Greetings all, here are some of my thoughts on 2 Samuel 7:1-17, enjoy.
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Tales of Faith is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Episodi mancanti?
Check out the latest Podcast for Sunday, September 22nd. Just me this week, but I talk about Joseph, generational patterns, gender bending, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
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Discussion on Genesis 15:1-6 (and beyond) for September 8, 2024
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Welcome back to the Tales of Faith Narrative Lectionary Podcast. Join us for an in-depth conversation about Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8
“Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality” by Debra Hirsch”
Blog Post to come.
#Genesis #Narrativelectionary #Feminism #Native #Indiginous #Humanity #Creation #Sex #HistoryChicks #Parenting #Purityculture #Adam #Eve #sin #Nakedness #evesfault #patriarchy #mysogany #power
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This week we discuss 1 Corinthians 15:1-26, 51-57. We talk about Mother’s day and misogyny, Resurrection and Ascension, this world and the next, and the expectation of the imminent coming of Christ both in the first century, and now.
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Mawidge, Mawidge is what bwings us togever today.
Today we discuss 1 Corinthians 13 (the Love Chapter) and find that there is a lot more than can be preached at a wedding, like the Devine Feminine, cross bearing, non-misogynistic/anti-patriarchal, eternally orgasmic, deeply relational, ever-living lifeforce that we know only in part.
Referenced today:
* “What “Hypocrite” Means to Jesus” Sermon on the Mount Episode 17 Bible Project Podcast Episode
* “Daniel Kirk: Making the Vision of the New Testament Moral” Homebrewed Christianity Podcast
* “Surviving God: A New Vision of God Through The Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors” by Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Susan M. Shaw, Broadleaf Books, 2024
* “Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations about Sexuality and Spirituality” by Debra Hirsch, InterVarsity Press, 2015
* (Not directly referenced, but alluded to) “The A to Z of the New Testament” by James F, McGrath, Eerdmans, 2023
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IN which we talk about the rough start and persecutions in Thessalonica, Paul’s letter to that church, and process our own saying goodbye to a congregation.
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Hi y’all, happy Eastertide.
Today we discuss Acts 3:1-10 (and the rest of Acts 3 and 4). We discuss Disability theology, a First Century view of Resurrection, the possible allegory/parable of Pilate’s choice, The Life of Brian, and making Israel Great Again (all this during a major rainstorm). Hope you enjoy.
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We are back with a conversation about Apocalyptic literature, and specifically Mark 13
Today’s text is Mark 13:1-8, 24-37 (thought we also talk about 9-23 as well).
I reference “Boys will be Girls” by Derik Webb
Our scriptures come from the New Revised Standard Version and New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition, and my notes come from Netbible.org
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Welcome, and sorry that I have been AFK.
Today’s Text
Mark 10:32-52 (NRSV) (NRSVUE)
Other Stuff
Jesus Break dancing meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/466060-lol-jesus
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Hi all, so sorry that I have not updated recently, but trying to get back into it again.
I also found out that there is a discrepancy between the list of readings that I started my worship planning with, and the one that is now on the Working Preacher website, so we are talking about two scriptures today:
Mark 5:1-20 (Gerasene Demoniac), which I have for this week, but the current schedule has for last week.
and (starting at 22:36)
Mark 5:21-36 (Jairus’ daughter and the woman in the crowd), which I have for next week, but the current schedule has for this week.
Hopefully next week we will be more on track.
Thanks for the grace.
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Starring Aaron Ochart as Luke Skywalker, Louise Ochart as Princess Leia, R2-D2 as R2D2, and James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader.
Introducing Chewbacca’s family: his wife Malla, his father Itchy, and his son Lumpy.
With special guest stars: Beatrice Arthur, Art Carney, Diahanne Carrorl, The Jefferson Starship, Harvy Korman, and an animated Star Wars story!
(cue 20 minutes of Shriiwook)
Note: If you have not seen the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, you are surely missing something (like most of these jokes).
Opening Crawl
It is a time of occupation. The land once known as Israel and Judah is being occupied by the ROMAN EMPIRE, the most recent in a list of imperial masters. Judea is ruthlessly ruled by the Tetrarch, HEROD the GREAT. The SANHEDRIN, the Jewish ruling party, tries to hold on to the freedoms that they have, but are plagued by infighting between the priestly SADDUCEES and the reform-minded PHARISEES. Violent terrorist groups like the ZEALOTS and other groups seek to be free from the Romans through strength, while the ESSENES seek solitude and religious purity in the wilderness.
The Jewish people long for the restoration of national sovereignty. There is a growing hope for a MESSIAH, an ‘anointed one’ who is to fulfill God’s promise to King David of an ever-ruling descendent. Many would-be Messiah’s have come and gone. God’s people continue to ask, “How long, O Lord?”...
The Texts
* Christmas Eve Morning: Luke 1:5-13 [14-25], 57-80
* Christmas Eve Night: Luke 2:1-14[15-20]
* Christmas Day: Mark 1:1-20
Overview of Luke
Bible Project- Luke (Read the Bible Series)
Bible Project: Luke-Acts Series
* Theological Introduction (Ch 1-2)
* 1:1-4 Abstract
* 1:5-25 The birth of John the Baptizer Foretold
* 1:26-38 The Birth of Jesus foretold
* 1:39-45 Mary visits Elizabeth
* 1:46-56 Magnificat
* 1:57-66 Birth of John the Baptizer
* 1:67-80 Zechariah’s Song
* 2:1-7 Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem
* 2:8-20 Shepherds
* 2:21-38 Jesus presented at the Temple
* 2:39-40 Return to Nazareth
* 2:41-52 Jesus as a boy at the Temple
* Jesus’ Early Ministry (Ch 3-9)
* The Turn towards Jerusalem (Ch 9-19)
* Passion (Ch 19-23)
* Resurrection (Ch 24)
Overview of Mark
Bible Project- Mark (Read the Bible Series)
Bible Project: Mark Series
* Early Ministry (Ch 1-3)
* 1:1-8 the Proclamation of John the Baptizer
* 1:9-11 Baptism of Jesus
* 1:12-13 Temptation of Jesus
* 1:14-15 Jesus’ message
* 1:16-20 Calling the first disciples
* 1:21-28 Jesus heals a man on Sabbath
* 1:29-34 a crowd around Jesus
* 1:35-39 Jesus gets away from the crowd
* 1:40-45 Jesus cleanses a Leper
* 2:1-12 Friends of a paralytic man get him to Jesus
* 2:13-17 Jesus calls Levi
* 2:18-22 Question about fasting
* 2:23-3:6 What does Sabbath mean?
* 3:7-19a The multitude at the lake, Jesus chooses twelve
* 3:19b-30 The power of Beelzebul
* 3:31-35 The real family of Jesus
* Mid Ministry (Ch 4-8)
* Later Ministry (Ch 8-10)
* Passion (Ch 11-15)
* Resurrection (Ch 16)
Pop Culture Connections:
As far as Nativity Luke/Matthew mash-ups go, “The Star” is pretty good.
Also, You can check out my Christmas Playlist on Spotify (I also have one for Advent)
Boring Stuff:
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. http://nrsvbibles.org
Music: “Flying” by Track Tribe, edited by Revochart, YouTube Audio Library License
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Welcome back from Exile, and to the book of Ezra (and Nehemiah, but focussing on Zerubbabel).
Last Time on Tales of Faith
It is a time of Return! CYRUS GREAT of PERSIA has ended the Babylonian Exile. He has allowed the former inhabitants of Judah and Israel to return to Jerusalem. ZERUBBABEL, a child of the Exile, has been empowered to restore the Temple and worship of YHWH in Jerusalem.
Not all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were exiled, however. What will the returning exiles think of those they are returning to, and what of those who remember the days of national sovereignty?...
The Text
Ezra 1:1-4; 3:1-4, 10-13
Overview of Ezra/Nehemiah
Bible Project- Ezra-Nehemiah (Read the Bible Series)
Bible Project- Ezra/Nehemiah (Tim Mackie Lecture)
Torah order
* Zerubbabel and Jerusalem Worship (Ezra Ch 1-6)
* Cyrus Moved by YHWH to send Zerrubbabel to Jerusalem (Ch 1-2)
* 1:1 Historical preface
* 1:2-4 Cyrus’ decree
* 1:5-11 Narrative telling of return
* 2:1-70 Details of return
* Zerubbabel does what he was sent to do (Ch 3)
* 3:1-5 Zerubbabel (and co.) rebuild the altar (in dread of neighboring people) and reinstitute daily sacrifices, and Festival of Booths.
* 3:6-9 Jeshua (Jesus) rebuild the Temple foundation
* 3:10-11 The Foundation of the Temple is consecrated
* Weirdness /Zerrubbabel faces opposition (Ch 3-4)
* 3:12-13 The (young) people celebrate while the older people weep
* 4:1-5 The locals try to help with the rebuilding of the Temple, but are not allowed.
* 4:6-24 The locals get Artaxerxes to stop on the Temple.
* 5:1-6:12 The Prophet Haggai makes a counter-suit and King Darius allows work on the temple to resume.
* 6:13-18 The Temple 1s completed and consecrated
* 6:19-22 Passover Celebrated
* Ezra and Torah Faithfulness (arguably)- Ezra Ch 7-10
* Artaxerxes Moved by YHWH to send Ezra to Jerusalem (Ch 7-8)
* 7:1-10 Historical Preface
* 7:11-28 Letter from Artaxerxes to Ezra
* 8:1-14 Details or return
* Ezra does what he is sent to do (Ch 7-8)
* 8:15-20 Separating out the Levites
* 8:21-23 Fasting and praying
* 8:24-30 Details on gifts for the Temple
* 8:31-36 Return to Jerusalem
* Weirdness (Ch 9-10)
* 9:1-4 Ezra reacts (strongly) to intermarriages
* 9:5-15 Ezra’s (intense) prayer
* 10:1-5 Covenant to divorce foreign wives
* 10:6-17 Foreign wives and children rejected
* 10:18-44 A (surprisingly small) list of those who divorced their wives
* Nehemiah and the Wall- Nehemiah Ch 1-7
* Artaxerxes Moved by YHWH to send Nehemiah to Jerusalem (Ch 1-2)
* 1:1-11 Nehemiah, cupbearer to Artaxerxes, hears about the bad state of Jerusalem
* 2:1-10 Artexerxes sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem
* 2:11-16 Inspection of the wall
* 2:17-20 Decision to fix the Wall
* Nehemiah does what he was sent to do (Ch 3)
* 3:1-32 Work is Organized
* Opposition (Ch 4-7)
* 4:1-23 The locals oppose the rebuilding of the wall
* 5:1-13 Worries about food
* 5:14-19 Nehemiah’s generosity
* 6:1-14 Continued opposition
* 6:15-7:4 Walls completed
* 7:5-60 Details of returned exiles
* Weirdness
* 7:61-65 The people who don’t belong
* 7:66-73 Totals
* Spiritual Renewal- Nehemiah 8-12
* 8:1-18 Ezra and Nehemiah have the law proclaimed and taught to people
* 9:1-37 National Confession
* 9:38-10:39 Details on who signed the covenant
* 11:1-35 Population of Jerusalem and daughter cities increased
* 12:1-26 Details of priests and Levites
* 12:27-43 Dedication of the Wall
* 12:44-47 Temple responsibilities
* Spiritual Failure/Weirdness- Nehemiah Ch 13
* 13:1-3 Foreigners separated
* 13:4-31 Nehemiah’s Reforms:
* 13:4-9 Kicks Tobiah out of one of the rooms in the temple (where he has been squatting)
* 13:10-14 The correct portions had not been distributed, so levites were working in the field, N sends them back.
* 13:15-22 Sabbath laws reinstated
* 13:23-31 N finds Levites who were still married to foreigners, so he beats them (in the name of the Lord, of course)
* Zerubbabel means “the one sown in Babylon”
* Ezra means “helper” (same root as Ezer)
* Nehemiah means “God comforts”
Bible Project- Ezra-Nehemiah (Read the Bible Series)
Bible Project- Ezra/Nehemiah (Tim Mackie Lecture)
Bible Worm Podcast Episode 514- (2023), Episode 115: (2019)
Data over Dogma Podcast: “The Why Question” with David Wright
Pop Culture Connections:
As mentioned last week, there is a pretty big recent Pop-culture reference to another Ezra (Big Spoiler Warning for those who have not watched Ahsoka)
Boring Stuff:
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. http://nrsvbibles.org
Music: “Flying” by Track Tribe, edited by Revochart, YouTube Audio Library License
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Welcome back, thanks for joining us for the second Podcast for Narrative Lectionary. This week we are looking at Isaiah 40:1-11 (we also read Isaiah 39:4-8).
This week I am trying for a hybrid, there is the podcast as well as some of the blog elements. Thank you for your interaction as I am exploring what I can do for this resource. Your feedback is most appreciated (and yes, I know it would be nice to get these resources with more time before Sunday, I am trying).
Sorry about the mismatched audio, still working on the levels.
Last Time on Tales of Faith
It is a time of Exile. The people of Israel have been living in BABYLON for almost seventy years. Jerusalem and the temple have been destroyed. They have had to depend on their faith, each other, and the GOD who has accompanied them.
However, their is a new Empire on the horizon, the PERSIAN EMPIRE, and their Emperor CYRUS THE GREAT, who is a threat even to Babylon. Could this new Emperor be God’s instrument of peace?…
Isaiah 40:1-11
Overview of Isaiah
Bible Project- Isaiah (Read the Bible Series)
* Ch 1-12: Isaiah’s Vision of Judgement and Hope for Jerusalem
* Ch 13-27: Judgment and Hope for the Nations
* 13-23 Fall of Babylon & Israel’s neighbors
* 24-27 A Tale of Two Cities
* Ch 28-39: the Rise and Fall of Jerusalem
* 28-35 Accusation against Jerusalem’s Leaders
* 36-38 Hezekiah’s Rise
* 39 Hezekiah’s Fall, Exile
* Ch 40-66: Hope
* 40-48 Announcement of Hope
* 40:1-31 God’s people are comforted
* 41:1-29 God’s Help for Israel
* 42:1-9 The Servant™ is introduced
* 42:10-20 A Hymn of Praise
* 42:21-25 Israel’s past disobedience and their consequences
* 43:1-44:8 God’s promise of blessing
* 44:9-20 A quick TED Talk on the futility of idol worship
* 44:21-28 Israel is not forgotten
* 45:1-19 Cyrus, God-Emperor of Persia, God’s instrument of God’s peace
* 45:20-46:13 Idols will be unable to save Babylon
* 47:1-15 Babylon will be humiliated
* 48:1-22 God is the creator and redeemer
* 49-55 The Servant™ fulfills YHWH’s mission
* 56-66 The Servant™ inherits YHWH’s kingdom
* The Babylonian Exile officially lasted from 597-538 BCE, so 59 years.
Bible Project- Isaiah (Read the Bible Series)
Bible Worm Podcast Episode 514- (2023), Episode 114: (2019)
Pop Culture Connections:
The vision of the future presented by Star Trek
Soilent Green- feed the people with the people
Lord of the Rings, Galadriel does not take the ring
Homebrewed Christianity: “Have Yourself a Lord of the Rings Christmas Movie Marathon”
Boring Stuff:
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. http://nrsvbibles.org
Music: “Flying” by Track Tribe, edited by Revochart, YouTube Audio Library License
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Hello there, (General Kenobi)
Welcome to the new podcast version of my Tales of Faith blog. My wife, Louise (who serves as Christian Education Leader at our church), and I discuss Jeremiah 33:14-28, make some geeky references, and discuss possible sermon topics for both children and adults.
We are working out the publishing schedule, but we are certainly working on getting the podcast out earlier in the week than my blog usually is (sorry).
Thanks for listening!
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