
  • Does listening to music, something many of us do when we exercise, really do anything for your training performance?

    Because it’s such a popular motivator in sports and fitness, it would only make sense that it does something to help. Or, is it magical thinking that your favorite tunes make you stronger or faster?

    Get ready for some good news — and some bad — about how music may affect your workout.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we’ll dig into the research on whether or not music helps increase your maximum strength, how it may actually boost the number of reps you can do, help you push a little bit harder, run a little bit farther, and even recover faster.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    The Psychophysiological Effects of Different Tempo Music on Endurance Versus High-Intensity Performances — Frontiers in Psychology

    Ergogenic and psychological effects of synchronous music during circuit-type exercise — Psychology of Sport and Exercise

    The effects of music tempo and loudness level on treadmill exercise — Ergonomics

    Can Listening to Music Improve Your Workout? — National Center for Health Research

    Revisiting the exercise heart rate-music tempo preference relationship — Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

    Effect of different musical tempo on post-exercise recovery in young adults — Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

    Effects of self-selected music on maximal bench press strength and strength endurance — Perceptual and Motor Skills

    Effects of self-selected music on strength, explosiveness, and mood — Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

    The effect of music during warm-up on consecutive anaerobic performance in elite adolescent volleyball players — International Journal of Sports Medicine

    Music Mindset: Don’t Wait for Tomorrow — Born Fitness

  • Are you one of those people that think lectins — proteins that are found in many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and legumes — are actually bad for you?

    Sadly, there’s probably one reason you might believe this misinformation, a book titled, The Plant Paradox, by Dr. Steven R. Gundry MD.

    In it, Gundry makes a wide variety of unsupported claims that many of the plants we consider to be healthy are actually bad for you.

    In fact, Gundry goes as far as to claim, “I believe lectins are the #1 Biggest Danger in the American Diet.”

    The #1 biggest danger is making a claim like that, especially when there is a significant lack of science to suggest anything so bold, and very little evidence to even be worried about lectins in the first place.

    Lectins, as they are consumed in a diet, just aren’t an issue. And, unless you’re eating raw kidney beans (why are you eating raw kidney beans!) the alleged poisonous nature just isn’t realistic.

    In other words: “Lectins are far more active in binding to our cells when they’re consumed in high concentrations and in isolation, as they are in experiments, than when they are consumed in food, as they generally are by actual humans,” notes Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center at Griffin Hospital and founder of the True Health Initiative.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we’ll look at the problem with taking anecdotal evidence as fact, how some of the healthiest populations in the world live off of lectin-heavy diets, and the only food you actually need to avoid eating (hint: you wouldn’t anyway).

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Legume Lectins: Proteins with Diverse Applications — International Journal of Molecular Sciences

    Lectins as bioactive plant proteins: a potential in cancer treatment — Critical Review of Food Science Nutrition

    Red kidney bean poisoning in the UK: an analysis of 50 suspected incidents between 1976 and 1989 — Epidemiology & Infection

    Effect of Some Processing Methods on Hemagglutinin Activity of Lectin Extracts from Selected Grains (Cereals and Legumes) — International Journal of Advanced Academic Research

    Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins — FDA

    Reduction in antinutritional and toxic components in plant foods by fermentation — Food Research International

    Does Fruit Really Make You Fat? — That's Healthy, Right? Podcast

    So Now Kale Is Bad for You? — Born Fitness

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  • Is the detox of all detoxes really a detox that you want?

    This mouthful is exactly what you need to ponder when using activated charcoal. The compound — which is used in hospitals when people overdose on certain drugs — has risen to popularity. It became a hot nutritional fad in the LA restaurant scene a few years ago, and it’s picked up momentum ever since.

    Some claim it’s the ultimate detox. Others say it will improve general health. And, even the beauty industry has joined in, as it’s commonly touted as an effective “teeth-whitener.”

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we’ll look at the clinical uses of activated charcoal, the negative side effects of long-term use, and a study that proves all you’re doing for your teeth is brushing them with the stuff from the grill.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Is Activated Charcoal Healthy for You? — Born Fitness

    Activated charcoal for acute overdose: a reappraisal — British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

    Oral activated charcoal in the treatment of intoxications. Role of single and repeated doses — Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience

    Whitening toothpaste containing activated charcoal, blue covarine, hydrogen peroxide or microbeads: which one is the most effective? — Journal of Applied Oral Science

    Charcoal and charcoal-based dentifrices: A literature review — Journal of the American Dental Association

    Position paper: Single-dose activated charcoal — Clinical Toxicology

    Activated Charcoal for Acute Poisoning: One Toxicologist’s Journey — Journal of Medical Toxicology

    New York City Department Of Health Bans Black Foods That Contain Activated Charcoal

    — Tech Times

    The Hype Machine: Do Detoxes Really Work? — Born Fitness

  • According to a recent informal poll of our followers, we discovered that 64% of respondents believe celery juice has a higher nutritional value than many other healthy options out there.

    But, where does this belief come from? After all, we’re talking about celery. Not some exotic superfood that was just discovered.

    And yet, the celery juice explosion is very real and worth discussing because any food that gives you a nutritional advantage is worth adding to your diet — if it really backs up its claims.

    There are many things about the human body that we still don’t understand, but a little sleuthing (and a good dose of science) can help us to see why the claims around this craze are a bust.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we’ll look at the progenitor of the celery juice craze, his spurious health claims, and the real reason you’re seeing health benefits from drinking it.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!

    tl/dr: Does Celery Juice Really Work?

    If you’ve been following That’s Healthy, Right?, you know that we take tremendous pride in our in-depth, unbiased research. But, when it came to researching celery juice, we came away frustrated. Why? Because there is almost no published research that supports any of the claims that suggest celery juices works for many of the proposed health benefits. Celery juice has many antioxidants and it’s not bad, but it's no different than drinking many other vegetable or fruit juices. And, in many ways, eating raw celery is likely to have more nutritional value than juicing the celery. Sadly, the celery juice diet is a big myth with no scientific backing.


    Experts Are Rolling Their Eyes At The Celery Juice Diet Craze — NY Post

    Celery Juice: Are the Benefits Real? — UC Davis Health

    Celery Juice Will Not Work Miracles, No Matter What You Read on Goop — The Washington Post

    Detoxing is a Hoax — Vice

    Your Juice Cleanse is Probably Doing More Harm Than Good — Vice

    A Forensic Analysis of the Benefits of Lemon Water — That’s Healthy, Right?

    The Body Cleanse: Does Juicing Really Work? — Born Fitness

  • If sugar is bad, does that mean fruit needs to be avoided?

    It’s a question that has been asked thousands of times in hundreds of different ways. Because of the general fear of sugar, it’s assumed that fruit — which is, admittedly, filled with sugar — must be bad and more likely to contribute to making you gain weight (and become fat).

    The concerns spill over to all your favorites: do you need to avoid bananas? What about apples and pears? Will peaches and watermelon ruin my summer body goals?

    The (very) short answer is fruit is badly misunderstood. As we’ve discussed before, not all sugar is equal, and any amount of sugar will not make you fat.

    Like so many things in health and nutrition, the obvious answer is rarely the correct one. When it comes to fruit, you have to look at the entire nutrient profile to understand why fruit has so many benefits that can offset the sugar and make it more of a weight loss aid than a weight gain food.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we examine the real concerns with fruit, the fallacy of the relationship between fruit and weight gain, look at the research behind the benefits of eating fruit daily, the best time of day to eat fruit, and how much fruit is too much.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Paradoxical Effects of Fruit on Obesity — Nutrients

    Impact of Whole, Fresh Fruit Consumption on Energy Intake and Adiposity: A Systematic Review — Frontiers in Nutrition

    Effects of two energy-restricted diets containing different fruit amounts on body weight loss and macronutrient oxidation — Plant Foods Human Nutrition

    Health benefits of fruits and vegetables — Advanced Nutrition

    What can intervention studies tell us about the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and weight management? — Nutrition Reviews

    Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men — New England Journal of Medicine

    Effects of fruit consumption on body mass index and weight loss in a sample of overweight and obese dieters enrolled in a weight-loss intervention trial — Nutrition

    A low-energy-dense diet adding fruit reduces weight and energy intake in women — Appetite

    Changes in intake of fruits and vegetables in relation to risk of obesity and weight gain among middle-aged women — International Journal of Obesity

    Appetite control: Methodological aspects of the evaluation of foods — Obesity

    So Now Kale Is Bad for You? — Born Fitness

    Effect of a very-high-fiber vegetable, fruit, and nut diet on serum lipids and colonic function — Metabolism

    Effect of fruit restriction on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes--a randomized trial — Nutrition Journal

  • The digital world has created one inevitability: we all spend a lot more time in front of screens, whether it’s your computer, phone, or tablet-like device. While you could argue the dangers and downsides of what it does to your attention span, there’s a more direct issue worthy of your attention — is all of the blue light from those screens bad for your health?

    In particular, does blue light damage your eyes, disrupt your sleep, or, possibly, something worse?

    There’s quite a bit of misunderstanding about the origins, utility, value, and danger that blue light poses, and this episode clears the confusion and demystifies the true dangers.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? we explain the benefits (yes, benefits) of blue light and its effects on the human body, the importance of your circadian rhythms and melatonin production, a warning about wearing blue light glasses, and the 20/20/20 rule for healthy vision.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Solving Sleep Problems: Non-obvious Solutions to Better Rest and Recovery — Born Fitness

    The effect of blue‐light blocking spectacle lenses on visual performance, macular health and the sleep‐wake cycle: a systematic review of the literature — OPO

    A double-blind test of blue-blocking filters on symptoms of digital eye strain — Work

    Effects of Blue Light on the Circadian System and Eye Physiology — Molecular Vision

    LED’s and Blue Light — ANSES

    Research progress about the effect and prevention of blue light on eyes — International Journal of Ophthalmology

    The Sun, UV lights, and your eyes — American Academy of Ophthalmology

    Blue Light From Light-Emitting Diodes Elicits a Dose-Dependent Suppression of Melatonin in Humans — Journal of Applied Physiology

    Effects of the Emitted Light Spectrum of Liquid Crystal Displays on Light-Induced Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Damage — International Journal of Molecular Sciences

    Cones Support Alignment to an Inconsistent World by Suppressing Mouse Circadian Responses to the Blue Colors Associated with Twilight — Current Biology

    Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies — Public Health

  • There is something very wrong about the idea of “canceling” a whole meal of the day, and it might not be why you think.

    Earlier this year, Dr. Oz shared his belief that we should “ban” breakfast. He claims that it’s “an advertising ploy.”

    The debate about whether or not you should eat breakfast has long raged among diet and nutrition experts (and more than a few quacks), but it’s time to set the record straight about why the question isn’t so easy to answer.

    We’ve discussed earlier the fallacy of breakfast being the “most important meal” of the day. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be valuable — or even essential — for some people.

    No matter what the research shows about intermittent fasting and its benefits for your health, the truth is that no one meal of the day is going to make or break your diet … but only if you pay close attention to some very important facts.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? we get to the bottom of the debate about why arbitrarily removing any particular meal from your diet is junk science.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    We Have Been Asking the Wrong Question about Breakfast — That’s Healthy, Right? Podcast

    Eating breakfast won’t help you lose weight, but skipping it might not either — Harvard Medical School

    Effect of breakfast on weight and energy intake: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials — The BMJ

    Breakfast Is Not the Most Important Meal — Born Fitness

    The role of breakfast In the treatment of obesity: a randomized clinical trial —

    The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    The effectiveness of breakfast recommendations on weight loss: a randomized controlled trial — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    The causal role of breakfast in energy balance and health: A randomized controlled trial in lean adults — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Adults — Advances in Nutrition

    'Dessert with breakfast diet' helps avoid weight regain by reducing cravings — Science Daily

    Is Breakfast Really Good For You? Here’s What the Science Says — Time

    Skipping breakfast associated with higher risk of cardiovascular death — University of Iowa College of Public Health

  • Right now, no one should be embarrassed to ask the question that’s on all of our minds about losing your fitness gains during a pandemic …

    “Andy: Is it true that if you don’t use it you lose it?” – The 40-Year-Old Virgin

    But, seriously, how long does it take before you start to when your gym time is replaced with extra Netflix time?

    How quickly do you lose muscle when you stop working out? What about strength? Is it different if you’ve been exercising for years?

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? we dig into the research on how quickly your body can become “detrained” and deconditioned. We break down what you can expect for cardio, strength, and endurance gains, and how long you can take off without experiencing a drop in performance.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Training and Detraining Effects of the Resistance vs. Endurance Program on Body Composition, Body Size, and Physical Performance in Young Men — Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

    Strategies and Solutions for Team Sports Athletes in Isolation Due to COVID-19 — Sports

    Detraining and Tapering Effects on Hormonal Responses and Strength Performance — Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

    Detraining increases body fat and weight and decreases VO2peak and metabolic rate — Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

    Three Weeks of Detraining Does Not Decrease Muscle Thickness, Strength or Sport Performance in Adolescent Athletes — International Journal of Exercise Science

    The Development, Retention and Decay Rates of Strength and Power in Elite Rugby Union, Rugby League and American Football: A Systematic Review — Sports Medicine

    The effects of aerobic, resistance, and combination training on insulin sensitivity and secretion in overweight adults from STRRIDE AT/RT: a randomized trial — Journal of Applied Physiology

    Post-Season Detraining Effects on Physiological and Performance Parameters in Top-Level Kayakers: Comparison of Two Recovery Strategies — Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

    Influence of detraining on temporal changes in arterial stiffness in endurance athletes: a prospective study — Journal of Physical Therapy Science

    Metabolic Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle During Detraining From Competitive Swimming — Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise

    Endurance and Neuromuscular Changes in World-Class Level Kayakers During a Periodized Training Cycle — European Journal of Applied Physiology

    Heart Rate Variability and Its Relation to Prefrontal Cognitive Function: The Effects of Training and Detraining — European Journal of Applied Physiology

  • Whether you’ve chosen to wear a mask or not during the pandemic, there are some immutable truths about how your immune system works that you need to know.

    The human body is a highly evolved system that can be trained to fight most of the germs, viruses, and bugs that you encounter on a daily basis (yes, even in your own home).

    But, does your immune system shut down when you stay indoors?

    It’s become a big area of concern with stay-at-home laws in place as a result of the coronavirus.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? we’ll discuss why we social distance, enforce good hygiene, and wear masks, the difference between the two parts of your immune system, and the general rules on how to keep your immune system running strong.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    The Fountain of Immunity: Can You Prevent COVID-19? – That’s Healthy, Right? Podcast

    Can Staying At Home Weaken Your Immune System — ABC News

    Partly false claim: Staying at home and wearing a face mask weakens the immune system — Reuters

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public - World Health Organization

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) > How to Protect Yourself & Others - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Importance of Protein for Immune Health — Rebel Health

    Sleep and Immune Function — European Journal of Physiology

    The Science of Sickness Prevention - Born Fitness

    Healthy resources to help keep you fit during COVID-19 — Born Fitness

  • CBD, the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, has exploded in popularity and availability recently. But, despite being the foundation of a billion-dollar industry, there’s still a lot of uncertainty as to whether it’s actually beneficial to your health.

    The question a lot of us are asking right now, “Does CBD work, and is it really worth the time and money?”

    And when it comes to fitness, there are many questions about whether it can help reduce pain, helps with soreness, or be a valuable workout recovery tool.

    There’s still so much we don’t know about the effects, short- or long-term, but there is some important research that leaves clues as to what we know right now, how you might want to experiment, the right dose, and what science is discovering with each passing day.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we break down the CBD research and focus on the fascinating link to reducing the frequency of seizures, and whether or not the dose you get in the average CBD product will help your anxiety, sleeplessness, or if it can actually help with workout recovery and reducing your pain.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    A Review of Human Studies Assessing Cannabidiol's (CBD) Therapeutic Actions and Potential — The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

    CBD Oil: Should You Take It? – Born Fitness

    Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients — Neuropsychopharmacology

    FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy – FDA

    Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain – Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management

    Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders – The Journal of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics

    Cannabidiol Presents an Inverted U-shaped Dose-Response Curve in a Simulated Public Speaking Test — Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry

    Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series — The Permanente Journal

    CBD: What we know, what we don’t — Harvard Health

    Does CBD Work? Upcoming Clinical Trials — Policy Lab

    FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy — US Food and Drug Administration

  • There’s a long-held belief that eating right before you sleep is a bad habit that turns those late-night calories directly into fat. The theory is simple: the later in the day, the fewer calories we burn, which means your metabolism slows down. Add that to a slower metabolism when you sleep, and it’s easy to see why “don’t eat much after 7 pm” became a common piece of diet advice.

    There’s just one problem: these theories were based on animal models and shift workers.

    When you look at the research about eating at night, the fluctuations and impacts on your metabolism are not what you think. And, there are even studies showing that people who eat most of their calories at night burn more fat.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? we take a deeper look at understanding if when you eat affects how you gain weight. We’ll explore if breakfast really is the most important meal, when calories are most likely to be stored as body fat, and the number one factor for successful weight loss.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    We Have Been Asking the Wrong Question About Breakfast – That’s Healthy, Right? Podcast

    Eating at Night Does Not Make You Fat – Born Fitness

    The Health Impact of Nighttime Eating: Old and New Perspectives — Nutrients

    Weight Loss Is Greater With Consumption of Large Morning Meals and Fat-Free Mass Is Preserved With Large Evening Meals in Women on a Controlled Weight Reduction Regimen — The Journal of Nutrition

    Greater Weight Loss and Hormonal Changes After 6 Months Diet With Carbohydrates Eaten Mostly at Dinner — Obesity

    Chronobiological Aspects of Weight Loss in Obesity: Effects of Different Meal Timing Regimens — Chronobiology International

    The Role of Breakfast in the Treatment of Obesity — American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    Influence of Meal Time on Salivary Circadian Cortisol Rhythms and Weight Loss in Obese Women — Nutrition

    Pre-sleep protein in casein supplement or whole-food form has no impact on resting energy expenditure or hunger in women — British Journal of Nutrition

  • When thinking about optimizing your protein consumption, how much is too much? We’ve established that protein is a vital dietary fuel for all kinds of reasons. But, at some point, does eating protein have no additional benefit and is eating more simply “overfilling” your tank?

    The idea that your body has limits on how much protein you can digest is based on the concept of muscle protein synthesis or MPS. Muscle protein synthesis is your body’s natural way of breaking down protein and using it to help repair the muscles in your body.

    That’s because during exercise your body uses protein, something known as muscle protein breakdown (or MPB). The combination of muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown are important components of how you build muscle, and — more importantly for every exercise goal — how well you recover from exercise.

    And, some research has suggested that 20 grams of protein is the sweet-spot for maximizing muscle protein synthesis.

    Which leaves you with a very important question: how much protein can your body digest, and — at some point — is more protein too much and not really adding any benefit?

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein weighs the comparison of protein to the gas you put in your car, how to maximize your post-workout intake, and the science behind whether or not you should restrict how much protein you eat per serving.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle building? Implications for daily protein distribution — Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Per Meal Dose and Frequency of Protein Consumption Is Associated With Lean Mass and Muscle Performance — Journal of Clinical Nutrition Is there a maximal anabolic response to protein intake within a meal? — Journal of Clinical NutritionUpdate on maximal anabolic response to dietary protein — Journal of Clinical Nutrition A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats — Nutrition and MetabolismNutritional interventions to augment resistance training-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy — Frontiers in Physiology Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis — The Journal of Physiology A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of the Effect of Protein Supplementation on Resistance Training-Induced Gains in Muscle Mass and Strength in Healthy Adults — British Journal of Sports Medicine Effect of Protein Overfeeding on Energy Expenditure Measured in a Metabolic Chamber — American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Effect of different protein sources on satiation and short-term satiety when consumed as a starter — Nutrition Journal
  • Protein is one of the most important macronutrients you can put into your body. But, is a common method of food preparation ruining the quality — and the benefits — of protein?

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein sets the record straight about what really happens when you heat up protein and it becomes “denatured.” We discuss the nutrient consideration, if it affects muscle building and fat loss, how the amino acids are changed, and if you need to worry about the protein in common foods when they are heated (was Rocky right to drink raw eggs instead of cooking them?).

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Denaturation — Science Daily
    The Chemistry of Protein Denaturation — Chemical Reviews
    Denaturation (Proteins) — The Encyclopedia of Genetics
    Denaturation of whey proteins as a function of heat, pH and protein concentration — International Dairy Journal
    Impact of controlled shearing on solubility and heat stability of pea protein isolate dispersed in solutions with adjusted ionic strength — Food Research International
    What Will a Protein Shake Really Do to Your Body? – That’s Healthy, Right? Podcast
    The Protein Guide: How Much Protein Do You Need? – Born Fitness

  • Ketogenic diets have grown in popularity because of the overwhelming belief that they are a superior way to burn fat — but is that actually true?

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein breaks down what you can really expect from the ketogenic diet. Does it help you burn more fat? How does it work with exercise? Does it fight disease or improve longevity? And what are the common mistakes that people make?

    Bornstein reviews what the science says, and provides simple takeaways to help you determine who might benefit most from going on the ketogenic diet.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Ketogenic Low-Carbohydrate Diets Have No Metabolic Advantage Over Nonketogenic Low-Carbohydrate Diets — American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    Do Ketogenic Diets Really Suppress Appetite? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis — Obesity Review
    NuSci Hall Study: No Ketogenic Advantage — YouTube
    Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? — Sports Nutrition
    The Keto Moment — Vox
    Keto and Low-Carb Kills Performance — James Fell
    Should you try the keto diet? – Harvard Medical School
    What Is the Keto Diet? (and Should I Try It?) – Born Fitness

  • The myth of protein as a viable weight gaining macronutrient started in the ‘80s, somewhere between The Terminator and Hair Metal.

    So why does the misinformation about protein and bulk persist when most protein shakes are only around 100 calories?

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein looks at the scientific differences between proteins, fats, and carbs, what you can realistically expect from taking a protein shake, and your best dietary options for staying lean and gaining muscle.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Increasing protein or decreasing carbohydrate...which gives you a metabolic advantage — Weightology
    A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats — Nutrition and Metabolism
    Effect of protein source and resistance training on body composition and sex hormones — Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition
    Effect of Protein Overfeeding on Energy Expenditure Measured in a Metabolic Chamber — American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    Effects of protein intake and gender on body composition changes: a randomized clinical weight loss trial — Nutrition Metabolism
    A controlled trial of protein enrichment of meal replacements for weight reduction with retention of lean body mass — Nutrition Journal
    Effect of different protein sources on satiation and short-term satiety when consumed as a starter — Nutrition Journal
    I Want to Look More Muscular. What’s the Best Way to Make Gains? – Born Fitness

  • As a kid, you were probably indoctrinated with the same age-old nutritional wisdom that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    For a moment, forget the criticisms of your typical (unhealthy) breakfast and assume that everything you’re eating for your first meal of the day is healthy. Is breakfast essential? Is it the most important meal of the day?

    Or — are those even the right questions to ask?

    With all of the recent focus on intermittent fasting, you might be left wondering whether skipping breakfast is good for weight loss, heart-healthy, or even beneficial for longevity.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein looks at the behavioral research to uncover the one question you need to answer that will determine if you should be part of the breakfast club.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Breakfast Is Not the Most Important Meal – Born Fitness
    The role of breakfast In the treatment of obesity: a randomized clinical trial –
    The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    The effectiveness of breakfast recommendations on weight loss: a randomized controlled trial — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    The causal role of breakfast in energy balance and health: A randomized controlled trial in lean adults — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Adults — Advances in Nutrition
    'Dessert with breakfast diet' helps avoid weight regain by reducing cravings — Science Daily

  • Have you ever wondered whether or not the glowing health claims about lemon water are true?

    We sure did (as we sip on the enjoyable drink).

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein examines the science behind the 3 biggest claims to understand:

    Does lemon water improve digestion?Can lemon water improve mineral absorption?All “detox” negativity aside: how much lemon water does it take to have any benefit?

    Teaser: it definitely is not a weight loss aid. But, the other benefits were worthy of extra digging, and a few surprising takeaways.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!

    The Body Cleanse: Does Juicing Really Work? — Born Fitness
    Lemon Water: Is it Good for You? — Examine.com
    8 common myths about the benefits of drinking lemon water – Insider.com
    D-Limonene: safety and clinical applications — Alternative Medicine Review
    Effects and Usage of a Citrus Compound, Limonene — Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease (Second Edition)
    Gastrointestinal Transit Time, Glucose Homeostasis and Metabolic Health: Modulation by Dietary Fibers — Nutrients
    The alkaline diet: is there evidence that an alkaline pH diet benefits health? — Nutrients

  • It might blow your mind, but everything you think you know about icing an injury is likely incorrect.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein digs into a reversal by the godfather of the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), the latest research on the best way to manage inflammation, and the four best things you can do to promote muscle recovery.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Why Ice Delays Recovery – DrMirkin.comMOVE an injury not RICE – Dr. Jennifer Robinson, UBCSurprise: Scientists discover that inflammation helps to heal wounds — ScienceDailyTopical Cooling (Icing) Delays Recovery From Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage — Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Effects of cold water immersion and active recovery on hemodynamics and recovery of muscle strength following resistance exercise — American Journal of PhysiologyPost-exercise cold water immersion attenuates acute anabolic signalling and long-term adaptations in muscle to strength training — Journal of Physiology Post-Workout Ice Baths May Weaken Muscles — LiveScienceMuscle injuries and strategies for improving their repair — Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics Pain-free Training: How to Prevent Knee, Back, and Shoulder Injuries – Born Fitness
  • During times of fear and panic, you’ll always find marketers waiting to take advantage. Unfortunately, that’s been the case during the pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

    While the health of your immune system is always important, understanding how your immune system works — and what it can and can’t do to protect you from illness — is an important reminder, especially when people are trying to convince you to spend your hard-earned money.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein discusses how the immune system really works, what small behavior changes can help your overall health, and the hard truth about any supplements that promise to “boost” your immunity.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public - World Health OrganizationCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) > How to Protect Yourself & Others - Centers for Disease Control and PreventionImportance of Protein for Immune Health — Rebel HealthSleep and Immune Function — European Journal of PhysiologyZinc for the Common Cold — Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsVitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data — British Medical JournalThe Science of Sickness Prevention - Born FitnessHealthy resources to help keep you fit during COVID-19 — Born Fitness
  • “Sometimes the hype is real,” and if you’ve been hearing a lot more about the importance of collagen protein recently, it's because it’s still the hot supplement on the block.

    But, if you want to take collagen there are some big red flags that you need to be aware of before you purchase the pricey supplement.

    In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right? host Adam Bornstein wants to warn you what to look for on the nutrition label of collagen and the types of collagen that work.

    He also discusses why collagen is important for the human body, the Catch-22 of taking supplements compared to getting it naturally, and secrets on how best to reap the rewards of incorporating more collagen protein into your diet.

    To ask a question, read the transcript, or learn more, visit bornfitness.com/thats-healthy-right.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to the show, and Rate or Review wherever you tune in!


    What Is Collagen Good for, Really? - Born FitnessThe effect of oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network: evidence from an ex vivo model and randomized, placebo‐controlled clinical trials — Journal of Cosmetic DermatologyDietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology — Journal of Medicinal FoodWhat is Type-II Collagen? — Examine.com Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II®) for joint support: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy volunteers — Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition Effects of orally administered undenatured type II collagen against arthritic inflammatory diseases: a mechanistic exploration. — International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ResearchCollagen: ‘Fountain of Youth’ or Edible Hoax? - WebMD