
  • Eat The Frog...
    The landscape of life as we know it continues to change at a rapid pace and so do we. Huge shifts in energy, thoughts, feelings, and values are commonplace and ABSOLUTELY normal right now.

    Forcing ourselves to do the thing we don’t want to do the most, first, the thing giving us the most resistance, can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.
    A gentle reminder to be kind to yourself.

    Thank you for listening,


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  • As co-founder and chief visionary of Dermalogica and The International Dermal Institute post-graduate training centers, Jane Wurwand is one of the most recognized and respected authorities in professional skin therapy. Under her leadership, Dermalogica has grown to be the leading professional skin care brand, used by more than 100,000 skin therapists in more than 100 countries around the world.

    In 2016, President Obama appointed Wurwand a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs both in the USA and abroad. She has served as a special advisor to the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council and is frequently sought out by the media. She was named one of “30 World-Changing Women” by Conscious Company media and praised as “The Woman Who Started a Cult” by The Sunday Times of London.

    In November 2018, Wurwand launched FOUND/LA, a non-profit dedicated to supporting local entrepreneurs to help them build their business, purpose and community. FOUND/LA offers funding, mentorship, unique incubator programs and educational resources for entrepreneurs who have been underserved or overlooked by traditional systems.

    In this episode, Jane discusses her journey, from the grief of losing her father when she was just 2 years old, to building a global skincare empire. She shares how divine timing orchestrated the birth of her book, ‘Skin In The Game: everything you need is already inside you’, and her bigger ‘WHY’ behind her unwavering and continued support of local underserved entrepreneurs.

    Other areas we dive into:

    The gift of the pandemic and COVID The new ‘next’ Guilt of the survivor Finding your bigger ‘WHY’ The power of visualization Digging deep into your own resources to find your purpose FOUND/LA Resilience, and the balance between physical, and mental health The book - Skin in the Game: everything you need is already inside you

    100% of all profits from sales of the book are being donated to FOUND/LA in supporting local entrepreneurs to build their business, purpose and community.

    Resources of Jane:

    Website Foundla Instagram Foundla Dermalogica Instagram Dermalogica Twitter Dermalogica Video Dermalogica Wurwand Foundation Instagram Jane Jane’s Book Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship

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  • Vanessa Villela is a successful Mexican-American actress with a multi-faceted career crossing decades, earning her roles in some of the top Telenovela shows and movies. Most recently we see her taking up the reins as the newest cast member of the Emmy Award-Winning Netflix show, Selling Sunset.

    Vanessa made the transition from acting into real estate following the tragic loss of her sister, she fully believes that she has been guided by her sister to have been given the opportunity of blending her experience as an actress with real estate.

    In this episode, Vanessa shares how the painful loss of her sister, Jackie, sent her on a downward spiral of depression, anxiety and insomnia before she found the courage to ask for help and began her healing journey that has spanned the last three years, completely changing her life. She elaborates how she learned to dig deep to stay strong for her family, as she suffered through her own pain.

    Vanessa discusses the help she received from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, who prescribed her a 100 day transformational plan which introduced her to the Harmonyum Healing System, an energetic healing technique she is convinced changed her life.

    Other topics we discuss:

    Asking for help is not a sign of weakness Showing up authentically while owning our experiences Using pain as fuel to create positive change Harmonyum Healing Finding the gift in loss The journey of healing and the power of vulnerability

    Resources for Vanness Villela:

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  • Dr. Ivy Love Margulies is a licensed clinical psychologist, who specializes in grief, loss and trauma.

    She primarily works with women (and their husbands or partners) struggling with (in)fertility, perinatal and postpartum adjustments, perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, pregnancy releases and/or terminations for fetal anomaly diagnosis (or any reason), miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss.

    Dr. Ivy has a unique way of blending psychology, ritual, mindfulness techniques and guided meditations to help guide and support women, couples and families through the grieving and trauma process.

    In this episode Dr. Ivy shares her fascination with psychology as a result of her own journey following three very significant deaths in her life. After losing both her father, and best friend to suicide at the age of 15 and her husband 6 years later in a car crash, she details her own experience of PTSD, greif and trauma and her continued search for support through therapy. Her drive to understand family systems, child development and parenting further pushed her towards a career in psychology, away from fashion, making her a renowned clinical psychologist.

    Other topics we chat about:

    Grief as an emotion that manifests at every loss, not just death of a loved one PTSD and vicarious trauma beyond the death of a loved one Energy, sound and vibration as a healing tool Benefits of working from a place of gratitude The gifts that come with loss and death Sleep hygiene The tense breath as a solution to panic attacks, anxiety and overwhelming situations The power of choice Responding, not reacting

    Resources for Dr. Ivy Margulies:

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  • Jessica drops in today for a quickie, solo episode to check in on the community.

    Knowing that many of us are not the same people, or have the same needs, as we did when the show first launched back in April, Jessica wants to know how she can best support your healing journey moving forward, through her podcast.

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  • Gretchen Heinen is the founder of the Net Worth It Podcast and School, the leading faith-based business school as they turn their ideas into legacy businesses and overcome financial limiting beliefs.

    She is a leader in the international health community, Find Your Fit, and supports godly women to meet their financial goals. She allows God to lead her businesses and believes our true potential is unleashed when we take our spiritual callings and execute on them.

    In this episode, Gretchen discusses how she transitioned from a successful nursing career, to entrepreneurship while maintaining the balance of being a full time mum, step-mum and foster mum.

    Other areas we chat about:

    Trauma and its lasting effects on the nervous system Nervous system regulation Spiritual hygiene and practices International health community Faith-based business Turning ideas into income

    Resources for Gretchen:

    LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Find Your Fit Net Worth It Idea to Income

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Karoline Thomas is a holistic health coach and former skin and body care therapist. From an early age, she was a staunch believer in animal rights and sought out natural alternatives to hair, skin, and beauty products.

    As a successful health coach, Karoline understands our body's innate ability to heal itself, given the right building blocks, and as a mother, she focuses on the environment she is creating for her children by following a low-tox philosophy whenever possible. She continues in her studies of holistic health to promote better health choices to her clients enabling them to access the tools needed to live healthier, happier lives.

    In this episode, Karoline shares how her experience with liver detoxing not only changed her gut health for the better, but completely changed her lifestyle and behavior along with her physical and mental state.

    Other areas we chat about in this conversation:

    The importance of gut health for healing Natural serotonin vs antidepressants Why consider a liver detox Weight loss as a bonus side effect of liver detoxing Food associations and breaking habits Liver detoxing, myths debunked


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  • Elle Hari is a #1international best-selling author and twin flame and ascension alchemist, teacher and coach. After experiencing her own twin flame journey, Elle left her career as a lawyer to help others navigate their own path towards ascension. Elle has discovered and created revolutionary methods that help her students unconditionally love themselves and manifest their greatest dreams.

    Elle is the founder and CEO of Elle Hari Universal LLC and creator of the With Your Twin Flame®, (including the 100% successful Magnetize Your Twin Flame Coaching Program®) and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy™ brands.

    In this episode Elle shares her personal twin flame journey and how it led her to become a spiritual expert, helping others who are on the same journey and how to navigate the same experience.

    Other topics we chat about:

    What is a twin flame What is the journey of the twin flame Twin flame vs soul mate What does it mean to have soul recognition Fear-based energy Harnessing 5d energy Self love and the lessons a twin flame connection brings


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  • Combining her enthusiasm and authenticity, Joanna Vargas is a dedicated entrepreneur and business coach. After her health took a hit through stress and she was diagnosed with the Epstein-Barr virus, she decided to start her healing journey through curiosity and choice. Today she shares her voice on The Get Up Girl podcast where she chooses to inspire others to live a full and fun life!

    In this episode, Joanna shares how something as simple as her own curiosity and asking the right questions brought healing in her personal life, and has become the foundation as to how she runs her business.

    Other areas we dive into:

    Intelligence of the body Building the empath muscle What does it mean to be an empath Journey of using curiosity for healing Healing from a brick and mortar business to a thriving online business Her experience with Harmonyum


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  • With a hugely successful career as a professional boxer and athlete, Mike Lee fought in front of millions in some of the biggest arenas in the world, from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, to Madison Square Garden in New York City.

    At the peak of his success Mike’s body started to shut down and he found himself in and out of hospitals battling what he later found out to be an autoimmune disease that almost ended his career. After years of countless hospital visits and prescription medications, Mike immersed himself in the wellness world, learning everything he could about nutrition, mindset and most importantly, CBD.

    With the help of the latter, Mike defied every doctor’s prognosis, and went on to win eight more fights, becoming the # 3 ranked fighter in the world, eventually fighting for a World Title in July of 2019.

    Today, Mike is the CEO and co-founder of Soul CBD, a 7-figure CBD wellness brand, with his sister Angie Lee. With his company, Mike continues to deliver on his mission by helping thousands of people find natural relief and healing from pain, anxiety, and more.

    In this episode we discuss:

    The pressures on the nervous system as a professional athlete Moving out of fight or flight and into a parasympathetic response Depression and anxiety and the reliance on prescription medication Mindset for healing Plant medicine and the benefits of CBD Building a community first, brand second business Resources for Mike Lee Mike Lee Facebook Mike Lee Twitter Mike Lee Instagram Mike Lee LinkedIn Soul CBD website Soul CBD Instagram Soul CBD LinkedIn Soul CBD Facebook Soul CBD Twitter

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  • Holly Gottlieb is a musician, energy healer and community builder with all aspects centering around how we find connection with ourselves, each other and Gaia. In 2019, her business partner, Tom, who had been suffering with anxiety & panic attacks, walked into the Santa Monica ocean and drowned.

    This spiralled Holly into a deep journey of self-discovery and healing which has spanned the last 2 years. In the summer of 2020, she gave away all her possessions, ended the lease on a beautiful Venice apartment, and embraced the Nomad life, getting on the road with her guitars, and heading straight into the unknown. In the last nine months, she has traveled across the US and had more mind blowing experiences than the rest of the other 30 years combined. She has been writing and performing music throughout it all and channeling messages from source to the collective.

    Holly recently returned to LA with the intention of putting all of her experience to good use. She is now bringing together in person, both the people and businesses who are paving the way for the integration of higher consciousness into our physical experience and is now focusing more and more on the necessity of raising awareness for mental health.

    In this episode, Holly talks about her journey from a good life in London, to the loss of her best friend, which takes her on a deep journey of self-discovery and healing, She also shares how it is now her mission to help those that are suffering with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and stuckness. She believes that there is divine intelligence working out and it's happening in the world and wants for people to be aware of it and its power.

    Other areas we discuss:

    Building a community around the connection Overcoming deep grief and loss Self-discovery and energy healing Performing & writing music Masterpiece by Big Thief

    Resources for Holly Gottlieb:

    Holly Gottlieb Facebook Holly Gottlieb Instagram Holly Gottlieb YouTube Holly Gottlieb Linkedin

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Erin Toppenberg’s mission is to connect more and more in the heart. She is heavily involved in many charities and organizations, all of which have one common goal and purpose; expanding consciousness and compassion in the world. Erin is the co-founder/director of The Waterbearers, a women-led, nonprofit providing clean water access for others around the world.

    Erin actively serves on the board of directors for All You Need is Love Foundation, empowering Burmese migrants living in Thailand through education. She has participated in many sessions at the United Nations Commission on the status of women and children as a delegate with Pathways to Peace, a peace messenger organization. Erin is a Naam Yoga Instructor/Universal Kabbalist and a certified HeartMath trainer.

    In this episode, Erin shares more about the science behind HeartMath, how she was inspired by the simplicity of the program and became a certified HeartMath trainer, the healing power of heart coherence and how her work led her to co-found a clean water nonprofit. Erin believes that when you become centered in your heart, you can bring in profound healing, compassion, kindness and growth.

    Other topics we chat about include:

    The healing power of the heart Compassionate latitude What does it mean to be coherent Being guided by the heart Science behind the HeartMath Institute Co-founding a women-led non-profit

    Resources for Erin Toppenberg

    The Waterbearers Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube HeartMath Compassionate latitude

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Shirley Lipner began her path 30 years ago as a comic, doing a cable public access show. She noticed that the station featured psychic call-in shows and decided to give it a try, calling herself the psychic housewife. She was known as the funny housewife with a unique gift. What began as an entertainment, turned into a calling that has brought her to the present day. Today, she is known as Psychic Shirley; a clairvoyant, clairaudient, medium and an empath. Her comedic edge and psychic gift combine to provide each of her clients an accurate, powerful, and always lighthearted perspective.

    In this episode, Shirley talks about the importance of laughter for healing. While searching for answers to our health and well being can be painful and challenging, Shirley believes that laughter truly is the best medicine. Shirley encourages people to work on their own lives, as a psychic she can help illuminate their path and support their free choice to work towards their goals and health.

    Other areas we chat about:

    Raising your vibration through laughter What does it mean to be a clairvoyant, clairaudient, medium Trusting your intuition, following ‘the thing’ Ancestral healing Turning raw emotions into laughter The healing power of laughter

    Resources Shirley Lipner:

    Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter Linkedin Yelp Goop Website

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Michael G. Dash is an entrepreneur, best-selling author of Chasing the High, business coach, recovering addict, speaker, and philanthropist. He founded the FATE series, From Addict To Entrepreneur published on Thrive Global and Medium and MD coaching and mentoring, where he works with entrepreneurs, helping them streamline their businesses while increasing profits and helping them find clarity, consistency, and connection, allowing them to step into the true leader they were meant to be. Michael is the co-founder of The Activated Life, a social movement focused on inspiring a culture of positivity, authenticity, passion, empathy, and resilience, while giving back to others. He is an avid volunteer, fundraiser, and mentor, and is dedicated to bringing positive change to leaders of all kinds.

    In this episode, Michael shares his journey from addict to entrepreneur. How making his first bet at ten years old led him to a heavy gambling and drug addiction, drug dealing in college, and battling a million dollar lawsuit with an ex business partner. He opens up about how he made the decision to heal himself to become the inspiration he is today.

    Michael talks candidly about how he was able to break his addictions, and shares the tools he now implements to create a fulfilling and rewarding, addiction free life.

    Other areas we discuss:

    Mental health in the entrepreneur community Devastating effects of drugs Author of Chasing the High: An Entrepreneur's Mindset Through Addiction, Lawsuits, and Journey to the Edge How curiosity led to healing Balance and the emotional diet Creation of the FATE series - From Addict To Entrepreneur Working with the prison service to empower inmates


    Michael G. Dash Website

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    Michael G. Dash Instagram

    Michael G. Dash LinkedIn

    Thrive Global and Medium

    Where to get Chasing the High

    Michael's website Amazon Audible

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  • Donna Marie is the founder of The Leadership Yogi Academy. Donna's expertise allows you to access your body, mind, heart intelligence and harness consistent and profound breakthroughs for life and business transformation.

    In this episode, Donna opens up about her challenging and demanding theatre career in London’s West End, being burnt out after many years and going through a heavy bout of depression. She discusses how she decided enough was enough, re-trained as a therapist and transitioned into complementary therapy.

    She further shares how she uses elements from her theatrical background and draws them into her life and business transformation mentorship programs. Donna is a huge believer of self acceptance first before true healing can begin.

    The artists mentality Evolution of self for growth Overwhelming procrastination Embodying confidence Journeying through body image Body Mind Heart Intelligence


    Donna Marie Donna Marie LinkedIn Donna Marie Facebook Donna Marie YouTube The Leadership Yogi Amplify The Leadership Yogi Academy Facebook

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  • Ez Dyer is the founder of The Virtual Spa.

    With a background in banking, Ez made the leap from finance to facialist after overcoming her own personal and traumatic experience of a crippling skin condition, and subsequent desire to understand how our bodies react to different environments, internal or external. She responded to the pandemic by launching The Virtual Spa in early 2020, and branching into employee wellbeing. Her caring and consistent approach has positioned her as a trusted voice on skincare across multiple industries, and in the media.

    Ez works with clients across the world, from the UK, US and Canada, to Europe and the Middle East. She is a member of the British Beauty Council, Women of the City & BABTAC, and gives back to society through her work with helping charities

    In this episode, Ez discusses how our emotional state affects the outlook of our physical state, particularly, our skin. She shares her personal journey of overcoming past trauma, emotional and physical health issues and finding healing through taking charge of her own life and body, and now being able to help others find healing through The Virtual Spa.

    Other areas she expounds upon are:

    Self-healing an aggressive auto-immune disorder Turning her trauma into a thriving virtual business Supporting the NHS during the COVID pandemic Allowing yourself time to heal

    Resources for Ez Dyer

    Website Facebook Twitter Instagram


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  • Mèv Bertrand is the founder of Spirit Heart Light and the creator of Soul Coaching for Mental Wellness, a groundbreaking approach to mental health that combines neuroscience, psychology and modern shamanic healing.

    In this episode, she discusses using her combined knowledge of neuroscience, psychology and shamanic healing as tools for mental well-being. She highlights the need to treat mental health as a normal condition, and discusses pain as an indicator of needing to pay attention to our mental health and actively seek help. Other highlights she expounds on in this episode include:

    Blending neuroscience with spirituality COVID and mental illness Mental wellness for teenagers Taking responsibility for your own healing Importance of addressing the root cause

    Resources for Mèv Bertrand:

    Twitter LinkedIn Website

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Jessica drops a moment of reflection in this bonus episode as she heads towards a new decade. She shares some of the necessary and essential steps she is taking on her ongoing journey of healing.

    Through the power of forgiveness, reflection, acceptance and gratitude she shares the importance of letting go of blame. Releasing yourself from past experiences, situations, people and events, she believes, will allow you to reclaim your power, propelling you forward into your healthiest, strongest, most vibrant self.

    Thank you so much for listening and healing together.

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  • Christina Lecuyer is a former professional golfer turned confidence and success coach, motivational speaker, and host of the Decide it’s Your Turn podcast. In this episode, Christina opens up about her personal healing journey from pursuing validation from other people and trying so hard to meet unrealistic expert expectations to establishing a phenomenal coaching practice. She talks about the importance of loving yourself and the value of gratitude. Christina believes that to experience an amazing life, you begin by deciding that you want to change something, have faith, and act firmly on your decisions until things work out.

    Other highlights she expounds on in this episode include:

    Loving yourself first Pressures of being an elite athlete Living a life of Faith Playing the long game in healing and in life The power of saying YES Masterminds


    Christina Lecuyer Instagram Christina Lecuyer Facebook Christina Lecuyer Twitter Christina Lecuyer YouTube Confidence & Mindset Coaching Decide It’s Your Turn Women with CLASS Mastermind

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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  • Trina Gadsden is an evolution and ascension guide, coach, and mentor helping individuals recover their life's vitality. Through a myriad of intuitive methods, she is able to assist individuals in coming back to their soul’s purpose and live a life of radiance and joy. In this episode, she shares about her journey from corporate America, turning her trauma into healing, working with psychic energy, the importance of self-care, among other things. She also delves deep into her healing practice and how it works. Trina has a mindset of an experiential learner and believes that she can do anything.

    Other highlights she expounds on in this episode include:

    Evolution and ascension guide The importance of self care Trauma healing Psychic energy


    Trina Gadsden LinkedIn Trina Gadsden Instagram Trina Gadsden Website

    Harmonyum LA Links:

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    We would love to hear your thoughts, and be so grateful of you to leave a review or join us in the Harmonyum LA Community here on Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

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