
  • TRIGGER WARNING - family member suicide

    This week's episode is with Owen from Halesowen, near Birmingham. Owen is 13 months sober at the time of this recording. Owen, who lives with his wife and young daughter, talks about trying alcohol relatively late, at 16 (on the last day of school).

    After starting, Owen got into a drinking crowd and drank as part of the 'sesh' with mates most weeks. After unexpectedly losing his father, Owen recalls drinking for more emotional reasons. Being an emotional person, he found solace in alcohol but it brought chaos and shame to the forefront. He stopped for six months to have a break but soon fell back into big drinking afterwards. He decided to stop for good 13 months ago and hasn't looked back since. He is hoping to share his story in an effort to help others (especially men) make the same brave decision to quit and feel happier.

  • This week's episode is with the face behind instagrams @scottishandsober, Jade. Jade is almost 3.5 years sober and lives in Aberdeen, North East Scotland. Jade speaks openly about her life with alcohol, how it slowly crept into weekly life and was normalised for most occasions. Following a difficult relationship and some mental health challenges, Jade decided to stop drinking and is now helping others by supporting people via her hugely popular instagram page. Enjoy listening.

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  • In this week's episode of Sober Stories from Everyday People I am chatting to Vanessa in the Ribble Valley in Lancashire. Vanessa, who is113 days sober at the time of this recording, shares her life with alcohol and why she stopped drinking at New Year. Vanessa is warm, open, and direct about her life growing up, her drinking experiences and how she is currently navigating her new alcohol free life. I hope you enjoy the episode. You can follow Vanessa on Instagram here: @vanessagrey1717 or @vanessagraze

  • This weeks Sober Stories episode is with 24 year old Sebastian from Bolton, who is 6 months sober.

    Sebastian is raising money for charity by going 12 months alcohol free after losing his mum to cancer 2 years ago and meeting some incredible health mentors on BBC3's Go Hard or Go Home (2023) TV show.

    Seb is big into fund raising and raising awareness for mental health, cancer and now all things alcohol free. Sebastian is open, honest and good fun to listen to. As a young person stopping drinking he has a great insight into the challenges younger people face when trying to remove alcohol. Sebastian isn't sure what will happen after the 12 months challenge is up, but what he does know of sobriety so far, its going to be difficult to beat in terms of how much better he feels and brighter things are in his life. Happy listening.

  • In this weeks episode I speak to Jessica in Norwich, UK, who is 5.5 years sober at the time of this recording. Jessica talks about the infamous 90's drinking culture and how it helped to cement her desire to fit in and feel interesting. Drinking became part of her identity and ramped up dramatically during her university years. After having her first child at 29, Jessica became more aware of the mummy wine culture that traps so many of us into weekly drinking and drinking as a 'reward'. Now sober, Jessica enjoys volunteering at festivals, crocheting and planning trips in her camper van. You can find and follow Jessica's journey on instagram at @picajaynd. Enjoy listening!

  • In this weeks episode of Sober Stories from Everyday People I am speaking to Georgie in Somerset, UK who is 132 days sober at the time of this recording. Georgie lives with her son and is immersed in the wellness industry teaching pilates, intuitive breathing, trained in sports massage, reiki, sound bowl healing and working closely with horses.

    Our conversation talks about 90's drinking, a life changing spine injury following an accident, ADHD, fasting, difficult relationships and health challenges that lead her to sobriety. Georgie is a breath of fresh air and is feeling really good in her early sobriety achievement. You can find Georgie on instagram at @georgie_barnes_wellness or at @sobernotsmashed. Enjoy!

  • In this weeks episode of Sober Stories from Everyday People I am chatting to Lauren in Leeds who's been sober for almost 2 years at the time of this recording. Lauren lives with her 2 children and her husband, and runs her own business hiring TV & film locations around the UK, which she loves.

    Lauren was a weekend binge drinker, abstaining in the week but usually drinking with no off switch at the weekend. This lifestyle was fun for a long time but Lauren talks openly about how it dragged her down in the days following big weekend binges, ultimately leading to her quitting. Laurens story is one I think so many will be familiar with and be trapped by, but due to the fact its weekends only, its easy to keep stuck in the cycle and not think its problematic enough to stop for good.

    You can follow Laurens insta page or reach out to her via message via @uklocations

  • In this episode of "Sober Stories from Everyday People" podcast, listeners are introduced to the podcasts first sober husband and wife team, Alisha and Ricci, team from West London who are navigating their journey through sobriety. With a combined 650 days of sobriety, they share their powerful stories of transformation and newfound freedom from alcohol.

    Alisha opens up about her upbringing, where alcohol was normalized due to her father's struggles with alcoholism. Growing up, she found herself in environments where drinking was prevalent, but these were normalised because everything was doing it. On the other hand, Ricci had a different path, not delving much into drinking until his mid teens, where a negative experience made him steer clear of alcohol until his early 20s.

    Their lives took a turn when, after years of social drinking and drinking to relax at home as parents, Ricci decided to attend an AA meeting and make the courageous decision to quit alcohol. A few weeks later, Alisha followed suit, and they embarked on a transformative journey together.

    During the podcast, they reflect on how sobriety has positively impacted their lives, their relationship, and their roles as parents to three sons. They highlight the challenges they faced, the support they received from each other and their community, and the joy they discovered in living alcohol-free.

    Additionally, Alisha and Ricci discuss their passion project, the "Black and Sober Podcast," where they amplify stories of sobriety, especially within the Black community. They aim to inspire others and create a space of hope, peace, and empowerment for those seeking a sober lifestyle.

    Listeners are encouraged to connect with Alisha and Ricci on their podcast and YouTube channel, @blacksoberpod, where they continue to share more inspiring stories and insights on the journey to sobriety. This episode serves as a beacon of hope and resilience for anyone embarking on or considering a sober lifestyle.

  • Trigger warning (contains reference of suicide)

    In this week's episode of the Sober Stories Podcast, sassysobermum sits down with Sarah, a guest from Chichester who is 105 days sober at the time of recording. Sarah, who runs a hair salon and offers online support to aspiring hair colorists through groups and workshops, opens up about her journey to sobriety. She shares candidly about her struggles with alcohol, which eventually led her to a point of feeling suicidal before she decided to stop drinking.

    Throughout the episode, Sarah discusses the intersection of alcohol and motherhood, as well as the impact of her sobriety on her relationships, particularly with her husband and two children. She reflects on the profound changes that getting sober has brought to her life and emphasises the importance of support systems in her recovery journey.

    Listeners are encouraged to follow Sarah's ongoing journey on Instagram at @sarahloveshair for further insights and updates. This episode offers a raw and honest exploration of using alcohol as a coping mechanism and the transformative power of sobriety.

  • This week's episode of the "Sober Stories from Everyday" podcast features Natalia from Toronto, who is 31 years old and has been sober for 262 days at the time of the recording. She resides with her husband and dog and has a fulfilling career in HR that she loves. Natalia enjoys baking, hiking, spending time with family, and going to the gym.

    Natalia shared her journey with alcohol, describing it as a slow climb followed by a steep drop. She began drinking relatively late but found herself relying heavily on alcohol to cope with life's challenges after experiencing several difficult incidents. Eventually, she reached a point where negative intrusive thoughts became overwhelming, prompting her decision to quit drinking.

    Reflecting on her sobriety, Natalia emphasised the importance of being gentle with oneself during the early stages of recovery and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals. She also advised taking time to share one's story on one's own terms.

    Listeners can connect with Natalia on Instagram at @naat.attackk. Overall, Natalia's story serves as an inspiring reminder of the transformative power of sobriety and the importance of self-compassion and support on the journey to sober freedom.

  • This week's episode of the "Sober Stories from Everyday" podcast features Natalia from Toronto who is 31 years old, has been sober for 262 days at the time of the recording. She resides with her husband and dog and has a fulfilling career in HR that she loves. Natalia enjoys baking, hiking, spending time with family, and going to the gym.

    Natalia shared her journey with alcohol, describing it as a slow climb followed by a steep drop. She began drinking relatively late but found herself relying heavily on alcohol to cope with life's challenges after experiencing several difficult incidents. Eventually, she reached a point where negative intrusive thoughts became overwhelming, prompting her decision to quit drinking.

    Reflecting on her sobriety, Natalia emphasised the importance of being gentle with oneself during the early stages of recovery and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals. She also advised taking time to share one's story on one's own terms.

    Listeners can connect with Natalia on Instagram at @natt.attackk. Overall, Natalia's story serves as an inspiring reminder of the transformative power of sobriety and the importance of self-compassion and support on the journey to recovery.


    This week's special 'early days' episode of the Sober Stories podcast features Donna from Bracken, Wales, who is 74 days sober at the time of recording. Donna, raised in a family with minimal alcohol consumption, began drinking in the 1990s as a teenager. However, a series of life-changing events, including a breakup, her daughter's anorexia diagnosis, and her brother's sudden death, led to increased alcohol consumption. Seeking help from a counsellor and admitting her drinking problem marked a turning point for Donna.

    She shares three tips for starting sobriety: openly discussing it for accountability, utilising 'Sober Gram' for support, and maintaining an ongoing dialogue about sobriety with those around you.

    You can follow Donna's journey on Instagram using @donna.elliott.

  • In this week's episode of the Sober Stories from Everyday People podcast, Trisha from Sligo, North West Ireland, shares her journey of sobriety, having been sober for 136 days. Trisha resides with her husband and three children and opens up about losing her mother at 60 to alcohol-related causes. She discusses her attempt at moderation before ultimately accepting that sobriety was the path for her. Trisha has been working with a mindset coach, which, coupled with her sobriety, has led to numerous opportunities in her life. Her top tips for getting sober include changing things up, such as rearranging furniture to create a fresh environment, immersing oneself in books and other people's sober stories, and embracing zero-alcohol drink options.

    You can follow Trisha on instagram at: @trishahairsalon, or via her new account @growrichwithrtrisha

  • In this week's episode of "Sober Stories from Everyday People," we dive into the journey of Hayley, a 35-year-old from Worthing in West Sussex, who is almost five months sober after numerous attempts to quit drinking in recent years. Hayley's story is one of resilience and self-discovery as she delves into her struggles with alcohol, recreational drugs, and emotional challenges.

    Raised without knowing her biological father until her mid-30s, Hayley speaks openly about her journey toward sobriety, which has been intertwined with her passion for yoga—a newfound outlet she discovered along the way. Despite facing issues with anger and emotional turbulence, Hayley demonstrates remarkable bravery and honesty in her quest for a healthier lifestyle.

    Currently settled in a happy relationship, Hayley emphasises the importance of having a supportive community during early sobriety. She shares her top tips for those seeking sobriety, including changing environments, being honest with others about not drinking, and joining supportive communities. Hayley specifically credits the "Thrive Sober Community" for its invaluable support in her journey.

    Listeners can connect with Hayley and follow her journey on Instagram, under the handle @soberfun_WithHayley&Jaime.

  • In this weeks episode of Sober Stories From Everyday People we hear the inspiring journey of Chris, a 46-year-old father who has been sober for 18 months at the time of the recording.

    Chris shares his experiences of navigating the drinking culture during the hedonistic 1990s, where rock music and smoking were prevalent. In his early 20s, he worked in Ibiza, which intensified his drinking habits. Returning home, he pursued a career as a stone mason, eventually settling down and becoming a father to an 8-year-old daughter.

    The challenges escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic, managing a breakup with his daughter's mother and a struggle with daily drinking. After facing health issues, Chris became curious about sobriety and decided to quit. He now proudly serves as an admin for the Instagram group @midlandssobersociety and relishes in the newfound freedom of sobriety.

    Chris offers valuable advice based on his journey: 1. Do it for yourself, 2. Connect with sober communities on social media to find like-minded individuals, 3. Learn to say no and be comfortable with it, and 4. Embrace your feelings.

    You can connect with Chris on instagram at: @sober_bow and @midlandssobersociety

  • This week's "Sober Stories for Everyday People" podcast features Rosie Gill Moss from Kent, a brave individual who has been sober for nearly two years as of March 2024. Rosie, the host of her own podcast, "Widowed AF," shared her inspiring journey to sobriety and the challenges she faced along the way.

    Rosie's story takes a poignant turn as she discusses the tragic loss of her husband at sea in 2018. He went out for a day of scuba diving and never returned, succumbing to a drowning accident. With young children at the time of becoming a widow, Rosie opens up about the initial struggles and how alcohol became a coping mechanism. However, realising the high cost, both financially and emotionally, of her regular drinking habits, she decided to break free from its grip.

    In the podcast, Rosie explores the newfound freedom she discovered in sobriety and emphasizes the joy she now experiences in being more present with her children. Despite the profound grief and challenges she faced, Rosie's determination to create a better life for herself and her family shines through. Additionally, she reveals a recent diagnosis of ADHD, adding another layer to her journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

    Listeners of the podcast gain valuable insights into Rosie's resilience, her pursuit of a fulfilling life without alcohol, and the strength she found in facing adversity head-on.

    Rosies top 3 tips for getting sober are:

    Set a Target.Learn to Say No. Separate Yourself from the Drinking Version of You.


    Find Rosie online: @rosie_gill_moss (insta) @widowed_af (insta)


  • In this week's episode of "Sober Stories from Everyday People," the guest, Jen from Shepperton, Middlesex, shares her journey to sobriety. A 35-year-old mother of three under 4 years old, Jen reached 7 months of sobriety in January 2024. She began drinking in university, initially as an average drinker, but soon realized she had no off button, turning it into an everyday habit. After attempting moderation for six months, Jen decided to quit for good, especially with her wife expecting their third child.

    Jen's decision to quit surprised many, but she found support in the THRIVE Sober online community, which played a crucial role in her journey. Now at 7 months sober, Jen expresses gratitude for the clarity, patience, and joy that sobriety has brought into her life. Her top three tips for others on a similar path include finding a supportive community to share experiences, opting for alcohol-free alternatives, and using a tracker app, such as Try Dry, to monitor days sober and money saved. You can follow Jen on Instagram at Jen_shaw_20. Enjoy!

  • In this week's episode of "Sober Stories from Everyday People" hosted by SassySoberMum, Anna, a resilient individual from South Wales, takes the spotlight. At just over a year sober, Anna shares her transformative journey filled with resilience, determination, and newfound purpose.Aged 44 and a mother to a 13-year-old daughter, Anna's relationship with alcohol began in her teenage years, initially as a means to fit in. However, as time passed, her drinking habits grew heavier through her twenties and beyond. Despite expectations that motherhood might ease her consumption, her reliance on alcohol persisted as a coping mechanism, even amplifying during a challenging period when her marriage ended at 39.This tumultuous time marked a period of blackouts, coupled with profound feelings of depression and anxiety. To compound matters, in 2022, Anna was diagnosed with Graves' disease, an autoimmune condition that further compelled her to reevaluate her lifestyle.Recognizing the need for change and prioritizing her well-being, Anna embarked on the path to sobriety, not only for herself but for the betterment of her health. Through her journey, she discovered newfound pockets of time, which she enthusiastically channeled into personal development and a commitment to fitness. Anna's pursuit led her to weightlifting, a passion she cultivated and found immense joy in, shaping her identity as she embraced the world of strength training. Notably, she even achieved a remarkable milestone by completing a half marathon.Anna's story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of choosing sobriety and health. Her Instagram handle, @aiming.high.squats, showcases her journey, offering inspiration to others on their path to personal growth and well-being.Join SassySoberMum and Anna in this compelling episode as they delve into the intricate layers of Anna's journey, celebrating her triumphs, resilience, and the courage it takes to rise stronger from life's challenges.Don't miss this empowering episode, where Anna's narrative embodies the beauty of reclaiming life and finding strength in vulnerability.

  • In this week's episode of the "Sober Stories from Everyday People" podcast, host SassySoberMum is joined by Cate, a 48-year-old artist living in Oxford. Cate's story is a powerful exploration of the lasting impact of alcoholism on families, as she candidly discusses her experiences growing up with a functioning alcoholic father.Cate's childhood was marked by the presence of her father's alcoholism, which left a significant imprint on her life. She approaches this subject with compassion, acknowledging that many people at the time didn't fully understand the consequences of heavy drinking. Cate's narrative is a testament to the resilience of families who grapple with the effects of addiction.The turning point in Cate's life came when a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer around 2015. Tragically, in 2016, Cate received her own breast cancer diagnosis. It was this life-altering moment that spurred her to reevaluate her relationship with health and even though alcohol was still encouraged by medical professionals, she ultimately decided to quit drinking after an uneventful weekend away in bournemouth with her family.During the podcast, Cate opens up about her journey to sobriety and the profound impact it has had on her emotionally, financially, and her overall well-being. Her story is an inspiring example of how facing adversity can lead to positive change, resilience, and personal growth.Listeners will find this episode of "Sober Stories from Everyday People" both moving and enlightening, as Cate's story highlights the transformative power of sobriety and the importance of compassion in understanding the complexities of addiction and its effects on families.

  • In this week's episode of "Sober Stories with Everyday People," we sit down with Rich, a remarkable individual from Leeds who has been on a transformative journey to sobriety for the past 20 months. Rich's story is another testament to the power of resilience, personal growth, and the boundless potential of life sober. .This episode offers a candid and heartfelt conversation with Rich, who, despite being a "middle-lane" drinker for most of his life, decided to make a change and hasn't looked back since.Rich's relationship with alcohol began in his early teens, as he joined his friends in the age-old tradition of sharing drinks. Little did he know that this casual beginning would eventually lead him down a path intertwined with the world of hospitality and alcohol sales. His professional journey mirrored his personal one, as he advanced from serving drinks to venues to selling them.What makes Rich's story even more inspiring is his creative pursuit of clean living. He decided to take his passion for alcohol-free living to the next level by creating his own alcohol-free pale ale, aptly named "Clean Break." But that's not all; Rich has also embarked on a podcasting adventure with "Finding Jomo," where he explores the concept of "Joy of Missing Out" and the fulfillment that comes from embracing a life free from the trappings of excessive drinking and partying.Aside from his passion for clean living, Rich is an avid runner and actively participates in local running groups, proving that a sober lifestyle can be filled with vitality and new interests.Throughout the episode, Rich's story serves as a reminder that recovery is a journey filled with opportunities, personal growth, and the chance to create positive change not only for oneself but for others as well.You can connect with Rich on Instagram at @runningdryy_rich, @runningdryy_leeds, @cleanbreakbrewing, and @findingjomopodcast to learn more about his journey.