Gooooood evening. Alfred Hitchcock is long believed to be the Master of Suspense in film circles. His ability to craft engaging tales of espionage, murder, and debauchery - all while entrenched in the plight of the Everyman - have stood the test of time. Each month, Cory and Aaron look at a randomly drawn film of Hitch's and examine what makes it so inherently Hitchcockian. Since beginning the show in 2019, they have discussed every available film in Hitch's catalogue, and are now examining sequels, contemporaries, other Hitchcock media, and his far reaching influence over cinema.
Three gentlemen discuss Alfred Hitchcock's films in chronological order, with a few tangents on the way.
Podcast film berbumbu spoiler dan canda tawa yang akan mengajak para pecinta sinema untuk berdiskusi tentang film teranyar maupun lawas. Dipandu oleh Tomi @hipratama, Iwan @iwan.aep, Aldy @rinaldy_alexander, Gian @giandra_raka dan Lim @yntlim. Jika ingin berbagi keseruan dengan kami, colek kita di Twitter & Instagram @ngobrolinpilem
Fade To Black is a weekly film culture podcast co-hosted by film critics Hanna Flint (@hannaflint), Clarisse Loughrey (@clarisselou) and Amon Warmann (@amonwarmann). It takes a deep dive into the latest movie news, hot cinema takes and reviews the best new releases all in one place.
It also gives listeners a chance to hear from some of the brightest stars of cinema through exclusive interviews with major talent. The podcast champions inclusivity by covering a broad spectrum of film and culture topics so that listeners can discover a diverse range of movies to seek out. -
Movie reviews no one asked for.
A weekly comedic movie review podcast in which we watch the good, the bad, the ugly and the straight-up weird. Come on a strange ride with two friends as we go through all of cinema's biggest enigmas. We'll leave you saying "How did that even get made?"
Your hosts are Maria, a “recovering” lawyer who is using this as an excuse to watch bad movies as a version of self care but in doing so may result in falling asleep halfway through her movie assignment... and Sam, the lovable nerd who’s ramblings and rants will only be interrupted when she makes herself laugh. -
Subscribe to our weekly podcast hosted by Seth Gavriel & Terence Malcolm where we cover all things tv and film with a hint of humour. If you're on the look out for some great tv & film reviews and recommendations from a couple of Black British Geeks then we're the podcast for you.
Film critic Molly Kim recommends you two Korean films every week. She tells a brief story of the film with witty commentary and talks about the stars in it.
Writer: Molly Kim
Producer: Goh Min-suk
Edit producer: Cha Jun-mee -
Bonjour, bonsoir à tous !
Dans ce podcast, je vous conseille des films français qui valent la peine d'être vus, et je vous prouve que le cinéma français c'est pas de la m*rde.
Design : @get_this_art (instagram) -
Two dudes discussing movie related content.
CJ Johnson, Australian Film Critic, talks movies with filmmakers, critics and others.
Reviewing films in about THREE minutes OR SO.
NEW episode every Thursday morning!
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This is a movie podcast where the hosts, David Guiod, Steven Dillard, and Zach Poland tackle different miniseries comprised from various film genres, themes, categories, or whatever we feel like fits nicely into a box.
Contra Zoom is a film based podcast going in depth about varying movie related subjects. Dakota Arsenault and guests go over both academic and the fun aspects of enjoying the film medium. Episodes feature lists, interviews and comparisons. Visit for more details!
A Podcast with friends where we usually talk about movies, and have a drink two. Support this podcast:
We talk about movies & conspiracies!
The podcast radio show where I talk about stuff and things that are on my mind every week - featuring interviews, independent music and pop culture news! Also Transformers!
Also an archive feed for interviews and past episodes of my college radio shows on 89.9 KGRG-FM.