Tune in with Mohamed and Ameen giving you the perspective you've not heard yet on timeless topics relevant to young Muslims like: marriage, mental health, media, mindset and gender roles.
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Stay blessed! -
English Translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifatul Masih
Want to get closer to the Quran? Join Mizan Institute for a unique Quranic experience! In this series we plan to go through every page of the first ten juz’s (~200 pages) of the Holy Quran with Shaykh Amin Rastani, taking away a lesson per page, in hopes of strengthening our bond with the overall message of this book of light.
Discover your path to truth. Dive into finding your Creator, life's purpose, and Islamic wisdom. Explore topics about Allah (God), the Quran, Islam, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Listen now on all major podcast platforms including Discover your path to truth. Dive into finding your Creator, life's purpose, and Islamic wisdom. Explore topics about Allah (God), the Quran, Islam, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Listen now on all major podcast platforms. 🎙️🌟Amazon Store:
Ready to convert to Islam on a 5-minute call?
For questions or to say Salam! [email protected]
Asalaam Aleykum brothers and sisters. My name is Hooriyah Khan. Welcome to my podcast in which we are going to share and learn about different matters in relation to Islam. Islam is the religion of peace which encourage us to submit ourselves to our creator Allah(SAW) as well as to influence peace and to live in good ways like our prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I will also share my journey as a muslim convert. Furthermore we will have different interviews with different people across the world on different topics in relation to Islam. Let us stay together and Learn together since knowledge is power.
وصايا وخُطب سيد البلغاء امير المؤمنين الامام علي (عليه السلام)
Ramadan Anchors helps Muslim Teens find and navigate their journey through a peaceful, sometimes poetic reflection of their soul, purpose, their eeman and their realities. It hopes to bring to surface those emotions Muslim Teens often bury because they are unsure of how to receive the gifts embedded in it.
Ramadan Anchors shared by Aameenah is soulful, refreshing and redefining what it means to be a Teen in love with Allah, His Rasul(saw) and our journey. -
En esta sección con Antón intentaremos leer el Corán, para entender qué es lo que realmente dice este libro sagrado islámico.
بودكاست ديني ثقافي
الرؤية : وضع اسس لبنية تحتية اسلامية دعوية ثقافية لكافة افراد المجتمع الاسلامي
الرسالة : ترسيخ الفكر والسلوك الاسلامي للمجتمع
الاهداف: نشر الوسطية الدينية وتعزيز الثقافة الاسلامية بصورة صحيحة -
Hikmah Voice is een podcast die is gemaakt door gepassioneerde moslima's met de intentie om een waardevolle bijdrage te leveren aan de Ummah. Ons streven is om een platform te bieden voor betekenisvolle en inspirerende gesprekken over de islam. In onze podcast behandelen we onderwerpen zoals het vinden van balans tussen onze islamitische identiteit en het dagelijks leven, de uitdagingen van opgroeien in een niet-moslim omgeving, de rol van vrouwen in de islamitische samenleving en het belang van gezonde relaties. We willen graag een aangename platform maken waar moslima's zich vrij kunnen uiten en hun gedachten en ervaringen kunnen delen. Dus sluit je bij ons aan en luister naar Hikmah Voice, waar we elkaar inspireren en ondersteunen op onze unieke reis als moslima's.Onze podcast is onderdeel van Stichting Hikmah.
Instagram: hikmahvoicenl
YouTube: Hikmah Voice
Website: -
Islamic lectures given by Sheikh Belal Assaad.
For more, please refer to his Youtube Channel: -
Nuray Kanik uit Arnhem ontsnapte op jonge leeftijd aan een gedwongen huwelijk.
Recordações e Súplicas da Manhã e da Noite em Arabe e Português.
Il s’agit d’une localité comprise entre La Mecque et aţ-Ţâif mais plus proche de La Mecque. On la connait toujours aujourd’hui sous ce nom. Elle est située en territoire non sacré (profane). C’est là que le Prophète (sur lui la paix) avait partagé et distribué le butin consécutif à la bataille de Ħunayn. Il y a là une mosquée connue sous le nom de mosquée d’al-Jiirâna. Ce livre audio met en garde contre les innovations qui s’y passent.
Tanrı’nın varlığı hakkındaki tartışmalara son noktayı koyup bilimin ışığında hayatımızın amacını irdelemek isteyen gençler için güzel bir seri başlatıyoruz.