Biblical counselor Dr. Ernie Baker shares insights on how couples can grow in relational and communication skills by answering the following questions: What are God-honoring motives for pursuing growth in these two areas? What is the difference between character qualities and relational skills? What are the core areas of communication we need to put intentional effort into improving? What counsel would you give a couple who have different communication styles? What are the common ways that couples stumble regarding conflict resolution?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resources:
“Marry Wisely Marry Well” by Dr. Ernie Baker
“Help! I’m in a Conflict” booklet by Ernie Baker
“Peacemaking for Families” by Ken Sande
“Marriage Maintenance and Minefield Management” article by Ernie Baker: https://www.biblicalcounselingcoalition.org/2021/04/26/marriage-maintenance-and-minefield-management/
Sarah Dougherty helps us understand the rich meaning and application of the virtue of “kindness” by answering the following questions: what is the biblical definition of kindness, and how is it different from the world’s version? How do we cultivate this fruit of the spirit? Why do we need to be trained how to be kind? And why is it so important that kindness flows from a heart of love?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Episodi mancanti?
Biblical counselor Greg Gifford brings clarity to understanding the motives of our heart by answering the following questions: Why do our motives matter so much to God? What are questions someone can ask themselves to identify their motives? How should we interact with the tension of mixed motives? What is the process for purifying our motives? And how can we grow in the habit of believing the best of other people’s motives?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resources:
Greg Gifford’s website and podcast: Transformed.org
“Heart and Habits” book by Greg Gifford
“Motives: Why do I do the things I do” booklet by Ed Welch
“Suspicion” booklet by Lou Priolo
Google: David Powlison X-Ray Questions
Dawn Harcus explains the spiritual mothering model laid out in Titus 2 by answering the following questions: We have the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, but why does God incorporate the human element of training into our sanctification? Is spiritual mothering best done in groups or one-on-one? Who is responsible for initiating this relationship? Should a woman have more than one discipler? What character qualities does this Titus 2 passage highlight that should exemplify a spiritual mother? What hindrances do you most commonly see that prevent women from obeying this command? And why is it best to have a real person mentoring you over an online influencer?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resource:
“Spiritual Mothering” by Susan Hunt
“Let The Women Be Women” By Chris Mueller
Lynne Brown walks us through how to recover from failure by answering the following questions: How do we recover in those moments when we fail to live up to our expectations or the expectations of others? When a Christian fails and sins, what is the process of restoration? In what ways does the painful experience of failure serve as a gracious gift from God? And how should we respond when someone we are close with sins against us?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resources
Lynne Brown’s website: https://lynnemariebrown.com/
Lynne's Email: lynne@lynnemariebrown.com
Recommended Book: “The Gospel Primer” by Milton Vincent
Musician and music educator Kellie Cunningham guides our understanding of the theology behind singing by answering the following questions: Why did God design and command us to sing? Can you explain why it's important to listen to and sing music that is biblically sound? Why is congregational singing so important for believers? For someone who doesn't enjoy singing, how can they grow to love it? And how do we align our hearts with the words coming out of our mouths so we can offer sincere worship?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resources:
Spotify Playlist for Singing: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2hDKPrD2LwsR44Mb3nSvEp?si=YOSA9sObQGKqdfK8NuRUPg&pi=u-GVi7I_YIRmqG
"Sing" by Keith and Kristyn Getty
"Worship Matters" by Bob Kauflin
"On Worship" by H.B. Charles -
Pastor Philip De Courcy brings the comfort of God's Word to help us identify and overcome sinful fear by answering the following questions: How do we discern the differences between natural, sinful, and holy fear? How are we as Christians to understand the supposed disconnect between our theology of God’s protection and our experience? What is the antidote to sinful fear? Do you think single women could fit into the category for God's special care and protection for widows? Is there wisdom for a single woman to remain in her father's home if she has the opportunity to? For those women who are prone to being fearful, what passages of Scripture would you direct them to meditate on?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Recommended Resources:
"Take Cover: Finding Peace in God's Protection" by Philip DeCourcy
"Help! I'm Anxious" by Philip DeCourcy
"Courage: Fighting Fear with Fear" by Wayne and Josh Mack
"When People Are Big and God is Small" by Edward Welch
"Anxious For Nothing" by John MacArthur
"Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace" by Paul Tautges
"Fear: Breaking It's Grip" by Lou Priollo
"What Are You Afraid Of" by David Jeremiah
Biblical counselor Hannah Fuller offers encouragement to persevere well through trials by answering the following questions: How does perseverance look different for a Christian, and what fruit is produced when we persevere well? When we are in an extended challenge how do we guard our minds and hearts from despair? How do we persevere through the mundane seasons of life? And how can we grow in our ability to encourage each other?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Chris Hamilton shares the wisdom in seeking counsel by answering the following questions: what are the areas of life where counsel is useful? How many counselors should someone have in their life? What are the characteristics of a discerning counselor? What are the types of questions you should ask when seeking counsel? What weight should counsel have on your decisions? How do you process through conflicting counsel? Is it ever wise to go against counsel? How should a single woman go about seeking a male perspective on a life decision? And what is your advice of being able to be a good counselor to others?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Episode #48 on how to make decisions with Chris Hamilton:
ER Doctor Carlan Wendler joins the podcast to provide practical guidance on how to navigate a medical emergency by answering the following questions: What is a Christian's responsibility when confronted with a medical emergency in everyday life? How can you help a family member or friend navigate the healthcare system? How do I know if I should go to Urgent Care or the ER when I need to see a doctor urgently? What encouragement can you offer someone who is stuck in endless online research for an undiagnosed health issue? What are proper expectations for those who are disillusioned with the US healthcare system?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024
Carlan's Nonprofit: https://www.theamefund.org/
Biblical counselor and author Stuart Scott helps set the tone for this year by encouraging us to put off pride and put on humility by answering the following questions: What are symptoms of pride? What are common ways you see pride manifesting in singles and in dating relationships? How can we identify and steer clear of "counterfeit" humility? What would humility look like in a future husband / spiritual leader?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Recommended Resources:
"From Pride to Humility" by Stuart Scott
"Humility: The Journey Towards Holiness" by Andrew Murray
"Humility: The Joy of Self-Forgetfulness" by Gavin Ortlund
"Humility: The Forgotten Virtue" by Wayne Mack
Author and pastor Tim Challies encourages us with the truths about Heaven, our eternal home, by answering the following questions: Why is the topic of Heaven particularly meaningful for you? Why is it that Christians think so little about Heaven? Can you share some of the common misconceptions about Heaven you see among believers? Can you help us understand the balance of longing for the gifts of Heaven, but ultimately the Giver of those gifts? How can we use the topic of "Heaven" in our evangelism?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Tim Challies Website: https://www.challies.com/
Recommended Books on Heaven
"Heaven" by Randy Alcorn
"We Shall See God" Charles Spurgeon
"The Glory of Heaven" by John MacArthur
"Biblical Teaching on the Doctrines of Heaven and Hell" by Edward Donnelly
"Heaven on Earth" by Derek Thomas
Our vocational work dominates our time perhaps more than any other activity in our lives. Reagan Rose joins this podcast discussion to give a biblical perspective on work by answering the following questions: How should Christians view their work, and is it just a necessary means to an end? How would someone evaluate if they have a proper "work/life" balance? Because stress in the workplace is at an all-time high, when should someone consider switching jobs or careers? What are your tips for how to have an exemplary work ethic? For women who desire marriage, a vocational job can feel like plan "b" in their lives...how would you encourage women who struggle with this attitude?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Reagan's Website: https://redeemingproductivity.com/
Reagan's Recommended Resources:
App and Website Blocker: Freedom.to
Internet Time Tracker: Rize.io -
As a pastor and biblical counselor, Lance Quinn provides encouragement on how Christians can demonstrate the love of Christ through bearing one another’s burdens by answering the following questions: What does the Bible say about bearing one another’s burdens? What are types of burdens we should help bear, and for how long should we bear them? How should you ask for help when you feel burdened beyond your ability? If you become aware of a need for someone, how do you know if you should be the one to meet that need? With technology, we are aware of more burdens than ever before. How do we understand our responsibility in that realm?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Mother of five, Rachel Zwayne helps us understand the Titus 2 principle of "loving your children" by answering the following questions: How should Christian's view children, and what lies from the world do you see even Christians believing about children? How can the gospel play a central role in motherhood? What attitudes can single women "put on" that would make loving their children easier in the future? What attitudes can we "put off"? When is it appropriate to talk about children when you're dating, and which areas should you align on in child-rearing? And is it wise for single women to consider adoption or fostering?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Recommended Resources:
Rachel's website: https://rachelzwayne.wixsite.com/joyfulmothers
"Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp
"Parenting" by Paul Tripp"Age of Opportunity" by Paul Tripp
"What the Bible Says About Parenting" by John MacArthur
"Found God's Peace" by John MacArthur
Heidi Kinzel joins the discussion today to give practical guidance on how to prepare in singleness to love your husband in the future by answering the following questions: Why is this the first priority in the Titus 2 principles? We have the Scripture and the Holy Spirit, but why did God design that we also needed to be taught this by older women? What are attitudes that women need to "put off" that would make it more difficult to love their husband in the future? What are attitudes to "put on" that would make it easier? How have you and your husband maintained such a strong marriage after so many years?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Lynne Brown helps us regain a Biblical perspective on the timing of events in our lives by answering the following questions: How does God relate to time in a way that's different from us? Why is it important to understand God's unchangeableness? What are some examples of God's perfect timing in the Bible? How can we train our minds and hearts to respond rightly when we're confused about the God's timing or are struggling with impatience?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Pastor Chris Mueller helps us understand the important quality of sensibility by answering the following questions: What is sensibility as defined by Scripture? Why is the way you think important for your spiritual life? What does sensibility look like played out in a dating relationship? How does being sensible affect our emotions? What would sensibility look like practically lived out in the life of a godly man? And what are practical ways we can grow in sensibility?
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Chris Mueller's Church: https://www.faith-bible.net/
Series of messages Chris gave from 1985:
Let The Women Be Women: https://media.faith-bible.net/audio/vintage/women-be-women/
Let The Men Be Men: https://media.faith-bible.net/audio/vintage/men-be-men/
Book Recommendations:
"Let The Men Be Men" - https://a.co/d/7NPdpN5"Let The Women Be Women" - https://a.co/d/3B7p9pY
Pastor Jerry Wragg brings a balance of comfort and conviction to the following discouragements that singles face: What truth can you offer women who are experiencing loneliness? How would you encourage the woman who sees a lack of marriage-minded men in her context? How would you direct the single woman who is unsure where and how to invest her life outside of the defined roles of wife and mom? What hope can you offer the woman who is losing heart in the waiting? How would you recommend women to be praying during this season of singleness? What exhortation would you give to the men listening?
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
Lara McVicker and Heather Wiebe jump into the discussion to share their wisdom on how to support a bride as a bridesmaid during the wedding planning process by answering the following questions: How should we think about the role of being a bridesmaid? How can we honor God when we face the disappointment of expecting to be asked to be a bridesmaid and are not? How can you interact with the bride if you have certain convictions on modesty? How should we think about spending and how can we have those conversations with the bride if finances are tight? How can we point our friend to Christ throughout the logistics of the wedding planning process? How can we encourage the bride even when geographically far away? How can we practice rejoicing with those who rejoice when we ourselves long for marriage?
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637
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