What is our biggest obstacle as believers? Let's talk about it!
Episodi mancanti?
Sometimes we are exhausted because we have not tapped into our kingdom benefits. Tap in!!
As Christian's we sometimes have the misconception that having standards withholds experiences and blessings from us. Instead it's the total opposite.
Often times we find ourselves in a place of stagnation and confusion because we are no longer FOCUSED on the focus. No longer focused on why we started in the first place. We sometimes get caught up, lose sight of Jesus & lose our way. Lets get back on track!
How do you know the voice you are hearing is Jesus? Let's talk about it?
How often do we view our father through the eyes of someone who doesn't know him? Let's talk about it!
Fear of acceptance is a real thing! Lets talk about it.
For most of my life, I questioned God as it relates to what value I bring to the world. I could easily identify what others' gifts and talents were. Not so much for myself. As I began to built a loving relationship with myself and God my gifts & purpose were revealed to me.
We never want to experience any negative experiences or negative emotions. However, sometimes we have to pass through those murky waters in order to get to the otherside.
Often times we feel inadequate when someone is: older, has a nice body, a different race, more experience, have a degree etc. But we are equal is God's eyes! let's talk about this!
What's holding you back? Let's discover & discuss!
Let’s talk about on the changes taking place!!
The 'game' is not over!
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