
  • Bona fide 80’s pop star, Keith McFarlane and his band, Face to Face, catapulted to centre stage with their No.1 South African hit, “Here We Are”. Referred to as the local Duran Duran, Keith and a few band members then set their sights on the UK, and ultimately performed at Wembley Stadium with their band Seven and Dear Jon, supporting artists like Richard Marx, Jason Donovan, The Monkees, and Status Quo.

    However, when their musical career came to it’s natural end, Keith shifted gear, and on returning to SA, got swept into the world of natural healing, a field he’d always loved. He studied & practiced everything from reflexology, to Reiki to hypnotherapy, to magnet therapy and massage, but it wasn’t until he discovered the wonders of the lymphatic system or Lymphology, under the tutelage of Dr. C Samuel West – whose words, “Learn how to keep your body pain free and disease free from birth until you die”, that he joined all the dots, and signed up for life. And, just like that, ReboundSA was born!

    Now, because our Western lifestyle values computer gazing, over star gazing, and time crunching over ab crunching - our lymph isn’t flowing optimally because we mostly forget to breathe and move.

    Rebounding, aka the “miracle exercise“ has been called, 'The most effective exercise yet devised by man'. In fact N.A.S.A endorsed it as the “exercise of the future”. That’s because one hundred times per minute, you’re experiencing up to 2G’s - so every single cell in your body is going from weighing nothing to weighing double. A simple 2-minute invigorating bounce can have the same effect as a quick jog around the block, a 10-minute swim, or a 22-minute walk. So, by constantly resisting and defying gravity, your body is quite literally being oxygenated, detoxed, nourished – and even generates bio-electricity - which is why you feel so alive after you bounce!

    This explains why Keith, a cancer survivor, never runs out of energy and plans on living to 350!

    Keith has a simple motto - “Life is a full time job – you have to put in the work”, because when faced with ANY health condition, the most important thing to remember is that you aren't curing a disease, you're restoring your health. And to restore health in any part of your body, you simply need to recharge your batteries.

    Talking to Keith was like riding a bullet train. Our conversation is animated, informative and truth telling, so take notes, and enjoy the ride!

    Listen to the podcast here, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,or Google Podcasts.

    Please share, follow, comment, subscribe and get notified + sign up to our newsletter below.

    A quick head’s up:
    This podcast was recorded on a trip to Johannesburg with non-optimal recording conditions, however my brilliant sound engineers back home in Cape Town, have meticulously attempted to fine-tune it. The content is what counts, so I hope it will eclipse any unavoidable background noise.

    More about Keith McFarlane here:
    Website: https://www.reboundsa.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reboundsouthafrica/ (@reboundsa)
    Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ReboundSA/?_rdc=1&_rdr

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/ (@360.degreeshuman)
    Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/gina-levy-1385ab26

  • Chris Roland’s life reads like a version of the epic novel, Shantaram, a larger than life adventure tale of extremes. His own story has swung like a pendulum, because he’s failed and succeeded so spectacularly along the way - a way he unequivocally embraces, as his own doing. This, despite being born into a dysfunctional family with alcoholic parents, being a victim of abuse, enduring multiple teenage arrests, losing his home and business, and wait for it, falling from a five-story building,

    Yes, he survived.

    But this high school drop out, is not just a survivor, he’s an ooba thriver, who’s collaborated with entertainment giants like NBC Universal, Netflix, and Lion’s Gate, and evolved into an award winning filmmaker (including co-producing Oscar nominated Hotel Rwanda, Hotel Rwanda). He's a musician, artist, screenwriter, author, speaker, change agent and entrepreneur - who’s travelled, lived and worked in sixty+ countries and who’s outdoor escapades include everything that an adrenaline junkie can muster, including underwater archaeology!

    Now, Chris walks a spiritual path, meditates daily, practices Native American traditions, leads sound journeys, and has self healed along the way using creative visualisations that stunned his doctors. He’s also a Transformational Teacher, dedicated to changing the world by helping others break through personal and professional challenges to transform their lives. Plus he's currently developing Cape Town’s very first sound healing centre. In other words, he finally got the message.

    His is a journey of awakening.

    I met Chris when I invited him to facilitate a Sound Bath at Rooftop Retreats - (my holistic pop-up experience and bi-monthly mini-retreat on rotating rooftops in Cape Town).

    Needless to say, the sound display both awed and alchemised – and I instinctively knew there was so much more to learn from this human being…

    Which brings us to today…

    I hope you garner great insights here.

    Listen to the podcast here or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

    Please share, follow, comment, subscribe and get notified + sign up to our newsletter below.

    More about Chris Roland here:
    Website: https://www.chrisroland.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisrolandigram/ (@chrisrolandigram)
    Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/chrissoundbath

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/ (@360.degreeshuman)
    Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/gina-levy-1385ab26

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  • Four fearless women…. One boat… An ocean to cross…

    In January 2016, after 9 months at sea, Natalia Cohen together with an all-female team, known as the Coxless Crew, became the first four person and first female team to row unsupported across the Pacific Ocean. That’s 9,000 miles in a pink 29ft/8,5m ocean rowing boat, called Doris - from San Fransisco, California to Cairns, Australia, with stopovers in Hawaii and Samoa.

    To put it into perspective. that’s a third of the world’s circumference - or an overland trip from Scotland to SA.

    This group of strangers came together – not to break records – but to set them – in essence this would be a world fist that would catapult them into headline news across the globe, but most especially challenge them to cross their own internal Pacifics – a challenge Natalia could not resist.

    With 20 years experience, living and working in over 70 countries, this professional nomad and travel industry guru is a graduate of life, so she couldn’t have been a better fit – the only thing was, she had never rowed before!

    This was unchartered territory…

    In fact, at one point, they would be so far from land that the closest humans were on the Intl Space Station!

    This Herculean mission unfolds like an epic classic – with drama, dynamics, despair, grit, inner demons, mother nature’s wrath and beauty, Olympian endurance, the power of the human spirit - and in this case, a happy ending.

    Natalia is now an international motivational speaker and mindset coach, who travels the globe to share her stories and offer her insights. Her understanding of team dynamics, the importance of a positive mindset to meet and overcome challenges and the ability to live in the moment drives her to empower others to cross their own Pacific.

    To date, she’s given 200 talks in 17 countries to over 30,000 people, and today she’s here!

    I hope you enjoy this journey of a lifetime!

    Here we go!

    Listen to the podcast here or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

    More about Natalia Cohen here:
    Website: https://www.nataliacohen.co.uk/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natalianomad/?hl=en (@natalianomad)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NataliaCohenMagic/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalia-cohen-a0331539/

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/ (@360.degreeshuman)
    Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/gina-levy-1385ab26

    Please share, follow, comment, subscribe and get notified + sign up to our newsletter.

  • I’m sure it comes as no surprise that most people, myself included, have Dentophobia – or a fear of dentists. From a young age, we’re coerced to sit in a dentist’s chair, and have our mouth’s wrenched open, as our nervous systems retract from the high-pitched frequencies invasive objects assault and pierce our soft tissues. If our masticating muscles weren’t turned to jelly with odours that make one want gag, I’m sure most of us would instruct our canines to bite these foreign fingers breaking & entering – and THEN give a satisfying smile!

    The proverbial ‘visit’ to the dentist, is anything but friendly, it’s been known to test one’s pain threshold to the limits, induce emotional trauma, leave one dazed and confused, and even produce adult-tears – not to mention the fact that it leaves a huge cavity in one’s bank account. So we pretty much vow to never go back…until the next emergency ‘visit’.

    Unfortunately, I’ve personally been on a major dental journey for a number of years now. What started off as an abscess led me down a rabbit-hole that brought me to my knees. From attempting to avoid root canal treatment with natural interventions, to eventual tooth extraction, to systemic inflammation to vertigo, to headaches and constant jaw, neck and shoulder pain.

    That is until I met the person sitting in front of me…

    Dr Gys De Necker is not your typical dentist – he’s a God send.

    …and someone I actually look forward to seeing – relatively speaking - because he’s shifted my understanding, my opinion and my experience of dentistry from one of distaste to amazement – especially at how the jaw and by extension the bite determines one’s state of either symbiosis or dysbiosis with the body.

    This is the nature of Holistic Dentistry.

    Dr. Gys De Necker has been in private practice for over 4 decades.
    His practice, De Necker Dentistry, which spans 3 cities in SA, JHB, CT, and George is a holistic model that actively practices metal-free dentistry, as well as TMJ corrective bite rebuilding, orthodontic devices and facial analysis. He incorporates pilates, and cranio-sacral interventions as part of his protocol towards TMJ rehabilitation.

    He’s a member of the international Organisation for metal toxicology. And is very involved in the treatment of Tempero Mandibular Dysfunction & Facial Pain; is a member of the British Society for the Study of Cranio-Mandibular Disorders or TMD – and is continuously attending courses around the world on TMD and Orthodontic Rehabilitation.

    I believe this conversation will help you make sense of so many of your past dental experiences as well as educate you into making more informed decisions regarding future dental interventions for you and your loved ones. I hope that you’ll also realize that whatever is going on in your mouth, influences all your systems – from musculoskeletal, to digestive, to lymphatic, to your mental and emotional states - so you’ll need to harness a team of healing practitioners that speak the same language to come back into true alignment.

    A quick head’s up:

    The 2D skeletal model of the TMJ, Gys refers to in the podcast, is referenced on videos on https://360degreeshuman.com/podcasts/podcasts/episode4_gys/

    This podcast was recorded on a trip to Johannesburg with non-optimal recording conditions – gorilla-style if you will – which my brilliant sound engineers have meticulously attempted to fine-tune. The content however is so important that, I hope it will eclipse any unavoidable background noises.

    Any supplements mentioned are not affiliated to the show, or endorsed one way or another.

    More about Dr Gys De Necker here:

    Website: https://www.deneckerdentistry.com/
    Instagram: @deneckerdentistry
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deneckerdentistry/

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/

    Please share, follow, comment, subscribe and get notified + sign up to our newsletter.

  • You can’t miss him. He’s Otherworldly.

    He comes barefoot and wrapped in tattoos with encyclopaedic knowledge about how and why we move.

    He’s a wizard, a shaman, and a modern-day-ancient-world philosopher. He’s a visionary of living anatomy, movement, embryology, fascial research, mythology, wonder, and magic. Quite simply – he’s a true original.

    While others are hashtagging handstands or crow pose – he’s hashtagging Soma-naut, Psychedelic movement, Tao of the body, Unlearning, Sailing gravity, the living balloon, parachute arms, elephant trunk, & spiderman fingers…

    Meet Carlos Tao who’s on a quest to awaken us to a return to wonder, to the intelligence of the body… and what it means to be alive.

    His teachings on The Secrets Of Human Movement not a practice, a method, or a technique - but an experience. Because the truth is found in experiencing yourself as you really are.

    While he travels around the world offering workshops, trainings and experiences in both English and Spanish, not one class is the same and no one description is enough. He is like the fluid he describes, ever changing and finding new connections & pathways… constantly reframing & refining his art.

    Speaking to Carlos is like lift-off for my spirit.

    His innate embodiment of magic is so acute that it bounces off the cosmos and into my bones.

    I believe this conversation will radically transform the way you see, feel, and move… forever.

    Know one thing - This is going to be a magical ride…

    So get ready…

    And remember to 'LIVE WHOLE!'

    PS: I'm really proud of this podcast so I hope, like me, you'll feel that listening once is simply not enough, because these gems of wisdom keep revealing themselves more and more when you start to integrate this innate way of being...
    So! Carlos will most definitely be back :)

    More about Carlos here:
    Website: https://www.fluidusacademy.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarlosTao/videos
    Instagram: @carlostaomovement & @fluidusacademy
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlostaomovement/

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/

  • This is a modern day story of David & Goliath.

    Our David – is Brett Thompson, whose vision & mission is to end intensive animal agriculture in Africa, a continent where billions of animals get slaughtered every year!

    Except he’s not doing this by creating meat alternatives like global phenomenons, Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger – he’s reimagining our food systems and the way we make meat because he knows that people are simply not going to stop eating it! So, why look for alternatives when you can have the real thing… with more nutrients and a sustainable production process to boot?

    Brett’s smart, passionate – and funny with a background in alternative protein and animal advocacy work* – But how does a self-confessed non-techy vegan (formerly known as The Braai* Guy) decide to launch Mzansi Meat Co, a bio-tech food company, and the first cultivated meat startup in Africa that creates meat grown in a lab from the cells of real cows – at no cost to the cow – and then turn them into a delicious homegrown burger?

    That’s what I wanted to know from this budding entrepreneur.

    So, whether you eat meat or not, this conversation is important, because Brett‘s role is not just about making burger patties – this ‘feel good meat’ is giving him a platform to show us, Custodians of the Earth, that there is another way to preserve our beautiful planet and protect it’s sacred animal kingdoms. In fact I believe it’s an/his educational imperative.

    So welcome to a brand new meat eco-system built on a harm-free philosophy, right here in a meat-obsessed country, that’s going to propel Africa – and beyond – towards long-term food security.

    It’s audacious. It’s risky. But it keeps animals alive – and it’s still meat!

    I have to say, it’s nice to feel proudly South African again.

    I hope you do too…

    More about Brett here:
    Website: https://www.mzansimeat.co/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mzansimeatco/?originalSubdomain=za

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/

  • We have lift off!

    Launching directly from Cape Town, South Africa, welcome to The 360 degrees human Podcast – a holistic loudspeaker that’s normalising what it means to live into your WHOLE-BEING.

    I’m Gina Levy, founder of 360 degrees human, and your podcast host.

    Each episode, is a holistic masterclass explored through natural conversation & storytelling, that intends to un-condition and re-educate, inspire and empower. Here, you’ll meet my network of paradigm-shifting life-champions & human-preneurs, movement magicians & mind-maestros, wellbeing coaches & spiritual wizards, soul-food farmers & nature-wonderers – who’ll make it easy for you to integrate ‘whole-ism’ into your daily life so you can live whole – and ‘happily ever now’!

    Introducing Episode #1 is my debut guest - and brother extraordunaire - Adam Levy.

    That’s right, we’re born from the same gene pool, have much in common, and share a similar outlook on life, but that’s all an aside, because his place here is earned.

    He’s a visionary and trailblazer extraordinaire, who’s courage, passion, conviction, and all round sense of humanity, makes this ‘out the blocks’ interview, a stellar start!

    Often called the Pied Piper, and the unofficial mayor of ‘Braamies’ * (the Southern Tip’s’ SOHO), Adam’s inspiring tale of law graduate turned urban regenerator and cultural reformer, single-handedly put Johannesburg back on the map, and attracted global attention from the likes of The New York Times, CNN, The BBC, Wallpaper magazine, and many more…

    But Adam’s story is much bigger than good headlines. It’s more about people than property, impact than scale, and opportunity over profit. It’s all about creating a home-base to generate inspiring world-class experiences for everybody to enjoy.

    It’s a roller-coaster ride of a conversation from Monopoly to PLAY, to purpose and self-belief, to lessons of endurance and digging deep during uncertain times, to what it means to live your best life.

    Adam is a master story-teller. He is wise and he is real. Our conversation will inspire you to re-imagine your own world and the influence you can have on it.

    Enjoy & Live Whole!

    More about Adam here:
    Website: https://www.playbraamfontein.co.za/
    Instagram: @playbraamfontein& @theplayground (market)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playbraamfontein/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/play-braamfontein/

    More about 360 Degrees Human & Gina here:
    Website: https://360degreeshuman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360.degreeshuman/ Play