
  • Women changemakers share stories and frustrations around Women's Safety in Greater Manchester.

    Our 14th Podcast came about when students from MMU approached to to create and facilitate this conversation - so why are we still talking about women's safety in 2023?

    Trigger Warning : themes of violence, sexual assault and abuse.
    With a live recording of the panel discussion, chaired by the students of MMU and hosted by The Old Abbey Taphouse - the podcast features an incredible panel of women including :-

    Rachele Evaroa - Rachele is co-founder of The Old Abbey Taphouse, a passionate advocate and supporter of STEAM, equality and community - she works to bring the realms of academia, business and community together. With a breadth of experience and knowledge on all things community and how important it is to create safe and inclusive spaces, drawing on her background in events and venue management; Rachele brings great insights to the conversations surrounding the safety of women in Greater Manchester.

    This is particularly relevant when we look at the motivations for creating this conversation, the MMU students noted the following areas of concern for women in Greater Manchester :-

    High rates of antisocial behaviour being reported on the Tram Network - averaging 242 incidents a month according to Metrolink.Recent police crime reports have shown that Manchester has seen the highest number of needle spiking cases nationally at more than 900 between 2017 -2021 - accounting for nearly 40% of country-wide cases.Last year there were almost 150,000 annual cases of domestic abuse in Greater Manchester, 42,000 of these cases were reported from within the city centreThis data prompted the students from MMU, in partnership with Flourish to consider whether the borough is a hotspot for gender-based violence - and how we mitigate and address this through community action and conversation.

    Sharlene Small, founder of Manchester's Got Talent Youth talks all things online safety and how in a digital age, girls and women's safety in more important than ever - particularly when there is a more dominant community focus on gang crime through a male lense. Sharlene shares her own experiences relative to how safety translates online to real life and what the consequences of this can be.

    Dee Sheehan, who has campaigned extensively in the women's equality and safety arena for many years, working in recent years to progress the Womens Equality Party policies and having garnered significant support in challenging the opening of a Hooters branch in Salford, talks openly about the sticking points and stagnation of effective safety policies and procedures across Greater Manchester.
    Dee is the co-lead on Women's Safety for GM 4 Women 2028

    The panel is joined by Sam, who describes herself as a feminist activist and shares personal and impactful commentary on her own experiences and challenges regarding women's safety in Greater Manchester.

    The questions posed by MMU students addressed the key areas of concern regarding women's safety in Greater Manchester and highlighted the gaps in the current policies and policing in and around the city - reflected and reiterated through our panels ruminations and frustrations.
    We hope that this podcast adds another voice to the dialogue driving forward the conversation and more importantly, the actions in facilitating a safer Manchester for all women.

  • Women changemakers share their experience on how they feel about Financial Resilience and we hear anecdotes, examples and tips on ways to find it.

    On our 13th podcast Fran Barker Mills from Coming Home, who also leads sessions as part of the Flourishing Futures - Finding Financial Resilience programme, talks to a range of women changemakers on what Financial Resilience means to them and how to navigate your own path towards it. Plus she and Flourish Together founder Nickala, have a candid conversation and share some home truths on the highs and lows of Financial Resilience from different perspectives.

    Have a listen and let us know your take on this topic?!

    Plus by all means look up some of the Flourishing Futures recorded group learning sessions HERE

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  • Women changemakers share their experience on how they feel about the term Imposter Syndrome, whether they have experienced it and we hear anecdotes, examples and tips on ways to tackle it.

    On our 12th podcast we cover this 'Hot Topic' and have special guest Dawn Kelly from Actualise Coaching who helps broaden out this term, put it into perspective and also leads a panel discussion held back in March with women changemakers.

    We also take a range of questions for her to give feedback on and consider. Have a listen and let us know your take on this topic?!

    Plus by all means follow up with Dawn at via Twitter or Linkedin

  • In this episode we talk to women led ventures who have run crowdfunding to hear about the highs, lows and opportunities.

    Simone Callaghan from Sector 3 talks about crowdfunding through the pandemic and Heather Waters from NatWest shares experiences and observations of campaigns she has supported. Plus we share our own top tips from having run 4 successful crowdfund campaigns to create a community led seed fund, as well as training and supported several other organisations to collectively raise in excess of £250,000.00 across over 11 campaigns.

  • This special edition podcast forms part of a re-commissioning process and consultation, which Flourish has carried out in partnership with 10GM for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

    Hear how women with lived experience share views and insights on how to improve services to better meet their needs and help budget holders to Commission with Compassion & Conviction.

    Throughout late summer and autumn 2020, we carried out a series of interviews with diverse women with lived experience, women led support organisations and commissioners directly, to help understand the needs of women. The aim was to draw out wider perspectives, shine a light on 'Hidden voices and views' and amplify their experiences and ideas to improve how Women's Centres and support can wider meet the needs of women who come into contact with the Criminal Justice System as victims or perpetrators.

    In this podcast you'll hear from Martin Nugent at the GMCA giving the perspective of a commissioner, Liz Windsor Welsh from 10GM and Action Together reflecting on the research we carried out and most importantly a diverse range of women from across the Flourish network and beyond sharing their views, experiences and 'Big Asks' to Commissioners.

    At Flourish we believe we all have our part to play in ensuring women, families and communities are invested in and well supported in order to flourish, so we hope the lessons learned through this consultation, report and podcast gives food for thought and recommendations we can all act upon.

    If you would like to read the report see HERE and hear more from women with lived experience on these issues via the listen again version of a Round Table discussion we had as part of the consultation HERE.

    Special Thanks all our contributors for this podcast:

    Martin Nugent at the GMCA, Liz Windsor Welsh 10GM and Action Together,
    Selina Hanley Benevolent Life Change, Louise Waddington at Make A Pathway, Tina Carnally at Forward, Val Hogan at Verve Foster Care Recruitment and Jasmin Bakhre at Women with Wings.
    For more info on our upcoming events, visit our eventbrite page.

    Supporting Women in Social Enterprise is a MIC Media Production @MICmediaUK and is produced and edited by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull @SilentVic

  • On our 9th podcast we cover the topic that’s essential for the survival of your social enterprise – Money! Whether your organisation relies on funding, investments, income from goods and services or other forms of finance, a regular income stream is key to your growth.

    The last few months have been challenging for all organisations, and especially those who rely on income from goods and services. Many social enterprises have been moving away from grant dependency towards financial resilience with diverse income streams only to find themselves once again relying on funding to survive. On our 4th podcast since COVID, “Show me the Money!” we take an in-depth look at one social enterprise who has not only survived but thrived since it began, evolving it’s income stream along the way. Dr Iyabo Fatimilehin, founder and director at Just Psychology CIC shares the highs and lows of seeking funding and investment and her social enterprise journey to date. We hear how a Reach Fund initially kick started her business growth providing the funds to put together a business plan, financial and social impact forecast and get investment ready. Investment can be a scary prospect for organisations that have always relied on grant funding, though it need not be. Iyabo shares her thoughts and experience on how good planning, research and a clear focus can help you secure investment to not only grow your business but provide sustainability. Although it’s common for social entrepreneurs to wear many hats in their business, we hear from Iyabo on why it’s sometimes best to bring in an expert especially when it comes to funding and bid writing! The last few months have demonstrated just how adaptable social enterprises are with many evolving their services to still provide vital support to their clients. Just Psychology is no exception, with Iyabo taking the decision to move all their services from face to face to online. Although this presents a particular challenge especially within the social care and wellbeing sector where personal interaction is at the core of the organisation, this has provided a useful reflection period with opportunities to streamline the organisation in the future and be more flexible in their approach to providing support to clients.

    Next we hear from our fantastic Funding Panel to get some valuable insights on how infrastructure agencies are responding to the pandemic. Bid writing can be somewhat of a dark art, particularly for new ventures so on this episode we take a look behind the scenes at the in’s and out’s of funding from 3 agencies, with Alex Phillips from UnLtd, Lucy Findlay MBE from Social Enterprise Mark and Alison Crush from Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisations.

    Alex shares her perspectives as an Award Manager for Unltd on why it’s so important for social entrepreneurs to be supported in challenging times such as COVID especially in the early stages of their social enterprise journey. Managing cash flow is the biggest issues for most early stage ventures, and trying to meet immediate costs in a pandemic has been nothing short of challenging. Organisations such as Unltd have been a vital buffer providing organisations with some stability over these last few months when their regular income streams have dried up. She shares some great examples of social entrepreneurs around the country that have been able to respond to community needs with very little resource and how this need to be celebrated, not just within the social enterprise sector but beyond. We hear from Lucy from Social Enterprise Mark who has been at the forefront of ensuring government and other national agencies recognise that Social Enterprises need a tailored support package and helping to secure an incredible 85 million for the sector! Lucy shares how the last few months have been focused on raising awareness on the lessons that can be learnt from successful social enterprises, many of whom have been first responders during the pandemic. From helping to regenerate high streets and deprived areas to solving some of the deep rooted issues of unemployment, social enterprises. Focusing on the larger picture, Lucy shares how the next few months will focus on further developing links with the government, national agencies and UK Finance to ensure the social enterprise sector has a more tailored approach when it comes to mainstream finance and lending. Our final funder, Alison from GMCVO shares her insights on supporting more established ventures and the ways in which funders are adapting to provide a lifeline to organisations struggling due to the pandemic. From loan repayment holidays to help organisations keep up with payments, to assisting social enterprises to become more resilient and helping them to recover during these challenging times. Finally we hear from a fab range of women changemakers who share their top tips on funding and securing investment to give hope, reality and inspiration! First up we have Clare Courtney from Heart and Parcel an inspiring social enterprise that provides opportunities for migrant women to come together, improve their English and social skills all whilst making great food! Clare shares how demonstrating flexibility to funders resulted in securing funding from We Love Mcr to move their full program online, not only providing much needed support to their existing client base but growing their customer base by being more accessible to new learners online!
    We next hear from Karen Howard at Brain Health Breakthrough who provide training for those affected by brain injury on the importance of being proactive and how social enterprises in particular are well suited to evolving quickly and adapting their services in response to challenging times.

    And finally we have Kimberly Bond from Visit from the Stork and Yvonne Edouke @ Sawa BBQ from Sawa BBQ and Dynamic Support, two women changemakers who have not let the challenges of COVID stop them from continuing to support their clients sharing their tips on the benefits from reaching out to your network.

    We know the last few months have been a real challenge for organisations everywhere, but it’s great to share the successes of social enterprises and how effectively they have dealt with the changing environment to continue to support and be a real lifeline for communities. Resilience and adaptability are at the heart of the keys to success when it comes to financial sustainability so as well as this podcast, check out our amazing Flourishing Beyond Covid Toolkit and webinar series to consider your own options for securing funding and resources.

    Special Thanks all our contributors for this podcast:

    Dr Iyabo Fatimilehin, from Just Psychology CIC, Clare Courtney from Heart and Parcel, Karen Howard at Brain Health Breakthrough, Kimberly Bond from Visit from the Stork and Yvonne Edouke @ Sawa BBQ and Dynamic Support, Alex Phillips from UnLtd, Lucy Findlay MBE from Social Enterprise Mark and Alison Crush from Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisations.

    For more info on our upcoming events, visit our eventbrite page.

    For local advice and support for your social venture and more on GMCVO's Social Investment support visit https://www.gmcvo.org.uk/

    For more resources and info on social enterprise grants visit the UnLtd website

    For more on social enterprise accreditation and resources on social enterprise excellence visit Social Enterprise Mark CIC

    Supporting Women in Social Enterprise is a MIC Media Production @MICmediaUK and is produced and edited by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull @SilentVic

  • In our 8th Episode we take a look at Problem Solving in challenging times. We interview a range of inspiring women changemakers who are tackling social issues through their ventures providing holistic, practical solutions with a people first approach.

    First up we have Rachele Evaroa from The Old Abbey Taphouse, an independent community hub in a Pub based in Hulme. Nestled amongst the Manchester Science Park on the Greenheys Estate, @Old_Abbey_MSP was founded with just £2k and has developed into a thriving, innovative and much loved community hub in Hulme, bringing residents, the community and organisations together to serve the needs of the local community in a holistic way.

    You’ll hear how The Old Abbey Taphouse’s innovative approach to problem solving has resulted in creative, grassroots solutions to the issues affecting communities as a result of COVID-19, from partnering up with @AcornManchesterto provide meals to local residents struggling to make ends meet through their pay-as-you-feel meal scheme to setting up a community radio to provide a platform for local residents.

    Rachele shares her journey and the range of challenges they have faced from threat of eviction to funding worries, and the importance of thinking creatively when it comes to problem solving. She shares her top tips on developing solutions to problems and highlights the importance of resilience, positive mindset and the vital part that a good support network plays especially as a social entrepreneur!

    Next we hear from TV Producer turned Property Developer @SallyLister on her venture H.A.V.E Homes CIC, an innovative property development social enterprise passionate about ensuring community, sustainability and values are at the heart of the property process. Taking a holistic approach to the property development process, Sally has incorporated Health, Aspiration, Value and Education into her business, with a people first approach. Sally shares her journey on why she started H.A.V.E Homes due to the lack of quality housing especially in the rental market in North Manchester and her determination to create more sustainability in communities by only selling to owner-occupiers, not landlords – putting people before profit.

    Not only is Sally passionate about creating homes that are innovative and sustainable, she shares her views on how she provided valuable career opportunities to apprentices through @TheMcrCollege, utilising local talent and giving young people the experience they needed to kickstart their career.

    Sally’s multi-faceted approach to problem solving has resulted in an inspiring, innovative business with real heart. She shares her insights on the importance of research when decision making and utilising different techniques to come up with the best solution. You’ll hear how COVID-19 has created a platform for more open minded conversations on the need for a more holistic approach towards housing and Sally’s hope that more property developers will mirror her H.A.V.E Homes model

    She ends with her hope for a change in the profit-first approach to property development and how COVID-19 has created a platform for more open minded conversations on the need for a more holistic approach towards housing with a people first mentality.

    We also look at how challenging personal experiences can equip you with the skills and mindset required to cope with challenges more effectively. And the barriers that can arise when trying to solve issues from investment challenges which have been aggravated due to COVID-19 creating more of a grant dependant culture to getting noticed in the media as a woman changemaker.

    Finally, we end the episode with some insights from a range of women changemakers sharing their thoughts on problem solving, from tips on how to approach an issue to practical steps you can take when you’re facing a challenge.

    We hear from Fi @FiBeginnings who’s had a whirlwind few months since setting up her new venture New Beginnings Manchester which provides health and wellbeing support through events, meditation and other holistic methods. Having set up just before lockdown, Fi shares her journey on how she quickly adapted her services online developing innovative solutions to those looking for health and wellbeing support building up a membership of 500 in just a few weeks!

    Next we have Hannah @hannahjskinner1 from @MilkHoneyMCR sharing some practical tips on problem solving. From the importance of focusing on your vision to get you through tough times to dreaming big and thinking outside the box to develop creative solutions.

    Problem solving is an evolving process, we hope this episode gives you some new insights, tips and tools you can incorporate into your own process when you’re next faced with a challenge!

    Special Thanks all our contributors for this podcast:

    Rachele Evaroa @Old_Abbey_MSP, Sally Lister @SallyListerfrom H.A.V.E Homes CIC, Fi @FiBeginningsfrom New Beginnings Manchester, Hannah Skinner @hannahjskinner1 from Milk and Honey Café @MilkHoneyMCR, Jane Greystone from City of Sanctuary @ManchesterCoS

    For more info on our upcoming events, visit our eventbrite page.

    To find out more about the amazing work of The Old Abbey Taphouse and to sample their new vegan burger visit http://www.theoldabbeytaphouse.co.uk/

    For more info on the range of support on offer from New Beginnings Manchester visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/585297935405602/?ref=share

    For more info on City of Sanctuary visit https://manchester.cityofsanctuary.org

    Supporting Women in Social Enterprise is a MIC Media Production @MICmediaUK and is produced and edited by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull @SilentVic

  • We know it’s a challenging time at the moment, so we’re delving deep with a bumper episode with 10 awesome women changemakers putting health and wellbeing on the map! With our 7th episode our very first virtually recorded podcast, we haven’t let the COVID-19 lockdown stop us getting our podcast out there, so tune in to this jam-packed episode! As social entrepreneurs, juggling multiple plates is a given! And as much as you'd like, your self-care probably isn’t at the top of your priorities list. So we’ve decided to dedicate this month to the value of self-care, health and wellbeing. We’ll share insights from women changemakers who have set up health and wellbeing ventures to support the community from innovative modest wear for those with dementia to a support network for new mums. First of all, we hear from a diverse range of inspiring women working and living in Salford providing valuable insights on why health and wellbeing is paramount for their social enterprises and the challenges that emerge. With Jasmin Bakhre @WomenWithWings3on why a tailored approach is vital when working with diverse communities, to the inspiring Michaela Parnell @MAParnellHS on why she set up HS Action Together @HsAction to provide valuable advice and support to sufferers of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) where none was available, from creating a community for sufferers to share their views to raising the profile of HS on a national and international scale. We also hear from the award winning Kimberley Bond from Visit from the Stork @VFTSeditor, on why she set up her social enterprise to support new mums and how B.O.O.B.S (Be Open On Breastfeeding in Salford) was born! We’ve got the amazing Natasha Anand Boojihawan from @YourEarthClinic, with her inspiring story from burnout to rejuvenating health and the birth of Your Earth Clinic. And how creating a holistic social enterprise has allowed her to achieve a work-life balance whilst fulfilling her life purpose. You’ll get some health and wellbeing tips from female changemakers who are providing grassroots support to communities in the fields of brain injury, dementia, mental health and more! And finally we’ll end with some top health and wellbeing tips from how channelling your inner creativity can be a great medium to better health to the benefits of singing and mindfulness! So tune in to this bumper episode, definitely not one to be missed! Special Thanks to Salford CVS @SalfordCVS for supporting this month’s podcast and the work we do! Huge thanks to our mega list of contributors for this podcast! Natasha Anand Boojihawan @YourEarthClinic, Heather Henry @HeatherHenry4 from @BreathChamps, Kimberley Bond from Visit from the Stork @VFTSeditor, Michaela Parnell @MAParnellHS from HS Action Together @HsAction, Jasmin Bakhre from Women with Wings @WomenWithWings3, Barbara Lewis from Limon Attire @LimonAttire, Rachel from Plastic Shed @Plastic_Shed, Emma Lenihan from Calm Connections @calmcic and Karen Howarth from Brain Health Breakthrough @brainhealthCIC, For more info on our upcoming events, visit our eventbrite page. For more info on Calm Connections and their family mindfulness support visit www.calmconnections.org/ For advice and support for new mums and breastfeeding mums in Salford from Visit from the Stork http://www.visitfromthestork.co.uk For creative ideas on how to upcycle your plastic – a great lockdown activity, visit www.plasticshed.org/save-plastic-from-the-bin Supporting Women in Social Enterprise is a MIC Media Production @MICmediaUK and is produced and edited by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull @SilentVic

  • You’re in for a treat with our jam-packed 6th podcast where we take a deep dive into Funding and Income Generation Plans for your social enterprise. We explore some of the diverse ways you can generate income, with inspiration from a range of community changemakers at different stages of their socent journey, a panel of inspiring women social entrepreneurs with innovative approaches to income generation and wise words from our co-founder @Nickala5 on the 5 elements of an income generation cocktail!

    Ensuring you have a sustainable income stream is vital for any business, and with the majority of social enterprises heavily reliant on grant funding this can be a constant challenge, especially in the current climate. Thankfully, we picked the brains of our co-founder @Nickala5 on the diverse ways to generate income from selling a product and services to funding and fundraising – everyone has a unique income generation cocktail!

    We interview a panel of fabulous female social entrepreneurs and find out the challenges they’ve experienced with funding and generating income, and the innovative ways they’ve diversified to grow their business. We hear from the inspiring community changemaker Lindsay @ReddyLane Market Garden on how she got her business up and running, the alternative methods to raising finance from Laura and Rachel @careauxofficial and contributions from Kelly @_H_E_A_R_T__, Natasha @YourEarthClinicand Yvonne @ Sawa BBQ.

    Finally we share some vital lessons from community changemakers at different stages of their social enterprise journey – from what type of income stream they’ve decided to chose and why to where they get the vital support they need to build a sustainable business.
    Some of the resources mentioned included the free Adapt and Thrive virtual summit: https://shareimpact.org/adaptthrivewelcome
    and Yvonne mentioned support from GMCVO: https://www.gmcvo.org.uk/gmsocinvest

    And if the podcast wasn’t enough – we’ve got just the top-up you need with our Income Generation Strategies event on Wed 29th April where we’ll explore top tips on how to diversify your income with sustainability in mind. We’ll also share resources and other support available in light of Covid-19 to ensure you have the toolkit you need to get your business moving.

    For more info on our upcoming events, visit our eventbrite page.
    Thanks to all our fab contributors involved in this podcast!

    Lindsay @@reddylane Market Garden, Laura and Rachel @careauxofficial, Yvonne @ Sawa BBQ, Kelly @ @_H_E_A_R_T__, Natasha @@YourEarthClinic, Emma @Calmcic, Saima @ Amazeballs, Rachel @One Small Step, Gemma Grattan @ The Bee Thrive

  • In this episode we share stories from women who are turning barriers to opportunities exploring employment, enterprise and ways to make a difference in their communities. Plus this gives a flavour of our Time to Grow programme supporting women as a force for social change.
    Hear from Simone Callaghan from one of our delivery partners at the Goodness Collective, our Director Jo McGrath and a range of women changemakers including our recent intern Patrizia Akotia from We Mind The Gap and programme participants including Karen Fance from Yoga Buds.

  • On our 4th episode we take a look at the "dark art" that is Social Value! Why it's important and how how you can clearly communicate your impact once you've measured it. You'll hear from our co-founder Nickala on why it's essential to invest time in exploring your social impact, how you can do it and some of the benefits from gaining recognition to more funding. We're also joined by Kat Luckock from Share Impact the go-to impact strategist and business coach for Social Entrepreneurs. Kat shares her years of experience working with social enterprises measuring social impact and why it's vital for social enterprises to look beyond grant funding to secure a sustainable future. And back for more Marketing gems is Grace from Yellow Jigsaw on some top tips for how to effectively communicate your impact once you've measured your Social Value.

  • On our first podcast for 2020, get a headstart on your Marketing and PR strategy with some practical tips and gems from Grace Dyke co-founder of award winning PR and Communications Agency Yellow Jigsaw. We hear from women in the Flourish network on their insights into making sure your message is heard, the importance of social media and the importance of having a plan in place! Finally we hear from Frances Nutt from Tandem Theatre on her insights of marketing in the arts, the GM Gamechangers project and more!

  • On our second podcast we’ll be taking you through the different career pathways in Social Change. In Part 1 we’ll hear from an inspiring panel of women changemakers on their journeys into education and the world of work. From working with cadavers to being a Santa’s helper! Changemakers can start from anywhere!

    In Part 2 we’ll hear from a great group of young women involved in the Gamechangers project on their thoughts into careers, the lack of opportunities around career advice and an aspiring furture Manchester Mayor.

    In our final segment for our 2nd episode, Manchester Changemaker Eve Holt will take us through a whistle-stop tour of her journey from activism, law, social entrepreneur and politics!

    If you need help developing a social enterprise at start up or scale up phase, contact us at Flourish Together.

    This podcast was recorded and produced by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and is a MIC media production

  • In this episode we bust some myths and misconceptions about social enterprise. We speak to a range of women changemakers about how they lead and manage social enterprises and charities, showing there is no one size that fits all! Have a listen and get on the road to good governance.....

    This episode includes highlights from our recent Good Governance panel discussion and insights from Michelle Ayavoro at HerArt CIC, Petra Morris at Co-operatives UK, Haleh Moravej at MetMUnch and many more.
    If you need help developing a social enterprise at start up or scale up phase contact us
    at Flourish Together.

    This podcast was recorded and produced by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and is a MIC media production

  • A sneaky trailer to whet your appetite and reel you into a wonderful world where we Flourish Together! Episode 1 launches on 1st November with hints, tips, insights and interviews to help change makers and social entrepreneurs flourish.