Celebration time for Spirited Daydreams being back on line in all forms!
Please tune in this Wednesday at 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Pacific) or listen to the archived show from the website!
Hey there, we are going LIVE Saturday at 10:00 am (EST) 7:00 am (PST) 3:00 pm (UK). I wanted to go live iin Australia at a decent time as well... this is the best I can do for now, so if you're up and at 'em, listen in, or catch the archive!
This show has no topic, no script, no fancy gimmick. The general overview feels as though it will be one of what it means to be "Spirited", as in my being "Spirited Daydreams". It's not a motivation, psychological show or a "Success" show. It's about pure, raw, spirit, love, energy, focus (There's that word again"... so maybe we'll use the FOCUS.
You won't see many promo's like this, because I'm not fitting into a box for PR sake, or to get more followers. This show, as with all of my BTR shows, is "Inspiration from The LIght". I have it, and I need to share it!
I simply wish to share and I'll be very blessed if you listen.
Until Saturday!
Spirited -
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Join us as Spirited brings some "Inspiration from The LIght" about finding your inner "Wow"!
This show will be live on Wed. 9/21 at 8:00 pm (Eastern); 5:00 pm (Pacific).
Feel free to call in to the show to listen on your phone if it's easier for you at:
(858) 365-5607.
Three is a very powerful number, most would agree. So it is fitting that the 3rd show in this series is sent to you as "The Spark".
Please tune in as Spirited brings you more about "The Spark: The transformation into your true self."
Wednesday, June 15th at 7:30 pm (Eastern); 4:30 pm (Pacific)12:30 am (UK) or tune in to the archived show after the live show has aired anytime and feel free to download the podcast (free) on I-Tunes.
Second in the series on "Your Self-Improvement Project", this chat will be on the topic: It's time to be happy again!
Tune in Saturday at 10:30 am (Eastern Time) for a 30 minute show on this energy opening, possibility thinking, spiritual involvement topic with Karla Shields of Spirited Daydreams.
Can't make the live show? No worries, it will be archived just a few minutes after it's done and you can come back here, or to her website: http:www.spiriteddaydreams.com anytime and listen. Also on I-Tunes to download!
Part 1 in a series on "Your Self Improvement Project", this show is going to be focused on Who are you becoming?
Let's start at the beginning, the you're dreaming and choosing where you go from here!
This show feels like it needs to air on a Wednesday evening, so we'll have this show on April 10th am (Eastern Daylight Time); 8:00 am (Pacific); 8:00 pm (United Kingdom).
Please feel free to call in to the show to listen it that is easier for you. The show will also be listed in I-Tunes to download to your i-pod, or right at my website.
Until then, in Peace!
Karla (Spirited) -
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed anything was possible?
Tune in for a chat about what we claim for our journey and how we do it,
and how we are reminded in spirit when we are off course.
Tune in Sunday, Feb. 28th at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 am (Pacific), or 4:00 pm (UK)
Feel free to call in to listen during the live show!
As we celebrate together far and wide, my soul cries out why only now?
We beautiful souls are meant to express who we are while we are here. To share with others, our energy, whether that be in the form of a gift, an expression of love, or perhaps forgiveness.
Jimi Hendrix once said: When the power of love overcome the love of power, the world will know peace.
Let's put our ego's aside for a bit and join together in a bit of time where we can focus on what's really important.
Please tune in to the live show Sunday, December 20th at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 am (Pacific), 4:00 pm (UK).
Are you trying too hard? Do you know what you're here to do, in this lifetime? Does it feel like reality to you?
The show that has been "Inspired by The Light" on the subject of your personal truth. Not the one that people see when you're putting on the mask to fit in, but the one you were born to share.
A glimpse? The words "Authentic", "First Impression", "Flow" and "Unfolding" all pertain very much to this.
Tune in this Sunday, Dec. 6th at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 am (Pacific) or 4:00 pm (UK) for this show that may leave your soul sparkling a bit more this December and as a result, the ones you touch may feel the difference in you as well.
In the "real world" it's hard to be thankful, I hear. He does this, she does that, they are doing this, look at what's happening!
Let's take 30 minutes this coming Sunday at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 (Pacific), 4:00 pm (UK) to tune in to Karla Shields of Spirited Daydreams, who will bring more "Inspiration from The Light" to us, on this subject.
The energy of gratitude. Perfectly manageable with Spiritual energy and anyone can open the door to a new life by using this magical formula. -
Third show in the series - Spirituality Upside Down!
Spirituality includes more than sweetness and light statements about joy. It includes finding a way to integrate who you really are in your daily travels and setting aside time for the things that lift your spirits. As well, it's important to remember that we are in this together. Walking away from people that need you may feel good to you, but are you off track when you do?
Quite a lot to think about, right? Let's break it down and chat about this. This is the stuff regrets are made of, ah yes, and miracles!
Tune in this Sunday, Nov. 8th at 11:00 am Eastern; 8:00 am Pacific; 4:00 pm in the UK, or listen afterwards via I-Tunes Podcast or in the archives here on www.blogtalkradio.com/spiriteddaydreams
Second show in the Series: Spirituality Upside Down!
Everyone's important to Mother and Father God! You're here for a reason and people in your life impact your life, sure!
What about the impact that you have on their lives?
Let's have a little turnabout during this show. So many people are dealing with low morale these days and it's such a Spiritual Topic!
Tune in Sunday, Oct .18th at 11:00 am (Eastern); 8:00 am (Pacific) or 4:00 pm (UK). You can also call in to the show to listen on your phone if that's easier for you. The number is shown above!
Peace! -
Yes there is violence and a sense of urgency and discomfort surrounding it in the world today.
Can and should we merely rely on a socio-economic system of Government to remedy it all for us, or is there more to it than that? Spirituality upside down isn't working, and life starts from the moment of birth, with family. Why?
Lets talk about "Personal Responsibility", "The Essence and Commitment to Family", "What is Learned from childhood as to the strength of a Family" and consider the ramifications as these belief systems in Spirituality extend to the broader view of family - the community of the Planet Earth. Why it's important to teach, mentor and share values.
Tune in October 14th at 7:00 pm (Eastern), 4:00 pm (Pacific) or listen to the show in the archives. -
The Stepping Stones on your Spiritual Pathway will be the topic of this chat with Spirited Daydreams.
Daring to move ahead on our Spiritual Pathway in life can be a challenging if not a daunting trip if not done with the Spirit.
Tune in on Sun. at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 am (Pacific), 4:00 pm (UK) or listen to the show in the archives or on I-Tunes Podcasts after it's been aired Live!
We all have one! Our Inner Circle of loving souls that make it all so much easier. When the sea's are choppy in our lives, they stay in the boat with us, or at least throw us a rope!
Who are they? What's some of the basic soul-filled criteria to use? Where are they, living or dead...? When is it time to re-evaluate who is in our inner circle? Where to start to draw the circle? When is a good time... now, later?
To live a soul-filled life, these are serious questions that require introspection, meditation and consideration.
Tune in to the live show, or down-load from i-tunes or here on blogtalk anytime after the life show has aired.
Things happen in life to all of us, and no matter how confident, strong, smart and stunning we usually are, even the most spiritual person can feel like a bowl of oatmeal!
Join Karla Shields of Spirited Daydreams for an honest, candid and inspirational chat about spiritual and non-spiritual ways to get your edge back!
Don't loose heart... there's always a way to get back in your game and on the high road again! As with all her shows, this was truly inspired by life and the light of love.
Tune in Wed. September 2nd at 7:00 pm (Eastern), 4:00 pm (Pacific) or Midnight in the UK!
"You don't get perspective sitting on a shelf. You've gotta get out there and mingle" *~*Spirited Daydreams*~*
The more I am around people (and I'm around a lot of people from very different walks of life), the more I see into their very spirits and am brought, no called... to get messages out to a vast audience so that Spirit can use them as needed.
This chat will be on "The Games People Play" and will be targeted with the issues of relationships.
Spiritual topic? You bet!
Join me... Sunday August 23rd at 11:00 am (Eastern); 8:00 am (Pacific); 4:00 pm (UK) or tune in to the archived show later.
Tune in on Sunday, August 9th at 11:00 am (Eastern), 8:00 am (Pacific) or 4:00 pm (UK) for a chat about this very important topic!
Does the quality of your life feel as though it's suffering? Do you find it hard to find time to even think about getting it all done, and does the Spiritual side of your life feel as though it's on the back-burner?
The quality of our lives will be discussed on this show, specifically with regards to those "Someday Isle" issues. It's sure to be an fun show!
Feel free to book a reading at www.spiriteddaydreams.com
A rather bizarre title I thought as it came to me when I asked what to call this show. Yes, sometimes things that come through seem a bit bizarre to me at first, until I acclimate.
I have had a number of private messages, emails, comments and such lately that all have a common thread. People needing help with healing. Someone they love is ill; someone they care about is overburdened; someone, perhaps they themselves, are just feeling a bit lost in spirit as they go through this event they are faced with.
Whether you are dealing with illness, death, general malaise, I hope to be able to channel a bit of spiritual healing for you during this show. Note: This is NOT intended to replace any professional medical options! This is "Spiritual" work. Let the medical professionals do their part.
We are scheduling this is rather quickly to offer some help for those that have been inquiring, so this show will be on a Sunday, July 26th at 11:00 am (Eastern); 8:00 am (Pacific); 4:00 pm (UK). We're scheduling a full hour. We may use half of that, we may use it all. It's up to the other side and it's up to you - feel free to call if you like, during the show. (No reading requests though please, not during the show.)
Very similarly will this show be to some readings in that the messages will, I hope, be sent through to me in meditation (I've already had some come through) and I will pass on what I can for you, and add some information based on real life situations that may help you.
This show is on target and send to you as more "Inspiration from The Light"!
Life has it's twists and turns to be sure. Everyone can relate to the roller coaster ride that life offers.
Let's look at life, what happens when you're moving right along and suddenly you're going in a different direction!
This show will focus on how your Guides and Angels (and others) help you get where you're meant to go, even when you weren't sure about it yourself!
What to do while you're waiting for destiny could have been another title... however the title was sent with my gratitude. - Mostra di più