped create communities, to internationally accomplished athletes and entertainers who understand determination and motivation, to health and wellness experts committed to improving how we take care of ourselves and each other.
There’s something for everyone and anyone — and it’s always free-flowing, fascinating, and fun! -
Soy psicoterapeuta y ayudo a las personas con ansiedad a vencer sus miedos, devolviendoles el control de su vida y sus decisiones.
También hablo de temas de actualidad y cultura pop.
Te invito a cuestionar lo que crees para acercarnos a la verdad.
IG: -
Hey guys, for my fellow slackers this podcast is specially for you because why not.
El tema de salud mental es un tema muy importante de abordar, pero muchas veces por temor a ser juzgados o porque " siempre tenemos que estar bien" no lo hablamos en nuestras familias. Es importante normalizar el tema. Nuestra salud mental es tan importante como nuestra salud fisica. Esperamos que este espacio les ayude a entender, aceptar y trabajar en su salud mental.
Pratiche di meditazione mindfulness adatta a tutti, utile sia nelle vita privata così come in quella sportiva.