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  • Silent Subliminal audio LAM VAM RAM YAM HAM SHAM OM by Sadhguru

    The ultimate application of audio subliminal messages is silent subliminals. 

    Why are they called silent subliminals? 

    Audio Subliminals that are played purely with no music running on as a background are  called silent subliminals. So you hear nothing at all; no music, no  sound, no audio, no messages, and no silence (white noise). Why? because  such subliminals are engineered at ultrasonic range beyond the audible  hearing of humans. 

    The major difference is removing the factor of any  background and just focusing on the messages in changing our  subconscious. What is the technical process of silent subliminal? The  subliminal audio messages should be elevated to a frequency in the upper  portion of human hearing (above 16KHz). This frequency vibrates the  inner ear and so it is decoded by our subconscious mind. This is the  ultimate purpose of subliminal. 

    How do you make sure that silent subliminal are running on an mp3?

    Simply run the mp3 file on any sound  audio player and check any meter change or indicator signal vibrations.  In some audio software you can see easily check the wave path if it  looks straight or not.

    If the wave indicates just a straight line, then this means that there is no subliminal at all.

    For more information, Pls. refer to “subliminal researcher” video instructions regarding silent subliminal.

  • итальянский бесплатный сублиминал коронавируса, разработанный выше 16 кГц для управления вашим подсознанием одобренный подсознательным исследователем пожертвовать  ***СВОБОДНО*** коронавирус Сублиминальные  английский французкий язык арабский итальянский хинди китайский язык русский  Также Silent Subliminals, которые вы можете запустить в любое время в любом месте в течение всего дня, особенно во время сна. Коллективное сознание приводит к магической остановке CoronaVirus, где однажды проснется, как будто ничего не произошло. Нормальная жизнь возвращается как была и продолжается вечно.  ПОЖЕРТВОВАТЬ за нашу работу, чтобы продолжать делать * дольше сублиминалы * доступно для всех других языков  и в создании специальных подсознаний, посвященных карантинным пациентам или тем, кто находится на переднем крае борьбы с эпидемией.


  • coronavirus subliminali liberi italiani progettati sopra i 16 khz per comandare il tuo subconscio approvato da un ricercatore subliminale donare  ***GRATUITO*** coronavirus subliminals  inglese francese Arabo italiano hindi Cinese russo  Anche i silenziosi subliminali che puoi correre in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi momento del giorno, specialmente mentre dormi. Una coscienza collettiva porta a fermare CoronaVirus magicamente dove un giorno si sveglierà come se nulla fosse successo. La vita normale ritorna com'era e come continua per sempre.  DONARE affinché il nostro lavoro continui a fare * subliminali più lunghi * abbordabile per tutte le altre lingue  e nel creare subliminali speciali dedicati ai pazienti in quarantena o ai soggetti in prima linea che affrontano l'epidemia.


  • कोरोनावायरस भारतीय नि शुल्क coronavirus indian free subliminals engineered above 16khz to command your subconscious approved by subliminal researcher 

    donate  ***नि: शुल्क*** कोरोना subliminals  अंग्रेज़ी फ्रेंच अरबी इतालवी हिंदी चीनी रूसी  इसके अलावा मूक Subliminals कि आप पूरे दिन कहीं भी कभी भी विशेष रूप से सोते हुए चला सकते हैं। एक सामूहिक चेतना कोरोनावायरस को जादुई रूप से रोकने की ओर ले जाती है जहां एक दिन जाग जाएगा जैसे कि कुछ भी नहीं हुआ। सामान्य जीवन वापस वैसा ही हो जाता है जैसा वह था और जैसा वह हमेशा के लिए जारी है।  हमारे काम को जारी रखने के लिए दान करें * लंबे समय तक रहने वाले * अन्य सभी भाषाओं के लिए सस्ती  और महामारी रोगियों या सामने की पंक्ति में महामारी का सामना कर रहे लोगों के लिए समर्पित विशेष उपमहाद्वीप बनाने में।


  • Coronavirus français subliminaux gratuits conçus au-dessus de 16 kHz pour commander votre subconscient approuvé par subliminalresearcher  ***GRATUIT*** CoronaVirus Subliminaux  Anglais français arabe italien hindi chinois russe  Subliminals également silencieux que vous pouvez exécuter à tout moment n'importe où toute la journée, surtout pendant le sommeil. Une conscience collective conduit à arrêter le CoronaVirus comme par magie où un jour se réveillera comme si de rien n'était. La vie normale revient telle qu'elle était et comme elle continue pour toujours.  FAITES UN DON pour que notre travail se poursuive * subliminaux plus longs * abordable pour toutes les autres langues  et en faisant des subliminaux spéciaux dédiés aux patients en quarantaine ou à ceux en première ligne face à l'épidémie.


  • coronavirus english free subliminals engineered above 16khz to command your subconscious approved by subliminal researcher  ***FREE*** CoronaVirus Subliminals  English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  Also Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  DONATE for our work to continue in making  *longer subliminals *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.


  • 冠状病毒中国免费的潜意识分子经过16khz设计,可以coronavirus chinese free subliminals engineered above 16khz to command your subconscious approved by subliminal researcher donate  ***自由*** 新冠病毒 潜意识  英语 法文 阿拉伯 义大利文 印地语 中文 俄语  此外,您还可以在全天候随时随地运行的静音Subliminals,尤其是在睡眠时。 集体意识导致神奇地阻止了冠状病毒,一天之内就会醒来,好像什么也没发生。 正常的生活恢复原状,并永远延续下去。  捐助我们继续进行的工作 *更长的下意识 *适用于所有其他语言  以及专门针对检疫患者或面对流行病的前线患者制作专门的潜意识


  • رساءل للعقل الباطني فوق 16 كيلو هرتز لمكافحة فيروس كورونا 2020 CoronaVirus Arabic subliminals 

    coronavirus arabic free subliminals engineered above 16khz to command your subconscious approved by SubliminalResearcher 


    فيروس كورونا   الإنجليزية فرنسي عربى إيطالي هندي صينى الروسية  أيضا Subliminals الصامتة التي يمكنك تشغيلها في أي وقت في أي مكان طوال اليوم خاصة أثناء النوم. يؤدي الوعي الجماعي إلى إيقاف CoronaVirus بطريقة سحرية حيث سيستيقظ يومًا ما وكأن شيئًا لم يحدث. تعود الحياة الطبيعية كما كانت وما زالت مستمرة إلى الأبد.  تبرع لعملنا لمواصلة صنعه * تصاعد أطول * بأسعار معقولة لجميع اللغات الأخرى  وفي صنع subliminals خاصة مكرسة لمرضى الحجر الصحي أو أولئك في الخط الأمامي الذين يواجهون الوباء.


  • молчаливый подсознательный бой CoronaVirus Covid19 русский  Не нужно верить в сообщения подсознательного подтверждения, чтобы быть эффективными. Они работают самостоятельно. Они обходят ваш сознательный критический ум до самого подсознания, которое управляет 95% того, кто вы есть.  Эти подсознания спроектированы и сконструированы выше 16 кГц, как предлагают исследования.  *** СВОБОДНО *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  английский французкий язык арабский итальянский хинди китайский язык русский  Это эффективные Silent Subliminals, которые вы можете запускать в любое время и в любом месте в течение всего дня, особенно во время сна. Коллективное сознание приводит к магической остановке CoronaVirus, где однажды проснется, как будто ничего не произошло. Нормальная жизнь возвращается как была и продолжается вечно.  *** ПОЖЕРТВОВАТЬ *** за нашу работу, чтобы продолжать делать * дольше сублиминалы * доступно для всех других языков  и в создании специальных подсознаний, посвященных карантинным пациентам или тем, кто находится на переднем крае борьбы с эпидемией.  Загрузите наше приложение в магазине Google Play и запускайте подсознательные результаты все время.  спонсор subliminalresearcher@gmail.com ************************************************** **************** Скачайте все аудио беззвучные сублиминалы БЕСПЛАТНО и воспроизводите их на своем мобильном или компьютерном CD 24 часа в сутки.

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • subliminali silenziosi combattono contro CoronaVirus Covid19 italiano  Non c'è bisogno di credere nei messaggi di affermazione subliminali per essere efficaci. Lavorano da soli. Aggirano la tua mente critica cosciente fino al subconscio che governa il 95% di chi sei.  Questi subliminali sono progettati e progettati al di sopra di 16 KHZ come suggeriscono le ricerche.  *** GRATUITO *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  inglese francese Arabo italiano hindi Cinese russo  Questi sono efficaci subliminali silenziosi che puoi correre in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi momento del giorno, specialmente mentre dormi. Una coscienza collettiva porta a fermare CoronaVirus magicamente dove un giorno si sveglierà come se nulla fosse successo. La vita normale torna com'era e come continua per sempre.  *** DONATE *** per continuare il nostro lavoro * subliminali più lunghi * abbordabile per tutte le altre lingue  e nella realizzazione di speciali subliminali dedicati ai pazienti in quarantena o in prima linea nell'epidemia.  Scarica la nostra app dal Google Play Store ed esegui subliminali in ogni momento.  sponsorizzato da subliminalresearcher@gmail.com ************************************************** **************** Scarica GRATUITAMENTE tutti i subliminali audio silenziosi e riproducili sul CD del tuo cellulare o computer 24 ore al giorno.

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • des subliminaux silencieux combattent CoronaVirus Covid19 français  Pas besoin de croire aux messages d'affirmation subliminale pour être efficace. Ils travaillent seuls. Ils contournent votre esprit critique conscient jusqu'à l'inconscient qui gouverne 95% de qui vous êtes.  Ces subliminaux sont conçus et fabriqués au-dessus de 16 kHz comme le suggèrent les recherches.  *** GRATUIT *** CoronaVirus Subliminaux  Anglais français arabe italien hindi chinois russe  Ce sont des Subliminaux Silencieux Efficaces que vous pouvez exécuter à tout moment n'importe où toute la journée, surtout pendant le sommeil. Une conscience collective conduit à arrêter le CoronaVirus comme par magie où un jour se réveillera comme si de rien n'était. La vie normale revient telle qu'elle était et comme elle continue pour toujours.  *** DONNEZ *** pour que notre travail se poursuive * subliminaux plus longs * abordable pour toutes les autres langues  et en faisant des subliminaux spéciaux dédiés aux patients en quarantaine ou à ceux en première ligne face à l'épidémie.  Téléchargez notre application sur Google Play Store et exécutez des subliminaux à tout moment.  sponsorisé par subliminalresearcher@gmail.com ************************************************** **************** Téléchargez gratuitement tous les subliminaux audio silencieux et lisez-les sur votre CD mobile ou informatique 24h / 24.

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • Silent Subliminals | Fight CoronaVirus | Covid19 | in English

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  

    for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.

      Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 


    Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • Silent Subliminals 沉默的潜意识对抗CoronaVirus Covid19中文

    Silent Subliminals 沉默的潜意识对抗CoronaVirus Covid19中文  无需相信潜意识确认信息是有效的。他们自己工作。他们会一直绕过您有意识的批判思维,直达统治您95%的潜意识。  正如研究表明的那样,这些潜意识是在16KHZ以上设计和制造的。  *** 自由 *** 冠状病毒潜意识  英语 法文 阿拉伯 义大利文 印地语 中文 俄语  这些是有效的无声潜意识,您可以整天随时随地运行,尤其是在睡眠时。集体意识导致神奇地阻止了冠状病毒,一天之内就会醒来,好像什么也没发生。 正常的生活恢复原状,并永远延续下去。  ***捐赠***,以使我们的工作继续 *更长的下意识 *适用于所有其他语言  以及专门针对检疫患者或面对这一流行病的前线患者编写专门的潜意识。  在Google Play商店下载我们的应用,并始终运行subliminals。  由subliminalresearcher@gmail.com赞助 ****************************************************** **************** 免费下载所有音频无声潜意识,并每天24小时在您的手机或计算机CD上播放。

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.


  • رسائل العقل الباطني في محاربة CoronaVirus Covid19 الغير مسموعة للاذن بالعربية  لا حاجة للاعتقاد بأن رسائل التأكيد المموهة فعالة. يعملون بمفردهم. إنهم يتجاوزون عقلك النقدي الواعي على طول الطريق إلى اللاوعي الذي يحكم 95 ٪ من أنت.  تم تصميم وهندسة هذه الرسائل  فوق 16 كيلو هرتز كما توحي الأبحاث.  

    *** مجانا *** رسائل

     CoronaVirus  الإنجليزية فرنسي عربى إيطالي هندي صينى الروسية  هذه هي Subliminals فعالة صامتة يمكنك تشغيلها في أي وقت في أي مكان طوال اليوم خاصة أثناء النوم. يؤدي الوعي الجماعي إلى إيقاف CoronaVirus بطريقة سحرية حيث سيستيقظ يومًا ما وكأن شيئًا لم يحدث. تعود الحياة الطبيعية كما كانت وما زالت مستمرة إلى الأبد.  *** تبرع *** لعملنا لمواصلة صنعه * تصاعد أطول *  لجميع اللغات الأخرى  وفي صنع subliminals خاصة مكرسة لمرضى الحجر الصحي أو أولئك في الخط الأمامي الذين يواجهون الوباء.  قم بتنزيل تطبيقنا من متجر google play وقم بتشغيل التسامي في جميع الأوقات.  برعاية 


    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     قم بتنزيل جميع التساميات الصامتة الصوتية المجانية وتشغيلها على هاتفك المحمول أو جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك على مدار 24 ساعة / يوم.  عربى 

    Silent Subliminals Fight CoronaVirus Covid19 English  No need to believe in subliminal affirmation messages to be effective. They work on their own. They bypass your conscious critical mind all the way to the subconscious that rules 95% of who you are.  These subliminals are designed and engineered above 16KHZ as what researches suggest.  

    *** FREE *** CoronaVirus Subliminals  

    English French Arabic Italian Hindi Chinese Russian  

    These are Effective Silent Subliminals that you can run anytime anywhere all day especially while asleep. A collective consciousness leads to stop CoronaVirus magically where one day will wake up as if nothing happened. Normal life gets back as it was and as it continues forever.  

    *** DONATE ***  for our work to continue in making  

    *longer subliminals 

    *affordable for all other languages  and in making special subliminals dedicated to quarantine patients or those in front line facing the epidemic.  

    Download our app at google play store and run subliminals all times.  

    sponsored by subliminalresearcher@gmail.com 

    ************************************************** **************** ****************

     Download all audio silent subliminals for FREE and play it on your mobile or computer CD 24hours /day.
