Flashback That time we had multiple officers surround us at Detroit Metropolitan Airport…. This is the Season 1 Finale, We will be taking a few weeks to get our act together and finish season #2, We will be back!!!!
Surprise! Another Trip to the Hospital......
Episodi mancanti?
Maf tells the story of how his many vivid hallucinations caused him to be the ROOMMATE FROM & how he got the boring millennial evicted from his apartment.
So looking back at all the episodes that we’ve recorded so far, it wasn't the stories about being sent to juvie, or the many hospital visits that made us cringe so severely after recording, it was this one. Lessons were learned, this is the tale of how the voices in Maf's head prevailed early on in his illness in a very one sided love affair, while he was experiencing strong symptoms of schizophrenia.
We Detail some of the peculiar shenanigans that take place inside of an inpatient facility. Maf also details how the voices that he hears consistently contribute to the many regrettable actions that he has made.
Having breakdowns in public spaces can be extremely stressful, Maf recounts his first major breakdown in his first semester of college and what led to his first leave of absence from the university life.
Well Not exactly a coma, but for all intents and purposes, The severe catatonic state Maf experienced shared many similarities with being in a coma. He was not able to move, speak or eat for weeks. We explain what happened in this episode.
Maf takes standom to unforeseen levels & tells a little bit about his borderline unhealthy appreciation for Kanye West. We talk about how mentally ill people in the public limelight are often misunderstood & we also compare symptoms of Kanye's Manic/BPD episodes to Maf's Schizophrenic episodes.
Maf Recalls what it was actually like inside of a Juvenile detention center, and how he actually made it out. He also goes into detail about some of the hallucinations that he experienced while inside the facility & how they can make an already difficult situation even more problematic.
Ah, The Pilot Episode…. Join Maf and His Brother Mayo. As Maf gives some insight into why he started this podcast, what its like to deal with mental illness(Schizophrenia), and explains the events that led to his all expense paid trip to a Juvenile Detention Center.
The trailer for the 21st Century Schizoid Man Podcast. Join Maf & his brother Mayo(the boring millennial) as they take you on a journey of psychological menace, a journey of pain, laughter and everything in between. All, while exposing you as the audience to an experience without all the stiffness that is usually associated with professional consult.