
  • Today, I’m unpacking a fascinating conversation with Kieran Flanagan, CMO at Zapier and former SVP of Marketing at HubSpot. This discussion centers on Calendly, a scheduling app used by millions, and its strategic acquisition of Prelude.

    We talk about the critical role of platforms in product-led growth (PLG) businesses. AI tools, for instance, are seen not as standalone products but platform features. Canva's freemium text image generator exemplifies a platform disrupting the market. Grammarly and Jasper also come up in the context of branding and market disruption.

    Distribution is vital for platforms. Calendly's acquisition of Prelude, an HR enterprise tool, is a case in point. Flanagan compares Calendly's potential growth strategy to HubSpot's approach of building individual hubs around the contact record, each catering to different roles like marketing, sales, customer success, and operations.

    We also explore the idea of Calendly morphing into a platform and integrating with other established products to multiply its value, for example, Gong, Outreach, Chorus, Jira, Monday, Asana, Dovetail, and Qualtrics.

    Lastly, Flanagan shares some intriguing marketing ideas for Calendly, including acquiring a company like Lyre for its distribution capabilities and using Calendly to understand where time gets wasted or lost within an organization, thereby helping to optimize productivity.

    About Kieran Flanagan

    Introducing Kieran Flanagan:

    * Current Chief Marketing Officer at Zapier and former Senior Vice President of Marketing at HubSpot.

    * Known for strategic insights and innovative ideas in the tech industry.

    * Expert in product-led growth (PLG) businesses and the importance of becoming a platform.

    * https://www.linkedin.com/in/kieranjflanagan/

    * https://twitter.com/searchbrat

    Notes on the product, market, company and challenges


    * Calendly = scheduling app used by +10M people, from tech workers to yoga class instructors

    * Vision: be THE go-to platform for work and leisure life planning

    * Basic explanation: you want to schedule time with someone → all you need to do is share your Calendly, and they can pick a time

    * You can set a time limit, charge them for your time, and define time slots


    * Founded in 2013 by Tope Awotona

    * profitable today

    * Valued at $3b in 2020 by raising $350M from investors + Awotona’s life savings


    * Massive growth during the pandemic: 50% Y/Y revenue growth in 2021 (about $85M)

    * growing faster than companies like Zapier or DocuSign

    * 53% market share in the US


    * appointment scheduling market: ~$300M in 2021

    * 13-19% CAGR (compound annual growth rate)

    * predicted to reach $500-$700M in 2027

    * Direct competitors: calendar.com, Setmore, Timetrade

    * Indirect competitors: Google, Hubspot, Drift

    * Trends:

    * big players like Google getting into the market

    * remote work = accelerant for scheduling software

    * More professions use scheduling software, e.g. doctors


    * Google entered the market: Google Workspace customers ($7.99) can provide scheduling with their Google Calendar

    * 2nd largest calendar app after Outlook, > 500M people

    * If Google Calendar was a social network, it would be bigger than Twitter or Snapchat

    * Calendly needs to win the enterprise segment

    * Calendly needs to build more features for verticals like Sales, HR or Productivity

    Context of the episode

    * Calendly acquired Prelude

    * Predule = enterprise interview scheduling app for recruiting

    * Prelude raised $2.4M and has hundreds of customers

    * makes it easier to schedule a series of interviews (journey) with several stakeholders without the typical back and forth

    * more than just scheduling: provides information to applicants, Interviewer prep, and hiring analytics

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • On their latest investor day, Founder and CEO Daniel EK presented 6 bets for the future, of which 3 are unknown. In this Tech Bound episode, Tommy Walker and Kevin discuss the 3 unknown bets Spotify might pursue as part of its strategy.

    They discuss the importance of infrastructure for live streaming and the potential for an incubator program to help discover new artists. They also discuss the possibility of independent artists being able to provide a Patreon equivalent on Spotify and concert streaming.


    Spotify investor day

    The Content Studio

    The Cutting Room show


    00:01:25 - The six bets for Spotify's future

    00:02:45 - Live streaming

    00:11:15 - An incubator program for new artists

    00:16:35 - A Patreon equivalent on Spotify

    00:21:45 - Concerts

    00:27:15 - Data analysis and personalization in the music industry

    00:32:00 - Marketing music in the digital age

    00:37:00 - How Spotify could test artists for their potential

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
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  • In this episode, I chat with Ramli John, onboarding expert and author of the book "Product-Led Onboarding." Ramli shares his journey into the field of onboarding and the importance of effective onboarding for customer retention. We talk about the difference between product-led and sales-led onboarding and the Eureka model, which includes three stages: the aha moment, activation, and habituation. Ramli provides insights into setting goals and metrics for successful onboarding, creating user personas, and the importance of a seamless user experience. We also venture into his process for writing a book and the role of beta readers. Tune in to learn how to optimize your onboarding process for growth and success.

    Why onboarding is critical for Growth

    Onboarding is critical for Growth because it helps users understand the value of a product and sets the foundation for a positive user experience. Done well, onboarding can lead to increased customer retention and, ultimately, revenue.

    5 takeaways about onboarding

    * Focus on onboarding as a crucial aspect of customer retention.

    * Consider the difference between product-led and sales-led onboarding.

    * Use the Eureka model for onboarding, which includes three stages: aha moment, activation, and habituation.

    * Set clear goals and metrics for onboarding success.

    * Create user personas and provide a seamless user experience in onboarding.

    The Eureka model for onboarding

    The Euroka model includes three stages:

    * The aha moment: the user realizes the value of the product or service

    * Activation: activation is when the user takes action to start using the product

    * Habituation: habituation is when the user becomes a regular and habitual user of the product

    These stages should be thought of as a journey that the user goes through in order to fully engage with and benefit from the product.

    Show Notes

    * ramlijohn.com

    * twitter.com/RamliJohn

    * https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramlijohn/

    * Product-Led Onboarding book


    02:20 - Ramli John's journey into onboarding and expertise in the field

    07:30 - The impact of onboarding on customer retention

    11:10 - Product-led vs sales-led onboarding: which is better?

    14:30 - The Eureka model for onboarding and its three stages

    18:20 - Setting goals and metrics for successful onboarding

    21:20 - Creating user personas for effective onboarding

    25:10 - The importance of a seamless user experience in onboarding

    29:00 - Different types of onboarding teams and their responsibilities

    35:00 - The role of customer success and marketing teams in onboarding

    37:00 - The process of writing a book and the importance of beta readers

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:00 introduction

    1:07 Amanda’s path from chef to content marketer

    5:48 Mise en place in content marketing

    6:28 How to write amazing Twitter threads

    12:44 Repurposing content

    18:52 Powerful mental models

    25:53 How to grab attention

    30:07 How to find your target audience’s pain points

    38:41 How to balance work and family

    41:45 How Memes fit into content strategy

    45:41 Starting vs planning


    Amanda's website: https://amandanat.com/

    Amanda on Twitter: https://twitter.com/amandanat

    Sparktoro: https://sparktoro.com/


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo: https://www.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-podcast/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg&nd=1

    Simplecast: https://tech-bound-podcast.simplecast.com/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    Eric Siu on Twitter: @ericosiu or https://twitter.com/ericosiu

    Leveling up: https://www.levelingup.com/

    Single Grain: https://www.singlegrain.com/

    Leveling up NFT: https://heroes.levelingup.com/heroes/

    LVMH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH


    0:00 Intro

    1:30 What LVMH is and why you should care

    6:26 Arnault Bernard’s growth thesis

    7:30 Idea 1 = collaborations with big NFT brands

    9:40 Idea 2 = cross and upselling between brands

    13:36 Idea 3 = insurance as added service

    16:36 Idea 4 = product refurbishing

    20:40 Idea 5 = attention M&A

    27:20 Idea 6 = gaming skins

    32:04 Leveling up

    33:35 founder skills

    35:10 gamifying life

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • Timestamps

    0:00 Warmup questions

    5:27 Important metrics SEO tools can’t provide

    10:20 How will Yep make Ahrefs better?

    16:35 The biggest bet Tim took that paid off

    20:13 How Ahrefs manages to not run out of keywords to write about

    22:28 How to decide when to refresh content

    27:06 Is SEO becoming more product than marketing?

    33:33 Ahrefs most underutilized feature

    40:29 How to differentiate from all the other SEO tools

    44:15 The future of SEO tools

    49:07 Tim’s secret believe

    51:22 The place of social media in today’s marketing

    56:23 What Tim wishes for the SEO community

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    2:06 How Trung thinks about what he’s doing

    4:20 Trung’s content creation process

    7:56 Working on the headline vs. the rest of a story

    8:36 How long it takes to write a Twitter thread

    10:02 How to add humor to content

    12:01 Standup comedy

    14:12 How Trung creates memes

    18:09 Elon Musk’s tree trunk theory for building knowledge

    21:48 Trung’s book recommendations

    24:24 The unique benefit of audio content

    28:35 The value of anchor content

    31:25 Workweek - a new media company

    34:19 Monetizing content

    35:23 Shopify and equity


    Asml Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/trungtphan/status/1429464889307762688?lang=en

    Imgflip: https://imgflip.com/

    Mematic app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.trilliarden.mematic&hl=en_US&gl=US

    The Prize by Daniel Yergin: https://bookshop.org/books/the-prize-the-epic-quest-for-oil-money-power/9781439110126

    Trung Phan Bloomberg articles: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/authors/AVrHdCE3O1I/trung-phan

    Trung on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrungTPhan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

    SatPost: https://trungtphan.com/subscribe/

    Not Investment Advice podcast:


    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    1:07 The definition of a hustler

    2:45 Is “hustle culture” wrong?

    9:51 What hustle looks like for Ross day-to-day

    11:18 Ross’ schedule and productivity routine

    14:09 How Ross runs Foundation Marketing

    17:16 How Ross writes break-downs

    19:24 Adobe - doing great content marketing

    22:04 How to breakthrough content marketing plateaus

    25:42 Thinking of Content Marketing as an investment

    28:05 Content Marketing Trends

    33:46 How to stand out in a content commodity world

    37:31 Every SaaS company looks the same

    40:43 Advice for anyone who is struggling or broke






    Convo with peep laja: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b89EefIrt_E

    Google Duplex: https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/05/duplex-ai-system-for-natural-conversation.html

    Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/

    Stand out guide: https://content.rosssimmonds.com/stand-out-guide1

    Foundation marketing Adobe case study: https://foundationinc.co/lab/adobes-200-billion-unshakeable-moat/


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo: https://www.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-podcast/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg&nd=1

    Simplecast: https://tech-bound-podcast.simplecast.com/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:00 Introduction

    1:08 Why is it crucial to build an audience

    1:53 The best way to build an audience

    3:52 The importance of a strategic narrative

    8:08 How to build a strategic narrative step-by-step

    13:20 The power of category generation

    17:48 Serving an underserved niche in a big market

    19:37 The Cambrian SaaS explosion

    22:50 Building brand salience

    25:34 Product Expansion and transient advantages

    30:24 How Google is a monopoly and stuck at the same time

    33:12 Competing on price

    41:00 How to combine messaging and narrative


    The end of competitive advantage: https://hbr.org/2013/08/the-end-of-competitive-advanta

    Wynter: https://wynter.com/

    CXL: https://cxl.com/

    Peep on Twitter: https://twitter.com/peeplaja


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo: https://www.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-podcast/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg&nd=1

    Simplecast: https://tech-bound-podcast.simplecast.com/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    1:09 SEO guidelines for writers in 2021

    7:59 Creativity when writing for SEO

    10:43 Mediocre vs. top-notch content briefs

    17:00 Content briefs for inhouse vs freelance writers

    20:22 How to motivate writers

    23:34 How GPT-3 will change the content landscape forever

    31:25 How to develop the best piece of content on the web for a certain topic

    35:36 What data to put into a content brief

    38:55 How machine learning changes the Google search results

    41:11 Is there a place for websites in Google’s future?


    Bill King’s podcast: www.billkingtm.com/podcast

    Frase: www.frase.io

    GPT 3: https://openai.com/blog/openai-api/


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo: https://www.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-podcast/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg&nd=1

    Simplecast: https://tech-bound-podcast.simplecast.com/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:00 Introduction

    0:50 Fighting injustice and prejudices with e-commerce

    7:44 What it's like to start a DTC business as an SEO

    10:48 The vision for Afrodrops

    15:25 Improving internal search for e-commerce

    20:05 Internal search best practices

    21:11 The DTC brands and marketplaces that are killing it right now

    26:40 The impact of the pandemic on e-commerce

    30:41 Growth categories in e-commerce

    35:19 The next generation of e-commerce

    37:58 The challenge of going from offline retail to e-commerce












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    Simplecast channel

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:31 How to dominate a category in SEO?

    4:01 The best book for promoting your first e-commerce store

    6:54 Does Google love Shopify?

    8:18 How much can you earn as SEO?

    9:54 Do topic clusters still work?

    11:04 Joining Shopify


    Rory Sutherland - Alchemy

    Shopify guide


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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:00 Introduction

    0:53 Marketing Showrunners

    4:09 How to come up with topics that capture people

    6:09 The top 3 podcasting mistakes

    10:34 Jay's formula for good premises

    22:53 How much personality plays a role in podcasting

    25:53 Bringing an established podcast to the next level

    30:26 The best metrics to evaluate podcasts

    35:20 What tools Jay recommends to use

    37:46 Examples of great shows

    39:38 Jay coaches me for Tech Bound

    49:44 The Growable Shows course



    Jay's Book "break the wheel": https://bookshop.org/a/24650/9781544501055

    Helpscout documentary Against the Grain: https://www.helpscout.com/blog/introducing-against-the-grain

    3 clips: https://3clipspodcast.com/

    Unthinkable: https://jayacunzo.com/unthinkable-podcast

    Radiolab podcast: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab

    The moment podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-moment-with-brian-koppelman/id814550071

    Working it out: https://www.birbigs.com/working-it-out-pod

    Reply all: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all

    Binge Mode: https://www.theringer.com/binge-mode

    Jay's course: growable shows https://jayacunzo.com/growable-shows


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos

    Subscribe to Growth Memo for more content



    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com

    0:00 Introduction

    0:52 The key message of the book Product-Led SEO

    3:09 Common misconceptions about SEO

    7:37 Getting things done in SEO

    10:18 SEO Product Managers

    13:29 Should SEO be part of Marketing or Product?

    18:18 Is stack ranking projects still up to date?

    20:01 How to create more awareness for SEO inhouse

    23:18 How to learn from the competition

    30:59 Getting better at opportunity sizing

    34:54 How much should you invest in SEO?

    37:42 The compounding effect of SEO

    40:00 The process of writing Product-Led SEO









    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo: https://www.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-podcast/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg&nd=1

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • In this Tech Bound podcast, I speak with legendary founder Joost de Valk about the importance of Schema for the web, the CMS landscape, and SEO Fitness. You probably know him from Yoast, the #1 WordPress plugin for SEO, but Joost has to offer way more.


    0:00 Introduction

    0:56 State of the CMS market

    3:38 The rise of WordPress

    7:32 The biggest challenges webmasters face today

    10:14 SEO fitness and dieting

    17:28 How important is technical SEO in 2021?

    20:05 The future of rich snippets and Schema

    24:39 A fully Schema-augmented web

    29:08 Trust and Blockchain timestamps

    33:38 What it’s like to run Yoast

    36:02 The future of Yoast

    37:50 Outro


    Yoast CMS market share analysis: https://joost.blog/cms-market-share/

    NY Times link rot analysis: https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/21/22447690/link-rot-research-new-york-times-domain-hijacking

    (Free) duplicate post plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-post/

    Wordproof: https://wordproof.com/

    Schema on Github: https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg

    Yoast: https://yoast.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jdevalk

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • All questions: https://twitter.com/Kevin_Indig/status/1382460583564480512


    0:32 How does SEO look like in 3-6-12 months when you land a new job/start a new project in an agency vs startup vs enterprise environment?

    3:02 Which low-hanging fruit do you spot most often when checking out new sites? Perhaps divide it into small, SaaS (b2b), and large, inventory-based sites.

    4:12 If you could go back 5yrs and say one thing to your past SEO self what would it be?

    5:24 What is your most complex enterprise SEO project aside from Shopify? And did this project use Shopify? :)

    6:40 When you already have your keyword list, and its volumes/organic CTR based LOOSE traffic potential, how do you create estimates/forecasts that are useful vs unrealistic/impossible?

    8:42 When SEO traffic is almost flat line with no growth for more than 6 months, what should I do differently, where to go for ideas?

    9:51As a startup, Should you first invest in SEO or Paid ads?

    11:50 If there’s anything I learned from this post, it’s that SEOs like talking about the idea of SEO rather than actually doing it. Search landscape is always changing, adapt or get out. Time spent complaining is time better spent working.

    12:45 How can I grow SEOTesting.com with a bootstrapped budget?

    13:56 What areas do you think SEOs do not spend enough time talking or researching about?

    14:54 SEO tips every early-stage founder should know!

    16:22 If you had to pick one, what change are you/or have you implemented at Shopify that you're most excited about?

    17:04 How can you grow in a competitive industry without buying links?

    18:32 Where is the industry headed? Will SEO be a thing in 5 years?

    19:55 Have you ever tried reverse engineering google algorithms to know how they actually work?

    20:54 Where do ideas come from? Can we train our brains to be idea machines (big or small)?

    22:00 The most persistent piece of SEO advice out there that you flat out disagree with?

    23:14 What leads to a healthy SEO team culture? (And does "healthy" evolve with the company stage/size?)


    First 90 days by Michael Watkins: https://bookshop.org/a/24650/9781422188613

    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo for more content: https://www.kevin-indig.com

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Techbound2

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-conversations/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kevin-indig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • Guillaume Cabane comes on the Tech Bound podcast to talk about investing your time like a VC, building Growth roadmaps, and running experiments. A true master of his craft, Guillaume is the former VP of Growth at Drift, Segment, and Mention, current VP of Growth Gorgias, and advisor to G2, Abstract, Metadata, Madkudu, MonkeyLearn.


    0:00 Introduction

    1:23 Be the VC of your time

    4:28 The risk-taker and tinkerer mindset

    8:57 The first things Guillaume would look at when growing a company with strong PMF

    12:18 When to be CAC-efficient and when not

    15:16 Building a Growth roadmap

    17:32 The master's tools

    20:43 EVELYN - Experiment Velocity Engine Lifting Your Numbers

    24:49 What distinguishes good from bad experiments

    27:47 Creating value where others don't see value

    31:36 Guillaume's Zone of Genius

    31:56 Teams over Self

    32:16 How failure set Guillaume up for success

    Show notes





    EVELYN: https://airtable.com/universe/expZpCNVlkaoLGNAr/evelyn-experiment-velocity-engine-lifting-your-numbers

    Cialdini - Influence: https://bookshop.org/books/influence-the-psychology-of-persuasion-revised/9780061241895

    Shackleton - Voyage: https://bookshop.org/books/endurance-shackleton-s-incredible-voyage-anniversary/9780465062881

    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo for more content: growthmemo.kevin-indig.com

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kevin_Indig

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-conversations/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kevin-indig

    #growth #growthmarketing #vc

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • Nigel Stevens, CEO & Founder of Organic Growth Marketing and former Head of SEO of BigCommerce, talks to me about using SEO data the right way, SEO forecasting, and how agencies can provide real value to their customers.


    0:00 Introduction

    1:16 How SEOs should think about data

    2:53 SEO opportunity sizing

    5:55 Translating traffic potential into Dollars

    7:16 Slicing traffic forecasts into scenarios

    8:46 Forecasting for different business models

    11:00 Micro conversions

    14:02 Nigel's tools

    15:37 Projecting traffic inhouse vs. agency-side

    18:30 What SEO agency clients care about

    21:38 Client retention for SEO agencies

    25:38 What in SEO can you prove with data and what not?

    29:37 How to think when working with imperfect data

    31:33 Good hypothesis formulation

    33:02 How to sell imperfect data to clients

    34:48 Planning for the year ahead

    36:52 rapid-fire questions

    Show notes:



    Nassim Taleb - Black Swan: https://bookshop.org/books/the-black-swan-second-edition-the-impact-of-the-highly-improbable-with-a-new-section-on-robustness-and-fragility/9780812973815

    Hotjar: www.hotjar.com

    Nigel on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/nigel-stevens-67218068


    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo for more content: https://growthmemo.kevin-indig.com/

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrowthmemo

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-conversations/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kevin-indig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • Jimmy Daly is the founder of Superpath and former VP of Growth at animals, one of the leading agencies and advocates of content marketing. Jimmy and I speak about being successful at the business side of content marketing, his new company Superpath, and how content marketers can build a six-figure income career.


    0:00 Introduction

    0:52 Why is there so much lukewarm content out there?

    2:56 What makes content marketing teams successful

    6:27 How the best content marketing teams measure their success

    9:13 Pitching the business impact of content marketing to decision-makers

    10:28 Making room for "the creative" while going driving revenue

    14:03 How Jimmy would set up a content marketing strategy for a new brand

    15:39 The difference between content marketing for companies with long vs short sales cycles

    18:29 What to invest your money in

    20:43 The best content marketing campaigns Jimmy has seen

    22:53 Outstanding content marketing

    25:13 Why Jimmy founded Superpath

    28:40 The vision for Superpath

    31:20 Hiring content marketing talent

    32:54 Building a content marketer career

    35:54 Jimmy's content marketing strategy for Superpath

    39:47 Rapid fire questions

    Show notes:





    Subscribe to the channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQ5uxfxcnObjzLAk1lmM6g?sub_confirmation=1

    Subscribe to the Growth Memo for more content: growthmemo.kevin-indig.com

    Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kevin_Indig

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-bound-conversations/id1488939659

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ze0gqMmuh22rR8rVv0oz8?si=87cysHp3S5yEzNuuUK9Ezg

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kevin-indig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com
  • Will Critchlow, founder and CEO of Searchpilot and organizer of Search Love, talks about the ins and outs of SEO testing. We also cover how SEO changed over the last 15 years and how curiosity is the key to last a long time in the game.


    0:00 Introduction

    0:50 How Search Pilot was born

    3:13 The basics steps of SEO experiments

    6:18 How to pick the right sample size and understand statistical significance

    9:04 The limitations of SEO testing

    13:21 How Searchpilot creates such great case studies

    20:53 The challenges of flawed SEO data

    23:15 How exactly Will + Team set SEO experiments up

    26:27 The biggest mistake people make with SEO experiments

    31:11 Finding good SEO experiment ideas

    34:16 How SEO has changed over the last 15 years

    40:12 A change of the Google guard

    45:54 What keeps Will in the game

    Show notes



    Searchpilot case studies: www.searchpilot.com/resources/case-studies/

    "Fifteen Years is a long time in SEO" on Moz: moz.com/blog/15-years-in-seo

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.tech-bound.com