Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined for the final time by Bunny O'Hare, Count Chocolate, Evie Carnihan, & Lucille Lane!
Listen as we discuss a ridiculous app that a school district in California is using.
This is our Final episode!
Thanks for listening!
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Welcome to our 100th Episode Live Spectacular!!
Today Elvis is joined by Lucille Lane, Bunny O'Hare, Mrs. Sparkles, Shirley Temper, Rosie Rose, Turd Ferguson, & Count Chocolate!
Listen as we discuss School Boards getting rid of free lunch, Teachers who are forced to rap, Dirty Hippy Feet's Anxiety, and the brilliant Lettuce Club!
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!!
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources. Check them out at www.LudlamDramatics.com
Elvis is having issues Y'all.
Enjoy episode 17.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is Joined by Bunny O'Hare & Count Chocolate!
Listen as we discuss a few people who just want things so badly that they don't care about reality getting in the way.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare & Count Chocolate! Listen as we discuss how things are starting to turn a better direction.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Mrs. Sparkles, Shirley Temper, & Count Chocolate!
Listen as we discuss A Superintendent who demands a student be punished for having his hair in locks and is spending thousands of public tax dollars to fight it out in court.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Shirley Temper, Mrs. Sparkles, & Bunny O'Hare!
Listen as we discuss a teacher who F*'d up royally by insulting a student's parents.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Lucille Lane, Count Chocolate, & Bunny O'Hare!
Listen as we discuss how teaching has changed since we started.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Count Chocolate, Bunny O'Hare, & Lucille Lane!
Listen as we discuss a teacher who tattled on another teacher for shouting and cussing.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare, Lucille Lane, & Count Chocolate!
Listen as we discuss a principal who royally messed up and got super smash drunk at the Christmas Party!
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today I am joined by Shirley Temper.
Listen as we discuss a Student Teacher who is physically unable to stand or be in a PE classroom, but wants to teach the subject virtually.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hair & Count Chocolate!
Listen as we discuss how teachers need Maslow's rules in order to thrive in their teaching position.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare & Count Chocolate!
Listen as they discuss a corrupt official who tried to trick the Conroe ISD School Board by claiming he book fair made her a sexual deviant!
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Listen as Elvis, Bunny, Count, Lucille Lane, Miss Tori discuss Thansgiving!
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare, Lucille Lane, Mrs. Tori, & Count Chocolate.
Listen as we discuss what we should do when Admin farts loudly in our classroom.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare, Count Chocolate, Lucille Lane, & Mrs. Tori!
Listen as we discuss some issues Care Bear is having teaching students with special needs in elementary school.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Evie Carnahan and Bunny O'Hare!
Listen as we discuss Students reporting themselves honestly after a sub day.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Bunny O'Hare & Evie Carnahan!
Listen as they discuss why movies don;t work as a lazy class period anymore and if we could listen to Mr. Worldwide nightly!
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is joined by Evie Carnahan and Bunny O'Hare!
Listen as we discuss a young woman who lost her scholarships because her principal decided she had been dancing in an "Ungodly" way at a party over the weekend.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
Howdy Folks!
Today Elvis is recording live at a teacher conference and joined by many!
I don't really know what this episode is about. I recorded it and edited it, but I am so tired.
Listen as we discuss How and Why you should support all LGBTQ+ Students and Teachers.
If you are considering leaving teaching, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link for some great resources. http://www.teachercareercoach.com/teacherneedsadrink
You can support Teacher Needs a Drink and hear other bonus exclusive episodes at Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast
Teacher Needs A Drink Podcast is proudly sponsored by Ludlam Dramatics. Ludlam Dramatics creates educational theatre posters and other Dramatic resources.
Check them out at https://ludlamdramatics.com
Last but not least, you can leave a message with us at the contact page of https://TeacherNeedsaDrinkPodcast.com.DO IT!
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